The Villain

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The Villain Page 7

by Jordan Silver

  “I’m thinking I don’t give a fuck. You have until five today and Ezra, I so much as scent a cop in my vicinity these pictures go live.”

  I hung up pretty sure of the outcome. Too bad I was going to crawfish on the deal, I don’t clasp hands with assholes who prey on children.

  My phone rang again and I was about to blast his ass but it was my queen calling to harass my ass with her shit. “Draco I wanna go to The Garden for lunch.”

  I checked my watch it was nowhere near lunchtime. The Garden was one of my restaurants, but since the whole thing with her dad putting a bead on me I wasn’t too jazzed about making myself a target.

  I was still working on finding out who’d taken the job before I capped his ass. I was still deciding whether or not I was gonna end Felix or let him live for her.

  By rights the fuck should be dead by now, but you can’t blame a man for trying to protect his kid.

  “I’ll send Chase to get you and I’ll meet you there later okay.”

  “What’s wrong with Andre?” I didn’t answer her because what the fuck? I’m tired telling her about minding my damn business. She sucked her teeth and hung up in my ear.

  “You have to go get my nutter at lunchtime, she wants to go to the Garden. Andre has somewhere that he has to be.”

  He grumbled some shit under his breath but I wasn’t paying him any attention either. He can’t figure out how to deal with her ass that’s on him.

  Meanwhile the two of them war like siblings, especially when she bullies him into playing that Wii shit and she cheats.

  I got lost in my work and was barely aware of him telling me he was going to get her. I had at least another hour before I had to be there so I tied up some loose ends before heading out.

  I knew some fuck was wrong as soon as the car turned onto the street where the restaurant was. There were cops and ambulances and fire trucks.

  I jumped out the back of the town car before it came to a stop and ran towards the doors where people were scattered all over the fucking place.

  There was blood all over the fucking place and my trigger finger started to itch. I caught sight of Chase and started to breathe easy until I noticed she wasn’t with him.

  “Where the fuck is my wife?”

  “Boss I’m sorry, there’s been an incident.” He wouldn’t look at me; fuck me not today.

  “What kind of incident?” I looked around for her as my heart fell into my fucking toes. “Where’s Anastasia, WHERE THE FUCK IS ANASTASIA?”

  My feet were moving before I was aware of what I was doing.

  “Draco stop, come on boss not here.” He looked around at all the cops and bystanders like I gave a fuck.

  “You tell me where the fuck she is or I’ll kill every motherfucker standing.”

  “Come I’ll take you to her.” My knees went weak at his words. My heart relaxed its pace and my breath came easy again.

  “She’s alive?” I heard the plea in my voice and didn’t care if it showed a chink in my armor.

  “She’s alive.” He started moving me towards the car as life went on around us.

  “What the fuck happened to her and are the ones responsible dead?” Now that I knew she was safe it was on to phase two. Some fuck was gonna die.

  “She was shot.”

  “Come again?” I stopped short of climbing into the backseat.

  “She’s okay Dray I promise. The shot came from one of the rooftops across the street as soon as we reached the door, so there’s no mistake it was a hit.

  We weren’t quick enough to catch whoever did it, but the boys are gathering surveillance from around the neighborhood before the cops get to it.”

  “Take me to her, you have men on her of course.”

  “Goes without saying boss.”

  “Fuck, I’m gonna hear about this shit for fucking ever. Where did the fucker get her?”

  “The chest.” I flinched at the news but it was better than the head. “That’s good then, was she wearing her protection?”

  “You know she was, you always put it on her yourself before you leave remember?”

  “Yeah, but that shit still hurts like a son of a bitch and she’s gonna ride my ass like a bronco on the back of this shit. That alone is worth me breaking off at least three toes in somebody’s ass so when you find the prick he’s mine.”

  I rushed into the house as soon as we pulled up, and up the stairs where she was holding court. Ma was there with my aunt Gina, more fucking drama, fuck my life.

  “Ladies.” I had eyes only for her as I made my way to the bed. “My poor baby, you okay?” I pulled her into my arms and held her close as my eyes grew moist.

  I could’ve lost her. That thought kept playing over and over in my head as I ran my hands up and down her back.

  I whispered reassurances to her as she clung to me. “Let me see baby.” The doctor was still hovering in the corner no doubt under orders not to leave until I gave the all clear.

  “Chase pushed me out of the way. It’s not that bad.” I turned to my boy who had followed me into the room. I knew for the next few days he’ll be on my ass like white on rice, jumpy fuck.

  “You hit?”

  “It’s just a scratch Dray.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you let the doc look at it?” I snapped my fingers at the doc who came forward.

  “Because I had to be there to calm your ass down when you showed up, and saw all the carnage and no her. I wasn’t looking forward to getting your ass out of the clink, your old man said the next time I let you get into some shit it was my ass, and as crazy as you are that fuck’s worst I wasn’t having it.”

  “That little island in Nova Scotia that you like so much is yours bro.”

  “I was just doing my job.”

  “Fuck that you saved my girl it’s yours.”

  “You sure you’re okay beautiful?” She nodded and rested her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around me.


