Branded Wings
Page 10
“Now, I want you to come again, you need to learn that you come when I want you to, and only when I want you to.”
“Please...” I begged as the rope rubbed painfully against me, his hand pressing it into me, and I flexed my pelvic muscles. I could feel the fluid as it trickled down my thighs.
He kissed my wide opened mouth, not stopping, pushing me along the orgasm. “That’s a good girl,” he whispered into my mouth. “Now we’ll get you out of this and put you to bed. Tomorrow we’ll be getting your classes set up and then you’ll get your schedule. There are going to be some restrictions from now on. Is that understood?”
His breath was heavy against me, as I quivered, on my tiptoes, my body against him for support. “Yes, Sir. Whatever you wish.”
“Restrictions. I’ve never had so many rules in my life.” I stared at the paper in my hands as Sig laughed at me. “It’s not funny. Do you know what’s on here?”
“I’m sure I have an inkling. Is he moving you in?”
I nodded. “He expects me to do domestic work on top of my school and work schedule. Then there’s something here about positions and techniques?”
“Well, that you’ll get help from him with and as for the domestic stuff, don’t you already kinda do that around here? The difference is now you will have to be more mindful of his stuff. What he uses, how much, how often. His laundry. Things of that sort.”
“Ugh. This is not going to be easy at all.”
“Nothing worth it ever is. You’ll thank him for it in the long run.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“Just do your best, and don’t let him hear you complain. It’s really no different than it has been. I mean, you already never go anywhere alone, it’s just now that it’s on paper, you are more aware of the confines of your relationship.” Sig patted me on the head. “Why don’t we go and check out the courtyard and see what the new freshman class looks like?”
“Where’s Keegan at? I thought he was going to be here for this?”
“He’s with Dean Baker, something about making sure that there weren’t any issues with the new integrated dorms. This is the first year the Deviant Class is going to be in the same buildings as the rest of them. You still doing alright there?” Sig asked with a chuckle as I adjusted.
“I’m trying.” I stood up. The harness Keegan made Sig put on me this morning kept my shoulders pulled back and my breasts lifted. I had spent half the day trying to forget about it. Walking tended to remind me, and Sig with the clicker was even worse, since I had to admit to him every time I came. He’d click and try not to laugh. The last time, he even slapped me on the ass, which did not help my situation at all! Thankfully the orgasms were getting to be few and far between as I was learning to shift my focus and move with a better gait.
“That’s all you can do. Now let’s get going.” He smirked as I pushed ahead. I hesitated with a little shudder, hearing a click behind me.
“Sig!” I shouted, knowing it was him, still keeping track.
“Hey, just doing my job. It was a little one, but it still counts.” His shoulders shook as he grabbed me by the arm. “You rethinking that horny all the time notion yet?”
“Oh, like you wouldn’t believe.”
“Have you noticed something though, you’re not hungry.”
“No, you’re right. I’m not.” Perhaps there was something to Keegan’s methods after all.
Chapter 25 Aella
THE CAMPUS SEEMED SO much bigger now that I wasn’t with Mary. When we had toured together, we hardly paid attention to the guide. We were too busy laughing and flirting with the boys in the group. Well, Mary was flirting, I was more like failing. My idea of flirting with a boy is insulting his shoes and shirt, while sarcastically spewing innuendo. I knew where some of the dorms were, the library, and I was pretty sure I remembered where the mess hall was, but that was about it. As I stood staring at the sea of people around me, I was frozen in my place. I didn’t know what to do. I had my schedule. Today was the Freshman Orientation, a sort of free for all for the rest of the student body and a chance for the clubs and fraternities to strut. There were booths set up in columns all along the courtyard and the parking lot. Boy, there were a lot of clubs. Astronomy, Chess, Glee, Photo, Digital Photo, cuz there’s a difference, Martial Arts, Kendo... They had some crazy shit going on...
