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Begging to Serve

Page 2

by Morticia Knight

  “Correct, Master Saul. Thank you.”

  “All I meant is that it’ll give you the opportunity to help Aaron and Sam without worrying about stepping on anyone’s toes here. Plus, it’ll be a chance for you to see how a boy spends his time with his Master at home.”

  “Oh. Well, that seems like a grand idea then.”

  Saul winked at him. “That’s a good boy. You’ll find someone soon, I’m sure of it.”

  He let out a sigh. Soon. I’ll be someone’s good boy soon.

  * * * *

  “I thought a new Master joined this past week?”

  Aaron swirled the amber liquid of the brandy in his snifter before taking a mouthful, letting the warm liquid trickle down his throat. He’d already had a wonderful evening with Sam. Aaron never shared their sexuality with the other members, but he did enjoy tying Sam up in one of several kinbaku patterns Aaron had learned over the years. Not many of the club members were familiar with the Japanese method of binding, so his demonstrations were in high demand. Of course, once their show had concluded, they’d scurried to a private room to take their own completion.

  Saul was at his desk in the library, bent over an open drawer, shuffling through files. He plucked one out then straightened. His frown when he flipped through the pages of the folder indicated to Aaron he hadn’t been pleased with whatever it was he’d discovered.

  “Yes, we did. Some director fellow from Global Studios.” Saul glanced over at Aaron. “His name is Arthur, and I’m afraid he’s thirty-four.”

  “Drat. I’d hoped he could’ve been a possibility.”

  Saul shoved the file back in the drawer then kicked it closed. It was clear that his good friend was frustrated over the whole situation with Colin. The dark haired, brown-eyed Colin was a kind, sweet young man and he and Sam had become good friends. But Aaron did have to admit it was the oddest situation he’d ever come across. Despite running around in what seemed like a constant state of arousal and being surrounded by naked men along with the ones performing erotic acts on stage, he still refused to let any of them near him.

  Saul slumped onto the love seat. He reached over to pick up his own glass of brandy then took a healthy swallow, grimacing as he did. “Have you inquired of any of the members, seen if they know of anyone whom they could recommend for a membership?”

  “Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a one who had any suggestions. Other than this Arthur fellow, Ned’s the most recent member.”

  Saul slapped the armrest of the sofa. “This poor boy. You should see him, Aaron. When he’s not wandering about with a prominent stiffy, he’s rearranging all the cupboards, closets and damnable books in my library because he wants to make everyone happy.”

  Aaron chuckled. “Oh dear. Yes. His obvious erections have been a source of ongoing confusion to the Masters who’ve wished for the pleasure of his company, then been subsequently turned down. But now that we know it relates to the age of the men who’ve approached him, it makes much more sense.”

  “Yes, but how does that help us? Why in heaven’s name don’t we have any younger Masters here?”

  “I’d say that makes sense as well.”

  Saul lifted his eyebrows. “How so, old sport?”

  “The art of properly mastering another man takes time, patience. I started young, but it was many years before I’d perfected my methods. Why, even with Sam I learned. I’d never tried using daily discipline before, had only just heard of someone when I’d first brought Sam home who’d touted its effectiveness in dealing with an energetic submissive.”

  Saul held his gaze pointedly. “And many years had to pass before you accepted your own true nature as not being aberrated.”

  Aaron sighed. If Saul hadn’t intervened, he might’ve let his little Sam slip away forever. He’d agonized for years under the belief that there was something wrong with him because of his strong desire to restrain and whip men for pleasure.

  “Yes. But that only reinforces my point. There might be other men out there who would be ideal Masters, but who haven’t the foggiest idea how to go about it or that such a thing even exists beyond what they’ve experienced in their own perverted imaginations.”

  Saul grunted before draining his snifter. “Or tried with the wrong men and suffered the consequences.”

  Aaron nodded. He’d certainly had some unwelcome moments in that regard. He searched through his mind for some answer to their dilemma. Many of the submissives had been discovered at the bathhouse. Then there was Thomas’ boy Linus. He’d been brought to the club by Ned as well, but he hadn’t found him at the bathhouse the way he’d found Evan.