  “Yeah baby?”

  “I love you.” She said it so softly I barely made it out, but the sweet feeling that went through me was proof enough.

  “I love you more.” It had taken her ass getting shot but at least she’d said it. My phone went off and I answered.

  “Got him.” I looked at Chase who was being patched up by the doc. We shared a look between us before I kissed her forehead and eased out of her arms.

  “I gotta go do something baby. I won’t be long.”

  “I didn’t get to eat and I’m hungry.”

  “I’ll get you something when I get back or tell the chef to make you something. Ma, watch over my girl for me I’ll be back.”

  “Your dad will be here soon.”

  “This can’t wait.” I kissed her and my aunt on the cheek before tongue fucking Stasia’s mouth and leaving the room. Chase followed close on my heels as I made my way downstairs.

  “You checked the car?” I asked Andre who had left his appointment to come in. When some shit went down everyone had to be on hand.

  Dad was coming in because as the new head, it was my place to protect everyone that was a part of me.

  He pointed to the dash where they’d found an earpiece. These fucks were always hoping to catch me out there, but I’ll never let them catch me slipping.

  “Hey agent fuck off, go suck a dick and get the fuck off my stick.” I stomped the shit hoping he was listening in and it deafened the fuck.

  My outward appearance was all calmness and light, but inside I was in a cold rage as I accepted the intelligence my guys had uncovered.

  Fuck, it was her dad’s hit man, what the fuck? “Where is he now?”

  “They’ve both been spotted near Groves Park.”

  “Fucking perfect let’s roll.” I had a lot of thinking to do in the fifteen minutes it took to get to our destination.

  The car stopped and I jumped out, gun drawn. “Fuck Dray wait.”

  Like fuck I’d wait. I walked up on the driver’s
side and unloaded my clip into the fuck’s face; he never saw what hit him.

  Next I moved around to the passenger side where Felix was trying to escape. I shot him in the lower spine, severing everything.

  He fell to the ground his mouth opened in a silent scream. “The only reason I’m letting you live is because of her and because I know you didn’t mean for her to get hurt.

  This should put you in a chair for the rest of your life. Here’s how it’s gonna go when you go before the commission. All your legit business dealings will go to your only heir and your son in law.

  She never hears about your part in this, it’ll kill her. If you ever stand up from the chair they’re gonna put your ass in, I’ll finish you.”

  I called for an ambulance for the fuck when I was through telling him his new reality.

  “Let’s get back my girl said she was hungry.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t do shit like that.”

  “Stop bitching it’s done, let’s bounce. Unless you fancy an orange jumpsuit and there squares.

  Chapter 10


  After I cleared the place out on my return I had enough control left to feed her before my hunger for her took over. I was ravenous for her, the earlier fear and adrenaline fueling my need.

  I had her beneath me with my mouth on her pussy before she’d finished chewing her last bite. “Oh...” Her legs dropped open and her fingers combed through my hair.

  I tongued her clit before sucking it into my mouth, and then drove my tongue deep inside her cunt. She moved against my mouth wantonly as I tongue fucked her.

  The big bad Draco Santorini was shaking like a leaf. I was so grateful that she was still here, that I could still hold her and touch her, taste her; it was almost too much.

  Lifting my head from between her thighs, I watched her face as I climbed up her body and slipped inside her. Too tame, this wasn’t gonna do it.

  I pulled out and turned her around on her hands and knees. I had the need to fuck her as hard and as deep as my dick could handle. Somehow I needed that to reassure us both that she was alive.

  I wasn’t easy when I slammed into her with her hips held securely in my hands. I only checked myself when she screeched in pain.

  Leaning over her back I whispered words of encouragement in her ear. “You can take me like this, open wider.” I ran my hand down her middle until my fingers found her clit.

  I pressed and tweaked her already swollen clit while my dick went to work inside her. Once she got over the initial pain of me going too deep there was no holding back.

  She actually danced on my dick, like an exotic dancer on the damn pole. Her ass moved up and around and down again. It was as if she had a song in her head that she was moving to. “What the fuck baby?” I held her hips in my hands and watched my cock slip in and out of her.

  My head grew dizzy with the rush of emotion that went through me. It was a combination of the way she moved on my dick and the love I had in my heart for her that bombarded me all at once and made me stupid.

  “Fuck baby.” My vocabulary had been whittled down to just those few words. I threw my head back on my shoulders and gritted my teeth to contain the animalistic growl that moved up my chest. The tables were turned and it was she who took me over, I was just along for the ride.

  This time when I slammed into her juicing pussy she pushed back and sucked me in deeper, her fingers scrambling to grab hold of the sheets.

  Pretty soon she was holding onto the headboard as I rode her pussy hard while pulling her hair roughly back with my fist.

  She changed the game on me; one minute she squeezed my dick with her silky pussy walls, and the next he could breathe. She did this shit for the longest time, and each time I got close to cumming, she’d do some shit to cut me off.

  I felt the change in her, as she got close. The heat of her pussy intensified and her movements became more erratic. She let go of the headboard and went back to destroying the sheets.

