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Shifter’s Coven Alpha

Page 2

by Marteeka Karland

  “Who are you?” Her voice quavered, but she didn’t budge from her protective position.

  “I’m Mr. Monroe’s bodyguard. Who the blue fuck are you?”

  A cold shiver went through her. His words were angry, harsh, but his voice was anything but. He wasn’t the kind of man who needed to raise his voice. He got his point across by simply being there.

  “Well, Mr. Bodyguard, sir, your charge had himself a nasty accident.” This man might scare her pants off, but if he truly was Wade’s bodyguard, he was the only way she was getting Wade inside. Rolling over and showing her belly wasn’t the way to get him to do her bidding. “So, just where the hell were you when he was getting his car smashed to bits by an eighteen wheeler?”

  He pushed past her and looked around the car. “Where’s Sasha?”


  At the sound of the bodyguard’s voice, the lion cub pushed through the blanket on the back floorboard she had buried herself in, but she didn’t completely come out of hiding. Gennive opened the rear passenger’s door and gathered little Sasha in her arms. The big man held out his hand to Sasha, who promptly licked his fingers and butted the thick tips with her head. She didn’t purr.

  “Look, Wade told me to take care of Sasha no matter what. I think he intended for me to take her home with me, but she obviously means a great deal to him. With Wade out like this and unable to tell me for certain, I don’t like the idea of taking her away from him.”

  “I’ll take her.” He reached for Sasha, but Gennive backed away a step.

  “I wasn’t told to turn her over to the bodyguard.” Gennive did her best to look and sound stern. For one thing, she was actually quivering. The man simply vibrated with danger. “I was told to keep her safe. At all costs. You get Wade inside and look after him. I’ll keep watch over Sasha.”

  For several moments, they stood there in a silent war of wills. Finally, the large man stepped back and stuck out his hand. “Simon Vesper. Perhaps Wade chose wisely this time.”

  Gennive took the offered hand and gripped it firmly. While she contemplated the meaning, Simon hefted Wade into a fireman’s carry, kicked the door to her Taurus shut, and headed to the side entrance. Not knowing what else to do, Gennive followed him. If he didn’t want her there, she had no doubt Simon would kick her out.

  “Follow me. You’ll sleep in the adjoining suite. He’ll want Sasha close.”

  Simon led her down the hall and through the kitchen. The master suite was probably bigger than Gennive’s whole apartment, and it was adjoined by a second suite that might have been smaller, but she couldn’t tell. Both rooms faced the massive swimming pool surrounded by palm trees. A glass wall gave a breathtaking view of the man-made oasis. It was more than Gennive had ever even imagined in a home, much less a single room.

  Simon dropped a dark blue overnight bag on the bed. “You’ll need this. You’ll find sleepwear in the bureau.” Then he went back to Wade’s suite and closed the double doors, effectively shutting her out.

  If you need me, I’m here. She hoped her silent reassurance would penetrate Wade’s deep sleep, but there was no way she could tell.

  Gennive flopped down on the bed, her legs hanging off the edge. Sasha jumped up beside her, turned around a time or two, and cuddled against her.

  She really needed to go through Sasha’s things and change her own clothes. Hell, she needed to pee. But she couldn’t muster the strength to do anything. It had been an eventful evening and Gennive was just plain worn out. She sighed once, closed her eyes, and promptly fell asleep.

  * * *

  “I need you, Gennive.”

  Gennive still lay on the bed, but now she was naked, and Wade Monroe lay on top of her, urging her legs around his waist. At first she was shocked and confused, but the sensations were so real, the touch brushing her mind so tender, Gennive soon sighed and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Is this real?” Her question was a mere whisper, but she knew he heard her.

  Wade dipped his head to her mouth and claimed her lips. It wasn’t just a kiss. He claimed her, took what she knew was rightfully his and refused to let her go. Her head spun. His kisses were like a drug she couldn’t get enough of. Nothing in her meager sexual encounters had prepared her for the sensual onslaught she was experiencing now. Wade consumed her with only a kiss.