“You got here safe and sound I see.” I heard Greisen as his hand slipped through my arm, clutching my hand firmly. He and Collette had been my anchors since coming back to the U.S. helping me secure my dorm space and moving me in. The apartment I had shared with Mary had been emptied by the time we had returned, further instilling my feeling of being abandoned. There wasn’t even a note.
They got me a single so I could have privacy since I was still kind of edgy from everything that happened. I did have to share the showers with three other girls on the floor but that wasn’t so bad.
“I did, now what?”
“You can ignore all this or you can jump right on in to it. Choice is yours,” he offered. “But with your job do be careful, some of these clubs can be time sucks... Ah, there’s my pet.” He put out his arm to Collette. They had an odd relationship. I often wondered if he actually meant it when he called her that. She did act something like a doting cat toward him, rubbing up on him and purring occasionally. No matter. They were good to me, who was I to judge?
“Aella, sweetie, you are going to rush Phi Beta Delta aren’t you? I’m putting in a good word for you with the sisters!” she chirped as Greisen fondled her ass under her barely there skirt.
“I guess; I mean what would I have to do?”
“Oh, just be part of the best Sorority on Campus! We have the best parties and mixers, and do charity work for the poor. It looks great on your exit papers too! We get hired out to big firms and such when we graduate.”
“Sounds promising, I haven’t even declared a major yet.”
“You’ve got plenty of time. Let’s see what else we can hook you up with. Maybe the Tantric club?”
“What’s that?”
“Oh, honey, have I got things to teach you!” Collette giggled as Greisen approached a tall young man with chestnut hair and a long lean build. “Tantric is the means of channeling your energy into mind blowing orgasms during sex!”
“No, no I don’t want to join that!” I shook my head decisively. I was not going to be learning things like that. Channeling my energies...? I hadn’t even had an orgasm, let alone a mind blowing one. Was she trying to kill me? I looked to Greisen who had a smirk on his face as mine went beet red. He walked over with his friend.
“Aella, this is Gage Louvell. He’s just come back from running in Wyoming.”
“Running?” I hesitated and took his hand as it was offered. I caught the scent of him, wolf. “You’re Otherkind as well?” I smiled and rolled my shoulders back to my full height. He was just a tad taller than me in my kitten heels, so probably six two, and his eyes were a pretty shade of honey brown.
“It’s nice to meet you, Aella.” He smiled awkwardly as he shook my hand firmly. I thought I would feel something, but there was nothing, to my chagrin. Oh well, moving on then. “You’re a freshman then? Did they put you in with us or are you fully integrated?”
“Good luck with that. We had some tensions last semester and they are all over the campus about it now.”
Gage shook his head, putting his hand on Greisen’s shoulder. “I gotta go man. I’ve been picked up by the House of Teague for the term.”
“I thought we had you on retainer?” Greisen seemed suddenly angry.
“My father made the deal, man, what you gonna do? Besides, you got that pretty little Dragon now! I’ll see ya in the dorms though... Right?”
“Yeah... Right.”
“The house of Teague?” I asked, confused. “Isn’t that the name of the King of the Vampires?”
“Yes, it is, and his only son, Keegan, is a
student here. The Golden Boy. Mister Untouchable,” Greisen growled. “He’s the one who’s in charge of this whole integration project. It wasn’t even on his radar until certain people got involved, then he fucking took it over.”
“Okay...” I could see this was a sore subject, I would remember to not bring it up again. “So... Are you coming with us to the Quad?”
“No, I’ve gotta go and see what’s going on in the dorms. Collette has you firmly in hand though.”
I nodded as he walked away, seething. I wasn’t sure what his sudden burst of rage was about, but it was apparent that he didn’t like Keegan Teague very much.
“C’mon girl. We have boys to scope.” Collette wrapped her little fingers around my forearm and pulled me toward the thickening crowds.
“But aren’t you with Greisen?”
She laughed. “Sweetie, I’m Fey. I’m expected to play and flirt. So long as I come home at night, he doesn’t really care who I’m fucking on the side. I wear my collar and do like he says, so I get my liberties.”
