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Princess Ellie to the Rescue

Page 3

by Diana Kimpton

  “And it’s still raining,” said Ellie with alarm. “If the level keeps going up, his head will be under the water and he’ll drown.”

  “I hope the rescue party gets here soon,” said Kate, nervously.

  “So do I,” said Ellie. “But we can’t let him die. It’s up to us to keep him safe until they arrive.”

  They slithered down the slippery bank to where Sundance lay. Ellie gently stroked his nose and the pony flicked his ears slightly in response. “He’s so cold and wet,” she said. “We’ve got to do something to warm him up.”

  She took off her jacket and laid it over the part of his body that was still clear of the water. Kate put hers over him too and they both shivered as the rain soaked quickly through their fleeces.

  “If we’re colder, he must be warmer,” said Kate.

  Ellie had another idea. “I read in one of my pony books that a horse feels warmer if his ears are warm,” she said. So they crouched down and rubbed his cold, wet ears, trying to warm them in their hands.

  The rain continued to pour down and the water in the ditch rose higher and higher. Soon it lapped at Sundance’s nose. The pony made a feeble effort to lift it clear. Then his head dropped back.

  Ellie sat down in the mud and lifted his head onto her lap. Her legs were in the water now. It was freezing cold, but at least Sundance was safe for a little longer.

  Kate sat down beside her. “Let’s talk,” she said as they huddled together for warmth. “It’ll take our minds off how cold and wet we are.”

  Ellie stroked Sundance’s head and concentrated on Kate’s voice as she described how her dad’s job took him and her mum all over the world. She’d gone with them when she was small. Now she was older, she was staying with her gran and grandad so she didn’t have to keep changing schools.

  When Kate stopped, Ellie’s mind immediately snapped back to the present. She realized with a shudder that the water had risen even higher. She didn’t want to think what would happen if the others didn’t get here soon. “Let’s keep talking,” she said. “It’s my turn now.”

  She had just started describing a waving lesson when she heard a shout. She looked over her shoulder and saw Meg, her father and several other people waving at them. The rescue party had arrived. But were they in time to save Sundance?

  Chapter 10

  Meg slithered down the bank towards them. She was holding a wide canvas strap with a ring at each end. “We’ve got to put this around Sundance’s tummy so we can pull him free.”

  Ellie held Sundance’s head safely on her lap while Meg and Kate waded into the water, struggling to get the strap in position. It would have been impossible if he’d been lying on hard ground. But the mud which had trapped the pony was just soft enough to let them slowly wiggle the strap underneath him.

  As soon as it was in place, the men on the bank let down a long rope with a hook on the end. Meg grabbed it and clipped it onto the rings. “We’re ready,” she shouted.

  Ellie heard the roar of a tractor’s engine and saw the rope pull tight. The strap around Sundance tightened too. The pony felt it and started to panic. Summoning the last of his energy, he started to thrash his legs wildly to escape the strap.

  Ellie stroked his head. “Steady, boy,” she said. “Stay still. It’ll all be over soon.”

  Sundance flicked his ears towards her voice and grew calmer.

  “Keep going,” said Meg. “He likes the sound of your voice.”

  So Ellie kept talking. She told him how beautiful he was and how much she loved him. She talked about the warm stable waiting for him and the wonderful rides they would have together. And Sundance listened to her and lay still while the tractor pulled him slowly up the bank to safety.

  As soon as he was out of the ditch, everyone rushed to help him. Meg started to rub him dry with handfuls of straw. The tractor driver put some blankets over him, and the vet listened to his heart with a stethoscope.

  Ellie and Kate watched anxiously as they stood shivering in the rain. At last, the vet straightened up and smiled at them. “He’s going to be fine,” he said. “He just needs to get warm and have a good, long rest.”

  The two girls sighed with relief. Then Ellie grabbed some straw and went to help Meg. But the King took hold of her arm and stopped her.

  “You’ve done enough already,” he said. “You were naughty to run off like that, but you saved Sundance’s life. Now you both need to get dry and warm yourselves.”

  “But I can’t leave him now,” said Ellie through chattering teeth.

  “Your mother guessed that,” he said with a laugh. “That’s why she’s put dry clothes and towels in the back of the Range Rover.” He turned to Kate and added, “There’s some for you too. And your grandmother insisted on packing hot chocolate and cream buns.”

  It was lovely to climb into the car, away from the wind and rain. Ellie and Kate peeled off their wet clothes and wrapped themselves in thick fleecy towels. They rubbed their arms and legs hard to bring back some warmth into them and, as soon as they were dry, they pulled on their clean clothes.

  Kate found the flask and poured out the hot chocolate. They sat together warming their hands on the hot mugs while they watched the rescuers helping Sundance.

  He was starting to move now. He lifted his head to look around. Then, with a huge effort, he heaved himself to his feet.

  The girls joined in the cheers and watched Meg lead him into the trailer behind the Range Rover. Then they ate the buns to celebrate, as she drove them back to the stable yard.

  When they arrived, Meg lowered the ramp on the trailer, but she didn’t go in. “You lead him out,” she said to Ellie. “He’s your pony.”

  Ellie ran into the trailer and untied Sundance. As she led him to the top of the ramp, she saw Kate looking at her. Ellie paused for a moment as memories of the last few days raced through her brain – the face in the woods, running through the rain, and huddling together in the ditch with Sundance. Then she made up her mind, took a deep breath and said, “I don’t want you watching me any more.”

  Kate looked embarrassed and stared at her feet. “I won’t,” she muttered. “I promise.” She turned to go.

  “Don’t be silly,” yelled Ellie. “I don’t want you watching me because I want you to ride with me.”

  Kate turned back quickly. Her face lit up with a huge smile. “Brilliant,” she said.

  “Come and help then,” said Ellie, with a laugh.

