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SAVAGE ROAD (A Devil Call MC Book) (Layne & Shelby Book One)

Page 7

by Fawkes, Ana W.

  “Oh, fuck,” she groaned. “It’s so fucking… God…”

  I heard the squeak of the door and then pulled Shelby tight against me, hugging her, my cock still in her. I turned a little to find a prospect standing there, holding my leather cut.

  “Uh, sir…”

  “I’m fucking busy,” I yelled.

  The prospect seemed to finally get the idea of what was happening. He dropped the leather cut and shut the door.

  “Fucking hell,” I said.

  I then looked at Shelby. My arms were tight around her body, holding her against me. Our noses touched for a few seconds. Our lips were less than an inch apart. My cock still inside her. I felt her throbbing. I felt her heart racing.

  What I needed to do was drop her right then. Put her on her feet and turn her around. Bend her over and do exactly what I did before. It was easier to keep things casual from behind. But staring at Shelby… fuck…

  I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes for a second.

  When I opened them, I fully intended on dropping her.

  Instead, I simply leaned forward, putting her back against the wall again. My body was too tight against hers. And I started to fuck her. I fucked her hard, fast, good. It felt too good. Her cries were sometimes subtle, sometimes loud. Our noses kept touching, our lips kept flirting, and a few times, she cried into my mouth as I couldn’t help myself but kiss her. Just to feel some kind of passion again was a nice break from the hellish reality waiting outside the fucking supplies closet of the Devil Call MC clubhouse.

  This wasn’t romance, by any means. This was about fucking. This was me deep inside Shelby, appreciating her body, and taking advantage of her needs and wants, making her come again and again.

  I held off as long as I could. I bent my knees a little more, wanting to hold back for goddamn hours, but we didn’t have hours. The life of freedom had nothing to do with time. Freedom was about living right now.

  So I did.

  I thrust deep into Shelby and then put my mouth to hers. I started to come as I kissed her. Our tongues touched and her body went limp. I felt one of her legs release its hold on me. I kissed her hard as my cock came fast. Over and over. Thrusting and spilling, sliding her up against the wall harder with each pulse of release.

  Even after I was done, I stayed there, slowing by the second until I had nothing left to do. So I pulled out and away from her body. My hands were at her hips, making sure she put her feet down and had her balance.

  I slid my hands up and over her breasts. Shelby shut her eyes and put her head back, sighing in relief.

  I kept my hands going and stopped at her face next. Maybe that was a moment to say something. Offer a little reminder of what I had said before I fucked her. Maybe a chance to say something else.

  I didn’t say a word. I pulled her forward and kissed her forehead. I then backed away for good, reaching for my jeans and pulling them up. I crossed my arms and stood there, not giving Shelby much room to move, watching as she dressed herself.

  Goddamn, she was something beautiful to watch. The way she turned to the side and put her bra on. How she didn’t look at me when she did it, yet I saw a little smile creep on her face.

  Once she dressed, Shelby looked down and pointed.

  There was my leather cut.

  To my surprise, she reached down and grabbed it. She looked at it, pointing to the President’s patch.

  “I take it this is yours,” she said.

  “Yeah. That’s all mine.”

  Shelby then held the leather cut open for me. So I let her put it on me. I probably shouldn’t have, but I did.

  Once I had my leather cut on, I opened the door and Shelby was quick to leave. I threw my hand out and grabbed her by the wrist. I pulled at her and she spun around.

  “Remember what I said,” I said.

  “Got it,” she whispered.

  Then we lingered. Three seconds was three seconds far too long.

  I let her go and she walked away, just like I wanted her to do.

  In reality… I needed her to stay.

  Now it was time to go face death.



  The clubhouse started to get a little quiet. I got a few fresh beers for some guys and then slipped into the kitchen. The prospects were still working. They were always working.

  Layne and Finn had been shouting orders to the other guys. They were gearing up for something with the Mountain Killers. I didn’t know much about that group of bikers other than they were big, dirty, and they really loved to kill people. They were sick when it came to women. It shouldn’t have bothered me watching Layne leave the clubhouse, but it kind of did.

  Leaving the clubhouse was like rolling the dice. Eventually your number was going to get picked and you would die. That could obviously be said for anyone though.

  Once the entire place settled, I snuck out the back door and walked along the side of the building. There were two other offices in the compound, for the legit businesses. Guys walked around in jumpsuits, grease on their clothes, hands, even faces. They pointed at cars, argued over parts and pricing, and kept the front alive and well. I’m sure the MC made money at all this, but I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of secrets were all around me.

  I walked to the large cages were the dogs where kept. I guess they were meant to be big, mean junkyard animals, but the second they started to trust you, they were mush. Sugar paced and jumped when she saw me. AJ stood for a few seconds, then opened her mouth, panting. It looked like she was smiling at me though.

  I opened the door and both dogs came to me. I petted them, and checked their food and water, making sure they were happy and comfortable. I then took a seat on a bench and started to think about everything.

  My obsession with finding my mother had definitely taken over my life. Dad painted a clear picture that seemed to make sense - my mother was a woman who just decided she didn’t want the life she had. So she up and left. She never wanted be to contacted, or found. She really wanted to be left the hell alone and nothing more.

