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Club de Fleurs 4: Rachel [Club de Fleurs 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 10

by Rose Nickol

  “Yikes, yes Master.” She jumped.

  “Now, I’m going to warm you up first, then I think fifteen with my leather flogger should do it.”

  “Oh shit,” she thought. She knew the flogger he was talking about, it had thin leather strips and there was a knot tied on the end of each strip. The damn thing hurt like hell, and after fifteen with it, she would be looking for pillows to sit on or standing for a few days.

  “The warm up begins,” he announced. He used his hand and peppered blows over her ass and upper thighs until the skin was warm and a deep rose color.

  Grabbing the flogger, he trailed it over her skin, just barely brushing the knotted ends over her. Trailing it between her spread thighs, he moved his arm back and took aim there, giving her three quick, hard swats to the pussy.

  “Jesus. Fucking. Christ!” Rachel yelled, jerking up off the bed.

  “Lay back down or I’ll restrain you,” Craig told her.

  “If you’re going to fucking keep that up, you’d better if you want to see your balls again,” she screamed.

  “Oh, little lamb, you are in so much trouble.” He chuckled. He knew the first three swats would sting, but he wanted to get her attention. Mission accomplished.

  Flipping her around on the bed, he fastened leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles. Attaching a short chain to her wrist cuffs, he attached her arms to her legs, spreading her wide. She still had some movement in her body. She could arch her back, but her arms and legs were stuck together.

  “Fucking bastard,” Rachel muttered. She wasn’t really hurting, more egging him on. This was what her body had been craving.

  “Keep pushing and see how far you get, lamb.”

  “Yeah right, I’m waiting.” She was so going to pay, but it was worth it.

  “Okay, you asked for it.” He warned her and let the flogger dance over her ass and pussy. He didn’t even bother to count, just let her have it.

  “Hey, I thought you said only fifteen,” she screamed after several strikes.

  “That was before you decided to get mouthy,” he told her.

  “Fine, bring it on. Do your worst,” she tempted him.

  “Lamb, you don’t want my worst, but you will get my best.” And he gave it to her.

  When he was done, he knelt behind her and rubbed a soothing cream over her butt and upper thighs where most of the strikes had landed. Then lubing himself and her rear hole, he took her ass, lying over her and nibbling the back of her neck. Reaching underneath her, he rubbed her clit until she came screaming his name, not once, not twice, but three times.

  When they were both sated and exhausted, he unfastened her, and lying on his side, pulled her to him, tucking her head under his chin.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Craig let Rachel nap for a short time, then went and ran a hot bath. She was going to be stiff and sore if she didn’t get her muscles relaxed.

  After their bath, they ate and went to the club. Craig was bartending, and Rachel liked to sit and talk to him while he worked.

  The next several days went by quietly. The date they had set for the wedding was not far away, and Rachel needed to meet with her girls one more time. She still hadn’t heard from Tina, but according to Margaret, she was checking in regularly and everything was okay. Rachel still worried but couldn’t do anything about it.

  Saturday came, and all the women had a meeting in the conference room at the club to finish planning Rachel’s wedding and collaring ceremony. They had decided to do both on the same day, with the wedding being in the morning at the court house and the collaring ceremony in the evening at the club. Kyle, Evan, and Dave had offered to close the club for the private party that evening, and other than a few small details, everything was planned.

  Rachel planned to wear a simple white dress for the wedding. What she was wearing for the collaring was a little more elaborate, but with much less material.

  There hadn’t been any more contact from Hawkins, but the men had not relaxed. All of the girls were going insane. Talk about overprotective alpha males. Rachel hadn’t been out of the club for days, Jenna and Sadie were stuck in their homes with their children, and Alan didn’t let Theresa out of his sight. Craig did let Rachel work reception, but he or one of the security people had to be with her at all times. Everyone was getting restless.

  Finally, Rachel couldn’t take it anymore. She had to get out. Looking at Craig, she told him, “Either you take me shopping or I fucking go alone. If I don’t get out of here, I’m not responsible for my actions.”

