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Templeton, Julia

Page 4

by Trail Boss (Triskelion) (lit)

  Clinging to his broad shoulders, she relaxed her sated body a little and opened her legs wider. His thrusts increased, his body straining and as she felt her stomach coil and reach for another orgasm, she hooked her heels behind his waist and took him further into her.

  With a rugged groan, he thrust hard, his mouth claiming hers. She came again, stronger than the first, and fought to catch her breath as he rolled onto his side, taking her with him.

  For a short time they lay there, letting their hearts slow down. His hand roamed up and down her back in a comforting gesture that made her smile. That had been wonderful. Two orgasms was a record for her. In fact, with her ex, orgasms had been rare, and he’d seen little to her pleasure —— focused solely on his own release.

  “We’d better get back,” he whispered against her ear, and she nodded. They took a few minutes to wash their bodies. She smiled as he soaped her down, even washing her hair for her. This type of intimacy was foreign to her, and she realized how much she’d missed out on in her twenty-nine years.

  It was difficult to keep her hands off him. She wanted him again already, his lean, muscled body taking her to unparalleled bliss.

  “You’d best watch the way you’re looking at me,” he said, a cocky smile on his lips. “You just might find yourself on your backside again.”

  She wished. If only they could spend the rest of the night here, instead of with a group of other guests.

  He helped her with her clothes first, taking the time to button her shirt in a gesture that surprised her. His words of the other night came back to her. He was a gentleman. A true gentleman.

  He dressed quickly thereafter, and they walked hand in hand back through the trees, toward the clearing where the others were hopefully still resting.

  Landon kissed her once before they exited the forest. Thankfully, no one was up and about —— not even Hank or Cory. “The boys must be taking care of the cattle. Why don’t you get some rest. Cook will be starting dinner soon.”

  She wanted to kiss him, but she didn’t dare. They’d had sex, period. That didn’t mean he was her boyfriend now. She was on a vacation and he was a nice perk.

  A damn nice perk.

  She smiled to herself as she entered her tent and lay down on her sleeping bag with a contented sigh.

  * * *

  What the hell had he been thinking?

  Dear God. He’d broken the golden rule. Do not, at any time, sleep with a guest. And what had he done the first night on the trail? He’d slept with a woman, and not just any woman. A headstrong, city girl, who from the way she’d wrapped herself around him, hadn’t had sex in a while. Damn, she’d felt like a virgin, and the way she’d clawed at his back and ass had drove him wild.

  His cock jerked at the memory.

  He wanted her again already.

  Tonight was too many hours away.

  He glanced at her tent with longing, and knew that she’d probably fallen asleep already. The combination of getting up at daybreak, riding all day, and now sex had no doubt exhausted her.

  He, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep to save his life. In fact, he felt more alive than he had for years. Hell, it had been months since he’d had sex. The last time had been with Heidi, a woman a few years older than him who had been a good friend, and who had lost her husband a few years ago in a farming accident. Sex had just happened in a heated moment, and there had been no ties, just mutual satisfaction. But what he and Heidi had shared couldn’t come close to what he’d just experienced in the arms of Krista McGillicutty.

  He rubbed the soreness out of his neck and glanced at the waning fire. Maybe he’d get busy and find some kindling.

  Anything to keep his mind off Krista.


  Krista woke to the sound of laughter. She opened her eyes. It was dark, and she was in her tent. By the sound of it, she was the only one still in bed.

  She’d slept like a rock. No doubt due to her little escapade at the pond this afternoon. Smiling to herself, she grabbed her backpack. Finding her brush, she ran it through her hair, while looking out the tent flap.

  Immediately she saw Landon, sitting on a log beside Cory, his long legs crossed at the ankle, a stick in the fire, a marshmallow on the end.

  Apparently they’d let her sleep straight through dinner.

  Betty’s laughter rang out and Krista smiled to herself. God, she loved that woman.

  Pulling a sweatshirt over her head, then sweeping her hair into a ponytail, she unzipped the tent and made her way toward the others.

  Landon looked at her, his eyes soft, a welcoming smile on his gorgeous face. Her heart gave a hard jolt, and she felt her cheeks burn as his gaze shifted down her body, reminding her yet again of the pleasure he’d given her.

  “There you are, my dear,” Betty said, patting the log beside her. “We thought that maybe you’d sleep until morning.”

  Cory snorted. “Yeah, looks like you rode a little too hard.”

  Krista’s pulse skittered. Dear God, the kid hadn’t followed she and Landon, had he? She’d be horrified.

  She glanced at Landon to see him watching Cory with narrowed eyes.

  “Well, she did have to double with you, cuz,” he added, and Krista relaxed. That’s what he meant by riding too hard. Thank God!

  “We saved some stew for you,” Cory added, jumping to his feet, to the other fire where stew simmered in the Dutch oven. She watched the young cowboy serve up the stew, with a smile on her face. He was so eager too please. Like a puppy.

  Cory handed her the metal plate and she dug in, famished from the long day.

  The stew was delicious, and when she glanced up she felt a bit embarrassed to find Landon watching her intently, looking pleased that she enjoyed her dinner so much. “Here,” Cory said, handing her two fluffy biscuits, slathered with butter. “You want some milk?”

