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Her Treasured SEAL (Midnight Delta Book 11)

Page 17

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  The minister opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Drake had one more thing to say.

  “Karen, my last breath belongs to you.”

  A single tear slipped down her cheek, but that smile was still brighter than star shine.

  “You may now kiss the bride.”

  For a half heartbeat he waited for Evie to speak. She didn’t. He swept Karen into his arms. His wife. Halleluiah, his wife. For eternity. His wife.

  “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Drake Avery.”

  The first strains of the song started as shouting, clapping, and whistling began.

  Her legs went weak. As if by magic, Drake gripped her tightly around the waist.

  “I have you,” he whispered into her ear.

  “I know.”

  “It’s going to be fine.”

  “I know,” Karen repeated herself. She wanted to take Andrew from Mason, but she didn’t know if she could hold him. Then it hit her, she was dizzy, and she knew the reason why, it was pure unadulterated joy.

  “We did it. We finally did it,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, we did,” Drake crooned in her ear. “I like your song choice, Baby.”

  “You do?” She listened as the singer said he fell in love every single day under the light of a thousand stars.

  “It’s true Karen, your heart could never grow old.”

  He made her melt. Every day, every minute, every moment, she melted deeper into his soul.

  “I love you.”

  “Do you think they’re going to leave?” Evie asked sotto voice.

  “Shut it,” Trenda hushed her sister.

  “We should get going,” Karen said to Drake.

  “We can stay here all night, there’s no rush,” he whispered. He always had her back. No matter what she would always be able to depend on Drake. Her husband.

  Her husband.

  “Everybody’s staring.”

  “Fuck ‘em.”

  Karen wound her arms around Drake’s neck and drew him down for another kiss. He deserved another kiss, and she desperately desired one. This moment was perfect. She needed a little bit more time here in her personal fairytale with her prince. There weren’t stars, instead it was beautiful twilight, but under this bower of flowers it was her idea of heaven.

  Karen felt something soft hit her cheek, then something fluttered over her forehead.

  “You’re pwetty,” Bella cried.

  She opened her eyes and saw Bella scooping up another handful of rose petals off the carpet. The photographer was bent low to get a picture of the little girl. People were whistling and clapping. She sank against Drake’s white uniform.

  “You okay?”

  “Mmm mmm.” She nodded into his chest. She felt like she was floating. She laughed when she heard his stomach grumble.

  “I think someone’s hungry.” She grinned up at him.

  “I think they have food at the reception.”

  “Is it far?”

  “There’s a golf cart with your name on it.”


  She was up off her feet and in his arms before she could finish the sentence. “Put me down.”


  “Right this instant.”

  They were being pelted with rose petals as they made their way down the aisle. Everyone seemed to think Bella’s idea was brilliant and Drake’s laughter just made it all the better. He deposited her into a golf cart as soon as they made it outside. She caught sight of her brother Alex as he waved at her. She hadn’t even noticed any of her brothers before now.

  “What about Andrew?”

  “Mason’s bringing him to the reception, don’t worry little Mama.”

  They wound up and around the back of the wedding area, until they reached a plateau. Once again, she was dazzled. There were colorful Chinese lanterns hanging in the Live Oak trees that surrounded the dance floor and tables covered with black silk, red roses and delicate brass lanterns. The band was set up, and beginning to play a country ballad that she absolutely loved.

  Drake helped her out of the golf cart, and Karen heard the low hum of other electric motors arriving. Bridesmaid after bridesmaid was escorted up to the reception area. Like a well-oiled machine, the Midnight Delta men were paired off with their women, an Avery sister was immediately met with either an Eastman brother or a single member of the Black Dawn team.

  They didn’t have a head table, they sat at rounds. After everyone was seated, the band asked for everyone’s attention and Mason stood up at his table and looked over at Karen and Drake. Somehow, in a maneuver that Karen was still trying to wrap her head around, her big husband had somehow managed to plant her, her dress, and their son, on his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world. So that’s how the photographer caught them when Mason decided to give his toast.

