Book Read Free

Templeton, Julia

Page 2

by Trail Boss (Triskelion) (lit)

  Krista went through the motions. After several humiliating attempts, Landon told the other guests to grab a rope and give it a try.

  From the corner of her eye, she could see Cory watching her. “Looks like you could use some help.” His hot gaze drifted down Krista’s body and up again. He motioned for her to follow him away from the others, and she followed reluctantly. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head over it. It took me forever to get the hang of ropin’.” He threw the rope, and it landed squarely over the post.

  Krista lifted a brow. “Yeah, I bet it did.”

  He laughed, the sound infectious and she grinned.

  She tried again.

  “That’s the spirit, darlin’. Have fun with it.”

  “Cory, help the others while I show Krista how it’s done.” Landon’s jaw was clenched, his eyes narrowed.

  The next thing Krista knew, Cory had moved away and Landon stood directly behind her, his hard body pressed against her backside. She swallowed past the tightness in her throat and glanced over at the others, who were too busy roping to notice. All except Cory, who frowned and looked away.

  “Relax,” Landon murmured close to her ear, his hot breath stirring her hair, his lips brushing against the sensitive arch of her ear. “Now, let your wrist relax. Feel the weight of the rope in your hand.” He placed a long-fingered hand on her hip, the other over her hand that held the rope. A bead of sweat rolled down Krista’s neck as the rigid length of his cock pressed firmly against her ass.

  He lifted their arms, moving them in a circular motion, the rope hanging loosely in her fingers. “Now, release,” he said, and she let go. The rope came just a little short of its mark.

  Trembling, she focused on the task rather than the feel of his hard body pressed flush against her own. Damn, he felt good. Too good. Focus, Krista, her mind screamed as once again he brought their arms up. This time when she released, the rope landed right over the post.

  Krista turned to him, and hugged him. He tensed, obviously shocked by her response. “See, I knew you could do it,” he said, his voice a tad lower than it had been before.

  He liked her. She could see it in his eyes. The way he watched her now, his gaze drifting to her mouth, as though he wanted to kiss her.

  Betty’s soft laughter rent the air and all eyes turned to her. The older woman had roped her husband, a pleased smile on her round cheeks. The professor shook his head in exasperation, yet there was a gleam in his eye.

  “Keep practicing,” Landon said, and then moved off to help the young couple.

  So on the day went. Practice, after practice. Hour after endless hour. Out of all the guests, Krista and Sam, the Mama’s boy, were the worst at survival training. Lord help the others if they had to depend on either one of them for help on the trail. If they picked teams, she was definitely going to be the last one chosen.

  Visions of high school flashed through her mind. She had never been the physical type. Even exercise was a necessary evil in order to help keep off the ten pounds that kept slowly creeping back.

  “It’s okay, Honey,” Betty said, giving Krista a hug when she hadn’t been able to start her fire. Even Sam had started his! She smiled at Betty. The woman was so sweet and kind. She’d been encouraging everyone all day long. Her maternal presence put everyone at ease, and made Krista aware of the non-existent relationship she had with her own mother.

  “Thanks, Betty. I suck at everything.” She let out a deep breath. “How am I gonna make it through the next few weeks, if I can’t even get on a horse?”

  Betty pushed her to arm’s length. A strange serenity glowed in the woman’s big blue eyes. “Because, you can do it. You have convinced yourself that you can’t, but you wait, you will surprise yourself and everyone else here with your skill. A skill I know you possess.” She patted her on the shoulder. “Now, you get yourself cleaned up and meet us for dinner. Frank and I will save a spot for you.”

  “Thanks, Betty.” Krista watched the older woman and her husband walk hand-in-hand to their cabin. She should be as lucky to make such a perfect match. She sighed. Chances were she would die an old maid —— just like her father said.

  “Hey, you did great out there today.”

  Krista turned at the sound of Landon’s voice. He had been with a group of his ranch hands out in the field for the past two hours. A navy bandana hung loosely at his neck, his shirt open just enough to see a small sprinkling of dark chest hair. And he wore chaps. She swallowed hard. How many times had she fantasized about a man in chaps? Here he was, her fantasy personified. “You’re just saying that because you feel sorry for me. I was horrible.”

