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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

Page 5

by GG Shalton

  The earl looked at Andrew. “If there is nothing else, I believe I will take my leave as well.” He turned on his heel and left out the front door.

  Andrew leaned down to help Amelia. He gently touched her face. “Are you well?” He bent her head back and wiped the blood with his finger. Taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, he held it against her nose.

  Amelia’s tear stained face gazed up at him. “I am well.” She took the cloth and held it against her nose. Andrew seemed to sense her hesitation, “Miss Abbott, please forgive me. This is not how I planned this conversation. Please, may we go into your father’s study?”

  She sat up touching her face wincing when her fingers hit a sore spot. He took her elbow and guided her into the study helping her sit in one of the chairs. He sat in the chair across from her taking her free hand.

  Andrew softened his tone and spoke affectionately to her, “Miss Abbott, you deserve to be courted and spoiled. That was my plan until I was informed of the circumstances with your father. I knew you were promised to your cousin and would be moving soon. This has caused me to react differently and make an offer today.”

  She averted her eyes looking at her small hand being engulfed by his large fingers. Her nose throbbed with pain, but her vanity would not allow the handkerchief to cover her nose for much longer. She removed the cloth from her nose twisting her neck to look up at him. Even sitting down, he towered over her. His eyes held hers for a moment. She stuttered, “ don’t understand. You don’t even know me. How could you want to marry me and pay my father’s debts?”

  He brought her hand to his mouth kissing her knuckles. “You intrigue me. I will be good to you. You will want for nothing.”

  Amelia’s head felt like it could explode. How can she deny his request? She would not allow her brothers to suffer.

  Encouraged by her obvious contemplating he asked again, “Will you agree to the marriage?” He squeezed her hand trying to make eye contact with her.

  Amelia took in a deep breath and looked up at him. Her bottom lip quivered. “I will.” She closed her eyes pulling her hand from his to wipe the tears.

  Andrew reached out to touch her face. “Don’t cry. I promise I will take care of you.” Amelia stood up causing Andrew’s hand to fall away. She didn’t want to be close to him or be touched. She tried to compose herself. “When am I to leave my home?”

  He smoothed the edge of his jacket. “I have business out of town. I should return by Friday. A close friend of mine will help us obtain a special license and we can be married on Saturday at my London home. My main home is in Scotland, and we will leave the day after the wedding. I will visit you on Friday evening to go over final preparations. One of my business associates will take you to get anything you may need on my accounts.”

  Amelia was unsure she heard him correctly. “Scotland?”

  A cunning smile dangled at the edges of his mouth. “Yes lass, you will love it.” Andrew leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Her whole body tensed at his touch. He sensed her discomfort and took a step away. “I will see you on Friday. Tell your father that my men will follow up with more details. Should I leave a guard?”

  Amelia shook her head. “That won’t be necessary.” He gave her a soft look and left the room. Taking a moment to absorb the last hour of her life, she covered her face with her hands taking in a deep breath. She knew she had to find her father.

  He was on the back terrace clutching his stomach spitting blood. She wavered before approaching him. “Father?”

  He sighed loudly when he heard her. “Your insolence has caused unnecessary strife as usual. You are fortunate that he has offered for your hand or you would be on the streets with nothing.” He wrung the rag out with water and blood pouring more water into the basin. “How dare you refuse my decision? You are but a woman that I have clothed, fed, and supported your whole life. You have been spoiled and this is the thanks that I receive?”

  Tears dropped from her eyes. “Please, Father. He is a criminal and does many terrible things to people. Look what he did to you. I am afraid of him and don’t wish to marry. Perhaps, I can still marry Edward? Or I can work as a governess and help support the family.”

  He scowled at her. “Are you daft? The papers are signed. He was overly generous on his terms considering the wife he would be receiving. He is paying my debts and keeping me out of prison. Would you suggest that I go to prison? You’re a selfish girl. Who cares how he makes his money. If you can keep your mouth shut, you will be fine.”

