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Earls Errand

Page 21

by Monroe, Jennifer

  His eyes still held the kindness he had used with her for so long, a trick he had learned well enough to fool her. Well, after tomorrow, he would not be able to fool her again.

  Henry walked up to them and gave a deep bow. “My Lord, your mother has asked me to inform you she is leaving tonight to return to her home.”

  “Thank you,” Lord Linfield replied. The butler dipped his head and then left the two alone.

  “Why is she leaving?” Rachel asked.

  Lord Linfield smiled as he took a glass of amber liquid from a passing footman’s tray. He lifted it to her and smiled again. “I believe the party has been too much excitement for her,” he replied. “She will go home to rest.”

  Rachel nodded, understanding exactly what had happened. Once the Dowager Countess had checked on her son’s progress, she no longer needed to be by his side. He had done what he was meant to do as far as the woman was concerned.

  “Ah, I would like more of my friends to see my beautiful fiancée,” Lord Linfield said, his voice buoyant. “I wish to show you off to everyone.”

  Rachel dipped her head only slightly and allowed the smallest of smiles to play on her lips. She could play his game, at least for this evening; it would make her escape tomorrow that much more rewarding. “Please, lead the way,” she said. “In fact, we should spend as much time with everyone as we can.”


  All was quiet when Rachel returned to Elford Estates. Originally, she had planned to stay in one of the main guest rooms in Abberton House, but she could not stand to be anywhere near the Earl for more time than was required. Plus, she would be unable to pack her things if she was not home.

  Home. How strange that she thought of this house as her home now. As she climbed the stairs, the tears that she had held back for the remainder of the party could no longer be dammed, and she lowered herself to the step where she sat and sobbed.

  Lord Linfield had played his part of happy fiancé quite well during the whole of the night, as had she, smiling and speaking with people as if she was an equal, even though anger seethed just beneath the exterior. However, all that no longer mattered. Once the sun rose, she would begin her journey back to the Rooster’s Crow and to her parents, who loved her.

  “Miss Cooper?” Leah asked from the upper landing. “Miss Cooper!” she shouted as she ran down the stairs and lowered herself beside Rachel. “What happened?”

  Rachel looked up and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I…” However, the words would not come and the deluge of tears continued.

  “Now, now, Miss, let’s get you up to your room,” Leah crooned like a mother hen.

  Rachel allowed Leah to lead her up the remainder of the stairs and to her room, one arm wrapped around Rachel and the other hand holding a single candle in a holder. After they entered the room, Rachel went to the bed as Leah lit a few of the candles, lighting the room considerably. Rachel would miss this room.

  Leah sat down on the bed next to Rachel and took her hand. “Now, what’s upset you so? Did the party not go as planned?”

  Rachel laughed as she wiped at her eyes again. There was so much hurt and embarrassment, but she was grateful that she had someone to talk to. “The party was everything I could have hoped for and more. However, at one point, I realized the Earl had been gone for some time, so I went in search of him. I overheard him and his mother in the drawing room…” For the next few minutes, she shared what she had heard and then explained what she had done after.

  When she was finished, she sighed heavily. “And to think this whole time it was all a ruse. He does not love me; he has only tricked me to gain more wealth.”

  Leah shook her head. “I don’t know what to say,” she said after several moments of staring at the floorboards as if in shock. “What do you plan to do now?” Then she sat up straight. “I forgot!” she said as she reached into her pocket and took out a letter. “This arrived for you today.”

  Rachel took the letter from the woman and opened it. It was from her parents back in Falmouth.

  Dearest Rachel,

  I hope you are well, and that being a lady is everything you could hope for. I wanted to let you know that we have found someone interested in buying the pub. We’ll be heading to stay at the house of a cousin to your father in York until we decide where to go next, so do not reply to this letter, for we’ll be gone before it comes…

  Rachel continued to read the letter, the rest concerning people sending their regards, several pieces of gossip—Sally had found work at a nearby pub and was doing much better, much to everyone’s delight—and information on how the weather had been.

  When she had finished reading, she set the paper aside and wiped at her eyes again. There was no more pub to run back to, no more parents who could open their home to her as they had when she was little. There was no home here, either. Now, she was truly on her own with nowhere to go and a future that was even more uncertain than when her mother left her on the doorstep of the Rooster’s Crow all those years ago.

  Exhausted, she allowed Leah to help her undress. She was much too tired to think clearly now, and she needed a clear head to decide her future. Her planning had to wait until the morning.


  Rachel had slept in much later than she had expected, rising almost at noon. However, the night before had been exhausting enough without the added complications to her heart. She did not feel much relief when she woke, but at least the sun was shining, promising a glorious day.

  Opening her wardrobe, she smiled as she ran her hand over the simple blue dress she wore when she had first arrived. Her mother had made it for her—that is, Mildred—the material much less extravagant and costly than the other dresses and gowns that hung beside it, but Rachel cherished it today as much as when she first wore it.

