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Infected World Trilogy (Books 1-3): They Only Come Out At Night

Page 72

by Guenther, David

  Caleb bit back the smart remark that was forming on his lips and lay down next to her, each facing away from each other. His eyes were closed and he was almost asleep when he heard Gloria softly praying. He tried to ignore her soft spoken prayers, embarrassed he was violating her privacy, yet didn’t want to disturb her. When she was finished he was surprised to hear himself silently mouth, “Amen.” Before he could give it any more thought, he was sound asleep.

  Gloria was startled awake with the knocking at the door. She took in her surroundings and remembered where she was, and that it was Caleb she was draped over, spooning. She quickly rolled over and answered the knock, “We’re awake, be out in a couple minutes.” She reached over to shake Caleb, but he spoke first.

  “You really do get hot when you wrap yourself around someone. Did you sleep okay?” Caleb adjusted himself, bouncing upright to a sitting position, stifling a laugh as the bed springs squeaked loudly. He bounced a couple more times as Gloria looked at him in exasperation.

  “You know what those people are probably thinking, don’t you?” Gloria whispered furiously, fighting the urge to slap Caleb, her muscles rippling.

  “Fine, when we go out, I’ll make a point to tell everyone we didn’t have sex. Anything else?” Caleb asked, not even trying to hide his grin. Gloria couldn’t hold back, taking aim she let loose with all her strength, her fist slammed into the pillow. The pillow exploded like a bomb, feathers filling the air like snow, and leaving the bed covered in a thin layer of white.

  Gloria rushed to the door, not trusting her self-restraint. “Clean up that mess before you come out.” Fighting valiantly, she restrained herself from slamming the door. One of the little boys was in the hallway and looked up at her before running away. Okay Grits, get it under control. You’re scaring the kids and that’s not cool, she thought to herself, forcing a smile to her face before she made it to the kitchen door that led back outside, and the small crowd that’d gathered there. She could sense a strong fear of her now, and curiosity. Only a couple seemed to harbor any ill will towards her. She decided to dwell on the side of caution, trying to appear as friendly and non-threatening as possible. She headed for Saul and he smiled as he watched her approach.

  “There you are, where’s Caleb?” he asked, handing her a glass of lemonade. She took a quick sip, appreciating the cold liquid.

  “The fool’s cleaning up a mess in the bedroom he should be out soon.” She froze as the words came out of her mouth and felt her face grow warm as the crowd around her broke out laughing. She could sense most of the people’s fear vanish.

  “Who’s ready to kill some bad guys?” Caleb nearly shouted as the screen door slammed open. He had a swagger in his step and looked the model of self-confidence. Gloria immediately picked up on the strong sense of anxiety he was feeling. He plopped down on the picnic table and helped himself to a glass of lemonade, swiping the cold sweating glass across his forehead.

  “We took your pickup off the trailer to save you some time. I’ll drive in my pickup and you can follow me into town. Just in case, you might want this.” He set a map down between the pair. Their route was highlighted, and the police department circled. “Once we get into town, I’ll turn around and head back to the farm, I don’t really want to mess with the deaders after dark.”Caleb nodded in agreement as he looked over the map, noticing the route was only highlighted from once they entered town, not from the farm itself. “I figure the best way to get to the police station is to go down Fourth Street since it’s a residential street with less chance of those bikers being around, and it’s a straight shot to the station. We also put a cooler in the truck with sandwiches, water and lemonade.”

  Caleb looked over at Gloria and she gave a nod of agreement. “Caleb, can you grab a dozen extra magazines from the truck while I top off the fuel. I’m not sure just how much is in the tank.” The shadows from the trees were getting longer and Gloria worried they may be starting out too late.

  “That pedal by your foot--you have to press down on it to go faster.” Caleb was becoming antsy watching the old man’s pickup get farther ahead, amazed at how fast the old codger’s truck was going. Gloria glared back at him, but did accelerate, easily catching up with the other truck. She didn’t notice that Caleb was now pinching his seat as he tensed up.

