Book Read Free

Irons 3

Page 12

by Mj Fields

  “Your father came to me. Told me everything. We were trying to figure it out. Figure out a way to get free from this.”

  “He didn’t act -”

  “He didn’t want you to know. Didn’t want you to be involved. He was a good man, hell of a soldier and would have been a great leader. He also raised one hell of a man.”

  “Jax will be a good leader,” Frankie interrupts, defending me.

  “Jaxson has made an enemy in Deveroux. No one has publicly given their support. They are all waiting to see what Jaxson will do. If Jaxson throws in his hat, then they would more than likely back him due to circumstance. If he goes against him, I have no idea what the outcome will be.” I nod; can’t argue that. “Best bet is to align yourself with him, this late in a game.”

  “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “They’re gonna be one hell of a sell. There are men backed by the wealthiest people in the world that pull strings, who stroke egos, and they play politically sound candidates like fiddles and they run for office, win, and owe their souls to the devils themselves.”

  “I’ve heard this theory,” I say and look at him.

  “Not a theory, Jaxson. Your father was going in knowing this, hoping to make enough of an impact that you didn’t have to owe anyone. He had hope for you, for a less corrupt government, hope for our country. Now he’s gone and I don’t know how the hell to get a man with balls in there.”

  “Jax has,” Frankie stops and starts to turn red.

  “Thanks, Angel,” I smirk.

  “Jaxson also has a mark on his back. Deveroux is a loose cannon and my biggest fear is that senator from New York is going to play you two against each other. I know you are smart enough to not take the bait. But I know damn well he will. You have the girl, you have the-”

  “Run with me,” I say to him.

  He studies me, then speaks, “If you lose, it’s not likely you’ll get another chance.” He scratches his head and looks towards the water.

  “Run with me. You as governor, me as lieutenant governor.” I look at Frankie and she looks at me like she is confused. “Don’t look at me like that, Angel. If we lose, it’s technically not my loss.”

  “”It would be mine,” Smith smirks. “Two military men, no backing. Liberals will eat us up.”

  I look at Frankie, “I don’t know about that. I think it’s perfect.”

  “Not sure, but I will think about it.” He looks at Frankie and then me. “We win, you make connections and you run for President, you win-”

  “I take you with me,” I nod.

  “Hell no. You find someone else. I hate politics but we sure as hell can do some good.” He pats my shoulder.

  “We sure can.”

  “We just need a strategy. We have plenty of experience in war, this won’t be much different,” Smith laughs. “But first things first, we need to ensure our families are safe before we do a damn thing.”

  “The more public this is the less danger, correct?” Frankie asks. I nod. “Good. We need to set up an interview with Maria.”

  “Sanchez is a tough broad,” Colonel Smith warns.

  “She likes my wife, who is just as tough, if not tougher.”

  ONCE IN THE SUV I call Mom, “Do we need anything from the store for tonight?” She tells me no, everything is all set. “Thank you. Sorry I left it all up to you. It wasn’t my intention.”

  I end the call by pressing the hands-free device on the steering wheel and buckle my seatbelt. Jaxon opens the door to get in after he says goodbye to Colonel Smith.

  “I know your head is probably swimming and you may just want some down time,” I say as I pull out, “But we have the dinner at the house tonight.”

  “My head is swimming but maybe in a different direction than you might be thinking,” he says as he snaps his belt into place. “Drugstore. Hit one on the way home.”

  I feel a smile spread and I glance at him, “Angel, you look exhausted and we need to know what’s causing that exhaustion.”

  “I’m on birth control,” I say as I come to a stop, waiting in the line of traffic to leave base. “I kind of like just thinking I’m carrying your baby, Jaxson. If I take a test and it’s negative, then I can’t claim ignorance when I daydream about giving you a child and Lily another sibling.”

  “You think she’ll see a baby as that or a cousin?” I glance over at him. He looks anxious.

  “I think when we get the paperwork back saying we have custody of Lily, she is ours, Jax. I know she needs and wants to be ours as much as we need her. I know that if we show her how important it is to us, she’ll consider a child,” I pause and smile as he looks down, “Part of her very special family.”

