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Page 10

by Unknown

  Now I had to purge any records of me being there. Spring their trap by sticking my hand in Receiving. I got a warning on my screen about a trace 'Six spotted. Delete everything from here, back out. Go back to Skyline’s servers and patch the holes I’d punched in their security. Normally I don’t bother, because going back to the scene of the crime is always a bad idea, but like I said. I didn’t like the idea of people using those holes for Really Bad Things.


  I took a deep breath as my body uncurled and I closed 'Six the rest of the way down. "We have our tickets. I think I got connection log scrubbed, and I found a file with my name on it in the government server I tapped. I'm going to bed now." Tanya blinked at my abrupt behavior but said nothing else to me, at least not that I could hear. My job was done, we had a flight to catch in a couple days. I'm going to try getting some sleep and don't wantto be woke up unless there were cops at the door, or grenades being tossed in.

  "Please don't tell me you wanted to try that." I looked hopefully to the man across the table. "I'm pretty sure I wasn't found out, mostly because there didn't seem to be any dark suits or handcuffs waiting for either of us. "I'm also pretty sure I'd closed the holes I'd opened inboth servers, but even if I did I Do Not want people attempting that. Even if they could pull it off and their intentions weren’t agenda motivated what's to say they won't end up getting sloppy?"

  The man shrugged, “You seem to believe our interests are connected with demands, governments, or cultural wars. Our struggle started, like yours, when friends went missing. When this ends we will in all likelihood crumble back into our individual components.”

  I listened calmly as he talked, waiting for more. Maybe I’d finally figure out a thing or three here. Instead he got up and walked away. Maybe he would make my concerns known to whatever passed for the people in charge here. I was terrified they wanted to make a run against America's government. Sure it was flawed, corrupt, and I hadn't any real faith in politics anymore, but that doesn't mean I wanted to see it all go up in smoke.

  Part 4


  I arrived in London with no passport, unable to use my accounts for fear that even pulling cash for later use would tip off my location, and still not quite sure if I was being kidnapped or rescued. Fear crept into my system when Tanya drove me into the countryside. Her demeanor had changed from friendly and willing to talk to distant and silent.

  Her silence kept my mouth shut, because I had no idea what was going on, and was afraid I’d stepped in it big time. I didn’t notice details like how well furnished our supposed safe-house was, or that it had not one, but several broadband connections, and that I wasn’t the only refugee/abductee there. My mind, by that point, was convinced I had been kidnapped and all this was just part of the window dressing to keep me quiet before who-knows-what happened.

  Miko looked at me oddly, “You’re telling us stuff we already know.”

  “Well look at it this way.” I gave her a level look in return. They kept insisting they were almost ready, just a little longer. well It’s been a week since I’ve left America, and five of those days had been spent here. I was getting tired and snippy, and if this was all some sort of game. Plus I’d burned through my vacation time at work, and I wasn’t looking forward to having to hunt for a new job when this was over. “You get to see how scared out of my mind before all of this went downhill, as opposed to how much I distrust you now that I’m at the bottom of that hill and see no good way out.”

  “Fine. Lay it on me.”

  Let me elaborate on this portion of my travels since you just don’t seem to understand the absolute terror I’d worked myself into. I hadn’t simply left home or the state. I had left the country following a militant seeming woman that claimed it was for my own protection. I was in a strange land with little money, no knowledge of local workings, and no support system at hand. Yes I was allowed to call home, assure everyone I was fine, but either Tanya or somebody else was always within earshot, so I didn’t want to voice my suspicions out loud lest they be proven true.

  You know about the house I was taken to don’t you? The one that had eight or a dozen other people milling about. If it weren’t for the fact I was sinking into my own fears I would have actually liked the place. Everyone there was somehow, like myself, a wayward sort; be it someone from the ‘blogosphere’ that had twigged some sort o f nerve that caused guys in black uniforms and big guns to bust their door in, hackers and other ner-do-wells such as myself, or just those that were looking for a safe shelter from the storm all this was causing. That hadn’t eased my worry, but it did comfort me that for the moment I wasn’t alone.

  Introductions were made; each of us giving our favored on-line handles rather than birth names. It felt somewhat strange doing this in meat-space, but nowhere near as strange as it might have for a newbie. You were there Miko, so was Sekmet and Bast. You know, I always thought those two would be socially inept thirteen year olds that could have graduated college and they turned out to both be fully tenured university professors somewhere in their mid forties. There were others, some I had heard whispers of, and others I’d bumped into here and there. None of them seemed to really notice me, after all why should anyone? I’ve kept mostly to myself, try not to brag too much about my targets, and unlike Mikhail I withdraw from crowds rather than try being the center of attention.

  All of us, so I thought at the time, were brought here for similar reasons, and I suppose you would tell me that assumption is correct. We asked ourselves, and each-other what those reasons were. It didn’t take long for me to rule out everyone having a quantum computer, because when I brought up the idea it was quickly dismissed. I wonder how many thought I was out of my gourd when I told them about Deep Six. A quick demonstration was in order to bring them around. Just glad everyone had laptops on them so they could play along.

