The Villain

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The Villain Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  Every evening I get a full report on what the fuck she’d been up to that day and she could get up to a lot.

  Tonight I was taking her home to the parents because I was a little more confident that she’d behave herself.

  She was out and about somewhere and a look at my tracker showed that she was close to home where I was getting ready for the Spanish inquisition I was sure ma had waiting for my ass.

  I found that I was looking forward to her telling me what she’d been up to. My baby can talk, and the more at ease she became in my presence, the more she gabbed at me.

  She was into telling me what the fuck I should be doing, like I wasn’t older than her ass was, and she was bossy as fuck.

  Every night it was the same shit. She’d ask about seeing her dad, I’ll tell her no, we’d fight and then I’d have to fuck her into submission.

  I was beginning to think she liked that shit, because she kept doing the shit with the same results.

  I heard her outside as the car pulled up and a car door slammed, before the door was flung open and a ball of fury stormed in. What the fuck was it now? I didn’t have long to wonder.

  She fucking flew at me and belted me one. Fucking psycho.

  “You fucking snatched me because my dad took one of your bitches?”

  “Where the fuck did you hear that shit?” I’m gonna kill the motherfucker who told her that shit and didn’t warn me. Now I’m stuck in here with this crazy ass woman out for blood.

  “I heard it down at your club.”

  “The fuck was you doing there?”

  “Never mind all that, is it true?” oh fuck she’s jealous. I would’ve played with that shit a little if I hadn’t seen the look of hurt in her eyes.

  I didn’t mention that shit though because it’ll just make her more defensive. “It’s not what you think.”

  “You don’t know what I think, is it true or not?” She folded her arms and glared at me like she was grown. Fucking girl thinks she can take me.

  I rubbed my cheek where she’d caught me and plotted how I was going to get her ass back for that shit. A nice deep stroking in the doggie position should do it.

  “I never fucked her or anything like that.” What the fuck am I explaining this shit for? “Don’t question me about my shit.”

  She was pissed, that vein in her neck was ticking away and I knew it was going to be a while before she settled the fuck down.

  “Where are you going?” she had her hand on the door handle when she turned back to me.

  “I’m going out to find someone to have fun with.” I’m gonna fuck the shit out of her no joke, she won’t walk for a week.

  “You wanna fucking die you go ahead.” She slammed out the door and I was on the phone two seconds later.

  “Bring her ass back in here, but make sure you don’t put your hands on her.”

  “Uh, boss, how do you expect me to do that? You know she’s gonna fight.” Yeah, she’s been giving her detail shit for the past week, my little scrapper.

  “Andre, if I have to tell you how to handle one little girl you shouldn’t be on my payroll.” Fuck was I saying, I can barely handle her ass myself.

  It wasn’t long before he brought her back kicking and screaming. The jackass had her in some kind of fireman hold, but I could see where she’d got him good on the chin. I’m gonna have to start giving my guys hazard pay.

  I pointed to the couch where he dropped her before stepping back. I know it’s always best to give her at least five minutes to calm the fuck down and get the blood out of her eye, so I waited.

  “Who was it you were going to see?” I said that shit all casual like, but I was ready to end a motherfucker as soon as she dropped the fuck’s name.

  Lucky for her she came to me a virgin or her freedom, as little as it is, would’ve been even more strongly curtailed after this shit.

  As it is, I’m about to crack down on her ass, since she found her way into my place. I don’t want my woman hanging out in fucking clubs and shit, plus her ass was too young.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She was huffy. Damn, when she gets like this all I can think about is getting inside her so I can feel all that heat and passion wrapped around my cock.

  “Come ‘ere.”

  “Get fucked.”

  Geez this girl and her damn mouth!

  I had to put my dick on hold because this shit was really important, I could tell that she was really upset and that shit didn’t sit well with me.

  It was blatantly obvious that her dad the fuck kept her pretty well insulated from his shadier dealings.

  “Your saintly dad is responsible for importing and trafficking all the drugs that feed the fucking Pacific north west. I’m not having that shit in my backyard so he decided he wanted to war with me.”

  “My dad doesn’t sell drugs he owns a line of department stores and a few restaurants.” Her eyes were all but popping out of her head.

  “My ass, you want the truth or no, because I’ve got shit to do.” Going to see mom tonight was obviously out, this one was on the warpath.

  “That still doesn’t answer who this girl is to you.” I guess she wasn’t ready to hear the truth so I let her skirt the issue for now.

  “She’s nobody.”

  “Tell me the truth or I’m leaving.” She was breathing fire and her chest was heaving up and down in her fury. I wonder if she realized that she was reacting this way because she was jealous.

  “You aren’t going anywhere so shut that shit the fuck down, and I already told you, she’s nobody.”

  Fuck if I was gonna tell her that I’d had my eye on the chick. How the fuck her fuck of an old man found that shit out who knows? But he’d fucked himself six ways from Sunday on this one.

  He’d grabbed the girl, now his daughter was mine. I’d got the better end of that deal no question.

  The fucking nut threw a vase into the wall. “It’s your home so go ahead and break every fuck in it and live in a dump.”