  Together, they led Sundance down the ramp and into the waiting stable. Princess Ellie felt blissfully happy. At last, she had a friend to share her ponies with.

  Pony-Mad Fun & Facts

  A Letter from Diana Kimpton

  Dear Reader,

  Are you as pony-mad as Princess Ellie? I am. I’ve loved ponies for as long as I can remember. But I didn’t get the pony I dreamed of until I was grown up.

  When I was a child, I had to make do with reading about ponies and making up imaginary stories about them. Maybe that’s why I write pony books now.

  I hope you enjoy Princess Ellie’s adventures and, because I remember how much I loved learning about ponies, there are some fantastic facts and fun quiz questions just for you in the following pages…


  Meet Sundance, Princess Ellie’s Pony

  You’ve read all about how Sundance got lost in the wood – now find out a little bit more about him…

  COLOUR: Chestnut with a white mark on the front of his face called a blaze

  LIKES: Shadow

  DISLIKES: Things that startle him

  ABOUT SUNDANCE: Sundance is a real schoolmaster. He’s very trustworthy and reliable, although he can spook sometimes if he’s frightened.

  Princess Ellie’s Pony-Mad Quiz

  Do you know your riding hat from your reins? Do you know what colour Sundance is? Test your knowledge of Princess Ellie’s world with this quiz!

  1. Princess Ellie’s new palace groom is called:

  a) Meg

  b) Miss Stringle

  c) Shadow

  2. Which of Ellie’s horses can open the stable door with his tongue?

  a) Shadow

  b) Sundance

  c) Moonbeam

  3. To get all the dirt out of her horses’ hooves, Ellie has to use a:

  a) Hoof pick

  b) Hairbrush

  c) Pencil

  4. Tacking up is:

  a) Putting on a horse’s saddle and bridle

  b) Putting up a poster

  c) Speeding up when a horse is cantering

  5. Sundance is a:

  a) Black Shetland pony

  b) Grey Welsh pony

  c) Chestnut pony with a white blaze

  6. What vehicle is used to transport Sundance home?

  a) Bicycle

  b) Trailer

  c) Caravan

  7. The “bit” is part of a pony’s bridle, and it goes in the pony’s:

  a) Ears

  b) Mouth

  c) Eyes

  Quiz Answers

  1. a) 2. b) 3. a) 4. a) 5. c) 6. b) 7. b)

  Tot up your total to see just how pony-mad you are…


  A good try.


  Great knowledge and a big rosette!


  You are totally pony-mad – it’s a gold cup for you!

  Princess Ellie Colouring

  Download Princess Ellie colouring sheets and see the pictures sent to us by other Pony-Mad Princess fans

  How to Groom Your Horse

  Princess Ellie loves grooming her ponies, and can spend hours in the stables. Here are her top tips for great grooming:

  Never brush wet legs. You might scratch the skin underneath. Wait until any mud is dry before you try to brush it off.

  Be careful when brushing under the pony’s tummy. Some ponies are ticklish.

  Use a soft brush on manes and tails. Stiff brushes and combs can snap the long hairs.

  When you’re brushing the tail, it’s safer to stand beside the pony’s hind leg instead of directly behind him. Hold all the long hairs in one hand and brush out a few at a time with the other hand.

  Use a hoof pick to clean all the dirt out of the pony’s hooves, but be careful not to hurt the soft triangular part that’s called the frog.

  Brush on hoof oil or ointment to make the pony’s feet gleam.

  Ponies who live out in a field need the oil in their coats to keep them dry, so don’t brush it all out. Just brush them enough to make them look clean and tidy.

  Collect All the Pony-Mad Princess eBooks!

  Princess Ellie to the Rescue

  Can Ellie save her beloved pony, Sundance, when he goes missing?

  Princess Ellie’s Secret

  Ellie comes up with a secret plan to stop Shadow from being sold.

  A Puzzle for Princess Ellie

  Why won’t Rainbow go down the spooky woodland path?

  Princess Ellie’s Starlight Adventure

  Hoofprints appear on the palace lawn and Ellie has to find the culprit.

  Princess Ellie’s Moonlight Mystery

  Ellie is enjoying pony camp, until she hears noises in the night.

  A Surprise for Princess Ellie

  Ellie sets off in search of adventure, but ends up with a big surprise.

  Princess Ellie’s Holiday Adventure

  Ellie and Kate go to visit Prince John, and get lost in the snow!

  Princess Ellie and the Palace Plot

  Can Ellie’s Pony, Starlight, help her uncover the palace plot?

  Princess Ellie's Christmas

  Ellie’s plan for the perfect Christmas present goes horribly wrong…

  Princess Ellie Saves the Day

  Can Ellie save the day when one of her ponies gets ill?

  Princess Ellie’s Summer Holiday

  Wilfred the Wonder Dog is missing and it’s up to Ellie to find him.

  Princess Ellie’s Treasure Hunt

  Will Ellie find the secret treasure buried in the palace grounds?

  Princess Ellie’s Perfect Plan

  Can Ellie find the perfect plan to stop her best friend from leaving?

  Check out more sparkly stories at

  This edition first published in 2014 by Usborne Publishing Ltd., Usborne House, 83-85 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8RT, England.

  First published in 2004. Based on an original concept by Anne Finnis.

  Text copyright © 2004 by Diana Kimpton and Anne Finnis.

  Illustrations copyright © 2004 by Lizzie Finlay.

  The right of Diana Kimpton and Anne Finnis to be identified as the authors of this work and the right of Lizzie Finlay to be identified as the illustrator of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

  The name Usborne and the devices are Trade Marks of Usborne Publishing Ltd.

  All rights reserved. This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or used in any way except as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or loaned or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ePub ISBN 9781409556817

  Batch no. 01423-04




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