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Amelia's Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

Page 18

by GG Shalton

  Andrew studied his face, his demeanor changing from friend to businessman. He didn’t like his tone. “Your hospitality was appreciated. I find the older I get, the more refined my taste.”

  The men looked at each other, shifting in their chairs. “Mr. Baird, let me introduce you to two of my associates—Mr. Keller and Mr. Bryant.”

  The men nodded. Mr. Bryant cleared his throat. “We are well familiar with your name, Mr. Baird. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

  Andrew leaned back in his chair not responding and taking control of the meeting. “What is it that I can do for you, Mr. Bradley?”

  He looked at his associates. “Well to be frank, we need your strong arm with one of your business associates. I wish to protect my investment. A few months ago, I gave Keller and Bryant a large amount of revenue to help build two factories in England.” He looked around the table and whispered closer to Andrew. “I know you are acquainted with a Mr. Fuller in London. He holds the deed to the property that we built two of our factories on. There was a misunderstanding and we thought the property belonged to a Mr. Drier who sold us the rights. The buildings are now finished, the equipment is installed, and we are ready to begin production.” He became angry spitting as he spoke. “It is now gathering dust!” He balled his fist and pounded on the table. “Come to find out, it was a forgery and now Mr. Fuller is refusing to sell us the property. We would pay double the amount, but he still refuses. Meanwhile, our investment loses money every day. There is no way to run the factories if we don’t own the property or if we could at least rent it. He is refusing us access to our own buildings.”

  Andrew was good friends with Mr. Ron Fuller and the man did owe him plenty of favors. Not to mention, Andrew’s knowledge of Ron’s involvement in a delicate matter could give them what they wanted. However, Andrew had no incentive to help Mr. Bradley. He decided to have some fun with the man. Trying to suppress a laugh from the irony of the situation. “Mr. Bradley, am I to believe that you and your partners purchased property from a forgery without checking into it further? Did you have a solicitor help you?”

  Mr. Bradley’s face turned red and he tried to loosen his cravat. He looked down at the table and barely whispered, “We used his solicitor.”

  Andrew drew his brow in confusion. “Did you just say you used his solicitor without checking references? Why didn’t you consult yours?”

  Mr. Bradley lifted his chin trying to defend himself. “Mine was out of the country and we didn’t want to wait. It was an unbelievable deal.”

  Andrew laughed out loud. “Unbelievable indeed.”

  Andrew lifted his head and gestured for Brian to join them. Mr. Bradley tightened his hand around his glass causing his knuckles to turn white.

  Brian pulled out a chair at the table. “Gentlemen,” he said, keeping the mood polite. He accepted a glass from the waitress and Andrew took one as well.

  After taking a drink, Andrew looked at Mr. Bradley. “I can appreciate your dilemma and although I am acquainted with Mr. Fuller, I am unable to help you.”

  Andrew gave Brian a conspicuous nod of unspoken words between them. The meeting may take a turn in the wrong direction, and he wanted Brian to be prepared.

  “Pardon me, Mr. Baird. I was under a different perception. Surely you have some influence over Mr. Fuller?”

  Andrew smirked. “I am a businessman. I do have influence over Mr. Fuller and plan to use that influence. He seems to be the new owner of two factories waiting to be operated. I am sure I can convince Mr. Fuller to operate the factories with my investment. I thank you for the tip.”

  Mr. Bradley’s face turned pale. “Are you jesting?”

  Andrew’s smiled faded. “I never jest about business. If you will excuse me, I have other meetings I must attend too.”

  Mr. Keller scowled at Mr. Bradley. He turned to Andrew. “Mr. Baird, I invested my life savings in this factory and know I can make it work. If I can’t be part owner, would you consider hiring me to run the factory? Perhaps give me a small percentage to help recover a little of my money.”

  Andrew rubbed his lips together. “How do I know your qualifications?”

