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The Force Paradox- Maodun

Page 10

by F. E. Arliss

  A few minutes passed during which Jack repeated the greeting in several different languages and translations. It was possible their translation program was so old they weren’t properly transmitting. ‘Damn shysters at the Guard’, Jack thought.

  “Bat, this is General Behr. You may land in Bay 5. Please follow the beacon. Your request is granted. No harm shall befall you here. Behr out,” the gratingly whirred voice ended abruptly, just as a green beacon began to flash in the dark, heavily armored side of the huge nest ship. The bay was located between two enormous cannons. Jack supposed that was message enough that the Idolum of this nest were not to be messed with.

  Violet needed a better diagnosis, so he was going in. He’d heard Behr was fair, if vicious when hired or crossed. He’d have to go with that for now. Gods help them.

  Sitting the small Raptor class ship down inside the hangar was a study in humility. Even with all the upgrades they’d purchased, Bat was but an ant next to these hugely armored Idolum battle cruisers. There was one small, badly battered Idolum sloop that looked like it had barely made it aboard. It was even canted to one side, as though one of the thrusters had given out. So not everyone aboard this floating fortress was better off than them. It made Jack feel slightly better knowing that. Weird, but true. Human nature had some strange quirks!

  Shutting down the engines, Jack met the rest of the crew in the small cargo bay. “No weapons,” Jack stated, “We’re here fer aid, not fisticuffs.” He noticed that all of them, including Violet, were kitted out in full armor. A good idea, he thought, scooting into the small area to the side reserved for equipment and quickly strapping on his own nanite infused armor onto his wiry frame.

  Looking Violet in the eye, he asked, “Ready girl?”

  “Ready,” Violet said, then slapped the panel to open the cargo bay doors.

  When the doors were fully open, all of them took a few seconds to comprehend what they were seeing. An enormously tall and broad Idolum warrior with ebony skin and long white hair stood flanked by a tiny human redheaded woman in a prom dress.

  Next to the young woman in the prom dress stood a more normal looking Idolum warrior with the usual elongated limbs and pale translucent skin. The usual array of security warriors with arms rounded out the welcome party. At least Violet hoped it was a welcome party. Violet had to concentrate on getting her mouth shut before she and Jack stepped forward to move down the ramp.

  Even more confounding was the hasty retreat of the small pale warrior. As he eyed the glowing tattoo on Violet’s thigh, the warrior scooped the small human redheaded-woman behind him and whirled her back from the group. Her long red hair flew out in a halo of fire as he twirled.

  Placing her into the arms of a waiting security warrior, he then leapt back into place beside the much larger black warrior. His hands hovered over the laser pistols strapped to his side as though ready to draw on them at any second. The ebony warrior hadn’t moved a muscle.

  Violet and Jack both raised their hands, mimicked by Ben and Capp behind them. Violet raised one eyebrow at the enormous General and said, “We come in peace,” then grinned wickedly at Jack and said, “I’ve always wanted to say that!” Turning to face the intimidatingly tall black man she added, “Trust me, I’m not as dangerous as I look.” Then, unable to help herself, burst out laughing, adding through the laughter, “I’m kept hoping for a growth spurt, but it just never happened.”

  The redhead, peeking out from behind the warrior she’d been deposited behind, began to laugh, then added, “I know! Right!?” As she swept a hand down her own petite form. Then motioned sideways from her shoulder to the waist of the warrior protecting her, indicating their disparate heights. All the while she held Violet’s gaze and grinned.

  Violet held her breath for a moment to stop her laughter then flipped one finger tip towards the redhead and said, “So where’s the prom?”

  They both dissolved into laughter. “It’s a ‘princess’ dress,” the petite redhead explained. “Idolum style,” she added, grinning.