  Bast and a couple others leaned over me while I set myself up. I told everyone to buzz off because they were in my space, and even if I generally tune out what’s going on around me when I’m getting down to business I never have and likely never will put up with people getting in my face while I’m trying to work my mojo. Reluctantly most took a few steps back, but you, Miko, you kept close. Though from my perspective since you had gotten outside arm’s reach, you didn’t existent. so as far as I was concerned. I simply couldn’t spare the attention for any of you because of my demonstration run.

  “Break into Haven!” The first request came from someone dressed in a mix of late nineteenth century fashion and though it looked good the effect was spoiled by the rumpled slept in nature of the man himself.

  Haven. He gave me the full address. My first trick was rattling off every security feature the site was running, length of password, ports open, and likeliest services running on those ports. I know, you were there, but I still felt more than a bit satisfied at the reaction, especially when I tore the site to ribbons. Let everyone gather closer so they could look at the screen, go back to confirm the site’s status via their own boxes just to make sure I wasn’t running some kind of smoke and mirrors trick.

  Next request was a rival’s blog. Boring. I broke in just to prove I could, then checked the local network to try finding the requestee’s box. Get more creative sister. I’m not your personal attack dog, so your box has now become a paperweight. Have fun reinstalling everything after you get a new drive.

  Miko broke my narrative with her laughter, “I remember, that’s when you gave your ‘poor wittle piwate.’ tirade.” After a moment or two of thought she shook her head. “No, that came after Dos asked you to break into that network so he could clone all their movies.”

  My eyes rolled at the thought of the guy. Fat, unkempt even when compared the fact everyone else had been several days without a bath. “Please, don’t re mind me. Kid needs to get out, run a few miles, or something. S’pathetic.” Sure, I had my own complaints about ho w the copyright system in America works, but giving it the mi
ddle finger isn’t going to fix anything, at least not by itself.

  There were other requests in those first hours. Some I’d gladly stepped up to. Others, mostly ones representing personal vendetta or acts entirely too showy, I refused. Seriously. Yes I’d like to knock the RIAA down about eight or twelve pegs, but defacing their servers are neither a challenge, nor would it help cause a positive shift in how the system works. Miko and I talked of my time in that house for what felt like hours. That run let me forget my troubles for a little while and let me feel at peace, even when I was practically screaming at another of the attendee’s about why I wouldn't hop to when they wanted me to break into something for them.

  After that we had to sleep. Girls in one room, boys split amongst two others, and there were four of your people as guards over all of us. It wasn't a comfortable weekend, but up until we had been split up it was almost as if it could have been preparations for a con, or just an impromptu gathering to talk shop and swap dares. Even though I have my reservations about you and your people Miko, I'm glad you kept Bast and Sekmet together.

  "It was never our intent to split them up." Miko paused to look at her phone. "Story time over Skippy. They're giving your computer back." You have no idea whatsoever how happy that makes me.

  Part 5


  Six looked no worse for our time apart. The green, gold, and white pinstripe art across its black case was just as I had left it. In fact it looked a little cleaner than when I'd seen it last. "You guys do anything after Net Warrior crashed?" Everyone shook their heads. All they did after was clean it inside and out, and ran disk utilities after that. Honest.

  They stepped wide of me when I went to look 'Six over. I'd like to think I did a good job keeping it, hardware and software, clean but judging by the fact I noticed drastic a difference in appearance I must have overestimated my abilities on at least the first count. On the software front I noticed that someone had rearranged my desktop and changed half my settings around, which was pretty Common of them to do to someone else's system.

  Messing with internals for better performance I could understand, but how the interface works should never be messed with unless you have permission. Couldn't tell these people off on poor manners though because I had more pressing concerns. Net Warrior refused to connect even though I had a stable connection and my browsers all pulled up anything I tossed their way After emailing my general situation to Gibbon using roundabout language I closed down, thanked them for taking care of my computer and adding their network's login and security information in so I could work where I pleased.

  Normal methods for breaking into a given system involves a more subtle approach than I’ve described in this account. As I said earlier it is more often a case of sifting through garbage than sitting at a console. Other times it takes social engineering tactics to get someone to give me a piece of needed information, or to install something that will give me a foot in the door to get the rest of the way in. Compare that meticulous and often lengthy approach to wielding Deep Six like Thor’s Hammer Mjöllnir .

  Miko looked at me and tried sounding firm, but reassuring. “Even if Gibbon can’t get back with you we have to go forward.”

  I my train of thought, which had been stuck trying to find a joke that fit the punchline ‘ ...and that’s why you never divide by zero’ derailed. That caused me to stare over at her with what I guess was a look of dumb confusion, “Wait, what do you need me for if ‘Six can’t be fixed? Come to think of it, what did you need us for in the first place?”

  “Well, if you can’t get Net Warrior back we can still use you for the big coordinated run we want to make.” Miko sat beside me as I checked on the more mundane aspects of my on-line life. I updated my Social sites, and was only half-listening because I was in the middle of a VoIP call home to check on things, let them know I was alright.