  “As real as you want it to be, my Gennive.” Wade didn’t stop kissing her. Just as he had before, he spoke directly into her head. His tongue danced with hers. He caressed her gently and coaxed her to explore him as well. “I’ve never in my life been so drawn to a woman. You will be mine, Gennive. I’ll have you. Coven be damned.”

  He felt so good against her, his big body covering hers in a protective embrace. She felt tiny underneath him. His muscles bunched and flexed underneath her touch. Those sensations alone were enough to make her cream her panties, but the way his cock brushed against her clit was the best sensation in the world.

  His kisses tantalized her with the promise of mind blowing sex to come. Gennive knew she should care that he was another woman’s man, but why she should care eluded her just now. She couldn’t think about anything other than the pleasure he created so effortlessly within her. Her orgasm was there, simmering just beneath the surface. All she had to do was reach for it…

  “That’s it, my Gennive.” His whisper caressed her as much as his body did. “Don’t hold back. Don’t hold back.”

  His mind-whisper tantalized her. If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake. To have a man as handsome and powerful as Wade Monroe interested in her was heady. To have him need her, crave her, was simply unbelievable. This had to be a dream. She was still in Wade’s guest suite with Sasha nestled into her side.

  With her wavering faith, the crystal clear image faded, but the sensations continued. “I will not let you go, Gennive.” He rocked gently against her. Nothing substantial remained but Wade’s face. His intense expression penetrated her soul, and Gennive just knew he could feel her arousal. Somehow, he knew how much his kisses affected her and he intended to use that to gain every advantage he could. She could feel his determination as if it were her own.

  Wade thrust against her, the bulge of his cock grazing her clit with every stroke. He wasn’t naked, though, and rough denim of his pants abraded her deliciously. Each movement pushed her closer and closer to the edge of a cliff and, God help her, she didn’t want to fall. She wanted to jump. Wanted to experience the sensation of flying she knew would be there just before she hit bottom. She knew it would be unlike anything she’d ever known before.

  Gennive reached for her climax with everything she had in her. Three more strokes, and she exploded in the most intense orgasm of her life. It took several seconds for the sensations to ebb, and once she came down from her post orgasmic high, she tried to put herself back into the fantastical dream world, so she could explore more of Wade’s body, but something pushed deeper into her side. Sasha? Now, even the pleasure died slowly as she struggled to awaken. The little feline needed her but Gennive couldn’t seem to break through the dream haze. With her attention diverted, Wade took over her dream once again. Everything came into focus and she stared into his eyes.

  “I’ll come for you when I’m whole again. Do not leave this house, Gennive. I’ll find you if you do, and I won’t be gentle.” With one last thrust of Wade’s hips, Gennive came. She gasped for breath that wouldn’t come. Her whole body seized and pulsed. Gennive wanted to scream, but somehow held it in. Wade fastened his mouth onto her neck and pulled. The love bite stung, but the slight pain made her orgasm even more intense. Every cell in her body hummed and sizzled with pent-up energy. Never in her life had she experienced anything so intense. Little pinpricks dotted her vision as she opened her eyes…

  …to find a naked little girl lying so close to her, she had almost rooted herself underneath Gennive.

  What the hell?

  Immediately, Gennive grabbed the edge of the comforter they lay
on and wrapped it over the tiny body. The girl had folded her knees into her chest and her skin was chilled. Gennive’s eyes landed on the bag Simon had handed her. She snatched it and opened it. The contents explained everything. Probably why both he and Wade had insisted she look through it before she went to bed. Inside it was clothing for a girl child. Everything was a child’s size five. Jeans, shirts, underwear, and a nightgown. There were socks and shoes also, as well as a stuffed puppy dog that looked like it had seen better days.

  “Sasha?” Gennive stroked the girl’s hair and stared in wonder. The lion cub wasn’t a pet after all. No wonder Wade and Simon were so protective of her.