  She removed the dress and laid it on the bed as gently as if it had been the dark-blue gown she wore the previous evening. Once she had removed her shift and washed with the water Leah had left her while she was sleeping, she donned the simple dress and looked at herself in the mirror. Many a drink had been served in that dress, and the memories of the Rooster’s Crow tugged at her heart. How she would miss the boisterous customers, even if they took small liberties at times. At least she had been allowed to defend herself; usually a light slap on the hand was all it took.

  What Rachel needed was to return to a similar place, to be able to be the Rachel she was before being brought to Elford Estate. Before giving her heart to Lord Linfield. Although her anger still rang strong in her veins, she could not deny the love she still had for the man, so great had been his performance that she could not let go of it. Well, she would have to learn.

  Then a thought came to her. Perhaps she had a plan after all. Lord Linfield had a lesson to learn. There was the pub in Kellington, the one the Earl had scolded her for approaching. Not only would being there make her happy, but it would also bring him great embarrassment if she was seen there. That, combined with her leaving, would bring him shame for years to come, and it would be assured he did not receive that great wealth he had used her to acquire. How did the saying go? Kill two birds with one stone?

  Once she had her hair pinned up, Rachel went downstairs where Sherman stood waiting as if expecting her at that very moment. He was a good man and had always treated her with great respect. She would miss him.

  “Would you have the carriage brought around, please?” she asked the man. “I wish to go to Kellington.”

  The butler seemed to hesitate before finally bowing at the waist. “Yes, Miss Cooper,” he said and then left to do her bidding.

  Then Rachel heard footsteps behind her, and her heart beat against her chest as she wondered if Lord Linfield had arrived. It would have certainly explained Sherman’s hesitancy.

  However, when she turned, it was Leah who was walking up to her. “So, are you leaving already?” Leah asked.

  Rachel She had not explained the contents of the letter she had received, and Leah had
not asked. She shook her head. “My parents sold the pub and I am unsure where to go next. However, there is a place in the city, a pub, with people as happy as I wish to be. If I go and join them, then I will be able to figure out where I should go next.”

  Leah nodded hesitantly. “Your dress,” she said as she furrowed her brow, “I remember you were wearing that dress when you first arrived. It is a lovely dress.” Her voice was skeptical, and Rachel understood the meaning behind her words.

  “The value of it in money is little, but the meaning has no price,” she explained. She placed a hand on Leah’s arm. “I will return later tonight, do not worry.”

  Sherman returned and informed her that her carriage was ready. Rachel smiled at Leah and then walked out the front door. The sun’s rays were warm, but a light breeze kept it from being too warm. It was a perfect day.

  As she looked around at her father’s property, she sighed. This estate was filled with pain and hurt, not the love she had believed had once graced it. Slipping her hand into the pocket of her dress, she felt for the stone her father had left her. It was supposed to bring her luck, but in the end, Rachel understood that there was no such thing as luck—only heartache.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The final carriage moved down the drive, the last guest who had stayed the night before now gone. Joseph was both weary from the festivities that had gone into the early hours of the morning, but also happy at how things had gone overall. Miss Cooper had left for home quite late, accompanied by several of Joseph’s men—he would not have her traveling at such hours alone no matter how much arguing she had done. It was not far enough to worry him, and he understood the need to return to one’s own bed when one did not feel well.

  The party had been grand and the compliments continued even as guests left in the morning. However, it was not the smile of his guests that made him so happy; it had been the smile of his fiancée and her enthusiasm to acquaint herself with so many of his friends and peers. She had been the perfect hostess.

  As he looked up at the sky, he allowed the sun’s rays to warm his face. At that moment, he felt the wealthiest man in all of England. Not because of the money he would be receiving, he had learned that was of little consequence anymore. No, it was due to the love of Miss Rachel Cooper, a woman he set out to change but instead who had changed him, and for the better. The love the two shared was great, and he had wanted nothing more in life than to spend every moment he could with her. Knowing that made him feel richer still.

  He returned to the house and made his way to his study. He needed to go over his ledger and make a few notes before he could call on Miss Cooper. She would likely need more time to rest, as she was not accustomed to parties and the late hour.

  Henry entered the room and bowed. “I do not mean to interrupt, My Lord,” the man said.

  Joseph smiled up at his butler. “It is fine. What is it?”

  Henry approached the desk, glanced around him and then leaned in, his voice lowered. “I do not wish to participate in gossip, My Lord,” the man said, “nor do I ever try to eavesdrop, but when I heard your name mentioned, I could not stop myself.”

  Joseph leaned back in his chair. “Go on.”

  “This morning, I overhead Their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Bottleshire speak quite highly of you. The Duchess also spoke of Miss Cooper’s beauty and seemed pleased to call her a close acquaintance.” Joseph had not heard such pride from the man before.

  This brought a smile to Joseph’s face. Miss Cooper had that way with people, and if it kept the Duke in his favor, all the better. “Thank you for informing me of this.”

  “Of course, My Lord,” Henry said, his voice returned to its usual volume. “Is there anything I can get you?”

  Joseph shook his head. “No. I will be leaving in an hour’s time, so see that my horse is ready then.” Henry bowed and replied that he would and then left the room.

