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Sainte: Knights of Silence MC

Page 13

by Amy Cecil

  We all chuckle.

  I step up. “Yes, Tara, we are. That man over there is our president, Ice.” I reach over and pull Rebel in. “Blondie here is Rebel, and I’m Sainte.”

  “You guys have odd names.”

  “They’re road names,” I reply. “You’ll get used to them.”

  “Do you have any family we can call?” Ice asks.

  She shakes her head. “No, my parents died when I was sixteen. I grew up in a foster home until I was eighteen.” She shrugs. “It was a roof over my head and three meals a day. They were never family.”

  Ice looks at me, and I know exactly what he’s thinking. She is prime prey for these sick assholes—no family to miss her or come find her.

  “We have some spare rooms upstairs. She can stay here and help me?” Honey suggests and then says, “If it is okay with you, Ice.”

  He smiles, and we both realize the old Honey is starting to come back. “You’ll be in charge of her, Honey. You up for that?”

  She nods proudly. “I can do it.” This is a good thing for Honey, someone to keep her occupied besides me. Not that I don’t want to be the main person in her life, but she needs friends too. Hopefully this will also help her relationship with Emma.

  “Well, it looks like we’re gonna have a sorority over on your side of the clubhouse,” Ice says.

  Honey looks confused, but I know exactly where he is going with this.

  “If you can get a room ready for Tara… and you’ll need to get another room ready for Brianne. Emma and I are picking her up tomorrow.”

  Honey nods. “Well if that will be all, I’ll go and get Tara’s room ready.”

  “Sounds good. I know it’s late, sorry.”

  “It’s fine, Ice, really,” Honey assures him with a smile.

  “Tara, why don’t you go with Honey and try to get some sleep.”

  She looks over at me. “Thank you. I almost didn’t take your advice, but there was something in your eyes that told me I could trust you. If I hadn’t, I’d be having a very different night.” She walks over and gives me a hug. She releases me and turns back toward Ice. “And thank you.”

  He nods. “You’re welcome.”

  Honey stands. “Come on, Tara, let’s get you settled.”

  Both ladies leave the room. Once the door is securely closed, Ice asks, “So, what else?”

  “I made contact with the Master. My guess he is the head honcho’s top guy. He definitely runs things. He gave me a card.” I take the card from my pocket and hand it to him.

  Ice takes the card and looks at it. It is a solid black card with a name and a phone number on it in silver. He reads the name: “Santino Magnano.” He looks at me.

  Holy fuck, I know him. I don’t say anything. I don’t know what to say.

  “You know him, don’t you?” Ice asks.

  I nod. “Santino Magnano is head of one of the five families in New York.” When I got the card earlier, I didn’t even really look at it. It was dark, and I thought I would just deal with it when we got back. It wasn’t the priority; Tara was at the time.

  “How is Michael’s relationship with the Magnanos?”

  “Good, it’s always been good.”

  “Well, it’s about to take a turn for the worse,” Ice says as he places the card on his desk.

  “Ice, you can’t. You have to call Michael. You can’t make any kind of move on the Magnanos without Michael knowing about it.”

  “Why the fuck can’t the Mafia stay out of my town?”

  “Trust me on this. We do this right, they’ll be gone for good and Michael won’t be pissed.”

  “Rebel? Your thoughts?”

  “I agree with Sainte, Ice. We need to do this by the Mafia book, not the biker one.”

  He holds up his hands. “Fine, we’ll do this one your way. I’m fuckin’ beat. I’m going to bed. We’ll deal with this in the morning.” He gets up from his chair and turns toward Rebel. “You still set to get Ari in the morning?”

  He nods.

  “Well, you better sleep too. I don’t want my sister in danger because you can’t keep your eyes open while driving.”

  “Yes, dad,” Rebel says sarcastically.

  Ice looks at him like he’s gonna kill him but then smirks, turns, and leaves his office.

  “Shit, nothing. He must really be tired,” Rebel says.

  I laugh. “Come on, let’s get some sleep.”

