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Shifter’s Coven Alpha

Page 6

by Marteeka Karland

  Sasha’s eyes had rolled back in her head, and she frothed at the mouth. Gennive screamed, “Sasha!” as the child started to convulse. Gennive flung open the door and screamed for help. Sasha’s seizure became more and more violent, and Gennive gathered her in her arms as best she could. “Somebody help me!” She had no idea what was wrong. All she knew was the aura around Sasha suddenly turned black.

  Gennive dove headlong into Sasha’s mind. Even though the child wasn’t conscious, Gennive might be able to glean information if she looked carefully enough. What she found wasn’t what she was expecting.

  You should have let him die when you had the chance. Now you’ll die by his hand.

  Gennive tried to call out to Wade. Before she could, however, a block was slammed down on her so hard, she fell backward against the side of the couch where she sat with Sasha. When the first of several women entered Wade’s den, Gennive was too stunned to do anything other than look at them with her mouth open.

  “What’s happening?” One woman went to Sasha’s side and pulled the child from Gennive’s arms. She checked Sasha’s pulse before rushing to her feet and handing the little girl to another woman. “Get her to the Healer. Quickly.” She looked at Gennive. “Did you call for Wade?” The quick way the woman had snatched Sasha from her suggested she thought Gennive might have had something to do with the child’s sudden illness. Then it occurred to her, that was exactly what the others were supposed to think. It was the one thing Wade would be angry enough to kill her over.

  “No. I tried, but I’m being blocked.” Gennive was shaken, and felt like part of her was missing. But she’d lived her entire life without using her telepathic abilities so she wasn’t about to panic now. Whoever that voice had belonged to wasn’t going to defeat her so easily.

  “Blocked by whom?”

  “I’m not sure. She’s done something to Sasha, though. She’s trying to take over her body through a mind thread. Sasha’s fighting her, and you see the result.” Gennive stood and wrapped her arms around herself. “Whoever she is, though, she’s dangerous. She’s willing to hurt -- even kill -- Sasha in order to get to Wade. It’s insane.”

  “Vivian?” The woman raised an eyebrow.

  “I don’t think so. This voice sounded like an older woman. You know, like you can sometimes tell an older person on the phone by the quality of their voice? That’s how it sounded in my head.”

  An old man entered the room then. Well, “old” if one judged him by the wrinkles on his face and the long snow-white hair hanging to his shoulders. He stood straight and proud. The chest exposed by the dip in his shirt still held a fair amount of muscle, as did his arms.

  “It’s Deloris, Vivian’s mother. We’ve been after the wrong witch all along.”

  “Are you certain, Grandel? She hasn’t shown herself since before this fiasco began. It’s not her style.”

  “I’d bet my life on it, Taley. Deloris is nothing if not cunning. The young woman was right.” Grandel waved a hand in Gennive’s direction. “Vivian was set up to take the fall for someone else. Why we didn’t suspect her mother is beyond me.”

  “You didn’t because she didn’t want you to,” Gennive said. “The same way Vivian was able to block Wade and Simon before, this woman only let slip what she wanted to. She’s blocking my telepathic abilities now, thinking I’d be vulnerable enough for her to force me to implicate myself.”

  Grandel snorted. “But since you’ve only just stopped fighting your abilities, it didn’t distress you enough for her to plant the suggestion.”

  “Exactly. I don’t know how all this stuff works, but I’m guessing she did something similar to Wade to get him to marry Vivian.”

  “I’ve alerted Wade and Simon to what’s happened. They’ll be along shortly.” Grandel reached for Gennive’s hand, and she let him have it. “Come with me, young lady.” His grip was firm but gentle, and he guided her to the Healer’s den. There, on a feather bed, Sasha lay looking pale and drawn, but peaceful.

  “How is the girl, Marla?” Grandel’s voice was quite and respectful when he greeted the slender woman Gennive presumed was the Healer.

  Marla smiled warmly at Grandel. “She’ll be fine. Indeed, it was Deloris invading her mind. Sasha put up a magnificent struggle, though. There’s no doubt she’s got witch’s blood in her along with that of the Lion.”