  Aaron gasped. “Good gracious. Why didn’t I think of this before? Walter’s speakeasy!”

  Saul stared at him for a moment before his eyes widened. “I do believe you’ve struck gold, old sport. It’s still early enough. You could head over there tonight.”

  Aaron arched an eyebrow. “I most certainly cannot. I have a slumbering boy in one of the private rooms who needs me to take him home and besides, I don’t want to show up anywhere alone. It might seem too much like I’m merely looking for an evening’s dalliance.”

  “You should take Ned with you.”

  “Oh?” Aaron chuckled. “You’re bored with my company?”

  “Hardly, old sport. But two younger gentlemen might have a better chance at finding what Colin needs.”

  “Hmm. Perhaps Thomas could accompany him.”

  “You don’t care for Ned?”

  Aaron shook his head. “That isn’t it at all. It’s merely that they’re the only two Masters in their twenties. I’m on my way to forty at this point.”

  Saul snorted. “That’s considerably younger than some of us who are nearing their mid-fifties. But ages aside, didn’t you once tell me that Thomas isn’t much of a gin joint fellow?”

  “Damn. That’s right. Before we each had a boy, he always preferred visiting me at home if we didn’t patronize a club.”

  “I’ve noticed what a private couple he and Linus are.”

  “Hmm. Well, Ned it is. It might actually be a good opportunity for me to get to know him better.”

  Saul clapped his hands together. “Splendid! So if not tonight, then tomorrow night? Afterwards, you can bring Colin to your guesthouse for the week like we discussed.”

  It was apparent that Saul was on a mission and would stop at nothing until he’d completed it. “Let me at least give Ned a call? I’m sure he’d appreciate being informed as to what his plans are that he never even knew he’d made.”

  Saul leaned over and patted Aaron’s knee before leaning back again. “Young Colin thanks you in advance.”

  Aaron smiled fondly at his long-time friend. He wondered if the members of Hampton Road truly appreciated how much Saul cared about their wellbeing.

  Chapter Two

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been out to Hollywood. You?”

  Aaron had picked up Ned at his home in Pasadena. He’d left Sam there to keep Ned’s boy, Evan, company after which they’d taken off for Hollywood in Aaron’s red Stutz Bearcat. On their way back, he’d swing by Hampton Road to retrieve Colin. He chuckled, glancing over at Ned before returning his eyes to the road.

  “Same here. Having my own boy makes such outings unnecessary. Whenever Sam and I feel social, Hampton Road more than makes up for that need.”

  Ned let out an easy laugh. “With much better sights to see.”


  Their destination didn’t have an official name, but everyone knew it as Walter’s speakeasy. Aaron had experienced plenty of desperately lonely nights at the gin joint before he’d had the good fortune to meet Sam. On the surface, it was a fashionable haberdashery in central Hollywood. But below it was one of the largest and most popular pansy clubs in the Los Angeles area. If they were going to find Colin a Master, it would be their best chance.

  They parked on the main boulevard so as not to attract undue attention to the location. One o
f Walter and his partner’s rules involved keeping a wide radius of open parking around the establishment. It wouldn’t do to call attention to the shop with an overabundance of vehicles late at night. There were many dance halls and restaurants nearby and the patrons of the speakeasy were asked to park in those areas.

  Aaron led the way, both of them dressed to the nines in the hopes of attracting quality men. He wore a suit with a matching waistcoat and sported his finest silk fedora. Ned was decked out in a snappy pinstriped ensemble and cut a striking figure. He could easily have been mistaken for a screen idol with his honey-colored waves swept back in the latest hairstyle, along with his pencil-thin mustache.

  But the one thing they both wore, that wasn’t a staple of the fashionable man, was a leather cuff bracelet. They were of a generic variety, held onto their wrists by leather ties. Aaron had seen variations of it over the years in his travels. When he and Ned had been discussing their mission on behalf of Colin, they’d shared some of their previous encounters in public places and how they’d telegraphed to a potential sexual partner what sort of activities they enjoyed.