  “I’ve known Drake since we met at BUD/S. Nothing stopped him then, and nothing stops him now. I am honored that he would ask me to be his best man. I consider him the brother I never had.”

  “Drake, you’re the man who tells it like it is. Okay, a lot of times you insert your foot in your mouth while doing it, but you always get your point across. You have a heart as big as all outdoors, you always know when we need a helping hand, and you’re there. Just like you were for your sisters, even when you couldn’t be there with them in Tennessee. No matter the type of fight anyone is facing, be it on the battlefield or a battle of the heart, you have their six.”

  “My friend, they often talk about the mighty falling, and there is no one mightier than you, my brother.”

  “Here here,” Clint shouted.

  Mason continued. “We waited with baited breath, and it was with joy in our hearts that we saw you fall at Karen’s feet. There is was no one worthier for you my friend. When we met her in Tennessee we were greeted by a schoolteacher who schooled you, but then we saw her fight fiercely for you and your family, never backing down, never giving up. We were amazed at her ability to be the perfect match for you, providing you the love, the care, and the slap upside the head that you so often need. Welcome to our SEAL Team family, Karen.”

  Applause burst out, as Karen burst into tears. She tried to jam her face into Drake’s neck, but he was having none of that. He was laughing.

  “He sure called that right, you sure as hell schooled me.”

  “Drake,” she wailed.

  “School me again.”

  She looked at him in confusion.

  “Show me how you’d like to be kissed.”

  Karen cupped his jaw, and guided his lips to hers. “I want a Drake kiss.”

  “I can do that.”

  The applause melted away as she was swept into the magic that was her husband’s passion.

  “HE’S TOTALLY IN LOVE with you,” her mother said as she took Andrew out of Karen’s arms. She gave her mom a questioning look. Drake was near the band and he was staring at her. Heat suffused her entire being.

  “You don’t even hear me? Do you?”

  “What?” she asked her mom.

  “He totally missed Maddie and Leif dancing.”

  “So,” Karen said.

  “They’re kind of making a spectacle.”

  Karen scanned the dance floor and when she saw them, she grinned. They totally were. Her big blond brother with the petite brunette sprite looked awesome together.

  “Don’t stare,” Her mom cautioned. “Drake might notice.”

  “Nope, now he’s talking to the lead singer.” That was odd. The singer went to the microphone and looked at her.

  “Will Mrs. Drake Avery please come to the dance floor.” Drake was standing there, a huge smile on his face with his hand out. What the hell? She loved her man, but one of the things that she knew from the get go was that he didn’t dance. He stood, she clung, they swayed. It worked for them.

  “Karen?” her mom prompted. “I think Drake’s asking you to dance.”

  Karen stood up and walked ove
r to her grinning husband. As soon as he took her hand, the band started to play. Drake put his big hand at her waist and clasped her right hand in his left. He’d never done this before.

  “You with me?” he asked.

  “I think so,” she said hesitantly.

  “Let ‘er rip,” he called out to the band.

  A deep blues beat started and Drake swung her into a smooth glide as a deep bass voice started singing.

  “We’re dancing.” She looked up at him in wonder.

  “You’re not listening.”

  “How can I? We’re dancing.”

  “Listen to the words, Karen.” Then in a low rumble as he twirled her around under the stars he started singing along with the band.

  “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”

  She faltered, but he caught her, and glided her through the next steps, and kept right on singing into her ear. Oh my God, he was singing and dancing. Chills raced up and down her spine.

  Finally, the song came to an end, and she drew his head down and whispered into his ear. “You got it wrong. So very wrong. You’re my best thing.”

  Vaguely she heard people clapping again.

  The band started a new song. She clasped her arms around his neck, and they started to sway. “Where’d you learn to dance?”

  “I’ve been going over to Clint and Lydia’s so often so that Lydia could teach me.”

  She kissed the bottom of his jaw. “Thank you for that.” She took a deep breath, and then snuggled in, breathing in Drake and the warm moonlit night. She felt the gentle breeze coming from the ocean, it was perfect.