  “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” He had to tease her a little. He knew it was hard for her to be cooped up and didn’t blame her.

  “I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not. I don’t even care if you blister my ass so bad that I don’t sit for a year. I have to get out of this place.” Going crazy was an option.

  Grabbing her hand, he headed towards the door, pulling her behind him. “Come on, let’s go,” he told her.

  She didn’t even care where they were going, as long as it was somewhere else.

  Craig knew Rachel had been looking online for what she wanted to wear to the collaring ceremony, but hadn’t found what she wanted yet. When they stopped at her favorite fetish wear shop, she squealed with delight.

  “How can I shop with you with me? I want it to be a surprise,” she said with a hint of dismay in her voice, but not enough to dampen the excitement.

  “I’m not going in. I’m going to stand outside the door and wait as long as it takes. Here’s my credit card, buy whatever you want, I don’t care how much you spend. This card is unlimited, buy the entire store out if you want to. When you’re done, call me, and I’ll help you carry your packages.”

  Almost jumping up and down, she was so excited. Rachel took the offered card and entered the store. The only thing that would make it better would be if one or more of her friends were with her.

  When she entered the store, it appeared to be empty except for the clerk. Heading straight for the clothing, she heard voices from the fitting rooms. Grabbing several items to try on, she walked towards the changing rooms. There were only three rooms and they all appeared to be occupied. Sitting on a bench to wait, she was startled when all three doors opened at once.

  “Surprise!” Theresa, Jenna, and Sadie cried out.

  “What are you all doing here?” she cried in delight.

  “Craig set this up yesterday. He knew you needed to get out, so he arranged for all of us to come and help you. Let’s see what you’ve picked out so far.”

  The girls spent hours trying on and picking out various outfits. Rachel found exactly what she had been looking for and several more outfits, including something to wear after the ceremony in private for Craig. She also picked up a few toys she wanted.

  Paying for her purchases, she called Craig to let him know they were coming out. True to his word, he appeared by her side with the men, and they took all the packages she and the other girls had accumulated.

  Reaching up on her toes, she quickly kissed him. “Thank you, this was perfect.”

  As they walked out the door, they heard a voice call, “Hey, bitch!” Rushing the girls to the vehicles, Alan and Kyle took off to find the bastard. Craig was pissed. How the hell did the ass keep finding them?

  Theresa and Jenna got in with Rachel, and everyone went back to the club. Alan and Kyle would catch up later. The day was ruined.

  Once again, the idiot got away. Frustrated, the men sat at the bar having a drink, and the girls sat chatting in Rachel and Craig’s suite. When was this ever going to end?

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Tired of everything that was going on, the girls plotted and connived, making a plan. It wasn’t the best they had ever come up with, but something they all decided would end this. Now to get their men to cooperate and agree to it, as it put Rachel in danger.

  They had decided to make it appear that Rachel had left Craig and was staying at a
hotel. The men could wire her up with listening and tracking devices and take rooms in the same hotel. They hoped this would smoke out her attackers and they would make a move thinking she was vulnerable. None of the other plans they came up with seemed reasonable so they went with this one. Now to convince the men.

  Theresa volunteered to present the plan to Alan first. If he went for it then they would have him tell the rest of the men. They spent the remainder of the afternoon coming up with all the reasons it wouldn’t work and shooting holes in those theories. Once they were convinced they could argue anything the men came up with, they were ready. Theresa would wait until they were home and tell Alan that evening.

  Rachel was relieved they had a plan, and she was in a much better frame of mind when Craig returned.

  Her phone had rang several times while she and her friends were plotting, but she had just ignored it and let the calls go to voice mail.

  While Craig was fixing dinner, she checked messages on her phone. There were several and all from Tina. She excitedly dialed the woman back, only to get voice mail. Leaving a message, she carried her phone to the kitchen to tell Craig.

  A few hours later, her phone rang again, and she spoke with Tina. “Oh God, Tina, I’ve been so worried. Did Margaret tell you what has been going on?” Rachel asked.