  She nodded and he went off to do her bidding.

  After she finished eating, the story hour began. Each person took a turn, if they had a story they told it, if not, the person beside them could tell a tale. The person who had the scariest story would win the right to sleep in for an extra thirty minutes in the morning.

  For over an hour they sat around the campfire, sharing stories, some very scary. Realizing there were a few teenagers amongst them, Landon ended with a story about pioneers who had worked their way across the land, in search of a better life. While he talked, Krista was able to stare without being obvious, taking in his strong profile, the sharp angles of his face, the beautiful eyes that glimmered as he spoke. Her heart gave a tug. Damn, the man was gorgeous. Everything about him chivalrous, like he’d been plucked out of a time long ago and dropped here.

  Every once in a while, his gaze would find hers, and there was a softness in his expression that made her stomach tighten with a need that shocked her.

  She yearned for the night’s festivities to end. She wanted Landon again, wanted to feel his arms around her, to feel him inside her, stroking her, bringing her body to life.

  It hit her like a ton of bricks. She did feel alive, for the first time in a very long while.

  Cory got up and walked to his tent. When he returned he had his guitar with him. Intrigued, Krista leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. He strummed his guitar and started to sing a song she’d never heard before. His voice was low and pleasing to the ear. When Landon joined him, she felt her heart melt a little more.

  Could the man do everything? Even sing a sweet cowboy song about leaving a girl named Sue behind. About long nights out on the trail, and too much time to think about all that had been lost.

  Her throat tightened. What was happening to her? For so long she’d lived with the thought that having a career would give her everything she yearned for in life. She had pounded it in her brain that she could be happy alone. A man didn’t matter. A man would only break her heart. She could depend on no one but herself.

  Yet you’ve never known a man like Landon, h
er heart all but screamed.

  After a few rounds of Clementine, the group started to disperse. Little by little, each guest found their way back to their tents, leaving just a few to linger, including herself, Landon, Cory and Betty.

  “Come on, Cor. Let’s check on the cattle before we bed down,” Landon said, and the young cowboy reluctantly followed his cousin toward the nearby cattle.

  Full of marshmallows, Krista set her stick aside and looked up to find Betty watching her intently. “What?” Krista asked.

  “You have a twinkle in your eye,” Betty said, nudging Krista. “This trip has been good for you, hasn’t it?”

  Krista nodded. “Yeah, it has been.”

  “Do you like your job?”

  “I do.”

  “What story will you write?”

  The mention of her job made Krista feel a bit guilty. She’d been in Wyoming for four days, and had yet to pin down her story. This adventure could not be all about having sex with an amazing cowboy. She had business to attend to. “I’m not sure yet.”

  “What about Landon?”

  Feeling her cheeks grow hot again, Krista looked in the direction the men had walked.

  “He’s an old soul, that one. A man who knows what he wants in life. Do you know that years ago he lost his girlfriend. The one true love of his life?”

  All ears, Krista looked at Betty. “What happened?”

  “It seems she left Willow Bay for San Francisco, supposedly to attend school, but fell in with the wrong crowd. She had told Landon that she would return home, and he waited for her. At the request of her family, he went to San Francisco . . . and found her dead.”

  Krista’s throat tightened. “Of what?”

  “A drug overdose.”

  No wonder he didn’t like the city. It made sense. Willow Bay was probably the only place he felt safe. “You think I should write the story about that?”

  Betty shook her head. “I think you should write about the man who lives his life honorably. A man who finds the beauty of the world around him, and who is sharing his vision with others.”

  It was a good idea. A great one, really. She would watch him and write her piece on him. The rancher. No, the trail boss. A light piece that would bring more people to his door. Make his business flourish. “Thank you,” Krista said, giving the older woman a hug. “By the way, how did you find out so much about Landon?”

  Betty lifted her brows. “Oh, I may be an old bat, but I have my ways.”

  No doubt her ways had something to do with a handsome young cowboy. “Thanks again, Betty. You’re a sweetheart.”

  “You’re welcome, my dear.” She stood and stretched. “Now, we’d best get to bed soon. Morning will be here before we know it.”

  Krista watched the older woman disappear into her tent, then got up and went back to hers. Landon might be a while —— if he came to her at all, and she’d feel silly sitting by the fire alone, waiting for him.

  Back in her tent, she went through her backpack and pulled out her oversized flannel nightshirt. It was the furthest thing from sexy.

  It could always come off later, she thought with an inward smile.

  * * *

  The camp was quiet.

  Everyone was fast asleep. It had been two hours since he’d doused the flames and he and Cory had wandered over to their respective tents.

  Though he hadn’t told Krista he would come to her tonight, he couldn’t keep away.

  The way she’d watched him through dinner told him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  He unzipped her tent, slipped inside, then zipped it behind him. When he turned she was still asleep.

  He smiled looking down at her wrapped up in the sleeping bag. Her features had softened in sleep, and she sighed as she turned onto her side, facing him.

  So beautiful. She reminded him so much of Nikki, his ex-love. Yet looks is where their similarities ended.

