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Page 16

by Laura Catherine

  "AHHHH!" she screamed.

  I watched, unable to do anything as she fell to certain death, but just as she was about to hit the ground a large gym mat flew across the floor, stopping underneath Millie to break her fall. She hit the mat with such force it was unclear if she'd actually survived.

  I followed Nate as he ran toward her. I finally caught my breath when I spotted Millie lying in the centre of the mat, a little dazed, but otherwise unharmed.

  "You alright, Millie?" Nate asked, offering her a hand.

  "I'm fine. I'm fine," she repeated, fixing her hair. "Thanks, Seth."

  I looked to Seth who merely nodded, a trickle of blood falling from his nose.

  "Are you alright?" I said.

  Seth wiped his nose with his hand.

  "He'll be alright," Nate said. "He's still learning."

  I passed Seth a tissue from my pocket; he took it and scrunched it against his nose. "Wait," I said. "Did Seth just move that gym mat with his mind?"

  Millie and Nate laughed. "Seth's ability is telekinesis," Nate said.

  "And I can levitate," Millie added. "Well, when I concentrate."

  "But that's why we're here," Nate said. "To learn what our abilities are and how to control them."

  "You guys are so cool," I sighed, like a schoolgirl swooning over her crush. "I hope my ability is as awesome as yours, Seth."

  "It's not really that impressive," he said, averting his eyes.

  "You're kidding, right? You just saved Millie's neck," I said.

  Seth shifted uncomfortably and looked down, pretending to be very interested in his shoelaces.

  "Seth isn't great with praise … or people," Millie said. "Don't take it to heart. He'll open up once he gets to know you. It took a month for him to talk to me, so you're already doing better than I did."

  I liked Millie. I couldn't really explain it, because I'd only known her for a few minutes, but she was just so friendly and cheerful. She reminded me of Isabelle, but less intense and more girlie—like the person Mia had pretended to be when we were at school together.

  "Let's see if we can coax your ability out of you," Nate said. "Show us what you can do."

  * * *

  I stood in the middle of the training room with Millie, Nate and Seth watching me. I felt exposed and vulnerable, standing all by myself. I was used to being the best when it came to physical activities, but what I was trying to do was far from simply kicking a soccer ball around. I felt the pressure of it all, my parents, my friends, even people I hadn't met yet. I was the Djinn who came back after sixteen years and there were expectations. What if I couldn't preform?

  "What exactly do I do?" I asked, shifting from side to side, my hands slick with sweat.

  "We're going to put you through a series of tests to see if you show any signs of your ability," Nate replied.

  "Right." I nodded, still not feeling confident. "And ah … how does that go exactly?"

  Nate looked to Seth. "Seth, do you want to start?"

  Seth didn't say anything, merely stood in place, eyes locked on to me. His stare only made me feel more awkward than before. A bucket shook like there was an earthquake on the spot underneath it. Tennis balls erupted from the large bucket, bouncing toward me.

  "What do I do?" I said, dodging balls left, right and centre.

  "Try to deflect them with your mind," Nate called.

  "We're testing for telekinesis," Millie added.

  I put out my hands to protect my body but, honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. I concentrated on moving the balls away from me, but it felt more like wishing than anything else. Balls came at me from all directions, and the harder I concentrated on deflecting them, the more I seemed to get hit. Eventually, Seth ran out of balls, and I'd been hit more times than I could count.

  "I guess telekinesis isn't your thing," Millie said, thoughtfully rubbing her chin.

  "I feel like you're trying to kill me," I said.

  "I sensed something," Seth noted, as if I hadn't said a word, "but I can't be sure."

  I rubbed my arms and legs in the hopes of stopping the bruises that would surely be forming already.

  "What do you mean, you sensed something?" I asked.

  "Seth can also sense people's connections to their abilities, if they're strong enough," Nate said.

  I slumped my shoulders and sighed, feeling weak and silly. This was going to be next to impossible. I had no idea what I was doing. I ran my fingers through my hair and I wondered if the others sensed my desperation.