  “No, she just gave me all your messages. I’m sorry it took me so long. I didn’t want to call you from my parents’ house. Things were very busy and I knew I wouldn’t have time to talk. My mother passed away and there was lots of family there and very little privacy. Please tell me now what happened.”

  Sitting down, Rachel told Tina. “Several of the men that attacked me have been released and I’m being stalked. They’ve followed me several places and there was a ruckus here at the club one night. I really need to see you so I can tell you everything. When can I come to your office, or would you rather come here?”

  Tina’s schedule for the next few days was full so she decided to come to the club the next evening. They could talk while Craig was bartending.

  The rest of the evening passed quietly. The next day, Theresa called to tell her that she had gotten Alan to reluctantly agree. “Oh my God, girl, you wouldn’t believe what he put me through, but finally after hours of begging and pleading he finally said he would talk with the men tonight and see what they could come up with. He didn’t like our plan, but couldn’t come up with another one. You owe me big time.” Theresa was giggling as she told her. Rachel had the feeling that Theresa had enjoyed persuading Alan.

  Everything was falling into place. Rachel could feel the tension leaving her body. The date they had set for the wedding was coming up, and she knew in her heart that everything would be perfect.

  When Tina got there, she was brimming with excitement. The two sat and talked for several hours and Rachel voiced all her concerns. She also told Tina about the plan to lure Mike Hawkins. Then they decided to talk to Craig. Alan was there, but Evan and Dave hadn’t arrived yet.

  Kurt and Kevin were also in the club that evening. Kevin and his twin brother Kurt had been friends with Alan for several years. Kevin and Kurt were paternal twins and though similar, they were not exactly alike. Both were well over six feet tall and had broad chests. Two very good looking men. They had been members of the club for several months, but didn’t often have time to play.

  Kevin walked up to Rachel to say hello, and looking Tina up and down, he placed one hand on Tina’s shoulder and said to Rachel, “Introduce me to your beautiful friend.” Tina Springs was a small, petite blonde, barely five foot tall with sparking blue eyes.

  Rachel introduced Tina, and Kevin called his brother Kurt over to meet her also. The four talked for a few minutes before the men excused themselves. Rachel noticed that while they were talking one or the other of the men were continually touching Tina. Interesting.

  Tina stayed with Rachel while Alan had his meeting with the men, including Kevin and Kurt. It wasn’t long before Craig came stomping out. Looking at Rachel he stormed, “Are you out of your ever-loving mind? What the fuck are you thinking? No fucking way!”

  Alan was right behind him. “Hey man, settle down and hear me out.”

  “I. Said. No. Fucking. Way.” He was madder than Rachel had ever seen him. Grabbing Rachel by the hand, he pulled her to the suite, Alan, Tina, Kevin, and Kurt, trailing behind them.

  “Craig, you need to calm down and listen to me.” Alan tried again.

  Dave, Evan, and Kyle had joined the group, and they were all crowding into the suite. Rachel wisely kept her mouth shut and looked at Tina, shaking her head in warning to the woman to stay out of the fray.

  The two woman sat on the couch and leaned back to watch. After several minutes of the men all arguing, Craig squatted down in front of Rachel. “Lamb, are you sure you want to do this?” He asked with concern and tenderness in his voice.

  Rachel leaned forward, and cupping his face with both hands, she looked into his eyes and said, “Craig, I want this over. I don’t want this hanging over our heads when we get married. I’m tired of looking around the corner and hiding. Unless we smoke them out, they won’t leave me alone until they get what they want. We’ll find someplace safe, and you will all be with me.” She finished, looking up at all the men.

  “I’ll have the entire crew there. We’ll buy out the floor she’s on and have a man in every room and several in the lobby. We’ll make it as safe as we can,” Evan put in.

  “Kurt and I will be there, and we know some guys from the rangers and the police force that would be willing to help. She’ll be as safe as we can possibly make it.” Kevin tried to reassure Craig.

