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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel [Club de Fleurs 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Rose Nickol

  Craig took her into the bedroom and chose an outfit for her. Taking her in his arms and placing a bruising kiss on her lips, he slapped her on the ass, and said, “You have ten minutes, then the punishments start. I still owe you one from yesterday and one from this morning, don’t think I forgot,” he said, grabbing what he was going to wear out of the closet and going into the bathroom to change.

  Rachel sat on the bed, thinking for a few minutes before she grabbed her clothes and started to change. She hadn’t paid any attention to what Craig had chosen and saw that he had grabbed a very short black leather micro skirt and a tight, red satin, midriff-cut tank top. There was no underwear, so if she sat or bent over, everyone would get a show. The top was tight, and with her large breasts, they spilled over the top, almost showing her nipples. It was hard for her to believe that she used to wear things like this every night. She hadn’t worn any of her clubwear in a year and was surprised it fit.

  Craig came out of the bathroom wearing black leather pants and a black leather vest with black snakeskin cowboy boots. He made her mouth water. Now that their relationship had changed, she was anxious for more.

  Chapter Seven

  Craig came out of the bathroom and took one long look at Rachel. She was gorgeous. He couldn’t believe that she was his, at least for now. He was going to work on making that permanent.

  Grabbing her hand, he said, “You took longer than your ten minutes. Come on, the others are waiting on us.”

  Rachel hadn’t really paid attention to the time and wasn’t surprised she had taken longer. Maybe she had even done it subconsciously, wanting a punishment. Now that she was playing again, her body seemed to crave it. She was a little anxious about her reactions though, not sure how she would respond.

  They found Sadie and the guys at the bar, and Rachel had a water with everyone else. She didn’t drink anymore, and playing after a drink in any situation was not a good idea. The Dom especially needed a clear head, and most people rarely drank before playing.

  The club was quiet for a Saturday night, but this was the rare weekend when no demos were planned and there were just a few regulars playing. Several people she knew came up and spoke with the group, glad to see Rachel in clubwear and ready to play again. She was in the club almost every night with Craig while he was bartending, but usually in jeans and a shirt, not clubwear.

  Sadie and her men went off to play. She was worried about the baby, and her men wanted to get her out of her head. “Good luck with that,” Rachel thought, knowing that a mother would never get so far out of her head that she no longer worried about her children.

  Craig came over to Rachel and, slipping one arm around her waist, said, “Come on, time for us to play.”

  Smiling up at him, she slid off the stool, and reaching up, brushed his lips with hers. “Thank you, Master. I’m ready.” And she was.

  Still holding her tightly around the waist to his side, he asked her, “Do you want to play in one of the public alcoves or go into a private room?” He wasn’t sure if she was ready to go back into one of the rooms or not.

  Rachel thought a minute and answered. “One of the rooms. I trust you not to push me too hard.”

  He turned her to him and locked his lips to hers, softly saying “thank you” as he kissed her.

  He took her down the hall to the private room, and they found one that was open. Luckily it wasn’t the same one she had been in when the wannabe Doms attacked her.

  Most of the rooms were furnished the same, but this one was different. It only had a bed with restraints attached to the frame and something new Dave had found, a framed spanking bench.

  Once they got in the room, Craig turned to Rachel and commanded, “Strip.”

  Rachel quickly complied and dropped to her knees, head down.

  “Good girl, you remember.” Craig praised her. “Stand now and let’s see what else you remember.”

  She quickly rose to her feet and stood, legs spread shoulder-width apart, arms at her side.

  “Good girl, do you remember your safe words?” Most of the club used the stop light system for safe words. Having a standardized system made it easy for the Doms to deal with different subs and not have to remember all their different safe words.

  “Yes, Master. Green for ‘I’m good, continue,’ yellow for ‘slow down’ or ‘I need to ask a question or take a break,’ and red for ‘stop, I’m done for now.’”

  Running one hand over her back, Craig walked around her, looking her up and down. He reached out and pinched a nipple, and she barely moved. “Very nice.” He again praised her.

  “Punishment pose over the bed,” he ordered.

  Rachel lay on the bed, her legs hanging off, with just her upper torso touching. She felt Craig walk up behind her, and he gently smoothed one hand down her bare back and over her ass cheeks. Slipping two fingers inside her crack to her pussy, he asked, “Can you give me a color, baby? How are you doing?” He was determined not to overwhelm her in her first session.

  “Green, Master, very green,” she answered, proud of herself.

  “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. You are very wet, I can tell you are enjoying this,” he told her as he licked down her back to her crack. “First, I owe you a punishment. Then I think we will play a while,” he told her, talking against her skin.

  He slapped her ass once then went to the toy closet. He took several things out, but she couldn’t see from the position she was in. Laying his items on the bed, he took a small paddle and showed it to her. “I will give you ten with this. I want you to count, and if you need a break, tell me. I don’t want you holding back. This is for both of us.”

  “Yes, Master,” she answered, taking a relaxing deep breath. “I can do this,” she thought.

  Craig walked around her, and rubbing both ass cheeks, hauled back and smacked her a good one.