  Carefully, Gennive dressed her for bed, turned down the covers, and gently moved the child to the pillow at the head of the big bed. Covering her up, she dropped a gentle kiss on top of her head.

  For a moment, Gennive just stood there watching the child and wondering what to do next. She was still weak in the knees from her wet dream. It seemed obscene. She wanted to put on some nightclothes and crawl into the bed with Sasha, but, given her shaky control on her mental guards, she couldn’t make herself. If Wade invaded her dreams again, she didn’t want to be in the same room with a child, let alone the same bed.

  Knowing she couldn’t leave Sasha alone but not knowing what else to do, Gennive grabbed the other pillow from the bed and curled up on a small sofa in front of a picture window that overlooked the valley below the house. A light throw draped over the back was big enough to cover her and she pulled it to her chin. It wasn’t particularly cold, but she shivered anyway. This had to be the strangest day of her life, and she had a feeling it would get worse before it got better.

  Damned good thing she had her own paranormal abilities. Otherwise, she’d probably have run away screaming a long time ago. As it was, she was probably losing her mind. She just hoped she’d get some answers before she did. Looked like her mother had been right. Nothing was ever what it seemed.

  Chapter Three

  Wade’s head pounded. It always did after something like this. That, combined with the young woman in the next room who called to everything inside him wolfen, was enough to make him lose control of his telepathic abilities. He’d projected his lust onto her while she slept. He’d known from the second his mind had touched hers he had to have her.

  Being an Alpha wolf had its advantages, but sometimes they popped up at the most inconvenient of times. There was an innocence about her. She carried no preconceived notions and had enough paranormal ability to not judge him for his own abilities. Not only that, but she wasn’t a member of any pack or coven. Unlike his promised mate, she had no agenda of her own. She’d been in his mind, though limited by his blocks, and had allowed him into hers. She hadn’t even tried to block him, only embraced him and his presence. There had been nothing but a desire to help and only a mild irritation at herself for doing his bidding without question.

  He smiled at that last. She was surrendering to her Alpha without even realizing it.

  Add that to the way she’d protected Sasha from everyone -- including Simon -- and she was perfect for him. Everything he’d ever wanted. The way she’d responded sexually during her dream thrilled him even more. That was an unexpected bonus. He had been more interested in someone to protect Sasha when he couldn’t be there than a sexual partner, but she would definitely be that to him if he had his way.

  More than that, actually. While in her mind, during their wild flight, Wade had seen within her the capacity for more love and compassion than anyone he’d ever known. Including himself. She wouldn’t be a sexual partner without offering him her heart. It was all or nothing with her, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for that as a man. The wolf within him, however, knew exactly what he wanted. It was an impossible reconciliation.

  Wade sat up and scrubbed his hand through his hair and over his face. He’d deal with that later. Right now, he needed a shower and a bottle and a half of aspirin.

  “About time. I was beginning to think I needed to call the Healer.” Simon’s deep bass voice rumbled at him from across the room. He sat in a recliner facing the bed. There was no question that the other man had been up all night watching over him, but he showed no sign of weariness.

  “No. I’m fine. How are Sasha and Gennive?”

  Simon rose slowly, allowing his massively tall and muscled body to unfold from the chair in the most dramatic fashion. The man just loved to impress people with his sheer size and bulk. It definitely helped at times, but Simon was wasting the effect on him. “Why did you trust Sasha’s safety to a complete stranger?”

  Ah. That explained his show of strength. Bruised feelings. “Because I don’t know what happened out there. Just before that semi plowed into me, I got a mental…” He struggled for the words to describe what he’d felt. “…twitch. I don’t think it was an accident.”

  Simon raised one dark brow. “Dark Witches?”

  “I’m not sure. I just knew I had to keep Sasha safe. If someone was out to kill me, I wanted to put as much distance between me and her as I could. Finding Gennive was a stroke of luck I didn’t question.”

  “Could have been too lucky. What if she’s in on it?”