  The dance floor filled around them. She smiled when Mason and Sophia danced past them on the right, then Darius and Rylie on the left, but she all out grinned when she saw young Billy Anderson dancing with a girl named Rebecca who had visited her once with Sophia while she had been on bedrest. Such a lovely teenager.

  “What has you smiling so big?”

  “Besides the fact that you made all my dreams come true?”

  Drake kissed the tip of her nose. “Besides that.”

  “Being surrounded by our friends and family is wonderful. Did you see Piper talking to Edna and Lacey?”

  “The two teachers from your old school in Tennessee?”

  “Yep, they’re still over at that far table under the oak tree talking. And Edna’s the principal.”

  “They’ve been at it all night. Which is good, I think Wyatt’s been trying to make a move on Piper,” Drake frowned. “She’s far too young.”

  She could see Leif and Maddie dancing behind Drake, once again you couldn’t see a bit of light between them.

  Drake lifted his head, and Karen was sure his instincts had somehow tuned into the couple. “Did you hear that?” he asked her.


  He maneuvered her to the edge of the dance floor. One hundred yards of guest tables separated them from the drop off towards the water. To the right was the forest of Live Oak trees where the lanterns hung. The moon shimmered over the ocean, she could see the stars gleam brightly, the sight was gorgeous. Bella gave a tired wave from her mother’s arms. She looked ready to fall asleep. Karen waved back at the girl.

  Mason and Sophia came up on her right. “You sensed it too?” Mason said looking over at Drake.

  “Now I can hear it.”

  “What?” Sophia asked.

  Drake and Mason both squinted into the darkness, as Darius and Rylie came up on her left side.

  She saw Rylie was squinting as hard as the three men. She shared a look of bewilderment with Sophia. Finally, she saw a spec of black against the moon.

  “Chopper,” Dare said succinctly.

  “Two,” Mason corrected. “Both civilian. They wouldn’t be doing tours at this time of night.”

  “Maybe they’re dropping off or picking up tourists,” Clint said as he joined the group. Karen did a quick scan and saw Lydia sitting with her sister Beth and Jack, they were all eating cake.

  “Bullshit,” Drake said. “They’re coming to this side of the island not the Avalon side.”

  There was the distant whump whump of a helicopter.

  The first helicopter was still a long way out over the ocean.

  “Ladies, come with me, we’re heading for the trees,” Clint said.

  “It’s a thousand yards out, but coming in fast,” Mason said.

  Clint tugged at Karen’s arm. “Come on, Karen.”

  “Seven hundred yards,” Drake called out.

  “Scope!” someone yelled.

  Karen was on the ground before the word scope was finished being shouted, Drake’s body was on top of hers. She could still see a little bit of the dance floor.

  Pfft. Pfft. Pfft.

  Those were shots.

  Blood burst starkly red on Dare’s white uniform. She saw his body buck from where he was covering Rylie. The first screams started. Both men and women.

  “Down! Down! Down! Down!”

  Pfft. Pfft. Pfft.

  Andrew. She had to get to Andrew.

  Karen heard glass shattering, then she heard the most horrifying sound of all, a baby crying.

  “Andrew! Where’s Andrew?” She shoved at Drake.

  “Report on Andrew!” Drake roared, not getting up. Why wasn’t he getting up?

  whump whump

  “Andrew’s under a table with Karen’s mom,” Jack yelled.

  “They’re making a turn and the second one’s coming. Get the civilians under the tables.” Gray Tyler ran by her. “All of you, get your dress whites dirty. They targeted white, they want Navy.” She saw he was wearing a blue suit and holding a gun. Why would he have a gun at a wedding?

  Gray was bending over Darius, rolling him off Rylie.

  “I’m fine,” he gasped at his wife. “It’s just a graze,” he said as blood continued to pour from the wound from his shoulder. Or was it his chest? Karen couldn’t tell.