  “Ohhh! One, Master.” Rachel gave a little scream at the shock of it. She had forgotten how bad it could hurt, and Craig hadn’t given her any warm up or warning.

  “Remember this is punishment. I’m not going soft with you.” He warned her and smacked her again on the other cheek.

  “No shit Sherlock,” she thought. “Two, master.”

  “Fuck that hurt, ten had better be all I’m getting or I won’t be sitting for a while,” she thought, almost giggling. She had forgotten how much of a rush this could be. Some people might think she was crazy, but the endorphins created were better than the best high from drinking she had ever had. Once she got to sub space, the world melted away and she went to her happy place where no one could touch her and everything was perfect. She hadn’t realized how much she had missed this.

  Craig completed all ten smacks, and running his hand over her very red ass, leaned over her. Moving her hair away from her face and neck, he took a quick taste of her skin and asked, “How are you doing?”

  “Very green, Master,” she answered breathily.

  “Good, baby, very good. Can you take more or are you done?”

  “More,” she thought, not sure she could sit now, but she was willing to try. “Yes, Master, I can take more.”

  He moved off of her, and picking up a small flogger, showed it to her. “I’m going to use this next. I don’t need you to count, but I do want you to use your safe word if you need to.” Reminding himself that he needed to watch her very closely and that she wasn’t used to this, he trailed the flogger over her back, butt, and thighs.

  It was a soft deerskin flogger with wide straps that wouldn’t hurt. It just made a soft thudding and massaged the skin more than anything. He usually used it for warm up, but chose to use it after her punishment as a reward.

  Starting slowly, he gently struck her back, butt, and thighs, gradually increasing the speed and striking harder.

  When he had her back and thighs dark pink and she was thrashing on the bed, he stopped and trailed his hand down her back to the crack of her ass.

  Slipping his hand into her
pussy, he rubbed her clit with his thumb and inserted one then two fingers inside her.

  ‘Ohhh, more please, Master, more,” she moaned, not sure whether she wanted more with the flogger or more with his fingers.

  “I’m not done, lamb, there is more to come,” he answered her, applying more pressure to her clit and fucking his fingers in and out of her.

  “Please Master, I need to come, please,” she pleaded.

  “Yes, baby, I know.” He leaned over her, and keeping up the motion with his hand, surrounded her body with his. “Come for me now,” he commanded.

  Between the weight of his body and his fingers working her, she couldn’t have stopped her orgasm if he commanded her to. She came with a scream of his name and kicking her feet.

  “Oh, my God. Thank you, Master.” She panted.

  He kept manipulating her, and she continued to thrash for several long minutes.

  Removing his hand, he rolled her to her back and lay beside her. He took his hand, still wet with her juices, and wrapped it around one breast, rubbing his thumb over and over one nipple, slowly and gently caressing the little bud.

  Once she could think and move again, she placed one hand on his chest, and slowly moving it in circles, caressed him. “That was incredible. How soon can we do it again? I had forgotten what it was like. Why did I wait so long?” She mouthed against him, licking his skin as she talked.

  “I don’t know, but we can do it whenever you want. I’ll gladly accommodate you.” He answered her as he pulled her tighter to him. He moved them so they both lay in the middle of the bed and rolled her on top of him. Pillowing her head on his shoulder and cradling her in his arms, he held her, just enjoying the feel of her naked body against him. He hadn’t undressed yet, but he loved running his hands up and down her back and through the crack of her ass. He didn’t know if she was ready for anal yet, but he was going to explore that with her tonight. If she wasn’t ready, he would have to back off and wait until she was, he decided.

  He lay for several minutes, enjoying the feel of her breath on his chest and the feel of her fingers tracing patterns over his abs. Then he turned and placed her on her back, rolling to his side as he did so.

  “Time for more play. Are you up to it? Give me a color, lamb,” he said to her.

  “Master, I’m green and ready for more. Don’t disappoint me tonight,” she goaded him.

  “Oh, lamb, I won’t disappoint you. I just hope you can take everything I plan to dish out.”

  “Bring it on.” She grinned at him.

  “You asked for it, don’t forget that when it gets to be too much. But, even though I love teasing you, I want you to use your safe word if it does become too much.” He said the last part in a very concerned and serious voice.

  Rachel smiled, touched he was so concerned, and answered him, “Yes, Master, I will use my safe word.”

  Craig got several more toys from the closet, and they played for several more hours. Finally Rachel was so exhausted from the activities, that she no longer responded, and Craig knew she was done for the evening. He had more planned, but it would have to wait for another day, another day very soon, he thought.

  Craig wrapped Rachel in a blanket and cradling her in his arms, then carried her to their suite and their bed. It felt good to call it their suite and bed. Although Rachel had been living with him for over a year, their relationship had changed for the better in the last few days.

  Placing Rachel in the bed, he went to the living room and made a quick call to Alan, checking on the club. He knew that Dave and Evan were in the club and probably checking also, but he took his responsibilities very seriously and wasn’t going to shirk his duties.