  He took his hat off with one strong hand, and ran his other through the thick, dark hair.

  Damn, he wasn’t bald. Not that it would have mattered at this point. She was attracted to him and nothing would change that. He could shave his head and eyebrows . . . and she’d still want him. And man, did she love his sexy green eyes and thick, long lashes.

  He leaned against the three-rail fence, bending his right knee so his boot hooked the last rung. The blood in her veins warmed. He’d make a great model for a Stetson ad. “Everyone has a tough time of it at first.”

  She didn’t want anyone’s pity, especially his. She just wanted to be good.

  “Hey, you two. Whatcha doin?” Cory came up from behind Krista and put his arm around her, hugging her tight, his fingers inches away from her left breast.

  His intimate touch surprised her, and Landon as well. The smile that had been on the trail boss’s face slowly turned into a frown.

  “Hands off, Boss. I got it,” Cory said, holding his hands up, palms out. He looked right at Krista. “I’ll see you at dinner.” With a wink, he walked for the lodge in his cocky swagger.

  Landon shook his head. “Sorry about that. The boy’s hormones are raging.”

  “Nothing to be sorry about.” She grinned while watching Cory in all his confidence walk away. If only she had such self-assuredness as the charming young man.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” Landon’s voice was gruff.

  Krista turned to him, but had no time to respond because he was already walking in long strides toward the lodge. She lifted an appreciative brow. Damn, the man could wear a pair of chaps.

  * * *

  That evening Landon sat at a table with Frank and Betty. The chair beside him, saved for Krista, remained empty fifteen minutes into dinner.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  Landon looked up and his heart missed a beat. Krista stood before the table wearing a sundress, the soft cotton clinging to her voluptuous figure. She wore her hair in a feminine style, high on her head, tiny ringlets falling down her long, graceful neck. Even from the distance, he could smell the light fragrance he would probably always associate with her from the first time he’d met her. Vanilla, with the slightest hint of musk.

  “I swear I won’t be this unreliable on the trail.”

  “On the trail, if you’re late, we’ll leave you.” He was kidding, but from the sudden furrow of her brows, she obviously didn’t catch his sarcasm.

  “I’ll remember that, boss.”

  He pulled out her chair, her scent surrounding him as she sat. She took a drink of her wine while the waitress served her steak. Without hesitation, she cut into the T-bone. Landon liked seeing a woman with a healthy appetite.

  He never understood women who ate like birds in front of others, particularly men.

  “Landon, did you know that Krista here has won over a dozen awards for her writing,” Betty said, in between bites of her steak.

  “Really?” He glanced at Krista who was chewing vigorously. She nodded. “I’m impressed”

  The side of her mouth lifted as though to say, yeah, sure you are.

  “In fact,” Betty continued, “her boss has promised her a promotion if she can bring back a story that shines.” Betty smiled at Krista with genuine affection. “And I know without a doubt that you’ll get that p
romotion, dear.”

  “Here-here,” Frank, Betty’s husband said, lifting his glass in the air.

  “To Krista and her promotion!” Betty said.

  Landon lifted his glass of water and toasted to Krista’s success. Here sat a young woman from a small town who had forgotten her roots. She lived for the city, lived for the next promotion and that next raise. Ah, the material things she could buy with such money. Even now, while she pretended to be interested in everyone else, she was probably thinking of what slant to put on her story. Would it be the retired professor and his sweet wife? Or maybe the newlyweds who kept to themselves? Or the middle-aged couple with their brood of teenagers? What about Sam the Mama’s boy who spent all his spare time away from the others, in his cabin, no doubt talking to his parents on his cell phone? Or would it be about the charming, cocky cowboy who had already gotten under her skin. Speak of the devil. . . .

  “Darlin’, you look good enough to eat.”

  “Hi Cory,” Krista said without looking behind her. Landon noted the bloom of color in her cheeks, the sweet smile on her lips as she turned to his cousin.

  The story was definitely going to have the cowboy slant.

