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Begging to Serve

Page 4

by Morticia Knight

Roddy shrugged. “I suppose not, but I can’t see how it relates to our discussion. I’m twenty-two years of age.”

  Both men appeared about ready to explode with glee and Roddy was completely baffled.

  Ned gave him an excited smile. “It’s not too terribly late. We have a place where men of our ilk gather regularly. If you’re agreeable, we could take you there, get you some help for your lip then give you a ride home later. You’d also have a chance to see what we’re talking about as we explain how everything works to you. What do you think?”

  “Well.” It seemed too wonderful to be real. “I’ll confess that I find all of this very difficult to believe. Ever since I’ve been of an age to seek out companionship, I’ve practically taken my life in my hands every time I found a fellow who I wished to enjoy myself with.”

  His words had been conveyed in a light-hearted tone, but the melancholy on Aaron’s features were in stark contrast to what Roddy had intended.

  Roddy glanced back and forth between the two men. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “Forgive me, Roddy.” Aaron placed a light hand on his arm. “I journeyed back in mind to when I was your age, recalling all that I suffered because of my particular appetites. It would be so wonderful to have you as part of the club. I believe you’ll find the exact thing you’re seeking there and you won’t have to be afraid that you’ll be hurt or found out.”

  “Club? So it’s like a speakeasy where only men of our preferences are allowed?”

  Aaron furrowed his brow. “Mmm. Not exactly. We don’t allow uncontrolled drinking and the entertainments aren’t of the jazz band variety. The restriction of the hooch is a safety issue for the men who are allowing themselves to be whipped or bound. An inebriated Dominant could unwittingly do an imprisoned submissive much harm. Harm that he hadn’t asked for.”

  Roddy was intrigued, delighted—but also wary still. “I see. So, how is it determined what it is that he’s asked for? And how does he stop someone if they go too far?”

  Ned jostled Aaron with his elbow. “Shouldn’t we be moving along?”

  “Ah yes.” Aaron glanced around warily. “Probably not the best idea to be lurking about in the streets if a flatfoot should happen by.”

  “Especially with me in such a disheveled state.” Roddy smiled at the two men. “I’d like to take you up on your offer. I’m very interested in learning more.”

  “That’s excellent.” Aaron patted him on the back. “But I do feel that I need to mention one more thing before we go. There is something that both myself and Ned and every other man who’s ever been to Hampton Road has been required to do.”

  “Like a hazing?” Roddy clapped his hands together. It sounded like such fun. He’d been kicked out of University, so he’d never had the opportunity to settle in with a fraternity.

  Ned chuckled. “I rather enjoyed my introduction to Hampton Road. I was photographed with two lovely young men in a compromising position. As it so happened, we finished off the evening together after the picture taking session was done.”

  Roddy stared at Ned. Had he heard him right? “Is the reason for this so that I don’t report you to the authorities?”

  Aaron interjected. “Yes. As you can imagine, we have to be very careful. Your photos will be kept on file as a safeguard to protect the club. Will that be an issue?”

  “Not at all. Especially if I can have an outlet for my passions. I’d say it’s quite understandable given the circumstances surrounding the establishment.” Roddy grinned. He was having a fabulous time. He couldn’t wait to find out what sort of depraved photos they wanted to take of him. And who he’d get to take them with.

  Ned inclined his head and gestured for him to hop in the car. “I hope you don’t mind. It’ll be a bit of a squeeze.”

  “Better than riding the whole way on the runner, eh?”

  Roddy slid across the leather seat until he was flush to Aaron, who’d already climbed in the Bearcat and was behind the wheel. Once Ned had pressed himself against his side then yanked the door shut, they were on their way. It was all so terribly exciting.

  The vehicle motored along and it was Ned who broke the silence. “Are you in the Hollywood area?”

  “I’m not anywhere yet.” Roddy let out an easy laugh. “I just arrived yesterday. The Ambassador sounds nice, though. Have you been?”

  “Once or twice, but not as a guest. I patronized the Grove. Where are you from then?”