  We both leave Ice’s office. I stop at the bar and pour myself a shot of Maker’s. Ice will never know I dug into his stash. I down my drink and make my way upstairs to Honey.

  When I get to her room, her door is closed. Maybe she wants to be alone tonight? Maybe she just wants some privacy. I turn to leave just as the door opens.

  “Sainte, I was beginning to worry.” So she was expecting me.

  “I’m right here, darlin’.” She smiles, and I step inside her room. She has two bottles of water on the table: one is empty and the other is open and half full. Good girl, she’s been drinking her water. There is also a protein bar wrapper on the table. “You doing okay, sweetheart?”

  She sighs. “I do fine when I’m not alone. Right after I got Tara all settled, I came back to my room. And then the agitation began to start. Sainte, I was fine all night. I never thought about it at the club or even when we got back here. You know how it always gets to me when I’m here, but this time I was fine, until I was left alone.”

  “It’s not healthy for you to be with someone all the time or to be pre-occupied twenty-four seven. You will need to work through those times.” I look around the room. “And from what I can see, you did just fine.”

  She looks around. Not a single drawer was pulled or clothes thrown. It is as neat and tidy as it was when we left. She smiles. “I did, didn’t I?”

  I pull her into my arms. “You sure did, and I couldn’t be more proud.” She wraps her arms around me, and I hold her tight.

  “Sainte, if I told you something, will you promise not to tease me about it?”

  I laugh. “Can’t make any promises. You are so fun to tease.”

  She steps back. “No, I’m serious. Please,” she pleads, and I can see this is important to her.

  “Okay, I promise.”

  She looks me directly in the eyes and says, “I don’t hate you anymore.”

  I can’t help the laugh that escapes me.

  “You promised.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing because that is the best news I’ve heard in a long time.” I pull her in close and hold her against my body. I look at her as if to ask permission, and she leans in. It’s all the invitation I need. I lean forward, and my lips claim hers. They’re soft and taste of strawberry. She doesn’t fight me this time. Instead, she clings to me, and I deepen the kiss. I continue to drink from her mouth as my hands roam her body. As much as I want to lay her on the bed and take her, I can’t yet.

  I break the kiss, and we are both breathless. She reaches for me, and I grab her hands.

  “Don’t be a dick, Sainte,” she says.

  “Sweetheart, I’m not, really. You have no idea how much I want you right now, but it’s not gonna happen. I won’t be your crutch, so I need to be sure you can stand on your own. It’s only been a few days.”

  “Eighty-three hours,” she whispers. I pull her into my arms again.

  “Have I told you how proud I am of you?” I hold her for a few minutes and then say, “Come on, it’s been a long day. Let’s get some sleep.”

  She walks to the bed and gets in. I take off my clothes and crawl in myself. She immediately curls up next to me, and it doesn’t take long for us both to be sound asleep.

  Chapter 18


  The next morning when Honey and I get up, she hurries and gets in the shower. She’s excited. She has a new project: Tara. She has plans to get her all settled in and show her around and then wants to take her shopping later. Whatever. It’s a girl thing.

  Ice and I need to talk about this Santino situation, and we need to call Michael. We get downstairs, and Ice and Emma are having their morning coffee. I did not expect them here this early, especially after the late night Ice had last night.

  I walk up to the bar. “You’re here early.”

  “Been here all night. We stayed here last night.”

  “Oh fuck, I didn’t realize that. I thought after our meeting, you went home. Just shows how tired I was.”

  “Yeah, those sex clubs will take a lot out of you.” He laughs.

  “Sex club?” Emma squeals.

  I look at Ice.

  “Damn you, now she will never let me live this one down.”

  He looks over at Emma, kisses her on the cheek, and says, “Club business, darlin’, nothing for you to worry about.”

  “But I wanna go to a sex club.” She pouts, and Ice and I laugh.

  “Not in your condition. Maybe after my daughter is born, we can go.”

  “It’s a boy, Cade,” she says, correcting him.

  “You don’t know that for sure. Unless you know something I don’t?”

  She shakes her head.