  Ahead, Saul slowed down as the truck entered Winslow, then stopped after crossing over the rail road tracks. Gloria pulled up alongside, sensing lots of activity further ahead even though there was still some sunlight. “Okay folks, from here just go up three blocks and turn left on Fourth Street and then go seven blocks, and then you’re at the police station.” Saul looked around nervously as he waited for a reply.

  “Thanks, Saul. We can handle it from here. I can sense a lot of movement from infected that are starting to wake. You should hustle it back to the ranch. Good luck.”

  Saul sat there for a moment, both embarrassed for being afraid, and relieved to be able to leave. “Good luck to you, too. I’ll be back at sunup with the crew to help clean up survivors.” He didn’t wait, quickly reversing the truck to perform a reverse Y-turn, then speeding away from the town.

  “We better hurry before the streets get crowded and we have trouble getting to the station.” Caleb suggested after watching Saul’s truck disappear from sight.

  Gloria ignored Caleb’s comments as she slowly drove down the street; both sides were lined with small family homes with tree-filled yards. “It’s so nice and quiet; it’s hard to believe there’s so many evil things going on.” She looked up at the sky and it was getting dark. In the shadow alongside the houses and under the trees, movement could be seen.

  “Just in time, there’s the building. Park halfway down so we can have some type of warning if someone comes from one side or the other.” Gloria could easily sense Caleb’s excitement, it seemed to be having an effect on the infected that were nearby that did not know what to make of what they were sensing from him. “Now we just wait an hour and we can get busy.”

  Chapter 19

  Douglas, Wyoming. April 13, 2029

  The neighborhood appeared like he remembered it before the apocalypse hit. The only difference now about the blue collar suburb was that there were only a few kids out running around and a lot of military transports and fighting vehicles of every type in the driveways and on the street. Captain Abrams exited the SUV that was actually his own from before the apocalypse. He had resisted the urge to acquire a better truck. The old woman he was about to visit was one of only a few people to have been infected and made an almost normal recovery. The old lady was still infectious, but not considered a threat.

  “Dr Abrams, how wonderful of you to visit an old lady, please come in.” Lillian backed up to make room for Abrams to get through the door. She appeared even younger than he remembered. There was no sign of even a limp from when she was found with two broken ankles in the basement of the house.

  “Thank you, Ms Larkspur.” He followed her into the house and was surprised at how normal it appeared.

  “Please call me Lil or Lillian. I was just going to have a cola; can I interest you in one? The way my family went through it we’d get a dozen cases when it was on sale and go through it like water.” She stopped and fought back a short sob at the thought of her dead family.

  “Thank you Lil, but I just wanted to stop by and see how you’re healing and if you’re having any problems.” Abrams followed her to the living room, noticing a basket of toys in the corner, before sitting on a couch with her. She was wearing an open denim shirt over a white wife beater shirt with a small pair of denim shorts, he could not see as much as a scratch on her tan lean muscular legs.

  “I appreciate your concern Doctor. But I’m not only fine, I’m wonderful, I feel like a young woman again. Do you have any word on a cure for the infection? I’m so lonely here by myself, and I’m afraid of what might happen if I accepted gentlemen callers.” She flushed a little, then gave a big smile, making Abrams slightly n

  “I’ll be sure to keep you informed, Lil. So you have no problems or anything I can do for you while I’m here?”

  “Can I show you something in the basement, Doctor?” Lillian asked but was already getting off the couch leaving little doubt as to whether it was a request or command. Abrams stood and followed her to the basement. “I can do many things again that I haven't been able to do for years, but my husband, God rest his soul, always did the plumbing, then my son. There’s been a leak by the toilet for years, and I get shocked every time I step in the puddle if I’m not careful.”

  “Any chance you may have shocked yourself after you became infected, Lil?”

  “I’m so sorry, I just don’t remember that night at all except for hiding under the stairway in the dark, after hearing all the noises, then the day they came to my house and rescued me.”

  Abrams looked at the toilet and the small trickle of water leaking from its base, the puddle that had formed around the drain in the floor also covered part of an unfinished wall and an electrical outlet.”

  “My son started to make me my own room and bathroom years ago, but just never had the time to finish it. I use the main bedroom now and my daughter in law’s wonderful wardrobe. However, I get shocked down here when I come to do the laundry. I’m afraid I might get electrocuted if the dryer gets wet.”