  Chapter Eight

  Rachel woke the next morning, stiff and sore. But it was a good kind of stiff and sore. She hadn’t realized how much she missed this. Her mind and body craved the domination. She and Craig had only played last night, but her mind felt clearer, and everything seemed so much easier to handle. Giving her body and its responses to him, even for a short time, relaxed her and helped her focus.

  Today she needed to figure out how she knew the man from the restaurant last night and how he had gotten her wallet. She knew Craig would go into overprotective mode until the mystery was solved and didn’t want to give up what little control he had let her have back.

  She had just started driving herself back and forth to work again and loved the few minutes of peace she got in the car by herself. Until the man was caught, she would have to give that up. She also needed to call Tina and let her know what had happened, both with the man and the note and with Craig. Maybe she needed a few more sessions to help her work everything out. She didn’t like depending on Tina, but talking to someone who was neutral was very helpful.

  Still lying in bed, she planned her day and thought of what she needed to do to figure out her problem.

  Craig came in before she got up and sat on the side of the bed with a cup of coffee in his hand. “Morning lamb, how are you this beautiful day?” he asked her, handing her the cup.

  “Wonderful, Master, a little stiff and sore, but it was great,” she answered, sitting up and scooting back against the pillows and headboard, taking the coffee from him.

  “Evan. called and he has some news. He’s coming in later to tell us. I have breakfast waiting. Do you want to eat or shower first?” he asked her.

  “I’m gonna need help in the shower, Master. Do you think breakfast can wait?” she asked coyly.

  “I can warm everything up when we’re done,” he answered her. He probably shouldn’t let her take the lead, but what the hell, he wanted to shower with her.

  “You stay right here and I’ll be right back,” he told her as he took her coffee and kissed her, quick and hard.

  In the kitchen, he quickly put things away. When his phone rang, he cursed and looked to see who the caller was. The number belonged to Alan Rainer, so Craig quickly answered the call. “Not a good time, man, can I call you back?”

  “You need to hear this, I’ll just take a minute,” Alan replied before he could end the call.

  “Make it fast,” Craig replied, wondering what could be so important.

  “I just heard from a buddy of mine in the justice system. Some of the men who attacked Rachel and Jenna are loose. The rumor is they are still gunning for the girls, blaming everything on them. Apparently one of the guys, Mike Hawkins, has been spotted in the area and was rumored to have told his cell mate that ‘the bitches were going down.’ I’ve already called Dave and Evan and put them on alert. Evan was going to call Kyle and let him know. I’m sure one of them will be in touch, I just wanted to tell you myself.”

  Jenna, Kyle’s sub and wife had been attacked by one of the men in the group of eight the same night Rachel was, but luckily Kyle had gotten to her before the man could hurt her. Unfortunately, she had later been kidnapped by the group. Luck was still with her, and she hadn’t been hurt as bad as Rachel either time. The incident still plagued her.

  “Thanks for the heads up, man, we were contacted by the jerk last night,” Craig told him and proceeded to explain what happened. “Let’s all plan on meeting here in my suite later, and we’ll discuss our options and see if we can come up with a plan. I’ll call Evan, Dave, and Kyle and let them know the plan.”

  Craig made the necessary calls, and resting against the kitchen counter, he thought about how he was going to tell Rachel and what to tell her.

  Chapter Nine

  Rachel lay in bed waiting for her Master to come back. “Master.” She liked calling Craig that. She wasn’t sure where this was going, but she knew she was going with it. The pleasure he had given her in the past two days was amazing. Her life was finally on the right track. All thoughts of moving out were gone. All she wanted was to stay and be with Craig.

  She could hear him talking on the phone but couldn’t make out the words. Who could he be talking to for all this time? He knew she was waiting on him. It must be importan

  Unable to wait any longer, she rose from the bed and walked naked out to the kitchen. She heard him say good-bye to someone as she walked into the room. His back was to her, and she walked quietly up to him and slipped her arms around his waist. Pressing against his back, she hugged him tightly and said, “I missed you. What’s taking so long?”

  Removing her arms and turning, he pulled her into his arms, and holding her tightly, said, “I had a call from Alan and needed to talk to Kyle and Evan.”

  “What was so important that kept you from all of this?” she teased, rubbing up against him.

  Knowing he would regret what he was about to do, he told her, “I’ll tell you all about it later.” Then he picked her up in his arms and carried her back to the bedroom.

  Dropping her on the bed, he pulled off the sweatpants he was wearing and climbed over her, placing a leg on either side of her hips.

  “Hey, I thought we were going to shower.” She laughed.

  “After, now, open wide.” He almost growled at her as he moved up her body until he could slowly feed himself into her warm, waiting mouth.

  Two hours later, they were in the kitchen eating. “So what was going on with Alan and Kyle this morning?” she asked him.

  He was quiet for a minute, and probably making another bad decision, answered her. “I’ll tell you all about it when everyone gets here.”

  “Oh, is Jenna bringing the children?” She was excited to see her friend.

  “I don’t know, probably. Sadie and her men will be here also.”

  “I hope they both bring their little ones. I love babies,” she said excitedly.


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