  "Don't worry, it might take more time with you," Nate said, offering me a bright smile. "Remember, we've been trying to get our abilities to work for years. You've only just started."

  "When did you get your abilities?" I asked.

  "Most Djinn start showing signs around fifteen, sixteen. I realised mine when I was twelve."

  "Of course you did." I didn't mean it to sound harsh at all. I knew Nate was only trying to help, but this was frustrating. "I'm seventeen, and I'm five years late."

  "Only two, really," Millie offered. "Nate is just an early bloomer. I didn't start showing until fifteen, and I thought it was never going to come."

  "Give it time," Nate said. "You're going to get your ability."

  "I know. I'm sorry." I put on a fake smile. "What's the next test?"

  Millie tried to get me to float with her by imagining I was light as a feather, but I didn't get any lift.

  Then Nate took four bowls, each filled with one of the elements: earth, fire, water and an empty bowl to represent air. He asked me to concentrate on each one to see if I felt even the most remote connection. I stared at them intently in turn, but I didn't feel anything, or maybe I did and I just didn't know it.

  The tests went on for hours, until it was almost dinnertime. With every new test they asked Seth and I if we felt anything, but I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to feel and Seth's response was always the same.

  "I felt something, but nothing definite."

  I didn't understand how he could feel something from every test I did but nothing "definite". When I asked Seth about it he merely shrugged.

  "It's not an exact science."

  That was true. In fact, it wasn't science at all. Each time I failed, my anger flared more and more, like someone poking a fire. Why couldn't I get this? Everyone else seemed to find it easy enough.

  "I think you just need more time to practice," Nate said, as we completed the last test. "It's still going to take the better part of the week to test all the basics. Don't worry, we'll keep trying."

  "Sure," I replied, not convinced at all. I'd lost all the excitement I had earlier. I think a part of me just thought I'd develop my ability straight away. That, somehow, being a Djinn entitled me to the powers without trying too hard. I was poorly mistaken.

  I sank to the floor, partly from exhaustion, partly out of desperation. Millie crouched beside me and squeezed my shoulder.

  "Nate's right, Kyra. Chin up! We'll keep trying," she said.

  "Training again tomorrow afternoon," Nate said, and offered me his hand. I took it, and he lifted me to my feet with ease. He was so strong and confident. I suppose he had to be, being the prince and all. Nate really did want to help me, and Millie and Seth did, too.

  Millie put her arm round my shoulder and beamed. "Mission: Find-Kyra's-Ability continues tomorrow."

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  "Kyra. Oh good you're home," Isabelle said as I walked through the front door.

  I'd hoped I could arrive and slip into my room unnoticed. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, and I was worried Isabelle's cheeriness would rub me the wrong way, but I put on a big fake smile and met her in the sitting room. The fire was crackling again, and the warmth hit me like a wave.

  "Hi, Mum," I said as she kissed my cheek.

  "Come, sit down." Isabelle pulled me over to the couch and sat me down.

  Ivan was standing by the fireplace, and I had a feeling of déjà
vu from my first day in the house. The way Isabelle and Ivan watched me made me feel like a naughty child, about to be reprimanded.

  "Did I do something …" I started, but Isabelle was quick to jump in.

  "Oh heavens, no," she said. "Quite the opposite. We have a surprise for you."

  I glanced from her to Ivan, who stood off to the side like he wasn't even a part of the room, let alone the conversation.

  "What is it?" I asked, hoping it wasn't more clothes.

  "Close your eyes," Isabelle said, and I did as I was told.

  The sound of something being dragged into the room was all I could hear, along with Isabelle saying "Shh, shh" a lot. After a few moments the sound stopped and my curiosity took over.

  I hadn't received presents very often when I was with Malcolm and, when I did, they were only small, because we didn't have a lot of money. That didn't matter, though; Malcolm always picked gifts that meant something to me, like when he bought me a copy of The Karate Kid DVD from the op shop; it was all about the little things he knew I'd love.

  I pushed the thoughts from my mind, knowing they were really nothing but empty gestures to gain my trust.