  When they reached the back door of the haberdashery, Aaron located the hidden buzzer. After a few moments, a small peephole door slid open. Walter’s cautious stare locked on him and he raised his eyebrows. The corners of his eyes crinkled and Aaron was relieved that Walter seemed to still remember him. His gaze flitted to Ned and his joy was apparent. The door was quickly opened, Walter gesturing for them to come inside. Once they’d stepped across the threshold, he just as hurriedly closed and latched it.

  “Aaron!” He held his arms open, grabbing him then giving him a few sharp pats on the back before releasing him. Walter turned to Ned. “And Ned, isn’t it?”

  Ned had removed his hat and was smoothing his hair. “Yes, Walter. Great to see you again.”

  Walter glanced back and forth between them. “I didn’t know the two of you were acquainted.”

  Aaron was glad that Walter was in charge of the door for the evening. His partner was less accepting of certain expressions of love than Walter was, so he wouldn’t be the best source of information to help them out with their evening’s task.

  “We met through Saul’s establishment.”

  Aaron arched one eyebrow in emphasis. Walter was discreet and accepting, but not one who partook in their lifestyle. Walter clapped his hands.

  “I see.” He winked at Ned. “Have you always been an adherent, or did Aaron introduce you to a new way of life?”

  Ned let out an easy chuckle. “No, I was introduced quite a number of years ago. Long before I patronized Saul’s wonderful club.”

  “Actually, Walter, perhaps you could help us out?”

  Walter gave a light shrug of his shoulders. “Of course. If I can, I will.”

  Aaron held up one arm, allowing his shirt cuff to slide down and reveal the leather bracelet. “We’ve discussed these in the past. Have you noticed any younger men wearing one like this recently? Perhaps someone who comes in here often—preferably alone?”

  Walter furrowed his brow, rubbing his chin as he did. “Hmm. I assume you’re looking for someone who would enjoy more than one partner at a time?”

  Aaron was taken aback for a few seconds before he realized how his enquiry might’ve been interpreted.

  “No. I suppose I should clarify things better. Ned and I are here to help out a young submissive man from the club who wishes to find a more dominant partner. We already have our own boys who we left at home this evening. However, the submissive from Saul’s club isn’t interested in anyone too much older than him. There isn’t a member, or even a recent guest at Saul’s establishment, who meets his requirements.”

  Walter nodded, his expression serious. Aaron had always appreciated that the hatter didn’t merely take the profits from his illegal club, but that he genuinely cared about the needs of his clientele.

  “How old is this young man?”

  Aaron glanced at Ned, seeing as he was the one who’d found him at the bathhouse.

  “He’ll be nineteen soon.”

  Walter shook his head. “I do allow them in here as young as eighteen. Younger than that is too risky. They’re too feisty, continuously get into fights. At least more than the usual mugs. Attracts too much attention to the joint.”

  “I imagine our young man would find someone up into their early to mid-twenties appealing?” Aaron chuckled. “We’re stumbling about on this one. We figured we’d come out tonight and see if anyone might find Hampton Road of any interest.”

  There was a crease to Walter’s brow still. “I don’t mean to criticize your methods, but wouldn’t it be simpler to bring the young man in question with you so that he could choose his own partner?”

  Ned interjected. “Heavens no. He’s very uncomfortable when men approach him with sexual interest. As pretty as he is, he’d be the proverbial flame that all the moths would rush to.”

  Aaron nodded. “Yes. He wouldn’t do well in a speakeasy at all.”

  Walter sighed, still shaking his head. “I’ll confess, this is quite perplexing to me. Most young men can’t wait to get their sword in play with whoever is willing. Are you sure he in truth desires men? Perhaps he’s led you on because he has nowhere else to go.”

  Aaron sputtered out laughter simultaneously with Ned. Walter frowned at them both.

  “I’m sorry, Walter. Your analysis of the situation would be apt under other circumstances. But in this boy’s case, his desires are more than obvious. It’s yet another reason we’re anxious for him to find someone soon.”

  “All right, you would certainly know better than me. But I’m afraid I won’t be much help to you on your quest.”

