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Begging to Serve

Page 10

by Morticia Knight

  Roddy frowned. “Toys?”

  A slight blush stained Colin’s cheeks. “Oh, uh, the items that the Dominants use on their boys or that the men play with together.”

  “Interesting. Such as what?”

  “Lots of things. I’ve seen large phallus-shaped stones, rectal dilators, clamps that can be used to pinch various parts of the body…” Colin cleared his throat, the red in his face deepening. “Things like that.”

  Roddy’s dick pressed uncomfortably against the trousers Javier had brought him. He needed to get on with his training already. He wanted to play with Colin for hours on end.

  “My, my. I truly struck gold here at Hampton Road.” Roddy released him with a quick, sore kiss to his forehead. I also need to get some Vaseline to soothe this. “I’d be happy to join you for breakfast then.”

  The joyous expression on Colin’s face was stronger than sharing a meal should inspire, but Roddy understood that Colin had been alone in the world for a while. He’d need a lot of attention. Roddy didn’t mind, though. Not only was Colin irresistible, Roddy was sure that in return he’d have a happy and content man who’d also dote on him.

  “That’s swell. Let me go brush my teeth then we can go downstairs.” As he hurried toward the bathroom, he called over his shoulder. “Javier brought a brush for you too when he delivered the clothes.”

  “Do you mind sharing your tooth powder with me then?” Roddy ambled into the bathroom, content to continue watching Colin go through his morning rituals. He couldn’t name why, but the action filled him with contentment.

  “Of course not.” Colin glanced his way briefly, his voice a bit shy as he spoke. “You can have anything you want from me.”

  Roddy grinned.

  A treasure indeed.

  Once they’d completed their grooming routine, Colin asked properly if he could take Roddy’s hand to lead him down to the staff dining area. Their journey as a couple learning to become lovers as well as partners in the pursuit of sadomasochistic enjoyments was well on its way.

  “Good morning, Master Roddy.” Javier acknowledged him with a nod then let his gaze drift over to Colin as he raised his eyebrows, a slight curl at the corner of his mouth. “And Colin.”

  When does that man ever sleep?

  “Good morning, Javier.” Colin sucked in a breath as if he’d been about to speak, but he turned to Roddy instead. “Sir? Would you like me to ask about breakfast or would you prefer to do it?”

  “You go on ahead, darling. You know more about the procedures here than I do.”

  “Javier? I know that the club is closed to members right now, but since Master Saul said Master Roddy could stay over, can he eat breakfast with me this morning? Please?”

  Javier cleared his throat as if trying to maintain what seemed to be a very practiced stern demeanor. Roddy wondered if he was like that naturally, or if it was part of his role at the club.

  “Yes, he may.” Javier turned to Roddy. “You’re more than welcome to dine or spend your time however you wish with Colin during your stay here at Hampton Road. The only restrictions would be when he is needed to complete his chores or in the use of the private rooms outside of the normal club hours.”

  “That’s very considerate of you and Master Saul. When might you think I could meet with him? I need to complete my membership payment as well as get my training schedule.” Roddy elbowed Javier in the ribs, causing the manager’s eyes to widen. “I’m anxious to get started, set my sights on the future. By the by, do you know of a good car service available for hire? I do need to get to the train station still.”

  “No need, Sir. I’ll have Michael drive you once you’ve finished your meal. I’ll also contact Master Saul by nine when he typically rises at his home. I should have an answer for you by then.”

  “Why, thank you. The membership here is most definitely worth the price.”

  So Saul doesn’t live here.

  Roddy thought he understood why. The members and staff would likely be pestering him around the clock. It also explained why Javier held such authority. He had to run everything.

  They poured their coffees from the silver server on the sideboard as they waited for the dishes to be brought out. Gradually, more staff members joined them and Roddy had the chance to introduce himself to the men. Once the platters of food were in place, he was surprised, yet pleased, that everyone deferred to him, allowing him to go first.

  Ah, yes. Being a Master is the obvious way to go.