  “Please, Father. Please don’t make me.” She fell to the ground in front of him begging him on her knees.

  “Stop groveling this instant! You will marry him or you will never see your brothers again. Do you hear me? You will contribute to this family for once in your life and not be a burden that I have had to support for one mistake.” He walked past her, leaving her on the ground.

  Chapter 5

  The baron gave the news to his cousin promising a monetary settlement once the marriage took place with Andrew. Withdrawing the marriage contract could have legal consequences and he wanted to keep the matter within the family. Edward refused the settlement despite his father’s interference and advice. His only request was to meet with Amelia alone.

  Edward and his mother came by to speak to her regarding the broken engagement. Amelia’s stepmother was entertaining them with tea while her father disappeared claiming a business appointment.

  Amelia was in the garden and came in a few minutes after their arrival. Her stepmother greeted her. “There you are darling. Our relatives have come to see you.” Amelia cringed at the sound of her stepmother’s voice. She only referred to her as darling when there was company around that she wanted to impress. Her stepmother was cunning and knew Amelia would be married to a wealthy man soon. She was playing her cards to be the dutiful stepmother.

  Amelia noticed Mrs. Patton sitting on the settee. She wore a lavender dress that resembled a plump grape and a matching jeweled necklace. Her hair was in a long braid that was pinned up around her head. Her features were grim showing her disapproval when Amelia came into the room. Edward stood up from the chair when he saw her. He was wearing a tan coat that matched his deep brown breeches. He dropped his shoulders in defeat, walking up to Amelia. “May we speak privately?”

  She nodded. “As you wish. Would you care to take a walk in the garden?” Edward held out his elbow and Amelia took it. Mrs. Patton warned Edward. “Don’t be too long dear. We have dinner plans. I don’t like to wait.”

  Edward looked down. “I will only be a few moments, Mother.” Mrs. Patton pulled her gloves tighter on her hands before reaching for her tea to take a sip. She sighed audibly with her impatience. Twisting in her chair with a “Humph.”

  Mrs. Patton had shunned Amelia’s family in the past when her father fell out of grace with the ton. Amelia was perplexed at her accompanying Edward on his visit today. Thoughts of her rescuing her son from being too long in their home probably filled her mind. An inward smirk dangled in her mind.

  The couple walked out the door and strolled away from the house sitting next to the garden shed. Edward turned to Amelia. “I canceled the contract according to your father’s wishes. It is my understanding that your new match will keep him out of prison. I could take him to court, but it won’t bring me you. It would only bring me money, and that is something I don’t need.”

  Edward’s words pulled at Amelia’s heartstrings. Looking through her eyelashes, she paused trying to find comforting words. “Did my father give you back your grandmother’s ring? He told me he would give it to you.”

  His brave persona started crumbling as his emotions showed a glimpse of moisture in his eyes. “Yes, he did give it to me. It was my greatest wish that we would have married, Amelia.” He held her eyes with his and it was the first time she remembered him l
ooking at her without turning away. Amelia’s heart softened and she took his hand into hers. “You would have made a devoted husband. Thank you for your kindness and understanding.”

  He kissed her on the hand. “Can I ask you a question?” Amelia raised her brow.

  He cleared his throat. “Is this marriage your wish as well? Is he a good man?”

  Amelia looked away. “I hardly know him. Scarcely acceptable if you ask me.”

  Edward creased his forehead taking his smile away. “Will he hurt you?”

  Amelia did not know if Andrew was abusive or not. Surely, there was hope that he was kind after he defended her with her father. She would not allow Edward to fret about her. Besides, his pride and reputation must be bruised at being replaced. Yet he showed more esteem than most men in her family. Trying to make light of the situation she sniffed a laugh. “It is not important for you to think about my welfare. Anyone who would pay my father’s debts to marry me—a mere woman with no dowry—is probably mad.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I will always worry for your welfare. After all, you were not only my fiancée at one time but my cousin.”