  Abrams jumped over the puddle and then reached behind the toilet and turned off the water to it. He then grabbed the plastic and rubber plunger and used it to clear the clog in the floor drain, careful to stay out of the water. While the water drained he flushed the toilet one last time to empty the tank. “I’ll see if I can get a handyman out here to give you a more permanent fix Lil. Just give it a day to fully dry. I’m sorry but I do have to be on my way.” Could this be how Lil was cured while she was locked away from everyone in the basement? Abrams wondered as he hurried to get back to the hospital.

  Sgt First Class Jorge Hope had listened to the different plans for reconnoitering the air base and unhappily made the decision to include the two chair forcers. He needed to get ahold of the technical sergeant so he could get hold of the lieutenant that was somewhere in Arizona. He looked at his watch unhappily, wondering where Sgt Pruitt was. He’d sent him out to find Widauf ten minutes ago.

  Pruitt looked at the door marked ‘Special Operations’ and openly laughed in derision, his voice carrying down the near empty halls. There was a simple cipher lock on the door and he figured he could get through it in under five minutes if needed. First, he’d just pound on the door and see if anyone answered. The door rattled loosely as he banged on it with his fist.

  He was relieved when the tech sergeant he was looking for angrily opened the door. “What the hell…oh, what can I do for you, Sergeant?” Widauf asked, a look of apprehension on his face.

  “Sgt First Class Hope wants to see you ASAP. I’ve been all over this place looking for you, so he’s not going to be in a good mood. Heads up for you, Sgt First Class Hope is never in a good mood. Now let’s get moving, Technical Sergeant.” Oh crap, are they going to take me along on the mission? What the hell was I doing volunteering? Haven’t I learned anything with twelve years in!

  Sgt Pruitt started walking at a clip, with the tech sgt on his right, down the hallway. Widauf, surprised him when he actually pulled ahead while still walking briskly, using his longer legs to maximum advantage, then surprised him by turning right and entering the dining facility. Widauf turned his head, smiling, “I know a short cut.” He proceeded through the dining area and exited in another hallway right next to the briefing room. Pruitt looked back and noticed there was no sign on the door. “Man’s gotta eat, he needs to know where and when he can.” He dropped the smile from his face and entered the briefing room with Pruitt in tow.

  “I’m glad you could make time in your day to stop by for a visit. I hope I haven’t inconvenienced you too much, Technical Sergeant Widauf.” The words came out friendly but were heavily tinged with sarcasm. Hope’s face looked like he was ready for a bowel movement.

  Widauf resisted the urges that first came to mind, not wanting to take any crap from an Army bug eater. “How can I help you, Sgt First Class Hope?” His teeth were grinding he noticed as he tried to relax a little.

  “I need that lieutenant you have in Arizona. I need him yesterday. How hard is it to get him back here?”

  “I’ve actually been tracking him in the event he was needed by you. He’s east of Phoenix heading northeast on 87. I can contact the outpost in Surprise and guide them over the radio to him, then send a plane to pick him up.”

  “I want him yesterday. Johns, Hopkins, get two buggies fueled and loaded up. We’re going to pick up this lieutenant before he gets lost. Sergeant Widauf, coordinate with your bosses for a C-130 to take us there ASAP. We can thread the needle for the small bits in the air. If we can get this Air Force kid, then get back to base we can go the next night.” Two days to complete the mission. Then I can finally rest. “Billy Bob, you and Noon, find a pair of civilian pickups with crew cabs. I want the two of you to organize the loading of fuel and supplies. The rest of you, I want hard maps not only of the base, but our approach to it. I want a set for every man. Becker, I want you to collect all our sat-phones and have them inspected, by one of the communication units.”

  The young lanky security guard at the entrance to the hospital was more interested in the nurse at reception than observing people entering. Abrams playfully grabbed him by his shoulder to get his attention, taking him by complete surprise. “Can I borrow that from you for an hour or two?” he asked, pointing to the taser on his belt.

  “Uh, sure Doc, anything you want.” he replied, pulling out the device from his belt and handing it over. “Can I get it back before it gets dark?” Abrams only nodded in reply as he headed for his special patient.