  He twisted his head to reply, their quarters close enough that it allowed him little room to move his torso. “Louisville, Kentucky. My father has interests in several good racehorses. I have a few of my own and have done quite well.”

  Roddy sighed, smiling at the memory of when he first conjured his plan to say farewell to the state where he’d been born and raised.

  To my family.

  He’d only be required to interact with his relatives on a limited basis, so it worked out well for all of them. The rumors about his escapades had been tough on them, and as they’d always stood by him, Roddy didn’t want to cause his family undue grief. He really did love his parents and sisters.

  “Why the Los Angeles area?”

  “The excitement. The thrill of it all! I hear the west is even wilder these days thanks to Hollywood.” He winked and bumped Ned in the ribs with his elbow.

  “I agree with you there. I’m originally from Ohio, and this seemed like the best place for me to finally settle down and find a boy of my own. I have to say, the proximity of Hampton Road played a big part in my decision.”

  “Oh, I’m not interested in settling down. I just arrived!” Another part of Ned’s remarks stood out to him. “I have to ask though, what did you mean when you said you found a ‘boy’?” He chuckled a bit uneasily. “No offense, but that does seem a bit odd.”

  Aaron spoke up. “It’s become a way for us to reinforce the submissive status of the men we pair up with. You’ll find there a few of the submissives who are in reality well into their thirties.”

  Roddy considered Aaron’s words. “Hmm. I imagine a fellow wouldn’t change his preferences much simply by getting older.”

  Aaron shrugged. “Not typically, no. But not unheard of either.”

  “This is all very interesting.” Roddy rubbed his hands together. “I feel as if I’m right where I’m supposed to be, that I met the perfect people my first day in Los Angeles. I believe you both will teach me a lot.”

  Both Ned and Aaron chuckled. Aaron continued to explain some of the other rules that Hampton Road had put into place as well as how each club was different, but that the owner Saul had really brought everything into the modern age.

  “So, if I have to learn how to be a proper Master before I can spend time with any of the submissives, is there an, oh, other outlet for my more basic desires in the meantime?”

  Ned barked out a laugh. “We wouldn’t want you to suffer. Saul does have a bathhouse you can patronize, but the young men there only sell their favors. Obviously, you can still seek company at Walter’s, but I wouldn’t recommend going beyond relieving what you described as your basic desires.”

  “Well…” Roddy had waited so many years to find a safe outlet for his passions, many times wondering if he’d have to stumble along forever without finding any men who wanted what he did, that it seemed silly to worry over a little bit of a wait. “That seems reasonable. But I won’t deny that I’m quite anxious to learn what this whole Mastery thing is that you’ve described to me.”

  Ned patted his knee. “We’re nearing the club now. Let’s get you fixed up, your photos taken then we’ll go over the rules with you. If you’re still interested in proceeding, then you can sign them.”

  Aaron interjected. “But after that, I think we should secure you some lodging. It’s well after midnight.”

  Roddy sighed. “True. A good rest would do me good. How soon can I start my lessons?”

  “Hmm.” Aaron furrowed his brow as he pulled in the gated driveway of an en
ormous mansion, a high stone wall surrounding the expansive property. “I suppose I haven’t thought that far ahead. I think it would be prudent to bring the owner of Hampton Road in on everything first, then design a schedule from there.”

  “Is that the Saul fellow you were mentioning?”

  Aaron nodded before waving at a man who seemed to magically appear from behind the hedge. He then proceeded to unlock the gate before pulling it open on one side, leaving the way free for the motorcar to pass through.

  “Yes. As a matter of fact, Saul’s boy, Kenneth, is one of the older submissives.”

  Roddy could barely sit still in his seat. So much was happening all at once. The stunning Tudor Revival mansion before him was quite different from the estate where he’d been raised. His family home was impressive, but in a different way. The structure he’d grown up in had been grand, but the Federal-style architecture had spoken of a stuffy, conservative old guard. Hampton Road was darker, more decadent and mysterious. He absolutely adored it.