  I accepted that answer for a long time. But watching Dad slip away made me crave to know the truth. I feared Dad was going to get himself killed or kill himself. He was paranoid and wouldn’t talk about it. He barely worked, more or less a figurehead of authority. I thought maybe my mother would know something about why he turned out this way.

  Maybe I should have just run. Gotten in my car and started driving. Gone somewhere to start over. Forget about my mother and just leave a note for Dad. He wanted me to go. He’d love me for it. He’d respect me for it, too.

  But something inside me wouldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t just let it all go. I had to know about my mother. I had to try and save Dad. More so I had my own little secret.

  “Shit,” I whispered.

  I took my little notebook out of my back pocket, along with the piece of paper from Brett. I guess he was trying to kiss my ass for being a complete dick.

  The piece of paper had my mother much closer than I could have possibly imagined. Of all things, she helped to find missing people. That was, if the information in my hands was correct. Her name was Donna and she helped from Reno to Vegas and a little bit west. Not where I was though. If I wanted to see her, I’d have to do a little traveling myself.

  Which wasn’t all that bad, I guess. Maybe I could use time away from the MC. Especially with Layne here. Him going after me was sexy, hell yes, but it was risky. I couldn’t keep breaking my rule. I had to stop fucking Layne. Or letting Layne fuck me. Or whatever the hell was going on between us.

  I stood up and tucked my notes away.

  In my mind, I couldn’t figure out what was going to happen when I did find my mother. If we’d look at each other and hug each other. Cry our eyes out. She’d apologize. I’d accept. Then I could ask anything I wanted, without worry. Or it could go the other way. We’d see each other and she’d get angry. I’d get angry.

  My thoughts were chase
d away by an approaching vehicle.

  All black. Tinted windows. Even the rims on the car were black. No markings for the make or model but it had the over all appeal of something very expensive.

  The car slowed and started to turn as though it was going to pull into the compound lot. I watched as Jack started to open the main gate. They had some kind of system in place to know who was allowed in and who wasn’t. Jack put a hand out to signal the car to stop.

  But it didn’t.

  The car revved forward and hit Jack.

  The sight made me gasp. I blinked a few times, wondering if what I saw was correct.

  Jack went up on the hood of the car and then rolled off the side.

  Michael - aka Mack - started to run toward Jack.

  The car then backed up and the passenger window opened.

  When I saw the gun, I dropped to my knees.

  Sugar and AJ came at me. I threw my arms around them and hugged them, as though I could protect them. Christ, the dogs were bigger than me. They were protecting me.

  I shut my eyes, hating the sound of a gun firing.

  The gun was very quiet though, a quick pff sound and that was it. By the time I opened my eyes and looked, the car was now speeding away. My mind told me to get the plate number, but it was too late. The car was too far gone to see anything.

  I hesitated for a few seconds, almost in a state of shock.

  My first thought was that nobody from the table was there to help. Yeah, there were patched in members, but the true power mostly came from the guys at the table.

  I stood back up, patting the heads of the two dogs.

  “Stay put,” I said.

  I left the dogs and rushed over to the scene at the front of the compound.

  The first thing I saw was blood.

  A lot of blood.

  Pooling on the ground.

  “Holy shit.”

  I hurried to Jack and dropped down, wondering what I was going to be able to do. Michael was there, tearing off his jumpsuit, stripping down to nothing but a white t-shirt and his boxers. He rolled the jumpsuit up and pressed it to the side of Jack’s neck, where the bullet had penetrated him.

  “He’s going to fucking die,” Michael said. “Fuck. He’s my best friend.”

  I looked back. There were more guys running toward the scene.

  I took Jack by the hand. “Can you hear me?”

  Jack’s mouth tried to move. His eyes were already glossy. His head moved to the right, looking at the road.

  “Jack,” I said. “Did you know who they were?”

  His mouth was still moving, nothing happening. Then blood started to seep from his mouth.

  My stomach flipped. My blood ran cold.

  I looked at Michael. “Did you know who…”

  “No idea,” Michael said. “Didn’t get a good look though.” He glanced back down to Jack. “Please, man, just hang on. Just… for me…”

  Jack turned his head and stared at Michael.

  I squeezed Jack’s hand. “Let me call for help. Okay? Keep breathing, Jack. It’s not…”

  Jack’s head fell to the left.


  Jack’s grip lessened on my hand. I then stood up and stepped back. I bumped into something, someone. I spun and swung, my hand slapping someone’s face.

  It was a patched in member - Blaze.

  He grabbed my wrists and spun me around. He slammed me against the gate.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he growled.

  “Yo, bro,” another voice said. It was Jet. “That’s Layne’s old lady. Take it easy.”

  Layne’s old lady?

  Is that what people thought?

  Before Blaze could do anything else, I lifted my knee to his balls. That made him let me go. I slipped away and started to run toward the clubhouse. I looked back, expecting to see Blaze or someone else chasing me.

  But I was alone.

  At the clubhouse door, I stopped and thought for a second.

  A black car rolled up, shot a prospect, then sped away.