“Oh? I- Well, I guess if it works for you...”
“Oh, it works just peachy keen, jellybean. You will learn, things here are played fast and loose. The guys are fun, but only for a while. Who wants to go falling in deep at our ages? Right?”
“So love doesn’t pass between you and Greisen then?” I couldn’t fathom a relationship that didn’t have a foundation in love. I thought of how much my adoptive parents adored each other and how I yearned for something like that.
“Oh, I love him, regularly. He’s my Master, my Owner. He commands me and I do as he tells me. It relieves me from consequences, because he makes my choices. I like that he decides what I wear, how I do my hair any given day. When I get to get off. It’s a freedom I’ve never experienced... Ohh... Prime man meat at twelve o’clock.” She pointed directly ahead of us, at a dark haired boy talking to a girl with a black pixie cut. “Too bad he’s got terrible taste in friends...” she finished in a pout.
“Why? Who’s that?” I watched them as they seemed to laugh.
“Oh, that, that’s Ryane Ravencrest. Oh, and lookie, lookie, there’s the rest of the Royals...”
My eyes went wide as a monster of a man with platinum blonde hair approached them. His chest was so wide, he must have to turn to get through narrow doors, and I could practically hear his jeans screaming from the way they hugged his thighs. He was hot, but he wasn’t what had my stomach suddenly doing the merengue. Next to him was Gage and on the other side, just a few inches shorter than him, was my guy from the Groove Brew. It had been a while since I’d thought about those intense emerald green eyes or that just chiseled jawline with the single dimple, but there was no denying I was gazing at him once again.
“Aella? Earth to Aella?” Collette was waving her hand in front of me and I was not paying her much attention. I was suddenly hot all over and my palms were starting to sweat. Lord, what was wrong with me? I shook my head, looking down at Collette finally.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened there.”
“I lost ya, is what happened. Do you know somebody over there?”
“Sorta, who’s the honey blonde?”
“Oh? Him...” She smirked and I wasn’t sure I liked the implications of the look on her. “Him you should definitely get around to.” She started pushing me in that direction.
As we got closer, I could feel my whole body clench. What was I going to say? Do? Would he remember me? Then it occurred to me that I had actually gotten in trouble at work over the freebie. He owed me money.
“Hey guys!” Collette hollered as we came up on the group. “I want you to meet-”
I don’t know what came over me, I was suddenly in a bit of a rage and I could feel my scales as they came to the surface of my eyes. I saw the guy from the Groove Brew’s eyes go wide just as I shoved him as hard as I could onto his ass in the grass.
Chapter 26 Sig
I HAD JUST FOUND KEEGAN and Ryane when I heard Collette, then the then next thing I knew; I was on the ground a tall beauty with Golden eyes glaring down at me.
“You owe me two bucks for being an ass!” she shouted with a snort, before spitting right between my legs and walking away. Her black kitten heels click clacking on the hard cement. I jumped back as I realized the ground between my legs was quickly disintegrating.
“Fuck Me!” I moaned, rolling to the side with a shortened laugh. As I started to get up, Collette was jabbering apologies but I didn’t much care. The scent had me. It was her. I might not have been able to see her with the sun in my eyes and her shadow eclipsing me, but that mixture of ginger and musk, and just a touch of coffee grounds was unmistakable. It was Aella, the girl from the Groove Brew. I got up and instantly scanned the crowd, looking for that topple of golden blonde hair, but she was gone, swallowed by the crowd. And Ryane and Keegan were now coming into my line of sight to see if I was okay.
“Damnit. Yeah, I’m good,” I answered before they could ask. “That was her.”
“Who her?” Keegan asked, confused. I’d never mentioned her to him. I didn’t need his jibes over it.
“Siggy?” Ryane insisted on continuing to call me that. I cut my eyes over to her, but I was too excited to really care. “Aella, that was Aella. Did you get a good look at her? Did you see where she went? Where’s Collette? Wasn’t she with Collette?”