  Finally, Jack put an arm around Violet and addressed the group of completely confused Idolum in front of them. “We’re here ta get a medical scan fer our Captain. She was injured in a fight with the Arachnians. We were aided by a group of warajel that protected her during a hull breach. We want ta see what exactly they did ta save her,” he said gruffly, addressing most of this to the small red headed human who had smiled hugely at Violet’s sassy reparte’ of moments before.

  “Trupe,” the small redheaded human said firmly, “I will make the introductions.” The paler Idolum got an affirmative nod form the darker General and then escorted the prom-dress clad beauty to the front. Hovering protectively, he looked ready to blast them at any moment.

  “I am Ruby Dun, daughter of the Mother, half of the Paradox of the Maodun and Princess to the Nest of Behr. Welcome to the Nest of Behr. This is General Behr,” she continued, gesturing gracefully to the enormous ebony warrior. “This is his brother, Lieutenant Trupe, who also acts as my protector.”

  At Violet’s huge grin, the redhead laughed and said again, “I know! Right? They’re not exactly identical twins!” Both young women smiled together over the huge difference in coloring and sizes of the two warrior brothers. “We are glad to help. Please come this way and we will get you settled, warm and fed,” she turned and moved regally away, gesturing for them to follow her. They did. Flanked threateningly by the huge General and his pale, wraith-like brother.

  It took several hours for them to get settled and for Jack to tell the story of their journey to Jun and the events so far. In return, they heard Ruby’s story and how she’d become part of the nest of Behr. The two young women seemed to know what the other was going to say and there were many interruptions of laughter from the two as they finished each other’s sentences and made jokes only they understood.

  What they all understood, though, was that Violet had been discarded by her own family and people. Her crew stood with her. Ruby had lost her anchor in Daniel. The Temple of the Mother, while calming and centering her, had given her this mission to find another anchor. Her anchor was the Nest of Behr. Both young women had to find their own place in the galaxies.

  Trupe had finally given up scowling and he, Ben and Capp had dropped into low conversation to one side. General Behr and Jack were still impassively listening to the women. When Violet’s eyelids began to droop, Jack intervened. “She’s only been out of the vacuum chamber a day or two. She needs to rest. That’s why we’re hopin’ to get a better picture of what’s changed in her physiology. Our med machine told us a few things that we’re wantin’ confirmed. Will ya aid us in a scan?” he asked the General quietly. “We know she’s been altered with some warajel DNA. I’d like to find out the effects of that fer the long run.”

  The large General spoke for the first time, his voice so low and deep it made the hair on Jack’s arms stand up. “We will. The Princess seems to have a kinship with your Captain. Rest tonight. You may have a private med bay tomorrow to scan her. Ruby has knowledge of the med bay having worked aboard a medical unit on her way out from Earth. Our technology is different and far more advanced, but she has learned how to use our technology and will assist you. You have my word of non-harm,” he added. Standing, he bowed slightly at the waist towards the room in general and glided soundlessly away.

  These Idolum were a bit creepy considering how they could make no sound when moving. On the other hand, he’d like that bit. He sounded like an elephant whenever he moved. Heaving a sigh of envy, he stood, scooped Violet up in his arms and followed the Princess and her watchdog Trupe through the strangely moist and verdant ship to their quarters.

  Violet was almost instantly asleep after Jack placed her on a narrow platform that resembled nothing so much as moss. Seconds after registering her weight, small tendrils and shoots of green plant-like material began to emerge and twist about her, cradling her gently and supporting her.

  Jack stepped forward to s
natch her back, but the Princess gently stopped him saying, “Remember, Idolum ships are organic. It’s alive and has sensed her fatigue and stress. The bed is simply giving her what she needs to rest and recuperate. Trust me, when you lay in your own bunk and feel it enclose you, it will feel so wonderful that there will be no doubt in your mind that the ship is only trying to help you.”

  “The Idolum empire has several human or part-human Queens and Princesses. Their technology knows far more about our biology than our own species. Come, let us get the rest of you settled for the night. You will see,” with that she turned and guided him gently out of Violet’s room. “Lug here will guard her door all night long,” Ruby said, gesturing at a large, dark Idolum warrior-mite that stood post outside her door. “She is safe.”