  "Okay, open your eyes," Isabelle said.

  My eyes fluttered open to see a large portable kennel sitting on the table. It was blue, and large enough to hold sheep, but that wasn't what was inside.

  "Is that a puppy?" I asked in disbelief.

  Isabelle clapped her hands together in rapid succession, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Oh, do you love it?"

  I leaned in closer to get a better look. The puppy was a grey and white Husky with bright blue eyes. I'd never seen a more beautiful creature in all my life.

  "He's mine?" I asked, just to make sure because, honestly, I didn't believe it.

  "Of course he is," Isabelle replied. "Here, let me get him for you."

  She rushed over to the cage, almost as excited as I was, and pulled the Husky puppy out. He was small for a puppy, probably the runt, but it only made him cuter. Isabelle held the puppy in her arms, bouncing it slightly, as if to settle a crying child.

  "Let Kyra hold it," Ivan said, leaning forward.

  I wasn't even sure why he was in the room really; this whole thing just wasn't his style at all.

  "I've put a basket for him in your room," Isabelle said, "and there's dog food in the kitchen, but you can keep a little in your room, too."

  "Isabelle!" Ivan snapped cutting her short. He quickly composed himself to a calmer tone. "Give Kyra the puppy." I could tell how tense he was from how rigid his body stood.

  "Okay, I'll take the puppy," I said, and took him from Isabelle's arms.

  They both watched me and I felt the weight of their eyes. After a few moments they let out a breath and relaxed, like they expected the puppy to explode when I touched it.

  Then I realised.

  "You bought me a puppy to see if I'd turn into one when I touched it?" I shouted, and from Isabelle's awkward glance, I knew I was right. "Seriously? You could have just asked me. I've touched plenty of dogs before, so don't worry. I won't ruin your reputation by turning into one and becoming a Guardjinn. I mean, heaven forbid I should turn into a dog!"

  The puppy shook in my arms and I felt bad for scaring him, but I was furious at how they had tricked me.

  "Darling, it isn't like that," Isabelle tried to explain.

  "I patted Will when he was a dog. He must have told you that."

  "Guardjinn dogs won't activate your transformation." Ivan screwed up his face like even saying the word "Guardjinn" left a bad taste in his mouth. "I couldn't take the chance. I had to be sure before this went any further. I couldn't have a Guardjinn for a daughter."

  It was like a slap in the face, and I couldn't respond because my mouth had forgotten how to work. If I'd turned into a dog, if I'd been Guardjinn, Ivan would have thrown me out without a second thought, and Isabelle would probably have let him. I suppose at least I could then go be with Will. I wished I had turned into a dog at least then I could hug Will whenever I wanted.

  "Thanks for the pet," I said, every word like acid in my mouth. I turned on my heel, the Husky still in my arms, and calmly walked upstairs to my room.

  * * *

  I cupped my hands under the basin tap and splashed water on my face. I wiped the stray droplets from my mouth when I noticed the blood on my hand. I jerked back, wondering what I'd cut myself on, but realised it must have been Seth's blood from earlier. I ran my hands under the tap again and scrubbed the blood away.


  It all seemed to come down to blood. Djinn blood. Guardjinn blood. It was the same, and yet everyone acted like it was different. Blooders sounded like they didn't care, as long as they got powers from it, but I didn't have powers.

  My blood was useless.

  I stepped into the shower. Steaming water ran over my naked body as I hoped to wash away the failure of the day. I just wanted hot water to scald my skin. Eventually, I decided my skin was red and shrivelled enough, and that I should get out.

  I turned off the taps and wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body while my hair dripped water droplets on my shoulders. I stared at my pink-faced reflection with blazing golden eyes.

  My powers were never going to come. My parents had almost disowned me, and I was actually sad they hadn't.

  The one good thing was the Husky. I'd named him Keisuke. He padded into the bathroom and started licking the water on the floor. I'd named my puppy after Mr Miyagi, my hero. I was still furious at my parents, but I was glad to have Keisuke. I'd always wanted a dog and finally I had one to call my own. I ruffled his fur and he licked the water droplets from my fingers.