“Sig, calm down man.” Gage laughed. “Yeah, she’s with Collette. They are checking out the clubs and stuff. How do you know the Freshie?”
“I well- I don’t- Not really,” I rubbed the back of my head, embarrassed. I’d built her up in my head so much that I was already laying claim. In my head we were already deeply involved.
“Well, she certainly seems to have it in for you.” He laughed, pointing to the hole burned into the ground.
“Yeah, seems I pissed her off. I’m gonna have to fix that.”
“Well, we have the Freshman Mixer this week. Try then. In the meantime, go and prep for the Orientation Speech. Ryane here needs to go to work, so I’ll take her.” Keegan put out his hand to me and I handed him the clicker. He looked at it and put it in his pocket, then gripped my shoulder. “I’m going to announce the Class Reps at the Orientation. This way there’s no immediate fight. I want them to stew in it for a while,” he whispered into my ear, although Gage had been added to the Guardians of the House of Teague, Keegan was still not sure of his allegiance. He didn’t have to say it, I could feel it in his mannerisms, in how he leaned toward me in new environments, showing his trust.
I nodded. “Got it, Bossman. Hey Gage? Why don’t we go on and head for the stage? Scope it all out, make sure it’s all been handled, security and safety wise?”
“Sure. Besides, if you are still looking for that girl, it’s higher ground and upwind.” He chuckled, tapping his superior nose.
“You make an excellent point!” I grabbed him by the arm and began to drag him toward Grigori’s Alabaster Hall.
KEEGAN RETURNED WITHIN an hour, smelling of sex and blood. “So much for moderation,” I grumbled as we stood on the dais. I had been watching the doors as the freshman class filed in, Human and Deviant alike, hoping to spot Aella, but so far coming up empty.
“I couldn’t let her go to work on an empty stomach, and the synthetic from my father hasn’t arrived yet,” he answered. “Not that I have to answer to you.” His eyes connected with mine and I nodded. He was right, it really wasn’t my business. Yet, my protectiveness of Ryane was ingrained. I know I am supposed to be his First Guardian, but I spent the last semester with her and I’ve grown very attached. I’d go so far as to call her my best friend, while Keegan and I keep things to a more professional level. Even when we are relaxed, there is still an air to our interaction that says there is a line we do not cross often.
They were giving the usual welcome to Grigori speeches now and Keegan was to be coming up to the podium next. This was when Ryane and I would be announced as the new Deviant Class Represe
ntatives and Greisen and Collette being removed from their previous stations. Where were they anyhow? I hadn’t seen them at all today and they should have been up here with the rest of the welcoming committee. No matter, here or not, they were to be ousted. Their lack of presence just showed how much they cared for their positions in the first place.
The Dean was now finished with his speech on the history and the life of Grigori.
“Now I introduce to you, the visionary behind the integration, President of the Deviant Class, and your Grigori Angels Varsity Rugby Team Captain, Keegan Teague.”
The upperclassmen roared as Keegan approached the podium with his classic, dimple filled, white toothed smile. You had to hand it to him, he could be charming when he wanted.
“Hello, and a huge welcome to Grigori’s Class of two thousand and thirty-four. To the upperclassmen, welcome back, this is going to be a fantastic year for us all! Last year saw some setbacks, I know. I know there were some hard rumors about me and my place here, but rest assured, I am back and I am here working toward our common goals, success in the integration, success in educating the masses, just as readily as ever. Building relationships and bridges between the classes is vital to our existence outside these walls. This very year we will be together with no walls between us, that is a great achievement and we should all strive for-”
The hall doors slammed open and I was automatically on top of Keegan, as I heard the sudden scream. We hit the ground, I spied Greisen, covered in blood, being carried by Collette and a tall girl with colorful hair, who seemed to be doing the heavy lifting. Gage was crouched down next to us as Collette screamed for help.
“Go, see what’s happened. I’ve got him,” I snarled as Keegan rolled under me. I could hear the rest of the room as it began to whisper and gasp. Gage jumped from the dais and leapt over the seats, plowing through the crowd.