  When Jack, Ben and Capp laid gingerly on their own bunks, in a room that Princess Ruby and Lieutenant Trupe had taken them to, they were apprehensive. Once they’d completely reclined and the sprouts and tendrils began to support their own aching aged bodies, several groans sounded out. “Holy shit, we need these on Bat. Let’s see if we can get some,” Ben whispered. “I haven’t been this pain-free in decades.”

  “Ummm hum,” was all he got back from Jack. Capp started to snore loudly, then a gentle rustling of vines moved his head into a different position and the invasive drone stopped as suddenly as it had started.

  “Hell ya!” Jack said vehemently, suddenly alert. Ben snorted gently in agreement and in seconds both were deeply asleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  The Spear

  The next few days went quickly. Ruby and Violet got along famously and the results of Violet’s scans had been so ground breaking that it had taken several more follow-up scans to understand the entirety of the physiological changes to Violet’s body. The scans aboard the Bat had been correct. Violet did have the ability to heal faster. Her bone density was lighter, but far stronger than any humans. Most surprising and cause for trepidation was her body’s ability to manipulate energy from the atmosphere. How that worked, no one could really say. Then there was the possibility that she might have the same regenerative powers as the warajel. It was all possibility, no definites.

  Ruby suggested they try some experimental tests and Violet readily agreed. If anyone wanted to learn more about how her body worked, it was her. She needed to understand what she was now. The tests would help.

  The following days were filled with scientific experiments and tests both physical and mental. Ruby, aware of how it felt to be a test subject from her days aboard the ship to UZ627, made sure to check Violet’s feelings. The young women were getting closer. Ruby even told Violet about Daniel’s death, the Temple of the Mother, the girl Winter who was sure that the Chrysalis was ‘the Mother’, and about her time on Unity.

  The whole crew of the Bat became friends with Harley, Ruby’s prehistoric dinosaur dog from Unity and began to make friends among the crew of Nest of Behr. After several trips down to Beira, the home world that General Behr had been gifted by Queen Altum Juls, Ben made skis and taught the Idolum how to use them and snow shoes to navigate the icy world below. Sometimes the hover sleds just froze up and died. Ben showed them how to modify them into snow-mobiles. The primitive techniques of skis and snowshoes, while at first a point of laughter from the Idolum, soon proved their worth. Ice had a will of its own.

  Apart from snow ball fights, Jack also contributed the knowledge of igloo building. Nest of Behr warriors, a group raised to fight and endure all matter of adverse situations, took to the icy world with enthusiasm, made all the more possible by the knowledge of the three grizzled veterans of an Earth that had once been intact.

  When Capp taught the warriors how to use grapples, cleats and ice picks to climb sheer cliffs, the games were on. Each day was an adventure in learning to navigate their new home world. When he floated the idea of underground caves and aquifers, scans soon proved the validity of his theory. Not one, but four such voids were found in the the substrata of Beira. Expeditions went out to investigate. Ben, Jack, Capp and Violet joined in. As did Ruby. She’d learned to love exploring on Unity and this new probing of an uncharted world appealed to her on the deepest level.

  Violet’s new abilities were tested. Her ability to manipulate electrical charge came in handy in shaping the caverns and melting openings in the icy caverns. At first, she’d had an explosion or two, but quickly learned to control her abilities. Another benefit was that she just didn’t feel the cold they way the others did. While the Idolum needed few clothing to survive, Violet needed none. Her new warajel DNA made her impervious to the cold. She could also swim in the deep aquifers without an oxygen tank and she spent hours exploring their depths. Violet was the one who found the tiny fish and different forms of algae and coral.

  It never ceased to amaze Jack when she rose dripping from the icy waters a huge grin on her face, completely unfazed by the temperatures. It made his gonads shrivel in pain just to look at her. Crikey!