  A knock at the door turned both our heads, and Keisuke barked.

  "Who is it?" I called, walking into the bedroom, Keisuke trotting at my heels.

  "It's Will," he called.

  I suddenly felt extremely self-conscious, standing in nothing but a towel. Keisuke sniffed the door, scratching.

  "Umm … hang on a minute," I called back, dropping the towel and rushing to the wardrobe.

  I pulled on the first piece of clothing I could find. It was a red satin nightgown that Isabelle had bought me. It was still sitting in the bag at the entrance to my wardrobe. If I'd thought about it more, then maybe I would have picked something … well, anything else, but I was flustered and pulled it on without thinking about how revealing it might be.

  "Hey, Will," I said opening the door.

  He looked down at the red satin hugging my curves and quickly averted his eyes. "Sorry, caught you at a bad time."

  I was surprised at how nervous he sounded. I felt a mixture of pleasure, because it seemed like he found me attractive in this, and embarrassment, that he might think I picked it to wear on purpose.

  "I … it was the first thing I found," I explained. "I just got out of the shower."

  I felt so foolish.

  "It's fine," he said, still not looking at me. "I can come back another time."

  "No," I said, a little too quickly, opening the door even wider. "Come in."

  Will walked past me and was met by an eager Keisuke. He darted up to Will like they were best friends, and rolled over so Will would rub his belly. I wondered if Keisuke could tell Will was a dog too. They could probably smell each other from opposite sides of the door.

  "Your parents got you a dog," he said, looking up at me with his cute smile. "What's his name?"

  "Keisuke," I replied.

  "From The Karate Kid. Good choice."

  I was surprised Will even knew what The Karate Kid was. I figured, being a closed off community, that the Djinn didn't really know what was going on in the outside world.

  "You can sit down if you want," I said, offering him my armchair.

  "Thanks, I'm fine." He released Keisuke and rose to his full height, keeping distance between us.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked, closing the door and taking a seat on the bed.

abelle let me in," he said. "I just came to check if you wanted to have a lesson today."

  "It's almost nine o'clock. Don't you think it's a bit late for that?"

  Will was acting strange and I wasn't sure why. Maybe something had happened? But what?

  "You're right, it is too late. I'll just see you tomorrow."

  He was still avoiding look at me, like I was on the other side of a wall.

  "I have training tomorrow, so I might be too busy," I explained, twisting my head to catch his eye.

  "No problem then." He reached the door.

  "I'm sorry, training just might have to take priority now. I really want to work out what my ability is, and it's hard." I hung my head. "I'm not even sure I'll ever figure it out."

  He turned back, actually looking at me. "Don't say that," he said. "It's been one lesson, and you've only just started."

  "If you start telling me how everyone else has been learning for years, I will punch you."

  "Wouldn't dream of it." He smirked, coming to sit next to me on the bed.

  "It took me ages to find my ability," he confessed. "I was one of the last of my year to figure it out."

  I cocked my head at him. "Really? I imagined you would have had it nailed in lesson one."

  "I wasn't. It was because my ability was unusual. We do tests on the normal abilities; the abilities most Djinn tend to develop, but sometime we just get strange ones."

  "How did you eventually work it out?" I asked.

  Will laughed. "I was training as a Guardjinn. I was the only Djinn to have found out I was a Guardjinn before my abilities had been found. I was practicing knife fighting with Pyke and it got a little heated."

  "Pyke's like that," I said, thinking back to the night they took me. Pyke had been furious with me; although that probably had to do with the fact that I'd kicked him in the balls.

  "Actually, it was me," Will said to my surprise.


  He scratched the back of his head. "I wanted to prove myself as a Guardjinn, because I hadn't developed my ability yet. So I was reckless and spontaneous, trying to beat everyone. Anyway, it got so heated that Pyke accidentally stabbed me in the stomach. Everyone freaked out, like I was about to die, but I felt fine. When Pyke pulled the knife out, there was barely even a scratch."


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