  Turned out between the time I’d check in last and now been attempts to get me saddled with some sort of hit and run. My car was involved, sure, but my family had been quick to point out that not only had I not been driving it at the time, I wasn’t anywhere in the country. There had been some fumbling around where records were concerned.

  Miko assured me they would take care of the gaps and ‘people are watching your family.’ Still, if ‘they’, whoever that might be, wanted me bad enough wouldn’t they make threatening gestures over my friends and especially family?

  “Of course, why do you think your associates from Chaotic Realms went missing?”

  To cover for my reaction I busied myself trying to puzzle my way through Gibbon’s latest test. Without Net Warrior brute forcing my way in was a no-go, but finesse was an option. While trying to puzzle through the clues that had been left for me I wondered why Gibbon did what he did. He was smart, that much was obvious, and he had a good grasp of security. He must have seen me make a pass at his box earlier because a conversation window opened.

  > Hey Hey. Look who’s back!

  > Yea, England’s nice. Got to see Sekmet and Bast before my box blew up. Got any good news on that front?

  > Good news is I have that backup you asked after. Bad news is, as you know, things change and it could’ve gotten corrupt between then and now. I think it’s fine, but it’s been awhile since I’d done an integrity check.

  > Hit Me. I’ll take my chances. By the by I like the latest puzzle you dropped in my lap. Good distraction from the weather.


  > Glad to hear. You seem to be the only one that likes playing ball. Had three others wash out since I got in touch with you last.

  > So sorry to hear that. All it really takes is enough patience to Google around for a walk-through, and enough brain-cells firing at the same time to connect the dots.

  > You know as well as I do that the puzzles I pick can go anywhere between child’s play, and ‘Absolute Bastard’. I think the ones I’ve been tossing out for the past week are definite ‘Bastard’ material. You?

  > Won’t argue too much on that. I’m just glad I left a backup with you. Anything you want to do between now and when it finishes?

  > You still have Gless installed?

  > Sure. You want Magic or Technology?

  > Magic.

  > Figures. Be there shortly. Going to see if Miko or any of her friends wants to show up.

  Gless was a completely open source strategy game that has a stock package centered around Magic Vs. Technology in something akin to Tower Defense. Mods have been made depicting everything from ancient Rome to futuristic cyber-dragons and robotic warriors. I wasn’t terribly good, but then again neither was Gibbon and it gave us a chance to goof off awhile.

  I saw Miko join as well as a few others. This account won’t go into detail of the game, or the conversations we had there, for if you are reading this than I am sure you are more interested in if Deep Six got fixed or not. The game allowed Gibb and I to speak more or less candidly with my hosts. Gibb openly stated he was not part of their organization, but was not opposed to helping if needed. They understood, and appreciated his honesty. Gibb also said something about being worried about what they had in mind for me, though he put it in far coarser language. Understandable, they had said, and they would do all they could to keep me safe. Gibb and I ended up getting steam rolled in spite of our alliance against Miko and her companions, but the tension eased somewhat.


  The download finished about halfway through our third match and so I apologized for leaving Gibb to fend for himself before signing off. Restoring from a flashed image was straightforward, but time consuming. Miko spared me a sympathetic look from where she was perched; she was probably sending hordes of clockwork mecha to stomp Gibb’s summoners in at that moment. I smiled to her and babysat the restoration process. Sure I could have walked away, for there really wasn’t anything I could do to affect the outcome once it had started, but I’m one of those that just can’t leave an install unattended.

  After a reboot I saw the desktop I had two months back; A game engine rendered version of a cyberpunk cityscape. The engine was almost a decade old now, but the image still looked stunning to me. The artist, whoever it had been, managed to fit in an amazing amount of detail into a single still image. Unfortunately that image also meant that I had to re-create my list of shortcuts that had been worked out since then. No real worries, it was just time consuming. While I did this my mind drifted.

  Did they want something from me? Of course. Did that make them bad people? Meh. Not really. Shifty and close mouthed, but not necessarily bad. I needed to learn more of my situation and that of these people.

  There is only one way for me to find out, one way or another, if I've been abducted or rescued, without Net Warrior I would have needed to go back to traditional methods. Even backed by the sort of power Deep Six had I had gotten spoiled, and didn't want to have to go back if I could help it. Even if Net Warrior was repaired I’d have to go head to head against a group that rightfully could claim cyberspace as home territory. Still. I needed answers, and if hacking Legion was the best way to get them then so be it.

  “Guy what’re you doing?” I smiled at her inability to see what I was up to. Gibbon’s daily challenge had been about a thirty on the Bastard Meter, but the tools he had gave me what I needed to have my way with the local network.

  Euphoria hit as Deep Six hammered its way into first this box, then that. All of it was from the local network, so Legion would know where to look, in general. They just wouldn’t be able to tell where I was in that network when everything was linked together like this. At least I hoped that was going to be the end result. To take out some added insurance I got in touch with several … friends... and rented about an hour on their networks. I hated dealing with people that willfully made Joe and Jane user’s home computers into spam-slinging zombies, but in this I would need every advantage.


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