  “No. I was in her mind. She’s mildly telepathic, but hasn’t developed her abilities. I don’t think she’s used them much. It felt like she was working on pure instinct instead of skill.”

  “I sensed much the same. I just wanted to make sure you felt it too.” Simon paced a couple of steps away from Wade before adding, “I still think you should have left Sasha with me.”

  “She’s not yours to protect, my friend. I’ve got her well in hand.”

  “I wish I could say the same about you, Wade. It disturbs me more than I can say that you believe someone tried to kill you.”

  “You and me both, Simon.” Wade took a moment to gather his thoughts. “What do you suggest we do? Pretend it didn’t happen? Deny it was anything other than a minor accident? Do you think the pack would believe it?”

  Simon shrugged. “Wouldn’t matter. You’re alive and healed. You’re still the Alpha.”

  “I want you to look into this on your own. Don’t leave it to the hunters. I want you and your team on it. Quietly. If anyone in the hierarchy is behind this, I want to know.”

  “Indeed. I’m leaving Micha here to watch over you and Sasha. He’ll keep a distance, but be there if you need him.”

  “Include Gennive in his charge.”

  Simon raised an eyebrow. “Her work is done. I’m sure she’ll want to go home.”

  “I don’t intend to let her, Simon. She’s mine. That’s between us. I don’t want to make her a target. If I keep her here with Sasha, no one will suspect she’s anything to me other than a babysitter.”

  “You’re kidding. Right? If it is the Dark Witches, they’ll know. Much as I hate to admit it, since you agreed to a union with Vivian, they seem to know every move you make. You need to get rid of the woman. If you want to protect her, send her away until we figure this out.”

  Wade shook his head. Simon was right, but he couldn’t do it. He’d known it from the second he’d looked into her lovely face. “Not an option. I don’t know why, but I can’t. I won’t.”

  “Wolves mate for life, Wade. You promised yours to Vivian. She might have fled back to the Dark Witches, but she’s still your promised mate.”

  “We went through the betrothal ceremony, yes, but she’s not my mate. We never sealed the promise.”

  Wade could easily read the shock on the other man’s face. He couldn’t really blame Simon. It was hard for him to believe it himself, let alone expect anyone else to understand. Vivian was a beautiful, exotic woman. But the sexual attraction just wasn’t there.

  “If you tell me you haven’t consummated the promise, I’ll kick your ass for lying to me.”

  “I swear, Simon, I just couldn’t do it. I mean --” He paused and took a breath. It was the only time he’d ever breathed a word of his failed covenant t
o anyone. “I really couldn’t do it. Damned witch cursed me. Told me I’d never be able to touch her, and I never have. Couldn’t have even if I’d wanted to. Not that I ever really had any inclination to.”

  “That’s just…”


  “Cruel. No wonder you sent her away.”

  Wade smiled. “Well, she got the alliance she wanted between the pack and Witches. I supposed that’s all she was after.” He shook his head once. This was the part that bothered him. “I just know the woman is up to something. The only way to back out of the betrothal and still save face is to prove she entered into it with malice. Other than just not liking me, I have no idea what it could possibly be.”

  “Hmm.” Simon was obviously thinking things over. He often did when Wade had a bad feeling but had nothing else to offer but intuition. “Keep your woman, Wade. Keep her close. Sasha too. I’ll be back when I can.”

  Simon opened the door, shifted into the large silver wolf that was his pack form, and bounded off without another word. Something in the back of Wade’s mind told him this whole situation wasn’t good. Not good at all.

  * * *

  Gennive woke when little Sasha crawled onto the couch beside her, molding herself into Gennive, and pulled the blanket around her tiny body. She pulled Gennive’s arm around her as if she needed the security of an adult to feel safe.

  “You OK, sweetheart?” Gennive whispered her question, kissing the top of Sasha’s head as she did.

  “Yeah. Where’s Daddy?” The girl’s voice was quiet and small. She was obviously still scared and needed Gennive’s comfort and reassurance.


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