  “I’m just saying…” Ice rolls his eyes and turns back toward me.

  “So I assume we need to call Michael?” he asks, and I get the impression he’s not looking forward to this phone call.

  “Yep, we do. We can’t make a move on one of the five families without his involvement.”

  Ice nods. “I get it.” He grabs his coffee and turns toward his office. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

  Once we get inside his office, I ask, “Where’s Rebel?”

  “He left early this morning to get Ari.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right. Forgot.”

  Ice takes out his phone and lays it on the desk. He finds Michael’s number, hits speaker, and dials.

  “Hey, Ice.” Michael’s voice comes over the speaker when he answers.

  “Hey, Michael. Sorry to bother you, but we’ve got a little problem here in Edinboro.”

  “That doesn’t sound good. What’s goin’ on?”

  Ice looks at me to explain the whole thing.

  “Hey, Mikey.” I say.

  “Hey, Sainte.”

  “So, on a hunch I did some research into a local massage parlor here in town. When I started digging, I discovered this place is a massage parlor by day but a sex club by night. No big deal there, but I had a strong feeling they were using the business as a front for trafficking women. So last night I decided to check it out, and my suspicions were confirmed. Apparently they have a ‘selection of the week,’ where one girl is chosen—promised to be sent to some fantastic place—so these girls think it is some type of honor. All the while, they are being sold into slavery. They get trained and then are sold off.”

  “I’m not following you. What does this have to do with me?”

  “The owner is Santino Magnano.”

  “Oh, fuck,” Michael says breathlessly into the phone. “I assume, Ice, you want to take them down?”

  “Well, that was my original plan, but since the owners are closely connected with you, I have a better idea. I want to buy him out. I don’t care what it costs. The MC will take over the business, minus the trafficking of course.” He chuckles. “Hell, I own a strip club. Why not a sex club?”

  “What if he doesn’t wanna sell?” Michael asks.

  Ice shrugs, even though Michael can’t see him. “Then you make him an offer he can’t refuse,” he says in his very lame Marlon Brando impersonation.

  The three of us burst out laughing. I know the situation isn’t funny, but I love how we can all appreciate a little humor now and then.

  “Let me see what I can do. Sit tight for now, and I’ll be in touch.”

  “Thanks, Michael,” Ice says.

  “Sainte, you staying out of trouble?”

  I laugh. “Of course.”

  He laughs and disconnects the phone.

  “So we wait,” Ice says.

  “Yep, but I want to get to know the Master. I want to know his connection to Santino.”

  Ice shakes his head. “No, I don’t want you sniffin’ around there while Michael is trying negotiate a deal for us. Just let them be for now.”


  “No, Sainte,” he says, cutting me off. “Be patient.”

  “Fine, you’re the boss.”

  “Damn straight I am,” he says, laughing. I can’t help but join him. He looks at his watch. “I gotta go. Emma and I need to be at Gage House in an hour to get Brianne. It’s in Erie, so we need to leave now.”

  “Need help?” I ask.

  “Nope, you stay here with Honey. How’s that going by the way?” He gets up and walks toward the door.

  I follow him. “Good, better and better every day.”

  He reaches for the knob. “Good, that’s what I wanna hear.”

  We step out into the clubhouse and find the girls, all of them, gathered at the bar. “All of them” sounds like there are so many, but lately, with Tara added to the mix and Brianne coming, we are getting overrun with women. Not that it’s a bad thing.

  Ice walks straight to Emma. “You ready to go?”

  She smiles, “Yes, I have been waiting for this day for a long time.”

  “I told you, sweetheart, we’d save her. Took a while, but now hopefully she’s whole, and we can help her move on with her life,” Ice says.

  Emma beams at him as if he is her hero. I guess he is.

  “Where ya’ll going?” Honey asks.

  Emma says cheerfully, “We’re bringing Brianne home!” Nope, she’s not excited.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” Honey says and turns toward Tara. “I need to get her room ready. I was too tired last night and thought I could get it done early this morning. Care to help me?”