  Picking back up his pen, Joseph smiled again, his thoughts turning to Miss Cooper once again. She will make the perfect wife, he thought before finally returning to his work.


  “What do you mean she left? And alone?” Joseph shouted. He had arrived at Elford Estates to find Miss Cooper gone, apparently off on some jaunt, and on her own, no less. It made no sense that she would not be home; she knew he would come calling at this exact hour.

  Leah stood at the edge of the foyer, her head down and a paper in her hand. Moving past the butler, Joseph walked up to the girl and said, “Where has she gone?”

  “She asked me to give you this, My Lord,” Leah said quietly. Joseph took the letter and ripped it open.

  Lord Linfield,

  I write this letter to inform you that the game is up and you have won. You have deceived me and broke my heart. However, you will never receive the inheritance that you find so important. I no longer wish to see you and ask that, if you have even a shred of decency, you honor my request to not search me out.

  Rachel Cooper

  Joseph reread the letter once more and tried to work out the confusion within him. She had been so happy at the party the previous night, and now she no longer wished to marry him? And what of this game of which she spoke?

  He folded the letter and put it in his pocket. Then he turned to the maid. “What has come over her?” he demanded. “Do not lie to me, woman. I know she thinks well of you and tells you much.”

  Leah gave a reluctant nod. “She is angry with you, My Lord.”

  Joseph let out a heavy sigh of frustration. “That much is clear, but why?”

  The maid continued to look down at the floor and remained silent. Joseph grabbed her arm and the woman gave a grunt of pain. “What are you hiding?”

  “Nothing, My Lord,” she said, fear in her voice. “It was you who told me to never look at you again.”

  A stab of guilt rushed through him as he was reminded of that day some time ago. The same woman he used to greet by name and later felt embarrassed to treat her with even an ounce of decency once he was forced into early manhood. He had become bitter, thinking of himself far more than anyone else. However, it had been Leah who had offered him a kind smile whenever his mother scolded him. It was this maid who had always whispered words of encouragement in his ear. Before he had become the cynical Earl he was.

  “Please, look at me now,” he said quietly. She did as he asked. “I need to know what she said and where she went. Please, I do care for her.” He was unsure why he felt the need to explain this to a servant, but he was at his wits’ end. He could not lose Miss Cooper now, not after she had won his heart.

  “She heard your mother say something at the party last night,” Leah said almost in a whisper. Then her eyes widened with panic. “Though I don’t wish to speak ill of the lady. Please don’t tell her I’ve said something against her, My Lord.”

  Joseph groaned. What had his mother done this time? “No, you need not worry about that. Please, what did my mother say?”

  “Miss Cooper overheard the Dowager Countess in the drawing room, words of fooling Miss Cooper to gain this estate.”

  Joseph groaned again. “She did not hear all of the conversation,” he explained. Why had his mother even mentioned that awful plan in the first place, especially during his engagement party? “I must find her, explain to her what she does not know. Do you know where she might have gone?”

  “Miss Cooper would not tell me, but she said it was a place where she could be with her own kind. A place that would make her happy.”

  He nodded and then headed to the door, still unsure as to where to begin his search. However, before he left, he turned and said, “Leah, thank you.”

  She gave him a smile that reminded him of when he was younger. “Of course, My Lord.”

  Joseph returned the smile and then ran to the stable, the stable hand mortified when Joseph resaddled his own horse. By the time he was riding down the drive, he had reasoned out an idea of where she might have gone.

  ***r />
  As he stared at the front of the filthy pub, he could only shake his head in amazement. No man or woman of the ton would ever step inside such a place, but Joseph knew Miss Cooper cared nothing of the consequences of being seen here. However, rather than being concerned that someone might see him, he peered through the dirt-covered window, the same the woman had looked through on their outing to Kellington before. He remembered how excited she had been, finding joy in something so simple and familiar to her.

  He shielded the sun with his hand and brought his face to the window pane, and he thought his heart would lift him to the sky. For there stood the woman he loved, Miss Rachel Cooper, wearing the same blue dress she had worn the day she came away with him from her parents’ pub. She was still a great beauty today as she was then.

  When he had first searched for Miss Cooper, it was a mission given to him by a friend, a promise made to a man on his deathbed. Now, however, Joseph realized he had a new mission, one that was not a matter of honor. That mission was to fulfill a promise he had made to this woman, a promise that he would be by her side forever.

  Granted, this pledge had been made to himself, in his heart, but it had been a vow he could never break. With this new mission in mind, Joseph opened the door to the pub as he made another vow; he would do whatever it took to win her back.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The Lion’s Lare was nothing like she had seen the day Rachel had looked through the window that day she had come to Kellington with Lord Linfield. She had been there for what she guessed was over two hours, and the few patrons who sat around at the different tables could have been statues, except for when they lifted their pint glass to their lips and drank. One man sat at the bar, his head hanging low as he sipped from his pint.

  What had surprised Rachel on this particular visit was that the singing and laughter that could be heard the last time she was here was now replaced by a melancholy that brought a sense of hopelessness and anguish to the place.


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