  “And how is our favorite patient today, Bunny?” Abrams asked the attendant whose only job was to monitor the token infected that was housed in the hospital for observation. The national guardsman had known he was infected and asked to be used for a cure to the disease. He no longer appeared anything like his previous self. The room he was kept in was padded with no furniture of any type.

  “He’s the same as he always is. You coming in today to put him down?” she asked worriedly. The young woman was one of the many displaced people to make it to Douglas. She had lucked into her current job because of someone she knew. Abrams liked the young woman but often was irritated by the crazy stuff that popped out of her mouth.

  “I want to try a new treatment and see how it works. Please open the tray door for me.” Abrams donned a pair of heavy gloves and kneeled by the door. Bunny bent over ,displaying her breasts while still chewing gum, to unlock the small door. The moment she finished turning the key a hand shot out, slamming the little door open. Abrams was ready and immediately grabbed a wrist, then pressed the stun gun against the bare skin for two seconds. He was unable to hold on to the infected’s wrist as it pulled its hand back in through the door. There was a long violent shriek followed by silence.

  “You didn’t kill him did you, Dr Abrams?” Bunny asked nervously, afraid her job was now over.

  “I think our patient will be taking a nap for a few minutes. I’ll stay and observe. You can take a break if you want.” Bunny was up and quickly heading for the elevator before he could complete the offer. Abrams chuckled as he made himself comfortable on the floor so he could observe the infected patient.

  “Johnny Baby, it’s me, Bunny. The doc tried something on that infected guy and the guy just keeled over asleep. I’ll keep you informed like you asked. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this is the cure?”

  John Falstaff broke out in a sweat at the possibility of a cure. He was enjoying the trappings of being the presidential advisor. He didn’t want to go back to running a dozen strip bars and massage parlors, lucrative as it had been with many fringe benefits. His favorite at the time, entertainer, Bunny Blue had survived with him
. He had her at the hospital in the event a cure could be found. He wasn’t sure what he could do but wanted to be prepared. “Stay with the doc there, even if you have to get into his pants. Just make sure I’m the first to find out if something happens, or a cure is found. Now get back to the doc now.” Falstaff hung up the phone and looked over at the president passed out in his chair half a glass of booze tightly grasped, even in a dead sleep. How long until I can get rid of you, and wear the crown myself, old friend?

  Chapter 20

  Winslow, Arizona. April 13, 2029

  The sun set at 1900 hours, quickly dropping to near blackness without any street lights or artificial illumination. Caleb and Gloria sat for a while longer to let any stragglers get themselves into the trap before they sprung. At 1930 hours the first infected bumped into the truck and just walked alongside it, ignoring the pair inside, instead heading for the front of the police station as it had every night.

  “You feel that? That feels like more than a couple dozen inside the building. No matter, once we blow down a couple walls, that’ll reduce the numbers inside. You want to cover me and I’ll set the explosives?” Caleb asked, feeling the beginning of an adrenalin rush.

  Gloria sat quietly for a minute, appearing to be almost asleep, then perked her head up. “Let’s get this over with.” She unclasped her hands and pulled out her .45, giving it a quick check. “Don’t even say it! I know better but if they try to send someone out on a suicide trip I plan to send them on their way.”

  Kicking open the driver’s door, she jumped to the ground as a pair of infected came near. Both were drawn to her and she stood still, not sure what to do next. She heard the passenger door slam shut and then Caleb softly growled at the two infected, both deciding then to move on. Caleb grabbed the first explosive from the truck bed and motioned Gloria to follow him as he walked alongside the building. He gave a last look as he turned the corner and, walking to the nearest window, set the explosive under it and then snapped the chemical detonator. Caleb knew he had ten minutes to get the other bomb in place and get back into the safety of the truck. He looked at the infected milling around the front door and felt a pang of remorse for those who would die tonight. Caleb turned the corner and ran for the truck. He then snapped the detonator for the second bomb before heading to the back of the building, wanting both to go off nearly at the same time. He ran almost to the end of the building, setting the explosives next to the garage door to increase the lethality of the explosion, before turning and running back to the truck, Gloria only steps behind him.


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