  They parked near the side entrance in a spot where they’d be concealed from anyone driving past on the street. There were a few other luxurious cars nearby, but if he peered beyond the edge of the house, he could detect yet more toward the rear. The outside lighting was minimal—barely enough for them to make their way to the large wood doors without stumbling in the darkness.

  Aaron produced a key, and Roddy wondered if all members had one, or if it was because of what Aaron had told him about being on the Board of the club.

  Yes. So much to learn.

  “Good evening, Master Aaron.”

  “And to you, Michael. Has it been a busy evening?”

  “Moderately. From what Javier told me, the candle wax demonstration was magnificent. Most of the men remaining have paired off for the evening, so it’s quiet currently.”

  “Theo and Francesco starred in the show, I take it?”

  “Yes, and a visiting pair as well.”

  Ned and Aaron’s expressions both mirrored their obvious disappointment at having missed the entertainment.

  “Oh well.” Aaron let out a sigh of resignation. “Next time. Michael, this is Roderick Howard. He’s thinking of becoming a member, but as this is his first time here, do you think you could call for Javier as well as the doctor?” Aaron glanced at him and smiled before turning back to Michael. “I’m afraid our friend Roddy ran into a bit of trouble this evening and needs to be looked over. We’ll be in the study.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll take care of it immediately. Very nice to meet you, Mr. Howard.”

  “Thank you, Michael. The pleasure’s all mine.” He gave Michael a slight nod and Michael returned it.

  After they’d passed through the entryway then down a long hall, he found himself at the bottom of a majestic staircase. The interior matched the impression he’d had of the manor before he’d entered. Elegance tinged with a hint of debauchery. The exquisite bronze statues of young nude males that guarded the red carpet-covered stone steps appeared to be inviting all who entered to venture upstairs to sample the pleasures of the flesh. Roddy was more than anxious to accept their invitation.

  A gasp drew his attention to an area to the left of the steps, where a small young man stood in a darkened doorway. Roddy thought he might do some gasping of his own. The sweet young thing was very pretty and Roddy was ready to forget all about pictures and rules and doctors, grab the hand of his admirer, then run off with him.

  Roddy locked gazes with him then gave the man a wink. A blush climbed his neck then settled in his cheeks, but he didn’t look away. Instead, he rushed forward.

  “On no! You’re hurt. Sit down. I’ll get something to fix you up. If I bring a straw, you should be able to sip from it. You should most definitely have some water. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

  His caretaker had him by the wrist and was in the process of tugging him to a massive couch in the main living area. As he was encouraged to sit by a gentle push to his shoulders, he noted the tall stained glass windows. They were lovely, but his attention quickly returned to the brown-haired man who was fawning over him, adjusting velvet pillows at his back and promising him that he’d make everything all better.

  “Well. Aren’t you the sweetest thing ever?”

  He gave the boy the best smile he could manage with his injured lip and the young man paused, his eyes wide as he regarded him. He tilted his head.

  “You talk funny.”

  Roddy arched his eyebrows. He’d already heard that said to him several times since he’d arrived in Los Angeles. If his parents hadn’t raised him to be so polite, he would’ve pointed out that he wasn’t the one who was talking funny.

  “That’s because I’m from what some people refer to as the South—however, we’re surrounded by northerners. My father prefers saying that Kentucky is the happy medium between the two.”

  “Oh. That’s very interesting. The sound is musical. I like it a lot.” He tilted his head again as if really studying Roddy. “Let me go get some medicine for your busted lip.”

  “Uh, Colin. Hold on a moment.”

  He glanced up to see Aaron regarding the young man Colin with pursed lips and a bit of a scowl. Roddy had completely forgotten that Ned and Aaron even existed. They must’ve already gone on ahead, not realizing that Roddy had been ambushed by the lovely Colin. Regardless of it all, Roddy didn’t approve of the severe expression Aaron radiated at the delightful young man.