  Amelia kissed him on the cheek causing him to turn bright red. “I know you will find a great wife one day.”

  He looked down shyly at his lap.

  Amelia smiled. “Just don’t let your mother influence you too much. You can do an excellent job by yourself.” Edward shook his head and stood up. “Speaking of my mother, we should get back inside before she sends a search party.”

  Amelia laughed and took his arm as he escorted her back inside. Mrs. Patton was standing by the door waiting for Edward. He let go of Amelia’s arm offering his arm to his mother. They waved goodbye and she watched them leave.

  The next few days flew by for Amelia. She carefully avoided her father and stepmother choosing to spend most of her time in her room. On Tuesday, she made excuses and escaped to see Sally. Chuck was working in the stable and was surprised to see her in the middle of the week. Amelia usually went on Saturdays.

  He was a large man with red hair and smelled of horses. “Sally will be back soon. She went to pick up some new horseshoes.”

  Amelia smiled. “I can only stay a minute. Do you know if Billy is in town?”

  Chuck shook his head. “He left last night. Be back in a fortnight.” Amelia’s heart fell. She was hoping to tell Billy goodbye. It had been a few weeks since she saw him. Their last visit was interrupted by some of his friends. His kisses were getting more intense, and she was sure that he would ask for her hand soon. Although, her father would never allow them to marry. Billy lived day by day with no future or plan for his life. Amelia dreamt of running away with him even though she wasn’t old enough to choose her own husband. Such is the fate of a woman.

  “Amelia?” Sally entered the stable. “What brings you here during the week?”

  Amelia looked down at her feet. “I was hoping we could talk?”

  Sally gave the horseshoes to Chuck. Her brown frock showed specks of dirt from working on the farm. She wore her black hair in a long braid with loose pieces hanging around her face. “Come around back.” Amelia followed her out the door, and they sat by an old tree that was losing most its branches. “What’s amiss? You don’t look well.”

  Shivering a bit at her predicament, she took in a deep breath. “Last weekend I went to a friend’s ball.”

  Sally crinkled her freckled nose. “A ball? Sometimes I forget what side of town you live on. I wondered why you didn’t come by last Saturday. I thought they might have kept you locked up.” Sally found out about Amelia’s nobility from her maid. It was by accident, but Amelia admitted it to her new friend a few months ago. A few close friends now knew including Billy, but for the most part, they didn’t talk about it.

  Amelia twisted her hands. “There was a man there who took an interest in me.”

  Sally raised her brow. “What about your cousin?”

  Amelia shook her head. “My father had entered a contract for us to marry. This new man convinced my father to break the contract to marry me instead. He is older and rough looking.”

  Sally bit her bottom lip. “Is he like an old duke or something?”

  Amelia smiled at her friend’s question. Her limited knowledge of the ton was refreshing and amusing at the same time. “No, he is not titled. More of a sordid character with lots of money. He frightens me.” She drew in a shaky breath as her fears came flooding over her. “My father accepted a hefty sum of his money and sold me.” Placing her hands over her mouth, her eyes watered as a tear came down her cheek.

  Sally shook her head. “Blast, that sounds bad.” She stood up pacing in front of Amelia. “My family may be poor, but I can’t imagine what it feels like to be bartered off.” Swiping her brow with her dirty hand, she kicked a rock. “Can you refuse? Perhaps you can live with me and work on the farm.”

  Amelia admired her friend’s simplicity in trying to solve her problems. “That is so kind of you. I wish I could, but if I refuse, my father will go to prison, and my little brothers will suffer. I have no choice.” Startled by her own omission, she folded her arms around her torso, rubbing her arms for comfort, wishing she could curl up in a ball and disappear. The gravity of the situation was finally taking a toll on her.

  Sally crossed her arms. “I bet they have no idea what you are doing for them.”

  Amelia wiped her face again choking back her tears. “I have to be strong. He says he is taking me to Scotland after we are married. I won’t know anyone. My friend thinks he may be a criminal. He certainly looks like one. What if he beats me?”