  Though he and Krista had little in common, there was something about her that pulled at his soul. She might act in control, but he saw vulnerability in her eyes. A need to love and be loved.

  He leaned over and kissed her lips. Her eyelids fluttered open. “Landon,” she said sleepily, a smile tugging at her full lips. “I was hoping you’d come.”

  Her words put his mind at ease. She unzipped her sleeping bag and invited him in. He kicked off his boots, then made quick work of his jeans and shirt. Her flannel nightshirt had rode up her thighs and wrapped around her hips. She wore no panties, and his cock swelled at the sight of the golden curls that covered her femininity. He lowered his head and kissed her there, and she let out a gasp.

  Teasing the tiny nub of sensitive flesh with his tongue, he lifted her hips with his hands, giving him better access.

  With a contented sigh, her legs fell open and her hands wove through his hair, urging him on.

  Krista couldn’t catch her breath. His tongue felt wonderful —— swirling, laving, teasing her until she felt like screaming. Her insides coiled, tighter and tighter with each stroke of his velvety mouth against her.

  He sucked hard on her clit, lifting it with his tongue. Her breathing hitched as she reached for the stars, biting her bottom lip to keep from crying out as the orgasm rocked her body.

  Landon felt her climax, the steady throbbing of her sex against his mouth. Her breaths came in uneven gasps and she looked down at him with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Come here,” she said, pulling him up.

  With a growl, she rolled over, straddling him, her fingers caressing his cock. She ripped the flannel gown up and over her head, flinging it aside.

  Her full breasts were gorgeous, as were her womanly hips. He handed her a condom, and watched as she ripped the pack open with her teeth, then rolled the condom over his throbbing cock. Grabbing hold of those softly flared hips, he lifted her, his gaze shifting to where she took him into her body, slowly, as though she savored each inch.

  Sweat beaded his brow, as she took him to the hilt, shifting her hips in a way that made him bite his bottom lip. Damn, this woman would be the death of him.

  Cupping a breast, he delighted in the way she arched toward him, the soft sigh that escaped her full lips when his fingers brushed a rose-hued nipple.

  She increased the rhythm, her breasts bouncing with the motion. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, leaning over him, her nipple inches from his mouth.

  He took what she offered —— licked it, laved it, and then sucked hard.

  She released a contented sigh as her channel tightened around him, pulsing, drawing out a climax that left him reeling.


  With each day Krista became more comfortable on the trail. She’d become use to the feel of being in the saddle for six straight hours, and looked forward to night when the group would huddle around the campfire, eat supper, listen to scary stories and sing songs.

  Who knew that life without the luxuries of technology and the constant stimulation of the city could be so pleasurable?

  Though she enjoyed the time together at the campfire, she especially looked forward to the time when everyone had fallen asleep. Then Landon would come to her, and they would make love throughout the night. He would creep out of her tent just before sunrise —— and so far they had yet to be caught.

  Each time they made camp, she put her tent up just a little further away from the others, usually near a tree line, always with the excuse that she had to get up constantly during the night because of an overactive bladder.

  Her bladder had nothing to do with it. It was her overactive sex life. Sex with Landon after two years of celibacy was nothing short of heaven, and Krista found herself counting each day they had left, savoring every moment, dreading for when it would end.

  And each day she knew she had to snap out of her dream world and get cracking on her article. Her boss would have her head if she didn’t come up with a story, especially since he had paid for this little adventure. She couldn’t very
well throw something together on the plane ride home, and still expect to get the promotion. And she did need that promotion. She had worked hard for too many years to blow the chance.

  She sighed heavily, watching Landon’s strong back as he rode ahead of her. Who would have thought that a strikingly handsome cowboy from Wyoming would be the one to end her two years of celibacy? He had single-handedly turned her life upside down in the space of a week.

  Her blood heated in her veins, watching the way he moved so fluidly on the horse —— so comfortable out here on the plains, where fresh air was in abundance, as was sweet solitude.

  Her gaze shifted from her lover to the mountain range in the far distance. The Grand Tetons. She swallowed past the sudden lump in her throat. Everything about Wyoming was breathtakingly beautiful. The mountains, the wildlife, the trees, the wildflowers. . .the men. She inhaled deeply of the fresh air. This was what it was to be alive, to not worry about a time clock, the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Here life was slower, and she liked it.

  Landon rode towards her, and brought his horse around right beside her. “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” he asked, motioning to the Tetons. Pride shone in his eyes, and resonated in his voice.

  “Yes, amazing.”

  He grinned, pleased by her response.

  And he was pretty amazing too. She had never met another man like him . . . and she doubted she ever would.

  A bleak thought. It must have showed on her face, because he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  I don’t want to leave you. How she yearned to say the words, but couldn’t bring herself to. After all, what would he say? Did he make it a habit of sleeping with women like her? His guests? For some reason she doubted it, but still, the mere thought of him with another woman made her jealous.

  She had to put some distance between them. If she didn’t, she was going to be hurt when she left Wyoming, and she didn’t need that complication in her life. These weeks had been a nice distraction, that’s all.


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