  “Any idea which coven?”

  “Unfortunately, no. Given the fact that she was abandoned in her cub form, though, I’m guessing she’s part Dark Witch. It’s probably why Deloris didn’t care to harm her.”

  Gennive shivered. “I can’t imagine anyone being willing to harm a child, no matter the situation.”

  “Deloris is…” Marla trailed off and looked at Grandel as if needing him to supply the words.

  “Not well. She has ideals that don’t fall in line with any decent individual and she’ll be the downfall of the Dark Witch Coven if they don’t see her illness before she does something unforgivable.”

  “Are they all bad, then?” Gennive asked, needing to understand in an effort to help Wade and Sasha.

  “Oh, heavens, no!” Marla looked almost scandalized, and Gennive blushed.

  “I meant no disrespect --”

  “And I took none, dear.” The fragile-looking Healer took Gennive’s hand in her own. Her grip was surprisingly firm and warm, though a tad bony. Like Grandel, her face was lined with deep wrinkles, but her eyes looked as if they loved to laugh and laughed often. Her hair fell down her back almost to the floor. Instead of the painfully white color of Grandel’s, however, it was fine and slightly thin, and held more shades of gray. “The Dark Witches are complicated, indeed. They dabble in magic generally forbidden, but most of them temper it and find a way to use it that benefits the entire coven. They don’t usually turn that into a reason to harm other covens or shifter packs. Deloris, however, has had a hard life, and her views on the way things should be have become distorted.”

  “That’s no excuse for this, Marla.”

  Wade’s presence filled the small den. Gennive still couldn’t sense him, but she didn’t need to be a telepath to read the anger radiating from him. She actually took a step away from him, making sure not to get between him and Sasha. She had a feeling, no matter how much he said he loved her, now would not be a good time to come between him and his daughter. Which was how it should be in times like these.

  Instead of rushing straight to Sasha, though, he snagged Gennive’s hand and took her with him. He knelt beside the bed and took Sasha’s hand gently in his own.

  “Is she all right?” His voice was husky, and Gennive could see he was hurting. Wade spared Marla a glance before looking back at his daughter.

  “She’s fine.” Marla smiled reassuringly. “You have a strong little girl there. Not one witch in a thousand could have fought off another telepath with that kind of a mind hold on her.” Marla laid a hand on Wade’s shoulder. “She needs rest, but she’s fine. You can take her home with you, if you like, but I’d prefer to watch her here. If you don’t mind, that is.”

  Wade squeezed Gennive’s hand. “Are you comfortable with that?”

  Gennive was taken aback. She’d never expected Wade to ask her opinion, much less ask if she were comfortable with the situation and treat her as if it really mattered to him that she agree in the plan for Sasha’s care.

  “I am if you are. I’ve grown to love Sasha very much, but she’s your daughter.”

  “Soon to be our daughter, Gennive. Besides,” Wade looked at her seriously, “what matters most is the love you feel for each other. Like me, she’s a child of your heart. That gives you a say in her care.” He urged her to her feet before turning to Marla. “If you need us, we’ll be in the Elders’ Den. If we’re not there, we’ll be in mine.”

  Marla smiled. “I hope you find peace, Wade. I think this woman is definitely right for you. She cares. About you. About Sasha.”

  Wade blessed Gennive with a heart-stopping smil
e so filled with love it made her heart hurt. “I know. I care about her, too.” He dropped a lingering kiss on Gennive’s lips. She thought she should be embarrassed at the obvious show of affection in front of Marla and Grandel, but she wasn’t.

  Grandel, the sly old wolf, had been watching them with open curiosity since Wade entered. Now he cleared his throat before speaking. “Well, now. Let’s get you two to the Elders’ Den. Wade? You brought Vivian?”

  Wade tensed visibly and Gennive wished fervently she could break through the spell that had her telepathy blocked. She needed to know what Wade was feeling in order to help him through whatever happened next.

  “I have. Simon sits guard over her with the Elders.”

  “Shall we go then?”