  Cory leaned down and kissed Betty on the cheek, then just like Landon knew he would, he moved over to Krista and planted one on her before whispering something in her ear.

  Krista pulled away with a surprised smile on her face. “Well, that’s one heck of a welcome.”

  There was an empty chair beside her, and Cory sat down, turning sideways in his chair so he faced Krista. He fingered the hem of her dress. “I like this. It’s so . . . girly.”

  Landon closed his eyes, but only briefly. He wanted to see Krista’s reaction to Cory.

  Krista glanced at Betty with an amused smile and turned back to Cory. She pushed his hand away. “Thanks.”

  His fingers lingered, resting on her lower thigh, then grazed her knee before falling away.

  Landon looked away from the two and saw Holly, the sixteen year-old young lady who watched the exchange between Cory and Krista with a frown. Holly, who went swimming rather than choosing to practice with the others this afternoon, had looked bored out of her mind —— until she saw Cory. Now she was all smiles as she watched his cousin with puppy-dog admiration. Cute girl, with auburn hair, a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, and an athletic build. She liked Cory, that much was obvious, and despite her efforts to get his attention, he appeared too taken with Krista, a woman that was too old and experienced for a country boy. Plus, for all Cory’s talk about his love of older women, he probably hadn’t made it with a woman over the age of nineteen.

  Landon sobered instantly. He had no room to talk about making it with anyone.

  The ever mindful, ever aware Betty smiled at Landon before turning her attention to Cory. “You know, Cory, why don’t you say hello to Holly and her family?” She nodded to the other table where the redhead sat, chin in hand, watching Cory with yearning. “She’s probably relieved to see someone else her own age, apart from her brother and sister.”

  Cory turned and looked at the girl, whose eyes went wide. Her cheeks turned bright red and she quickly looked away. Cory flashed her a smile.

  Landon shook his head. God help him if he ever was that cocky.

  “I’ll be right back, ladies,” Cory said, coming to his feet. He grinned at Holly, then with a wink at Krista, he headed toward the redhead’s table.

  Krista giggled under her breath. “Cory sure knows how to play the ladies, doesn’t he?”

  Betty smiled. “Ah, he makes me miss my youth.”

  Frank chuckled. “The boy has more hormones than all of us combined.”

  Landon shook his head. “Sorry about that. I’m afraid Cory hasn’t learned the art of being a gentleman.”

  Krista set her fork down and glanced at him. “And, what do you know about being a gentleman?”

  There was a sparkle in her eye, and as her white teeth bit into her bottom lip, it was all Landon could do not to sweep her up in his arms, and carry her into the house for a bout of sweet, passionate lovemaking. Although the way he was feeling, there would be little room for sweet. More like fast and furious.

  The way she looked at him, her blue eyes darkening, made him wonder if she could very well read his thoughts. Her tongue slid along the bottom lip she’d just been biting, making it glisten. He bet her kisses would be as sweet as honey. “What’s wrong, cowboy? Cat got your tongue?”

  Landon blinked. He forgot what she’d asked him. “Sorry?”

  Betty and her husband laughed but Krista didn’t. All expression left her features as she leaned forward and asked, “How would you treat a lady?”

  He stared at her for a moment, trying to figure her out. One minute she was sweet and vulnerable, the next a vixen who was confident and teasing. A woman he would love to throw on her back and have his way with.

  Right here, right now.

  He shook his head at the image of her laying naked on the table, her beautiful blue eyes soft and sexy. . .kind of like they were now. He cleared his throat. “If she were my lady, I’d make her feel like a woman . . . feminine, beautiful, respected. I’d think of her needs first.”

  Her throat convulsed and his gaze slipped from hers to her soft, pink lips. The sexy smile made his heart jerk. He hadn’t felt like this for a long time. She’s a city girl, his mind screamed, reminding him of a dark day many years ago.

  “Then the woman who gets you, Landon, is one lucky lady.” She took a drink of her wine, set the glass down and continued eating. The next few hours raced by as conversation ensued. It was nearing ten o’clock when Krista stood with a yawn. “Well, it’s been a long day and I have a bubble bath calling my name.”