  I looked in the direction the car had gone.

  It made me wonder what direction Layne had been going.

  And, again, my stomach was fucking sick.

  It was going to be a bad day.



  It was a complete shithole. From the large wooden structure that was their bar, right down to the stack of motorcycles, junk, trailers, and other shit everywhere. They didn’t have a compound. They were tucked away in the woods of northern California like a bad kept secret.

  We went from pavement to rocky gravel and then into the dirt.

  I had to admit it… the ride really made it all scary.

  There were two of them standing at the main part of compound by a large, crooked, and rusty gate. The guys had to weigh over three hundred pounds, and they looked nothing short of a chunk of muscle with eyes. They had long, black beards, long, black hair, and were filthy. They smelled like death and spit at the ground when we approached, leaving big globs of chew on the ground.

  “The fuck you want?” one of them growled.

  “You know who I am?” I asked.

  “Bitch patch says President. Your mother sew that on for you?”

  “No,” I said. “But maybe yours did. She a bitch like you? Guarding a broken gate?”

  The guy stepped at me.

  I wasn’t afraid of him. I didn’t give a shit about their size. Hell, I was almost matched to them.

  The second guy grabbed the first one’s arm and pulled. He then reached over the gate and lifted a shotgun. He pumped the chamber with one hand and pointed it right at me.

  “Get the fuck out,” he spat.

  “Shoot me,” I said. “You tried yesterday but missed.” I nodded to my shoulder. “Are you all that bad of a shot?”

  “Let me crush his head,” the first guy said.

  That’s when Finn stepped forward and punched the guy right square in the nose. The big guy collapsed like an empty glass in the wind. The second guy took his eyes off me for a second so I grabbed the shotgun. I twisted it out of his hands and pointed it at him. His eyes went wide. He shook his head.

  “Last words?” I asked.

  “Go fuck yourself. And your mother.”

  I pulled the trigger and he flew back into the gate. He went backwards over the gate and managed to bump the latch, opening it. The first guy was on the ground, holding his face.

  “Ax,” I called out. “Keep this guy quiet.”

  Ax lumbered forward and put his massive boot to the guy’s throat.

  The shotgun brought attention to us, which was exactly what I wanted.

  Guys started to pour from the bar and from the trailers. They all had a similar look to them. They were thick with fat over muscle, long beards, black hair, evil eyes and faces. Their fingers were covered in rings, and wore nothing but black leather cuts that were worn out, with holes in them.

  They were really terrifying to look at.

  I pumped the shotgun and pointed.

  That didn’t stop them.

  They kept coming.

  It wasn’t until the guy in front put his arms out did they stop.

  “That’s Viper,” Finn whispered to me. “President. Stryker’s next to him. VP.”

  Viper had two scars at the insides of his eyes. It made him look even angrier. Maybe that’s where they got the name Viper from. He was the only one who didn’t have a beard. Or hair. He was completely bald, his jaw chiseled like shitty broken stone from scars.

  I opened the shotgun chamber and dumped the shells. I closed the chamber and tossed the gun to the side.

  “Viper,” I said. “Nice to finally meet you face to face.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” Viper said. He opened the gate, pulling it toward him. “You shot him?”

  “Yeah, I did. He pointed the gun at me. Only right I defend myself. Considering I was shot at yesterday.”

  Viper grinned. �
�That’ll heal just fine, won’t it?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it will,” I said. “Who shot?”

  “I did,” Stryker said, stepping forward.

  “And they call you Stryker?”

  “If he wanted you dead, you’d be dead,” Viper said. “But I wanted to just send a little warning.”

  “Yeah? And what’s that?”

  Viper reached out and grabbed at the bandage on my shoulder. He tore at it, leaving it dangling. He then stuck a finger into the wound, breaking it open.

  I threw an uppercut and hit Viper in the jaw. He went stumbling back, Stryker catching him. Stryker threw Viper forward at me. I stepped back and we were then nose to nose.

  “You don’t realize what you’re fucking with,” Viper whispered.

  “You don’t realize who I am,” I said. “President of Devil Call MC. No more bullshit, asshole. Stay the fuck away from my town. My clubhouse. My club.”

  “All yours,” Viper said. “You just show up and that’s it?”

  “That’s it,” I said. “The biggest mistake you ever made was not making the call to kill me yesterday. I’m going to bury each and every one of you pieces of shit.”

  Viper grinned. He then laughed. He looked at Stryker. “You believe this guy? He’s got some balls.”

  Viper then made a grab for me. For my balls.

  His fingers grazed between my legs and I punched his hand away. I threw another punch at him, hitting him again in the jaw.

  That’s when all hell finally broke loose.

  Stryker lunged at me, hitting me in the side of the face. I side stepped and turned, but Finn was already there. Like a goddamn ninja, Finn was in the air and then had Stryker on the ground.

  Me and Viper were in a stare down as the rest of our guys were fighting. You could only hear the sounds of knuckles hitting flesh and bone, blood spraying, and spitting on the ground.

  Rylan and Brett were on the ground, rolling around.

  Ax had some guy by the throat, lifting him up.


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