  Grandel led the way. When they reached the den entrance, he stopped and faced Gennive. “I just want you to know that, whatever happens, I know what you did to save Wade, Simon, and Sasha. You’re truly a powerful witch, but you’re an even more powerful friend. As long as I have any influence over this pack, you’ll always be welcomed here.”

  Gennive smiled. “You’ll always be welcomed in my home too, Grandel.” She fidgeted a little. No matter the support from one of the Elders, Gennive couldn’t help but be nervous. “Wherever that happens to be. Thanks. Thanks for being nice to me and for giving me a chance.”

  “You earned it. You saved the pack Alpha more than once, and you have a good heart. In my book, that makes you the ideal mate for Wade. Pack Alpha or not. He needs a strong woman to keep him in line.”

  Wade cleared his throat. “That will do, my friend.”

  Grandel chuckled as he entered the Elders’ Den and held the door open for Wade and Gennive. She didn’t know what was in store, but the auras surrounding her weren’t menacing. For the first time in her life, she welcomed the auras. Even if she was being blocked from her newly discovered telepathy, the ability to see a person’s aura was strong and still with her. Gennive never thought she’d welcome that power, much less embrace it. Now, it seemed as natural as breathing.

  Looking around her, even Vivian held her no ill will. For the first time in more than three days, the auras around the room didn’t waver. Nothing was dependent on the decisions made today. No one was in danger of death if she didn’t act to prevent it. Only the Hunter, Micha, had an aura that shifted. His aura was black streaked with red. He would meet a violent end, but it would happen because of his own actions.

  “We have spoken with the Dark Witch, Vivian, as to her part in the incidents today. She has confirmed she was indeed present at your house, but has denied she tried to kill you.”

  “Gennive suspected as much,” Wade said respectfully. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe her, Vivian.”

  Vivian looked terrified, but held her head high. She was obviously a strong woman and would accept her fate with dignity. When she spoke, her voice trembled slightly. “I’m sorry, Wade. I didn’t want any of this to happen, including our promised covenant. You’re a wonderful man, and any woman would be honored to have you as a mate, but…” She took a breath before continuing. “I never loved you. I know you didn’t love me, either. My mother…”

  “I know, Vivian.” Wade tried to be as gentle as he could. She was guilty of being weak in the face of her mother’s overbearing presence, but she didn’t deserve the fate that awaited her should she be found guilty of trying to assassinate the pack Alpha. “I saw her backhand you when we fought at my house, and we didn’t miss the change in how magic was used against us after she arrived. We could have escaped before she started her onslaught.”

  “Wade, my mother threatened Sasha. That’s why I agreed to force you into marriage with that spell she taught me. It’s why I attacked you at your house and why I didn’t just tell you or the Elders what was going on.”

  Wade narrowed his eyes. “But you always said you didn’t like children. You certainly didn’t take to Sasha easily, and she said you were always yelling at her.”

  Vivian winced. Tears trickled from her eyes in a genuine show of emotion that she quickly brushed away. “It was to protect her. And myself. Sasha was my sister’s child, but Mother had Sasha expelled and my sister purged of her magic and executed. Gods only know what she did to the poor man my sister married. All because she conceived a girl child.” She paused and shook her head as if trying to rid herself of the horrible memory. “I was afraid if I let myself get too close to her, Mother would do something else horrible to Sasha to hurt me. Mother intended for her to die when she abandoned her, but when you found her and took her in as your own, she came up with her ‘master plan.’ Wade, I think she’s lost her mind.”

  “And an insane Dark Witch is a dangerous thing indeed,” Grandel muttered. “We’re going to have to hunt down your mother, Vivian. You know that, right?”

  “Yes. Truth be known, our coven would probably hand her over if you approached them carefully. I can arrange a meeting with the Coven Elders if that’s what you want.”

  Grandel looked at her intently. “What would be your conditions?”

  “I have none. Any conditions they set would be between the two of you. I agree to approach them because it’s the least I can do after being a part of so much trouble and heartache for you and your clan.” She bowed her head submissively. “I’m at your mercy.”

  “Kill her, Elder Grandel.”

  Wade’s head snapped up at the sound of Micha’s voice. He’d forgotten the young Hunter was there. Now he was glad Micha had caught his attention. He had questions for the young man.