  “I’m not living here with you, you snake I hate you.”

  “Make up your mind, either you hate me or you’re jealous of some chick I had my eye on before we even met.”

  “Fuck you, I’m leaving.”

  “Listen you, it’s either here with me or Grove Park.” That stopped her cold.

  “What like the cemetery?”

  “Yep, so choose your pick.” I was over the arguing shit and decided to head the fuck out and leave her here with her fuckery. She actually hit me in the shoulder with the next shit she threw at me.”

  “If you wanted to fuck all you had to do was say so.” I changed my mind on a dime and instead of heading for the door turned back to her. “Don’t you dare Draco.”

  Like I was listening to her ass, besides, my dick was rock hard.

  I made light work of snatching her little tiny ass up in my arms and heading for the bedroom with her kicking and screaming while threatening me with all kinds of shit.

  “You’ve got a wild imagination for a little girl you know that?”

  I dropped her on the bed and fell on top of her pinning her beneath me. I bit into her jaw as I fought with the snaps to her jeans and pulled them down her thighs.

  Before she could roll away I was balls deep inside her, just to fuck with her I gloated. She did not disappoint. All that fire was back and she bucked beneath me like a wild thing.

  I pulled her hair to get her to settle the fuck down and she bit my chest. “Oh you wanna play? Fine.”

  I slammed into her hard enough to shake the whole fucking bed. She dragged her nails down my back and came while I fucked her through it.

  She attacked my mouth with hers until I thought we were both gonna eat each other alive. She had so much heat for one so young; she was hot enough to burn, and her pussy juice when it ran down my cock to my balls was like lave flow.

  I tried pulling my mouth away from hers so we could both breathe, but she held my head in place by digging her nails
in, as she wrapped her legs around my ass and fucked herself on my cock.

  My heart wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this shit, I think she was trying to kill my ass. I wanted to stay inside her longer, my cock felt so good, but I made the mistake of tearing her shirt open.

  One look at her beauties and my balls drew up to my body. I sucked one into my mouth as I started shooting into her hard.

  She screamed like the hellcat she is and came all over my cock.


  What the fuck? It was dark outside and the only light in the room was the glow from the TV. My darling bride was sitting up in bed with a big bowl of ice cream.

  What the fuck had happened? I took stock of myself and found that my pants were still half on half off, and my nuts had dried pussy juice all over them that was starting to itch.

  “What happened?” I eyed her as she turned to me. I won’t be surprised if she’d knocked me over the head, but somehow I didn’t think so.

  “You fell asleep.” She shrugged like that shit was normal.

  “The fuck I did.” She actually smirked at me. “You got knocked dafuq out.” She laughed like a maniac.

  Damn, I’m never gonna live this shit down. What the fuck was her pussy lined with anyway? The shit was too fucking good.

  “Oh your mom called by the way.”

  “Shit I forgot, what did you tell her?”

  “What do you think? I told her I fucked her little golden boy to death.”


  “Chill, I told her you were taking a nap and she laughed.” She shrugged again. Shit, just what I need, my nosy ass mother in my shit. No doubt she’d already shared the news with dad who loved nothing better than having some shit he could use to one-up me.

  “Did you eat?” I sat up with a yawn and scratched my chest. She held up the empty bowl and kept watching some insipid teenage fuckery that was designed to make me lose my shit.

  “That’s not food come on, let me go feed you.” I had to drag her from the bed after I’d cleaned up some in the shower. The girl liked to be difficult. I wonder how long it was gonna take her to get over that shit.

  I had to call ma while the pasta was boiling and little Ms. Attitude was making the salad. We rescheduled for another night and I only had to tell her to mind her own business twice, which only made her laugh harder.

  Chapter 9

  After my night of embarrassment I made sure never to let that shit happen again, though I noticed that it was getting harder and harder not to give in to the sweet oblivion after I’d emptied inside her.

  She was very proud of herself and no matter how I tried to get her back, no dice. She took all the dick I threw into her and kept going afterwards, while I was assed out.

  “Draco, that new guy I told you about with the diamonds is here.” Chase came into the office while I was knee deep in shit.

  Stasia had gone somewhere to some warehouse to pick up supplies for her jewelry shit. I figured since my wife was into jewelry making I better get in on the bottom floor and keep her happy, but fuck I wasn’t in the mood today.

  “I hate this shit, you know I hate meeting new people.” I was being a little bitch and I knew it, but lately it’s been getting harder and harder to let her out of my sight.

  Word on the street was that her dad was looking to put a hit out on me, and though I was sure he wouldn’t harm her, I wasn’t comfortable with my woman being out of my sight while there was a bounty on my head.

  “If you want a foothold in the diamond trade this is it. It’s what you said you wanted right?”

  “Bring him in.” Some bespectacled little twerp came into the room already sweating. I sized him up and put on the Santorini act; that ought to cause him a few sleepless nights if he was even thinking of fucking with me.

  “You, are you a Donnie Brasco wanna be?”

  “Who’s that?” he fixed his glasses on his face and looked around at Chase.