  Tara is like Honey’s shadow now and quickly says, “Yes.”

  Honey looks at me as if to ask if it is okay, and I nod. They both head upstairs.

  “Guess you’re on your own for a while, Sainte,” Emma says.

  “Yep, looks that way.”

  After Ice and Emma leave, I decide to enjoy the quiet for as long as I can. I walk to one of the couches, grab the remote, and plop myself down.

  About an hour goes by, and I am engrossed in a rerun episode of Criminal Minds when my cells rings. I pull it out of my pocket and look at the screen. It’s Michael. That was fast; I hope nothing is wrong.

  “Hello,” I say into the phone.

  “Sainte, it’s Michael.” No shit.

  “Caller ID, Mikey. What’s up.”

  He laughs. “Oh yeah, forgot. So I just got off the phone with Santino. Are you ready for this? He wants to sell, but I don’t know if Ice can afford his price.”

  “What’s he want?” I ask. I have to say, Michael is probably right. I know Santino, and he’s not gonna let that little goldmine go cheap.

  “Well, it took some convincing, and frankly it wasn’t until I knew what he was doing there that he agreed.”

  “How much, Mikey?”

  “Five hundred thousand.”

  Fuck. I know Ice has money, but I’m sure he doesn’t have that kind of money. “Okay, let me talk to Ice. He had an errand to run. I’ll get back to you.”

  “Wait, there’s more,” Michael says into the phone.


  “You know I don’t tell people how to run their families. I involve the Vitalis into business and dealings I approve. He is going to move the trafficking elsewhere. I can’t make him stop. But we can shut him down in Edinboro.”

  “In all honesty, I think that’s all Ice wants. He knows he can’t make it go away, but he can get it the hell out of his town.”

  “Good, I just wanted to make sure you all understood that. I know you do, but I wasn’t sure about Ice.”

  “Okay, let me talk to him when he gets back, and we’ll give you a call. Thanks, Mikey.”

ng for you and the MC. You know that.” He disconnects the line.

  Chapter 19


  Tara and I finish with Brianne’s room. I’ve made sure all our rooms are close together. I am really enjoying Tara’s company, and I hope that even when she gets on her feet, she decides to stick around here. I hope Brianne is nice. I met her once when I went with Emma and Hawk to visit her. She seemed nice. Hawk. Don’t think about it, Honey. Keep busy.

  “Well, it looks like we’re all done here. Ready to go back downstairs?” I ask Tara.

  “Yep, sounds good. I’m hungry.”

  “Yeah, me too. That protein bar I had this morning didn’t last.”

  We laugh as we make our way downstairs. When we get to the bottom of the steps, Sainte is asleep on the couch. I turn back toward Tara and hold my finger up to my lips. “Shhhh, he’s asleep,” I whisper.

  She follows me into the kitchen, and I pull out some lunch meat, mayo, and tomatoes from the fridge.

  “How does a sandwich sound?” I ask.


  I begin making sandwiches for us both. I grab chips from the cupboard and two sodas from the fridge. “Dr. Pepper okay?” I ask.

  Tara nods.

  Once I’m done, we sit at the table and eat. When we’re finished, Tara helps me clean the kitchen. Just as we’re finishing up, we hear the front door open and people talking.

  “They must be back,” Tara says.

  We step out of the kitchen, and Tara is correct. Ice, Emma and Brianne are standing by the bar. Sainte gets up from the couch and walks toward them. Ice introduces her to him, and he smiles and shakes her hand. No, that was not a twinge of jealousy I felt.

  I decide it’s time to join them.

  “Oh, Honey, do you remember Brianne?” Emma asks.

  “Yes. Welcome, Brianne,” I say.

  She smiles awkwardly. She looks so uncomfortable, making me wonder if this is the right place for her. She has got to be leery of bikers after the ordeal she has been through. I’m sure Emma has told her our club is nothing like the Satans’. Obviously, or she would have never agreed to come here.

  “Is her room all set?” Ice asks me.

  “Yes, sir,” I reply and turn toward Brianne. “Would you like me to show you around?”


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