  Mr. Keller showed Andrew his hands. “I have the hands of a worker not a businessman. My investment came from challenging work and a small inheritance from my aunt. Give me a trial run, and I won’t let you down.”

  Andrew looked at Brian. “What do you think?”

  Brian lifted the corner of his mouth. “Mr. Bryant? What about your investment?”

  Mr. Bryant looked down at the floor. “I was to do the books. I would still like to work in the factory.”

  Andrew glared at Mr. Bradley. “Well, Mr. Bradley do not let it be said that Andrew Baird is an unreasonable man. I will give you each ten percent and I will receive fifty percent of the profits. The other twenty percent will go to other investors that Brian will coordinate.”

  Mr. Bradley stood up fuming. “You’re a crook. You bastard.”

  Andrew drew his head back in feigned shock. In a mocking tone, he addressed the table. “Tsk, tsk. Mr. Bradley, I take offense. Regarding my business practices, they are all quite legal. I assure you that I am not a crook. Before our deal is complete you will sign over your shares as well as Mr. Keller’s and Bryant’s. My solicitor will be in contact and he does come with references. Ten percent is very generous of me considering I could take your investment and give you nothing. My generosity will only go so far, and I will take offense at any more name-calling.”

  Andrew laughed out loud as the men left the inn. “May all our deals today be so prudent.”

  Brian shook his head and drank the rest of his brandy. He excused himself and walked over to the table. He handed Andrew some paperwork to review. “We have a small crowd that would like to speak to you today.”

  Andrew leaned back in his chair in the private dining room. “I don’t have all day. I want to spend some time with my son.”

  He nodded. “I will see who takes priority and send the others on their way.”

  Andrew took a drink, reviewing the papers.

  Brian walked into the main dining area and reviewed the matters personally before he allowed people to see Andrew. A woman approached him claiming that her husband had lost their land to Andrew and she felt he was cheated. She wanted to speak to him on her husband’s behalf. Brian was tired of the trivial problems that junior guards could not handle.

  He took a new guard, Lawrence, out of the room. “Lawrence, I want you to deal with the petty women who come here on behalf of their husbands, fathers, or brothers. There are no excuses for nonpayment. Her husband borrowed money he did not repay. No one will see Andrew unless I say so. Do you understand?”

  Lawrence’s face paled as Brian’s orders were as good as Andrew’s. “Yes, sir.” Lawrence escorted the few women waiting to see Andrew out the front door.

  Bull had a few men who wanted extensions on their loans and claimed to have a personal relationship with Andrew. Brian recognized one from Edinburgh but the rest he had never seen and knew that Andrew wouldn’t want to be bothered. Brian looked at Bull, speaking loud enough for all to hear. “We don’t give extensions. It’s bad business. The collateral will be taken from anyone who does not pay today.” He walked away refusing to hear their excuses and closed the door behind him.

  Andrew smirked at his friend. “You are getting ruthless in your old age.”

  Brian shook his head. “You’re one to talk. You have a son now, and your age will start to show.”

  Andrew signed the papers and handed them to Brian. “If there is nothing else, I will take a horse back to the cottage. I will be back for dinner tonight. See if you can arrange a meeting with Mr. Ryley. I hear he is one of Mr. Bailey’s biggest adversaries and competitors. We may partner with some factories he is building in York.”r />
  Brian lifted the corner of his mouth. “How much did it bother you when he called you a crook?”

  Andrew glared at Brian before forming a smile. “It’s been years since I have been called that name.”

  Brian laughed and sat down. “Are you sure about dinner? I thought you might want to have dinner with your wife tonight.”

  Andrew’s face changed to a stoic expression. “She is the mother of my child. That is all. I will not be dining with her.”

  Brian stared at Andrew, “Andrew, it’s me your talking too. I have never spoken to you about her, but I think…”

  Andrew stood up. “Don’t think. It’s not a subject I will discuss. If you will excuse me, I am going out the back.”