  “You know who the fuck he is and if you don’t you better find out. I’m gonna tell you this only once, if you’re here to snitch, if I even think that you’re a rat, I won’t come at you first, I’ll take out your whole fucking family and make you watch. You sure you wanna fuck with me?”

  Fucking guy almost pissed himself while I checked him over for listening devices. “You’re clean, now show me what you got.”

  I was there forever with his shit, before my girl came bopping into the room full of excitement. Lately she’s been freer with her show of affection.

  I wasn’t sure that she was aware but I wasn’t going to be the one to bring it to her attention, I was enjoying the peace and quiet too much.

  Like now, when she came in, said hi to the others and came over for her kiss. I like the way she does that shit, like I better kiss her ass when she walks into a room after being gone for a while.

  She started right in. “Look at all the cool stuff I got, I can’t wait to go home and get started. How much longer do you have to stay?”

  “I’m almost done here.” She pouted because she has no damn patience. I’d had the contractor come out and turn one of the rooms in the mansion into her own little jewelry making lab and now I have to drag her ass out of there every damn night. I’m tempted to tear the shit down, but then she’d rag my ass about being jealous.

  “This guy has some gems for you to look at babe, go do that over there while I finish up here and then we can go.”

  Since I’d saddled myself with her I’d hired more household staff because this one was high maintenance as fuck.

  I had to go behind her back the first week and redo the menu with the chef or she’d have me eating fried shit everyday of my life.

  She started squealing as soon as he opened up his little treasure trove. My ass was gonna be broke in a week flat messing with her ass.

  I do love making her happy tough, spoilt fuck. She cleaned him out by the time I was ready to go and our business was done. Lucky for me I’d just bought into his business because that shit didn’t come cheap.

  We had become settled in our little routines. Home, shower and bath, dinner and then an hour or so of TV for her while I worked out then we fucked into the wee hours of the morning until it was time to start all over again.

  Tonight she was looking exceptionally plump in her tits and ass, probably retaining water or some shit, which means I’d better be on high alert to deal with her crazy shit, I can just imagine.

  I tackled her in the shower and took her from behind hard. She likes to try to get the better of me and this time was no different. She cocked her ass high, got up on her toes and threw her pussy back at me until she’d swallowed my shit whole.

  Our bodies slapped together loudly as the water ran down on us. I wrapped her hair around my wrist and pulled her head back so I could take her mouth while I stroked into her sweet pussy.

  She never says anything about our sex so I have to read the signs to know if I’m hitting it right or not, so far I’m knocking this shit out the park.


  I left her early the next morning because I had a meet with some guy who said he had some info for me. Information was the hottest commodity on the market if you ask me, and I like to stay in the know.

  I have a whole network of spies that keeps me up to speed on what the fuck is going on in my backyard.

  He was waiting outside my office when I finally arrived looking nervous as fuck. I lifted my brow at him and he tried to settle down.

  “Sir...” I held my finger up to my lips for silence and then stepped aside so Chase could frisk him, then I followed up with my own search. That always makes them sweat, the double search, it pays to be thorough.

  I opened the door and ushered him in. “Okay tell me.”

  “They’re planning to put eyes and ears on you, they pulled some kind of maneuver and got some judge out of state to push through the warrants.”

  “What’s this judge’s name.”

  “Sampson sir, Ezra.”
I nodded to Chase who turned and left. I hate being fucked with. I wasn’t going to kill the fuck, but I was about to make his life very miserable. If he so much as filched a candy when he was five I’d find out and use it against him.

  “What should we do boss? This thing is serious, like they’re organizing a task force just to bring you down.” Bring down these nuts.

  “I make a hundred and twenty million a day, do you think some fuck pulling down forty grand a year can touch this? The fuck outta here.”

  After he left I made some calls, had to get my shit straight. I had my little Asian tech guru on that shit with a quickness.

  He was one of my secret weapons; anything the fucks came up with Chow could counter. He loves that shit, as was evident by his excitement when I told him what I wanted.

  Chase came back within the hour with more than enough info. I looked over the digital stills of Sampson meeting what looked like a very underage girl in a motel room.

  Cheap fuck, according to his stats he could afford better, disgusting pig.

  I picked up the phone and called the number on the report only to be told he was busy in his chambers. Yeah I bet, busy fucking with my shit.

  “Tell him it’s Santorini and he’s gonna wanna talk to me.” The line was on hold for three minutes before he came on.

  “Mr. Santorini this is very unorthodox and quite frankly we have nothing to say to each other.”

  “I’m about to send something through your fax, I suggest you keep this for your eyes only if you know what I mean, I’ll stay on the line.” I nodded to Chase who sent the printout.

  I listened as the fucker moved around on the other end of the line. “What is it that you want?”

  “Let me ask you a question, do you know me?”

  “No, but I know of you.”

  “Yeah, well now I know of you too. Here’s what you’re gonna do, you’re gonna rescind whatever the fuck you did and call off your fucking dogs. I’m not gonna be your entrée to the supreme-court you fuck.”

  “I can’t it’ll raise questions.”


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