  Still focusing on Rachel, Craig looked at her and slipped his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her to him so that their foreheads were touching, he looked into her eyes and asked one more time. “If you’re really sure you want to do this.”

  “I want it over with.” She smiled at him and gave him a gentle kiss.

  Standing up, Craig said, “Gentlemen, I believe we have some planning to do. I say we all plan to get together tomorrow afternoon and see what we can come up with.”

  Everyone parted ways, agreeing to meet the next afternoon. Kevin and Kurt walked Tina to her car.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Plans were made, and it was decided that they would implement everything the next weekend. Rachel was nervous but relieved. She was sure that she would be as safe as the men could possibly make her, but it seemed that even in the best laid plans, there were holes and something could go wrong.

  She and Craig went over and over all the possible contingencies, trying to think of every possible thing that could happen and could go wrong. When the day came, they were as ready as they possibly could be.

  Rachel still hadn’t replaced her car, so she took Craig’s truck. Sneaking out the back, she drove to the designated hotel and checked herself in, hoping she had been followed. Everything was in place. Her room had been reserved in advance, and the men had installed listening devices and cameras in the room, hallway, and elevators. They had also booked all the rooms on her floor and had several men in the lobby. Rachel had been fitted with an earpiece so that Evan could keep her informed on what was going on. Now all she had to do was wait.

  It was a few hours before she heard Evan on the earpiece. “Rachel, I want you to be calm. Hawkins and two others are on their way up the back stairs. Lock your door, and lock yourself in the bathroom and turn the shower on. He couldn’t talk the clerk into telling him what room you are in, and I’m not sure he knows for sure where you are, but stay in the bathroom until I contact you again.”

  Rachel sat nervously in the bathroom waiting. She had never been good at waiting. She couldn’t hear very well with the shower running, but it sounded like the door was opening. She clasped her hands together and prayed. The next thing she heard was a man shouting, “The bitch is in the shower! Here we go, boys.”

  She knew that Evan and his crew would wait
until the last possible minute to come in. They wanted to make sure they had enough evidence to convict the jerks.

  The room she was in had a separate room for the toilet, so she went in there and locked that door. One more door to hide behind. She heard them outside the main door to the bathroom and crouched down, back against the door, hoping that would help keep them out.

  “Mike, the shower’s on, but no sign of the bitch,” she heard a voice say.

  “She has to be here somewhere, keep looking,” she heard.

  She heard more voices and lots of noise, but couldn’t make out for sure what was going on. All she could do was wait until Craig or someone came for her.

  She sat there in the dark, listening and trying to figure out what was going on for what seemed like hours. Finally, there was a knock at the door, and she heard, “Lamb, you can come out now, it’s all clear.”

  Opening the door, she jumped into Craig’s arms and said, “It’s really over? You got them?”

  Craig carried her out to the main bedroom, and it looked like a tornado had hit it. “Yes, we got them. Kevin is going to listen to the tapes and look over the footage, but he thinks we have enough to convict them.”

  Planting little kisses all over his face, she collapsed into him with relief.

  Craig took her home. The next day, all the girls came to the club, and Craig and Kevin explained all that had happened to them.

  “I want to know how they got into the room. The door didn’t look broken,” Rachel wondered.

  “One of the men had been dating one of the maids and stole her pass key. The woman hadn’t even realized it was gone. They checked several rooms before they found you,” Kevin answered. He had spent all of the last night and this morning looking over the tapes and listening to the audio to make sure they had what they needed. “The cops called me, and one of the men that they found in Rachel’s hotel room was also part of the crowd that tried to crash the club. He wasn’t the one that tried to attack Rachel, but they are still checking on connections. I’m sure they will find something, but we may not hear for a while. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble. The cowards have already confessed, hoping for a lighter sentence. Since this is their second offense, the DA is making sure they have longer sentences, and you will be getting a lifetime protective order against all of them including the ones still in jail.” He directed this last to Jenna and Rachel.


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