  Aaron hadn’t expected that they’d walk into the speakeasy and five minutes later leave with the perfect Master for Colin, but he’d at least hoped that Walter might’ve had some suggestions as to where they could start.

  “No one’s come through here at all who you think would be a potential candidate?”

  “Well, I can’t possibly keep track of every single person who drops in.” Walter narrowed his eyes as if in thought. “Truthfully, I haven’t even heard any gossip regarding perverse behaviors.”

  Aaron couldn’t hold back a grunt. “No offense, Walter, but your establishment is a hotbed of perverse behaviors.”

  Walter quirked an eyebrow, smirking as he did. “True. I suppose what I meant is the specific perversion you’re seeking.”

  Ned tapped Aaron on the shoulder with his fedora. “We’re here. Might as well take in the crowd.”

  Aaron acknowledged him with a dip of his chin. “Very good. We can grab a gin or two and see if anyone takes notice of our cuffs.”

  Right as Walter opened the false wall that masked the entrance to the pansy club, he turned to Aaron and Ned. “It’s crowded tonight, so who knows? You might get lucky. And anyway, the Gold Digging Ethels are playing, so if nothing else, you can enjoy the show.”

  Aaron glanced at Ned, wondering if he had any idea what Walter was talking about. He shrugged in response to Aaron’s silent enquiry then addressed Walter.

  “Sorry. I’m afraid we haven’t enjoyed much in the way of outside entertainments for a while.”

  Walter chuckled. “Of course. They’re quite an accomplished and lively jazz band who perform in drag, wildly popular. That’s why we have a full house tonight.”

  Aaron hadn’t seen a decent drag performance in a while, so at least the night wouldn’t be a complete waste. He idly wondered if Sam might enjoy such a thing. They rarely went out anywhere other than Hampton—it could be a fun excursion, something different.

  After thanking Walter and asking if he wouldn’t mind keeping a lookout for them, he and Ned descended the stairs to enter the noisy and smoky interior of the speakeasy. The long mahogany bar along with the tables and chairs were to the right of the steps, the dance floor and stage to the left. Behind the section of tables were large Oriental screens that shielded tho
se who wished privacy for their own brand of entertainment.

  Aaron gestured with a jerk of his head in the direction of the bar and Ned followed him over. The show wasn’t due to begin for at least another thirty minutes, so he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to mingle before everyone’s attention was diverted by the performance. After they’d each ordered a Bee’s Knees, they leaned against the bar, surveying the room.

  “Mmm. You were right. This is quite good.”

  Aaron glanced over at Ned. “I like the sweet and sour flavor it gives the gin.”

  “I was worried about the honey syrup. But the lemon compliments it well.” Ned closed his eyes as he took another swallow. When he lifted his lids, he regarded Aaron with a lazy smile. “Then again, almost anything tastes good with gin.”

  They shared an easy laugh. Aaron’s was cut short by the press of someone against his arm. He peered down at an attractive man who was perhaps ten years younger than him. His head was adorned with a mop of brown curls and there was a smattering of freckles across his nose. His wide hazel eyes stared up at him with interest.

  “Are you and your fellow available to severely reprimand me?”

  He gave Aaron a sly grin as he lifted the cuff of his shirt slightly to reveal a braided piece of leather tied around his wrist. Both he and Ned had made sure to leave their own bracelets visible. It had almost worked right away. Aaron held the young man’s gaze.

  “What is your name?”

  “Harry. Harry Forsythe.” He licked his lips. “I’ll do anything you want. It’s been too long and I’ve been quite bad.”

  Aaron resisted the urge to frown. It didn’t bode well if Harry was so desperate. It might be an indicator that there really weren’t any sadistic men lurking about.

  “I see. Is that because you’ve angered your Master or that you don’t have one?”

  He grunted. “I don’t need a Master. I just want someone to beat the ever-loving tar out of me then fuck me hard. You can both have a try. I wouldn’t object.”

  “So there aren’t any other men here wishing to take you up on your offer? Is that what usually happens to you here? Is there perhaps somewhere else you go to find that type of release?”


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