  After Roddy loaded his plate with eggs, sausage, fruit and a couple of biscuits, he strolled back to the long cherry wood table to take his seat. Right as he set his breakfast down, Colin appeared next to him, hurriedly pulling out Roddy’s chair.

  “Let me help you, Sir.” Colin indicated to Roddy’s food. “Is this what you normally like? I can get it for you next time. Unless you want something different, then you could tell me.” Colin’s cheeks pinked. “I can also cook these same things for when…” He cleared his throat. “For when we have our own home. I’ve been cooking for grandmother since I was twelve and she said my food was very good.”

  Roddy couldn’t hold back a grin, even if it did pull on his lip. “I’m sure it’s wonderful!” He lowered himself onto the chair as Colin helped push it in then fussed over him, placing the red linen napkin on his lap then straightening the cutlery. “Thank you, darling. Now go get yourself some food so we can eat together.” Roddy winked.

  “Would you like some orange juice? It’s fresh-squeezed.”

  “Oh, now that would be a treat. We don’t get much in the way of that where I’m from.”

  Colin appeared aghast at such a revelation. “Then let me get you some right away!”

  He rushed back to the sideboard, plucking a small glass from the surface. Then Colin poured the bright orange liquid into it from a large cut crystal pitcher. Roddy watched with concern, the container appearing quite heavy. He wondered at Colin’s ability to wield it without dire consequences.

  Strong little thing.

  Roddy imagined all the hard work Colin did contributed to his strength as compared to his size. A warmth spread through him as he observed his submissive and he was startled to realize it was pride. Since Colin had filled the glass right to the brim, he stepped with slow, careful movements to bring it to him.

  “Here you go, Sir. If you’d like any more I’d be happy to bring it to you.”

  Roddy accepted Colin’s offering then set it down. He crooked his finger for Colin to come closer. He tilted his head but obeyed Roddy’s unspoken request. Roddy planted a kiss on Colin’s cheek as he patted his behind.

  “That’s a good boy. But now you need to get some food for yourself.”

  “Okay, Sir. I’ll be right back. But you go ahead and start so your eggs and sausage don’t get cold.”

  Roddy snickered. “Oh, darling. Now that I’ve met you, I doubt my sausage will ever be cold again.”

  Colin’s eyes widened for a moment then he sputtered out a small laugh. “Sir!”

  He bit his lip, giving Roddy a shy smile before rushing to do as Roddy had asked. Roddy glanced around the table, not at all embarrassed that the others were observing them subtly, some pretending they weren’t at all. It filled him with more peace, more joy. Yet another example of something he’d never been allowed before—sharing a bit of open affection with his lover in front of others as they shared a quiet meal.

  At last Colin settled next to him with his own impressive plate of food.

  “Do you know how to make biscuits, darling? What about the gravy for them?”

  Colin had broken his own in half and was in the process of slathering butter over one piece. He stared at the bread in his hand then glanced up at Roddy with a questioning expression.

  “Gravy? For the biscuits?” He wrinkled his nose then clapped a hand over his mouth. “I’m sure it’s very good, Sir. Sorry.” His expression changed to one of worry as he furrowed his brow. “I don’t know how to do that,
but I can learn. I’ll ask Chef Jean if he knows what you’re talking about.”

  Roddy shook his head with a smile. “I’m afraid the recipe for that isn’t a chef’s domain. This is something made with a mother’s love and learned in a family kitchen.” Roddy could see that he was only adding to Colin’s agitation. “Darling, you mustn’t fret over every little thing you don’t know how to do for me yet.” He leaned in to whisper in Colin’s ear. “We have forever to learn about each other.”

  “But…” Colin’s eyes watered. “My grandmother never taught me and I don’t know your mother. I can try though. If she wouldn’t mind writing down the ingredients for me, I’ll do my very best to make them for you.”

  Roddy squeezed his shoulder. “Of course you will. That’s why you’re my darling.”

  Colin beamed up at him, the melancholy instantly gone at a mere few words from Roddy. It gave him a sense of power he’d never experienced before.

  After making a mental note to write to his mother for not only the biscuit and sausage gravy recipe, but also her rhubarb pie, he shoveled more egg into his mouth. All the discussion of recipes and home kitchens made him anxious to locate a house as soon as was feasible for him and Colin to call their own.