  “Hunter Micha,” he started before anyone else had the chance. “Where were you when Simon and I were fighting off the Dark Witches? You were left at the perimeter of my property to guard myself and Gennive and Sasha. Why didn’t you join the fighting?”

  Wade didn’t miss the fact that Vivian looked straight ahead and not at Micha. Her lips were compressed tightly together, and the skin around her eyes wrinkled ever so slightly.

  “I couldn’t get to you in time. When I got there, you’d already left.”

  “Simon made it, and he had been miles away.” Wade didn’t allow the young man any room to maneuver. When Micha said nothing, only stared at Vivian with eyes that would have loved to see her dead, Wade continued. “You were in on it, weren’t you.” It was not a question.

  “The bitch talked. They told you what would happen if you talked.” Micha’s voice was low and deadly.

  “I know,” Vivian answered. “It’s out of my hands now. If I’m to die, then I’ll meet that end with as clear a conscience as I can have.”

  The movement was so fast, Wade almost missed it. Thank goodness Simon had been prepared. Micha lunged at Vivian, who’d closed her eyes and waited for the fatal blow. Simon shifted and met Micha’s attack with his claws. With a deafening roar, Simon lunged and hit Micha square in the chest with one hand. Micha stumbled forward, this time aiming his attack at Simon. With one, swift motion, Simon impaled his hand through the young Hunter’s chest and ripped out his heart. Micha had a moment to look surprised before the light faded from his eyes and his face and body went slack. Micha crumpled to the floor without a sound.

  Simon dropped the heart and shifted back to his human form, blood dripping from his hand to the body beneath him. “My sincerest apologies, Elders. It was never my intent to spill blood here.”

  “Sometimes it can’t be helped, my boy.” Grandel shook his head sadly. “I knew Micha when he was just a pup. Gods only know why he did this.”

  “He was promised he’d be named Alpha when Wade was killed,” Vivian supplied quietly. She turned to Wade. “I was supposed to get pregnant with a boy child, then kill you. Micha was told he could marry me and hold the title of Alpha until our son was old enough to take over. I tried to explain to Mother it didn’t work that way, but she insisted she could make it so. Given how her powers have grown since I started noticing a change in her behavior, I’m sure she could have done anything she said she could.”

; A sudden realization came over Wade. “That’s why…” He trailed off, and a flush crept up his face.

  Vivian took pity on him and finished for him, taking the blame on herself. “It’s why I hexed you. I didn’t want to take a chance on becoming pregnant. I just told Mother that I had been unable to conceive. I thought that problem would keep her busy long enough for me to figure a way out for both of us.”

  Wade moved to Vivian and pulled her into a gentle embrace. Vivian buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed quietly. “I’m sorry you were put in the middle of this, Vivian.”

  “It’s my own fault. I’m not a weak-willed woman, Wade. If I’d just stood up to Mother --”

  “You’d probably be dead, just like your sister.”

  Gennive turned away. She felt like an intruder at this point. The block was still firmly in place, and she couldn’t touch Wade’s mind to know what he was thinking or feeling. Did he want to give Vivian another chance, or had he merely connected with her for the first time in their relationship and felt the pain she’d obviously gone through?

  She’d just decided to slip out and go check on Sasha when a strong hand grabbed her upper arm and pulled her around. Wade looked at her with such possessive passion she gasped.

  “Just where do you think you’re going, young lady?”

  “Uh, to check on Sasha?”

  “Are you asking me, or telling me?” Wade’s intense look caused her insides to flutter. This was the man who’d kissed and touched her so passionately only a few nights before. This was the man she wanted to give herself to over and over again.

  She took a breath to calm her screaming nerves. “I just didn’t want to intrude, Wade. I can’t read you. I’m still blocked. If you wanted to try to make things work between you and Vivian, I didn’t want to hinder you.” Gennive couldn’t stop her hand as it found its way to Wade’s cheek and caressed him lightly. She knew tears formed in her eyes, and she didn’t try to stop them. The last few days had left her so emotionally raw, she just didn’t have the energy. “I just want you to be happy. No matter what that entails.”


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