  As the experiments with Violet’s new DNA continued, an unspoken thought began to bloom in Ruby’s mind. She was the Shield of the Paradox. What if Violet was the Spear? Quietly, she and Trupe discussed this and Ruby began long distance meditations conferring with Uma back on Unity. A long discussion with General Behr, Trupe, Ruby, Violet and Jack to tentatively broach the subject left Violet’s crew dazed and worried. Just another thing to worry about. The overall opinion was that it was a possibility. Only time would tell.

  Violet and Jack were a little leary about the ‘out there’ possibility of being part of a prophecy, but hey, they never thought Violet would get a DNA change either. Weirder shit had happened. Mostly they just forgot about it. Maybe she was Violet Mao, the first part of the Maodun paradox. Maybe she wasn’t. Violet didn’t want to think about it for now.

  The caverns were each outfitted with armaments, shields, food supplies and enclosures for living on the surface. Each cavern slowly became a mini-city over the weeks that followed. As they explored, the Idolum found all sorts of life that hadn’t registered on the scans from the atmosphere. Tiny fish thrived at the bottom of the deepest aquifers. A variety of algae-like growths fed the fish. It was the beginning of a life cycle.

  Months flew by and the Bat sat idle in the great cargo bay of the Nest of Behr. Ben and Capp worked on the Raptor class ship along with a team of Idolum engineers, updating all the systems and installing a variety of Idolum technology. Most of the upgrades were just for fun, or to see how the technologies integrated with Intergalactic Guard tech. The mission to Jun was forgotten, or at least sidetracked, by this new alliance.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Prophecy In Action

  Capp had just finished downloading a copy of the Idolum database into Bat’s mainframe, when an alert had him hurrying to the engineering workstation to see what had set it off. Ben had programmed in an alert for all information entering Bat’s system on the lost system of Jun. This alert had been triggered by the Idolum upgrade. A file containing information on the “Jun System” was flashing on the console.

  Comming Jack, Capp shared the information. “Holy crap!” Jack practically deafened Capp with his querrelous exclamation. Wincing, Capp scrolled the volume on his inner-ear comm down to low and continued sharing the information. “Forget telling me all this now! Comm the others. We’ll meet you on the Bat in fifteen minutes. “Jack out!”

  Capp hurriedly commed Ben and Violet. He supposed if Jack wanted Behr, Trupe and Ruby in on it, he’d comm them himself. This was going to be interesting. Sitting back in his seat, he laced his fingers together behind his head and starting humming in anticipation. He almost wanted to go get popcorn, but decided against it.

  Violet burst in first, her eyes riveted to the console that slowly flashed the alert. Capp had turned the sound off, as the whiny-voiced AI that broadcast it was getting on his nerves. His great-grandpa used to complain that the early AI in his old pickup truck’s GPS had sounded bitchy. He was beginning to get onboard wi
th that thinking. Maybe he was just getting old! The thought popped into his mind and he batted it away impatiently. Old or not, that voice was annoying.

  Jack skidded to a halt at the console with Ben hard on his heels. General Behr, Lieutenant Trupe and Ruby, all followed closely behind. Once they’d all settled to a standstill, Jack said impatiently, ”Well, man, get on with it! We’re all dyin’ with suspense!” Capp grinned and pushed the pad to start the recorded file.

  The file was short. Perhaps only three paragraphs and came with a poor quality sound file. The first two paragraphs of the short brief simply stated a set of coordinates, gave basic facts on air, water, and other life forms and qualities. The last paragraph was far more cryptic.

  ‘The Jun are a highly evolved race with absolutist principles. To the Jun, races are either good or bad. They seem to have a distant connection with the race of the Vanguard in their mental strategies and are even more extreme in their moral views. They have few physical similarities to the Vanguard, as they are much smaller and hairless. They are extremely intelligent and absolutely dangerous as they have no respect for anything that is not ‘perfect’ in their own view. They value power over all. DO NOT APPROACH.’


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