  “Fuck that shit. It is not.” Karen watched as Rylie hiked up her skirt and pulled a gun from the holster that had been strapped to her thigh.

  “Get me to Andrew.” She shoved at Drake again, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “There’s another one coming in. It’s bigger,” Gray yelled.

  “Why is this happening? Why is this happening? Why is this happening?” The woman wouldn’t shut up. Karen finally recognized her as Lacy, her friend and fellow teacher from Jasper Creek.

  “Help Lacy,” she said to Drake.

  “Wyatt,” he roared. “Help the little blonde teacher who’s having a shit fit.”

  Above the crowd, she heard the young SEAL, say he was ‘on it.’

  “We’ve got to get the people off the dance floor and back to the trees for cover,” Mason said.

  “I’ll take them,” Rylie said. “You carry Darius.” Her voice was tight.

  Drake got up, helping Karen to a standing position, she started to kick off her shoes. “Don’t,” he said. “Too much glass from the table lanterns.” He bent down and ripped her dress from the hem to mid-thigh. “There, now you can move more easily. Follow Rylie, she’ll take you to Andrew. Stay low. Get under one of the tables near the trees.”

  “Take off your jacket,” Karen started tugging at his buttons.

  “We’ll take care of it. Trust us.”

  whump whump

  whump whump

  She needed to get to their son. “Andrew’s under the table near the big tree there.” He pointed.

  Rylie, Sophia, and she started out as fast as they could. She stopped short when she saw the body of a white coated waiter. Rylie yanked her arm. “No time. Keep going.”

  Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft.

  The bullets were never ending. Dirt spit up to her left. Rylie continued to yank at her arm. Then Rylie stopped and planted her feet. She lifted her gun and shot upwards. Karen looked around in a daze and realized at least five men, including her brother Jim, were doing the same thing.

; Andrew squalled. That was what was important. She quit looking at the people with guns and ran towards her son, praying that somehow Drake and his team would save their baby.

  Chapter Fifteen

  ANDREW WAS CRYING. Drake saw the white satin of Karen’s gown glowing like a beacon in the moonlight, she might as well have been wearing a bulls-eye.

  “I’ve got the civilians, you handle Dare,” Mason said.

  “Roger,” Drake told his lieutenant.

  “Need a rifle,” Jack shouted from one of the reception tables.

  “On it,” Finn shouted back. Drake couldn’t remember seeing Finn in the crowd when he was on the dance floor, but he heard him clear as day, and his voice was coming from where the golf carts were parked. If anyone could put his hands on a rifle, he’d bet the farm on Finn Crandall.

  “Aiden!” Drake shouted. Dare was going to die if they didn’t get him help. It was as simple as that. Aiden skidded in the blood and landed on his knees. He hadn’t been in the wedding party, so he wasn’t in dress whites. He slammed his Sig Sauer pistol into Drake’s hands. “If they get close, try to take out whoever you can,” Aiden said.

  “I know what to do.” Drake grabbed the gun. “Save Dare.”

  “I know what to do.” Aiden ripped open Dare’s jacket, buttons flying. Drake saw that Aiden had grabbed a silk table cloth. He was on it. He took another look toward where Karen had run, he couldn’t see her. Hopefully she was safe.

  “Mommy!” he heard Bella cry out as wind from the second helicopter sprayed dirt into his eyes. He smelled smoke. Damn it! The candles from the lanterns! More screams broke out.

  “Drake, help me carry him to the trees,” Aiden yelled above the sound of the helicopter rotors.

  They picked up Darius and started toward a spot Clint signaled toward. It was further back amongst the woods with a table leaned against the base of an Oak tree. Perfect cover. Where was his wife? Where was his son? They better be under something just as good.

  As soon as they got Dare under cover, a muddy Clint pushed Drake onto the ground and poured a pitcher of water on him. “Roll.”

  Drake rolled in the dirt, muddying up his clothes, then he smeared mud on his face. He stood up holding Aiden’s gun. He saw that Clint had one too.


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