  Landon watched as she stood and walked toward the double doors that led outside, out to her cabin, off to her bubble bath.

  Great, that’s just what he needed. An image of Krista McGillicutty in a bathtub.


  Wyoming with its wide-open spaces made Krista aware of just how small she was in such a big world. It had been ages since she’d just kicked back and enjoyed living. Always it was about work, but now it was about relaxing.

  She looked ahead, to where Landon rode. They’d been on the trail for four hours now. She thanked God for his calming presence. His strength put her at ease. Even the way he rode the horse, like he and the animal were one, made her increasingly aware of his masculinity. It was potent, and last night she had seen a side to him that surprised her. He was a gentleman. At their first meeting she hadn’t been so sure, with the way his gaze had drifted over her body in such a provocative way. But last night when he’d said, “If she were my lady, I’d make her feel like a woman . . . feminine, beautiful, respected. I’d think of her needs first.” His serious expression had even softened when he’d spoken those words, and a promise sparkled in the green depths of his eyes. This man knew how to make love, and no doubt thought of a woman’s pleasure before his own.

  She sighed.

  Betty laughed. “Daydreaming again?”

  Krista turned in the saddle. Betty was quite a sight in her cowboy attire, which consisted of well-worn elastic waist jeans, a man’s shirt rolled up at the sleeves, and scuffed up cowboy boots. On her head, she wore a wide-brimmed straw hat, rather than a cowboy hat, saying she didn’t need any more age spots on her face.

  “I can’t help but daydream. It’s so beautiful here.”

  Betty nodded. “It sure is, and so is our Trail Boss. I tell you, if I was about thirty years younger I’d be giving you a run for your money.”

  Krista gasped. “Betty. . . .”

  The older woman shrugged. “Oh please, don’t tell me he doesn’t make your heart beat a little faster.”

  Krista lifted her brows. “Well, he is hot. I confess, I’ve thought about it —— once or twice.

  “Thought about what?”

  Krista jumped a foot. She hadn’t expected to hear Lan
don’s voice coming from beside her, particularly when he’d been so far ahead of her just moments before. God, she hoped he hadn’t overheard their conversation.

  He laughed under his breath. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Putting a hand to her racing heart, Krista laughed nervously and drank in everything about him. Even now her heart pounded like mad in her ears. “You about gave me a heart attack.”

  When he smiled like he did now, the lines at his eyes were more pronounced. Landon oozed raw beauty that most men lacked. Maybe it was his strong jaw, or the scar she hadn’t noticed before that ran from his right ear, down to his neck. “How’d you get that?”

  He frowned. “Get what?”

  She leaned over, her finger grazing the white line.

  He tensed at the contact, and she jerked her hand away, wishing she had kept her mouth shut.

  “I was in a fight.”

  “Did you win?”

  The frown disappeared, and he smiled softly. “I guess so. He didn’t slit my throat like he wanted to.”

  * * *

  Landon rubbed at the scar he’d given little thought to these past few years.

  Ironically, it reminded him why he shouldn’t get involved with a woman like Krista. The city was a corrupt place, full of temptation and people who cared little about each other, and more about the almighty dollar and accumulating material possessions. A woman like Krista wouldn’t consider a night under the stars a good date. She’d be more interested in a five-star restaurant, the Opera, or the latest Broadway play that came to Seattle.

  In some ways Krista was so like Nikki.

  Nikki had been his high-school sweetheart. A girl with a love of horses and had been one of the best barrel riders in the county.

  A year younger than Landon, Nikki had a great home life, a family who loved her and cherished her. . .and a boyfriend who thought the world began and ended in her eyes.

  She had just graduated from high-school when she’d come to Landon and told him she had to move to the city —— for a while, just to get away and see if there was something more for her than this “one stop sign town,” as she called Willow Bay. She’d convinced her parents to let her stay with a great aunt in San Francisco. While there she would get a job, maybe even go to art school. She convinced him that she just needed to experience the big city before settling down in Willow Bay for good. In his heart he believed she would get a taste of the city. . .and come running right back home.


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