  Sally reached for her arm. “If you ever need me then send for me. I will do what I can to help you.”

  Amelia stood up. “Please tell Billy for me.”

  She widened her eyes. “He will be upset. Although he would never admit it to anyone, he was quite smitten with you.” Amelia smiled and bid her goodbye.

  The next day Amelia knew her time was running out. She had no gown to wear for her wedding and Andrew would be back on Friday. Two more days before her prison sentence. That is how she viewed it.

  Andrew’s business associate came by her home a few times to offer to take her shopping. When she refused, he offered her money. That was refused as well. Unwilling to be sold or controlled, she considered his money dirty. She would pay for her own gown. The less she owed Andrew, the better.

  Shopping was not a normal pastime since her father lost his fortune. She had a little money left in her dwindling savings, but it would have to do. The dress shops were full of women looking for dresses to wear to their next social engagement. Balls, soirees, and musicales were the talk of the store. Most of them bought material and had their dresses specialty made. Amelia checked around the store trying to find a plain gown. No sense in dressing the part of blushing bride.

  She considered wearing black.

  After an hour of shopping, she settled on a plain white lacy muslin gown off the shelf that only needed to be hemmed. Rachel had sent a letter inviting her for tea, but she made excuses. She was trying to find a solace in her decision to marry Andrew. It would shame her if Rachel knew the truth although her brother may have told her. Amelia spoke to no one about the inevitable, except Sally. She did not run in the same circles as the town and had no one to tell. Besides, Amelia did not want anyone to know about her groom. The day proved exhausting, and her savings had almost disappeared. Hopefully she would not need any more money.

  Later that night, Amelia tried to memorize her bed chamber as her time in her father’s home was coming to an end. Her paintings from her childhood were still displayed on one of the walls. They told the story of her hidden feelings and were reminders of her past. Some paintings were like an escape although her father thought they were a waste of time.

  Her thoughts alw
ays came back to her impending wedding. Dreams of meeting her perfect prince to rescue her from her father was a fantasy, her fate took her to a sacrificial marriage. She was the sacrifice, and her family was the recipients of the reward. Marriage scared her. Apprehension curled her stomach regarding her wedding night. She longed to have a mother. Someone to help her understand the duties of a woman and what to expect in the marriage bed.

  Thinking of her mother, Amelia stood up from her bed and dug through a few crates in her wardrobe. Reaching for the one hidden between the others she pulled it forward. Opening it up, she spotted the familiar crinkled rose. A smile slid across her face as she looked at it more closely. Some of the leaves fell off as she picked it up. Not wanting to disturb it further, she put it back in the crate. Other items in the crate included a small empty locket and a rusted chain. They were all clues to her past—her most precious belongings. It was all she had of her mother. The items were found in a box in the attic with Amelia Rose written on the top. Her heart knew it was clues to finding out what happened to her mother.

  Friday evening approached faster than Amelia had expected. Her father’s new-found fortune added two new cooks to their kitchen staff. Andrew’s money had started to come in and some of the original staff were welcomed back adding to the household’s meager help.

  Amelia dressed in her blue gown with cream colored gloves. She wore her hair in tendrils pinned up along the sides. Holding her stomach, she looked at herself in the looking glass trying to find the strength to leave her room. Her father demanded she be in the drawing room when Andrew arrived. He wanted to make sure she was not late or feign any reason not to attend.

  Andrew arrived a few minutes late for dinner. Amelia secretly hoped he had changed his mind and wouldn’t be coming. The new butler announced his name, and he was followed inside with two of his associates. Amelia wondered if he ever traveled alone. He was dressed formally with a perfectly tied cravat. His black waistcoat matched his custom fitted breeches. He filled the room with his presence intimidating her father. He smiled at her parents who seemed to forget his last visit. Although, her father was still spitting up blood because of his attack. The baron used his manners and made introductions to her family. After introductions, her little brothers were scurried off to their rooms.


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