  Chapter 23

  Amelia stared at her son studying his little features. He was looking into the light holding her fingers. She tried to feed him earlier and after some awkward moments, finally got him to eat. Hopefully the wet nurse could get him to eat a little more. She felt content for the first time in months. His dark hair curled at the ends and Amelia laughed as she ran her finger through his hair pulling the little curls and watching them bounce back. Her heart warmed as he looked at her. She cooed and smiled at him giving him feather-like kisses all over his cheeks.

  “How is he?” The deep voice woke her from her woolgathering. She turned her eyes and found Andrew standing in the doorway.

  Amelia looked away staring at her son as she answered him. “Come and see.” He walked to the edge of the bed seemingly hesitant to get too close to Amelia.

  Andrew gazed at the baby and a smile formed on his face. “He already looks bigger.”

  Amelia laughed out loud. “You just saw him this morning. I am sure he is the same.”

  Andrew reached out and picked him up. “If he is anything like me, he will grow fast and soon have to carry me around.”

  Andrew kissed his son on the forehead. “How are you today?” He rocked him in his arms and kept smiling at him. The rocking eventually caused the baby to slowly close his eyes and before long he was asleep. Andrew kissed him again and laid him beside Amelia.

  “I will come see baby Robert tomorrow.” He turned around to leave.

  Amelia’s heart fell into her stomach. “You’re leaving?”

  Andrew turned around. “Yes, I have meetings and dinner planned out. I have a room at the inn.”

  Amelia looked at him confused. She finally blurted out. “I don’t understand. This is your home.”

  Andrew drew his head back. “Home? No, this is not my home. This is your home. I provided it for you to raise our son. I don’t live here—my home is in Edinburgh. I also have a residence in France and London that I will be visiting soon to check on my brother.”

  Amelia’s eyes widened at his confession. “May I go with you to London?” she pleaded with him.

  “No, the baby is too young to travel.”

  Andrew rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Listen, Amelia. Our agreement has not changed. I will provide you a home and a small living. You will be a mother to our son, and I will visit when I can. We will remain married in name only for his sake. In return, you will act properly and not engage in any questionable behavior. If you fail to keep your end of our bargain, then I will take our son away from you. Am I clear?”

  Amelia’s head was spinning. She will live as a prisoner, and it was legal. “What about you?”

  Andrew tightened his lips. “What about me?”

  Amelia lifted her chin. “Your questionable behavior?”

  Andrew straightened his jacket. “I am no longer your concern. You lost the right to ask me about my whereabouts when you left me for that man. I know you have apologized, but I don’t know if I can ever forgive you.” He left the room not looking back.

  She lost her breath, not able to control her sobs. Looking at her baby, her heart burned with such emptiness. Her husband was not physically abusive, but his words cut through her like a knife. What hurt the most was that they were true.

  She picked up baby Robert and held him close to her chest. Trying to compose herself, she stood up from her bed and walked near the window. Holding her son close brought thoughts of her own mother. She imagined her mother holding her, hoping to never let her go. Memories of her father leaning down to speak to her flooded her mind. It was foggy, but she remembered the man with a funny hat telling her that she was to stay with her nurse Miss Mildred. She could not come with him, and her mother had gone to heaven. She didn’t really understand what being dead meant. How cruel and matter-of-factly he spoke to her as a child.

  A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. “Mrs. Baird, I have come to take the baby for the night. Are you in need of any assistance?”

  Amelia shook her head kissing Robert one last time before handing him to the nurse. She laid back down on the bed trying to fall asleep.

  The next day Amelia overslept and quickly got up to feed the baby. She went to the nursery seeing the nurse holding him. “I apologize I overslept. Has he eaten yet?”

  The nurse smiled. “He ate once, but could probably eat again.” She handed the baby to Amelia who sat in the chair to feed Robert. The nurse cleaned up the room and looked over at Amelia. “Mr. Baird stopped by early this morning. He told me he wished to say goodbye to his son.”