  “He’s only helping a fellow out, gentleman.” Roddy caught Aaron’s eye. “There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?” Roddy glanced at Colin, who was smiling with his blush still firmly in place. “See?” Roddy indicated to him. “Look how happy he is.”

  Ned chuckled as Aaron pinched the bridge of his nose. At last Aaron straightened, letting out a sigh.

  “You’re quite right. But let’s take this to the study. We’ve already asked Javier and the doctor to meet us there and besides, we don’t ever congregate on the bottom floor.”

  Roddy pushed himself up. “Oh?”

  As they made their way up the stairs, Colin followed just behind him, almost perfectly in step with him. It was odd, yet nice.

  Ned glanced over his shoulder. “In case the authorities or an unexpected person were to somehow make it onto the grounds and knock on the front door. It’s merely a precaution.”

  Roddy shook his head, laughing softly. “I must say, I only become more and more impressed. I think I can picture myself being a part of things here. If you’re gracious enough to accept me, of course.”

  “Oh, yes, please. He can stay here, right, Master Aaron? Master Ned?”

  Aaron halted so abruptly, Roddy almost crashed into him. He took a couple steps back so that he was even with Colin.

  “Colin. Remember what Master Saul said about letting the Masters make the decisions and not to interrupt. If you’re going to submit to a Master someday, you need to practice that now.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Roddy frowned. Poor little Colin’s shoulders had drooped, his head bowed in seeming resignation.

  “There now, Colin. Chin up!”

  Roddy placed a finger under Colin’s jaw and encouraged him to raise his head. Colin peered up at him with big, chocolate-brown eyes, his slick back having come loose so that a few strands were in disarray. Roddy had a flash of what dear Colin might look like in the throes of passion. He cleared his throat, the thought much too disconcerting.

  “That’s better. Don’t be sad on my account.”

  There was a tug at the corners of Colin’s mouth and Roddy winked again. It earned him a full smile, Colin beaming back at him. Roddy turned back to Aaron and Ned, who stood at the very top of the stairs.

  “I hope I’m not stepping on any toes. But I wouldn’t want anyone to get into trouble because of me.”

  Aaron’s expression had softened. “You have a protective nature. That’s a very good quality in a Master.” Aaron gestured with his hand t
o the hallway on the second floor. “But for now, we need to get you taken care of. The study’s this way.”

  As they continued to their destination, Roddy pondered over the exchange that had just happened between him, Colin and Aaron. There was so much information he’d need in order to be a part of Hampton Road. He glanced sideways at Colin.

  So, he’s learning to be a submissive.

  Aaron had made it clear that Colin was unattached, that he’d get a Master ‘someday’. Roddy wondered what he’d need to do to apply for that position. Even if he didn’t completely understand the whole Master and submissive dynamic yet, his gut told him the most important thing he needed to know.

  Colin was his.

  Chapter Four

  Colin couldn’t stop staring at the handsome man that Aaron and Ned had brought with them back to the club. Was Roddy a Sir or Master? He certainly seemed like one. But he was definitely new to Hampton Road—that much was clear. Colin swallowed hard as an awful revelation came to him. If Roddy was really going to become a part of Hampton Road, he’d have to have his picture taken with naked men so he couldn’t go to the police and tell on them all. As far as he knew, he was the only one who hadn’t been made to do that. Saul had said it could wait until he found his right man. Colin scowled, narrowing his eyes at the horrible thought that it wouldn’t stop Roddy from having to get his picture taken. He glanced up to see a startled expression on Ned’s face right as they all reached the study.


  Heat filled his face. He didn’t want the nice Master to think he was mad at him or any of the other men. “Yes, Sir?”

  Ned had opened the door and gestured for him to go inside along with the others. “Why are you upset?”

  His grandmother had taught him not to lie, but he never would anyway. Dishonest men were mean and unloved. The ones who’d taken his grandmother’s house away from him after she’d died were liars and cheats. He refused to be like them.

  “I don’t want Master Roddy having his photograph taken with any naked submissives.”

  Everyone stopped where they were, the room filled with silence.


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