  The moment Roddy had finished, Colin jumped up. “Can I get you some more, Sir?”

  “No, darling.” He patted his stomach. “I’m stuffed to the gills.” He pulled Colin to him by his waist, knowing his lover needed touch more than words for reassurance. “I’ll be leaving you to your chores while I gather my belongings. Then I need to go to the bank and take care of a few other errands. I’ll be back later this evening when I hope to meet with Saul to discuss my training.”

  “I understand. I’ll miss you. Is there anything I can do for you while you’re gone?”

  Roddy placed his napkin on the table then rose. He embraced Colin, who immediately wrapped his arms around Roddy’s middle.

  “I’ll miss you too, darling. But you go on and take care of your responsibilities here at Hampton for now. I’ll get everything arranged once I’ve met with Saul. Later then?”

  He nodded enthusiastically, smiling wide. “Later.”

  With one last kiss to Colin’s cheek, Roddy embarked on the first day of his new life.

  * * * *

  “You should’ve seen Colin earlier.” Saul took a puff of his cigar as he relaxed in a wing chair in the study. “He’s been like an agitated squirrel all day. I’m not sure what to make of it.”

  Aaron and Theodore had joined him as they waited for Roddy to return from his errands.

  Aaron chuckled. “I can’t comment on earlier, but when I first arrived with Sam, he was racing around, dusting and polishing.” Aaron took a sip of water. “Oh, and loudly singing.”

  “Singing?” Theodore smiled warmly. “I’m gone for a week and come back to a newly rejuvenated Colin.”

  “Mmm.” Saul nodded. “I suppose that’s one way to put it.”

  “Do you think he’s lost his virginity then?” Aaron arched his eyebrows.

  Saul grunted. “He wasn’t walking funny from what I could tell.”

  Theodore snorted.

  “And anyway, it’s none of our business.” Saul let out a sigh.

  “Saul. Remember what I said last night.” Saul glanced up to see Aaron considering him with a compassionate expression. “I know he’s young, but if he were living a different life, he could be married and off on his own earning a living wage by now.”

  Theodore nodded. “Very true. And in his particular case, he could’ve had a much worse time of it. He didn’t know anyone here, was naïve and too trusting when he arrived. Instead, he’s found a man who, from the sounds of it, is quite smitten and willing to do the right thing by getting some training on how to master a submissive. He seems like a good fellow who wants the best for Colin.”

  “I know, I know.” Saul couldn’t fathom why he was so cranky. He sucked on his stogie, frowning. “I suppose…”

  I’ll miss him.

  It’d never occurred to Saul in all his years that not having children would be something he’d regret. He’d barely thought about having his own lover, his own submissive. Enjoying himself with many lovers when he was young, then conceiving and implementing the idea of Hampton Road, had taken up all of his time and attention. But something about Colin had triggered that particular need inside.

  “Saul, he’s not going away for good.” Aaron reassured him. “I’m certain Roddy will want to bring him here on a regular basis. After all, he just paid a hefty amount for a full membership.”

  “I suppose you’re right, old sport. He probably won’t take young Colin away. It’s simply that he only arrived here for the first time yesterday. What if he decides this isn’t the town for him, misses his family too much, then takes Colin back with him to Kentucky?” Saul pressed his lips together. “Or even worse for Colin, leaves him behind.”

  Theodore let out a heavy sigh. “You’re depressing me, Saul.”

  Aaron threw his hands up in the air. “It’s been less than twenty-four hours. Give them a chance to work this all out.” He shook his head, chuckling. “Just because Roddy’s also young, it doesn’t mean he’s a scoundrel or incapable. And wasn’t it the point that he be young when Ned and I went on the search for a Master who would appeal to Colin?”

  Saul stubbed out his cigar then crossed his arms. “All right. I’ll stop. Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” he grumbled.

  A firm knock sounded and Saul checked his pocket watch. “Ah. Must be the young Master now.” He called out loudly, “Come in.”