  Amelia looked up at her. “Goodbye?”

  The nurse looked down. “I am sorry Mrs. Baird, I thought you knew. He said he was going back to Edinburgh.”

  Amelia’s eyes filled with tears as she tried to look away from the nurse.

  The nurse rubbed her lips together unsure if she should say anything. “Mrs. Baird, forgive me if I speak out of turn. It’s just that you are such a beautiful young girl full of love and compassion. I am having trouble watching you suffer at the expense of your husband.” Amelia’s shocked face must have scared the nurse. “Forgive me. It was not my place to say anything.”

  “No, please. It’s quite all right. It’s just that no one has shown me such kindness in a long time. My husband is not as bad as he seems. His reputation is exaggerated.” Amelia managed to smile.

  Mrs. Franklin smiled back at her. “My husband says I speak too freely sometimes.”

  Amelia drew her eyebrows together. “I have never asked about your family. Where are you from?”

  Mrs. Franklin held up her hand. “No worries. I come from Dundee, we live in a cottage not too far from here. My baby is already two and can eat on her own. It was time for her to stop needing me for her nourishment. My husband is unable to work right now due to a broken arm. This extra money will help, so he won’t be too upset. I would like to visit him on Sunday if that is acceptable to you?”

  Amelia smiled. “Of course. Please stay overnight with your family. I will be fine.”

  A little over a month later, Robert was looking up at his mother. Cooing was a new favorite pastime. He was getting big and was the absolute joy of her life. Andrew had not seen him since he left that morning after he was born.

  Mrs. Franklin, the wet nurse, had become a close friend and Amelia enjoyed her company. They planned a picnic and loaded up the basket with bread, cheese, wine, and apples. The walk through the gardens was pleasant. The temperature was mild, and Amelia thought it would be good to get the baby outdoors for fresh air.

  “You should go home for a few days to spend some time with your daughter. The weather is so enjoyable nowadays.”

  Mrs. Franklin smiled. “My mother is watching her this week. I may go home on Sunday again provided you agree.”

  Amelia smiled. “Of course.”

  Amelia spread out a blanket and put the basket on top. Robert cuddled between the ladies. A few minutes later, a small rabbit snuck up beside Mrs. Franklin, touching her hand. She jerked her hand away and ran from the blanket screaming down the hill. Am
elia was giggling as the baby watched her in interest. Exhausted, she came back up the hill and sat on the blanket beside Amelia. The look on Mrs. Franklin’s face made Amelia laugh loudly trying to catch her breath. She held her stomach as her shoulders were shaking. She hadn’t laughed this hard or enjoyed herself in such a long time.

  After they ate their lunch, they heard a sound coming from the woods. Looking up, they saw Andrew walking toward their blanket. He looked over at them. “Hello, Amelia. Are you well?”

  Amelia looked up a bit disoriented. “Andrew? What a surprise.” She composed herself on the blanket. “Are you lost? I’m surprised you remembered you had a family.”

  Andrew looked between the two of them and closed his eyes. “Will you excuse us, Mrs. Franklin?”

  She stood up wiping her skirt. “Of course. I will be inside the nursery if you should need me.”

  Andrew sat down beside the baby taking him into his arm ignoring Amelia’s sarcastic words. Instead he put his full attention on his son. “Look at you! You have gotten so big.”

  Robert squirmed in his father’s arms and started to whimper. Amelia crinkled her nose. “He doesn’t know you.” She reached for the baby and Andrew turned away from her. “Of course, he knows me, I am his father.”

  She took her hands away. “I know you’re his father, but you’re holding him too tightly. He is uncomfortable.” The baby was crying harder, and Amelia’s heart fell. “Please, Andrew! Let me hold him.”

  Andrew held the baby in one hand and grabbed Amelia’s wrist with the other. “Stop it! I will not hurt him.” He pushed her arms away rocking the baby as he cried and eventually fell asleep.


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