  “Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk.” She was really putting a workout on my cock. “I’m gonna cum so fucking hard inside you.” I actually got a shiver down my back as the first spurt of my seed left my body and entered hers.

  She bucked against me and yelled my name. “Dray.” She tore the sheets with her fingers as her head lolled back on her neck.

  Her body shook uncontrollably until I had to hold onto her. “What baby, what’s going on?” she was having some kind of a fit I thought until I tried to touch her and she couldn’t even bear my touch. Her body was oversensitive.

  I laid behind her and wrapped my arms around her, holding her as close as I could while I was still buried inside her.

  “I love you baby, shh, it’s okay.” I smoothed her hair back and kissed her head. “My baby, it’s okay.” This fucking girl is always turning me into a sap.

  It took a minute but eventually she calmed down, even though her body was still having aftershocks. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I knew.

  “Fuck kid, I just bred you.”

  “What how do you know? No way.” We both trembled at my words. I don’t know how I knew, but I was dead sure that I’d just fucked my kid into her.

  “I’m telling you I felt it, that’s why your body did that shit.” I turned her around quickly and settled between her thighs. Taking her face in my hands I kissed her softly.

  “You’re having my kid.” My heart felt like a ton of bricks one minute and then light as a feather the next.

  “Do you want me to love you some more sweet girl?” I was already sliding back into her heat. My eyes closed in wonder as it hit me, this was mine, this beautiful creature and the new life inside her, were all mine.

  Nothing else had ever felt this good. I felt whole and complete in a way that I don’t think I ever expected to in this life.

  “Kiss me.” She lifted her lips to mine and I took her mouth beneath mine putting all the love I had in me for her in the action.


  These fucking kids are worse than their hardheaded mother with their shit. “Dominic what are you doing?” the little two year old criminal was ass deep in my shit. I’d only told him three times already for the day to leave my shit alone.

  What’s with kids and paper anyway? I get them every damn toy in the store and still he and his little sister always find my shit more exciting.

  “Dada.” He held up the contract I’d been working on for his mother’s new store. It was eaten all to shit with drool covering every square inch.

  I can’t stay mad at him though and he knows it, that’s why he’s grinning at me with his cheeky ass.

  I won’t laugh this time though; this was the third time he’d done some shit like this. He did all his tricks in his repertoire to get a smile out of me but I kept my face straight, until he brought in reinforcements.

  The little sneak went and got his sister Victoria. My little princess knew her job very well because she made a beeline for my lap and plopped down.

  Her chubby little fingers came up and held my cheeks as she lectured me the way she’d no doubt seen her mother do.

  “I don’t know what you’re saying little girl but I know a con when I see one. You and your partner in crime had better leave well enough alone.”

  I guess Dom figured since he was already caught he might as well go full hog because he was soon digging through my file cabinet again.

  “Where’s your mommy princess?” She put her foot in her mouth and showed me her gums. Okay so I couldn’t resist that one.

  As soon as the smile broke across my face my son was toddling over to me. That was just the opening he was after.

  I reached down and picked him up too, sitting him on my other thigh. Their mother came in with the baby in her arms.

  Our youngest Gianni was just two weeks old. He was conceived the day his mom got the all clear after his big sister’s birth, which is pretty much how we ended up with three kids a year apart.

  By the time
her healing period was over I was pretty much ready to fuck the wind. Both times we’d barely made it through the door after the final check-up, before I was nailing her. I think Vicki was conceived on the floor in the foyer and Gianni not much farther, in the living room.

  “The kids ate your contract.” She looked at me suspiciously as she came to stand in front of me. She’s always trying to use intimidating tactics on my ass, and I let her.

  “Again? Draco I’m beginning to suspect that there’s something else going on here. I told you I’ll only be there for the first few weeks until the employees get the hang of it, I promise.”

  My facial expression didn’t change in the least. She’d never get it out of me; her son’s teeth marks were all over the shit, which I pointed out to her.

  “But how does he keep getting at them? Please Draco, I really want it.” Fuck, her spoilt ass hates hearing the word no.

  Fuck yes I’ve been sabotaging her damn store. I’ve been leaving the bottom drawer of my file cabinet unlocked so the kids can get in.

  The first time I’d left the shit halfway open for them. After that they always checked the drawer first whenever they found their asses in my office.

  I don’t want her away from home, but she doesn’t hear so good and I hate the way she sulks when I tell her spoilt ass no. She’s always finding new ways to fuck with me, there’s always something that she wants to do that she knows damn good and well ain’t gonna happen. Like taking my kids to see her fuck of a dad.

  She never knew about what went down that day and since she was forbidden to ask me shit about my dealings, there was no way she’d ever learn because if he even hinted at that shit I’d put a bullet in his head.

  It worked out well in the end, because he’d put most of his shit in Dominic’s name with me at the helm until he was old enough.

  I’d dismantled his drug business. That shit hadn’t been easy and the streets had been lined with blood for a good three months before things started to settle down.

  I’d cleaned the shit up as best I could which had a surprise twist. The police commissioner had paid me a visit, the fucking city wanted to give me a medal of merit or some shit. The fuck outta here, I don’t deal with criminals.


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