  All the men stood as Roddy entered the room, the same jolly expression highlighting his features. It helped Saul relax a bit more. One of his concerns was that the apparent ingestion of alcohol from the previous night had contributed to his enthusiasm over Colin and joining the club.

  “Gentlemen! So glad to be back.”

  Roddy extended his hand to each one of them in turn, and when he got to Theodore, Saul introduced them. At last, they all took their seats.

  “How’s my darling doing? I didn’t notice him when I came in.”

  Saul sucked in a breath to reply when there was a telltale knock on the door. It was strong, yet the lack of thud in the wood indicated it was the product of a smaller man.


  “Come in, boy.”

  The door pushed open slowly, then Colin peered around it. He gasped as his eyes locked on Roddy.

  “Sir!” His gaze flitted to Saul’s then back to Roddy’s as he trembled excitedly around the door. “Can I…?”

  Saul was about to answer, but he turned to Roddy instead. Might as well get things underway. “Are you claiming Colin as your boy?”

  “Why yes! Wholeheartedly.” Roddy’s brow furrowed. “Is there something more official I need to do?”

  “Not necessarily. Although if you’re looking at establishing a long association, many of the Masters provide their boys with a collar, or brand them as a clear statement of ownership.”

  Roddy paled. “B-brand? You mean the same way a rancher…?” He swallowed hard. “I most certainly won’t do that to Colin.”

  Theodore interjected. “It’s not that unusual and on occasion, the submissive himself requests it. Such a permanent thing helps them to feel cherished, that they belong. My boy, Francesco, happily wears my initials branded into his ass.”

  Aaron grinned. “Yes. He showed it off to my Sam the moment he met him. Put the idea in his head.”

  Roddy regarded Aaron. “So Sam, he has one too?”

  “He begged me to do it. His is on his hip. And Ned? He and his boy both have each other’s initials branded on their shoulders. They did a beautiful ceremony recently here at the club.”

  Saul interjected. “As a matter of fact, Ned also came up with the idea of entering into a type of contract with Evan. They made promises to each other as Master and submissive. Genius, really.” Saul huffed. “Don’t know why I never thought of i

  “Evan and Sam love their marks and Ned told me all about his contract.”

  Everyone turned to Colin, who was practically climbing the door.

  Saul held in a laugh. An older Master never would’ve worked for him. Too excitable. Although, he had to admit to himself that Theodore had done rather well with the highly strung Francesco.

  “Darling? Is there something you should be doing right now?”

  Colin’s chin dropped to his chest. Saul watched with interest as Roddy got up then hurried to his boy’s side.

  “There now. None of that.” Roddy encouraged Colin to raise his head by cupping his cheek. “That’s better. I need to meet with the Masters right now. You want me to catch up to you in my training, don’t you? It won’t do us any good if I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “You’re right, Sir. I just got excited when I found out you were back, that’s all. And since I’m done with my work for today and I’m not going in the submissives’ waiting room anymore, I don’t know what to do.”

  Roddy laughed. “Don’t ever apologize for that!” Roddy pulled a suddenly smiling Colin to his side, then whispered something in his ear.

  Colin shook his head vigorously, frowning. “Of course not. I’m yours now. I’ll never go near there again.”

  “That’s my good boy.” Roddy held Colin close as he turned to Saul. “I’m afraid I don’t know his schedule or everything that’s expected of him here. Do you have any suggestions as to how he could occupy his time while I work on my training?”

  Saul was pleased that Roddy had seemed to make sure that Colin didn’t make himself available to any other Masters. He decided to try another avenue to check Roddy’s reaction. “We do have some wonderful demonstrations planned this evening and Colin always enjoys those.”

  Theodore coughed into his fist while Aaron put a hand to his forehead, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Colin appeared mortified by Saul’s suggestion.

  “Uh, Colin gave me an idea what those demonstrations might be like. Would this evening’s be the same?”

  “Well, I don’t know what Colin’s told you, but by way of example, tonight’s show will feature our two bouncers, Bruce and George, with their new boy. George will be inserting his entire fist into the submissive’s rectum while Bruce educates the audience on the best techniques for breaking in a man who’s never experienced that particular act before.”


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