  “Right.” He looks out the window and remains quiet for a moment. “Frankie?”


  “You got to find out; it’s driving me fucking crazy.”


  When we get home, Lily meets us at the door. She studies us before she says anything.

  Jax picks her up, “Missed you, Firefly.”

  Why does this make me fall even further in love with him? Why does this make me want to be pregnant? Why does it make me want to go lock ourselves in the bathroom and practice the art of making a baby?

  Art? I l silently laugh at my thoughts. It is absolutely art. Making love with Jaxson couldn’t be anything but art. His body, the way his body moves, the ripples in his muscles, the words that could be considered borderline crude, all of that mixed together, is art.

  “Wanna help me cook?” Lily asks, bringing me back to the here and now.

  “Sure,” I say and hold my arms out to her.


  Dinner went over well, and Lily and my dessert went over well. Brownie Sundaes. I felt bad that I had promised them every day and had not kept that promise, but from now on I would.

  I lay in our bed holding her after reading her a book, when Jax pokes his head in. He smiles as he looks at her.

  He makes his way in quietly and right to the bathroom. I get up, cover Lily and make my way in.

  He stands there, holding out the stick, “Need to know.”

  I take the stick and watch him as he watches me. “Jax, could you turn around?”

  “Angel, my mouth has been on the very part of you that-”

  “Turn. Around.” I try to act annoyed but fail miserably.

  He huffs as he turns away.

  When I finish, I walk over and set the test on the counter and wash my hands. He stands there with his eyes glued on the stick.

  “A watched pot-”

  “Very funny, Frankie,” he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me in front of him, “Two minutes.”

  “Two minutes,” I repeat and he kisses my lips very softly.

  I wrap my arms around him and he holds me. I glance up and smile nervously when I notice his eyes fixed on the counter behind me.

  I want so much to give this to him.

  His eyes widen and he swallows hard. I see them glistening and my own emotions swell inside me.


  His hand gently fists my hair in the back and he pulls back gently. His nose runs across mine, and his lips lay against my lips.

  “Angel,” he whispers and closes his eyes. “Didn’t know how much I wanted this until Lily. I can’t explain the love I felt when I thought she was mine, and wouldn’t ever be able to hold her. Then realized I had a woman strong enough, good enough, to keep pushing me to allow myself to realize even being raised the way I was, it was okay. That I would be okay and a good enough father. I know it sounds harsh but it hurt when I realized she wasn’t mine. The hurt lessened when I knew she was Will’s little firefly. But right now, right now, right now, with her sleeping outside this door, with you in my arms, knowing that you have something inside of you that is you and me. Fuck, Frankie. I am not a weak man but I am sure my emotions are at boiling point. So please, just lay your head here against my chest and promise you won’t think me a lesser
man when they overflow.” Tears are falling down my face as I rest my head where he asks me to. “Thank you, Angel, thank you so much for loving me.”

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  “Again, Angel. Again.” His voice is so soft it comes at me like a breath.

  “I love you.”

  His lips find mine; they are wet with his tears, with my tears. The kiss is soft, gentle, and wet. He kisses my tears and I kiss his. A moment I never want to forget. A moment that I need more of him.

  I run my hands up his shirt slowly, touching every hard ripple covered by his soft, smooth, tanned skin. He groans against my neck as he licks slowly up and kisses the spot behind my ear that sends shivers down my spine.

  His hand runs down my skirt and picks me up by my ass as I unbuckle and unbutton his pants.

  I grab him immediately and stoke him in one hand as his finger pushes my panties to the side and begins rubbing me.

  I wrap my legs around him and pull him closer as I slide to the very edge of the countertop. I rub the head of him against me and thrust my hips.

  A growl vibrates in his chest, and up his throat as he thrusts forward. In and out very slowly stretching me, “Jax,” I pant, “More. More.”

  In one thrust he is deep inside of me and to stop myself from crying out I bite my arm. He eases back, “Easy, Angel. Slow,” he eases in, “steady,” he rolls his hips and pulls almost all the way out.

  “More,” I beg.

  “Slow,” he growls, “and steady.”

  “Jax,” I plead.

  “I’ll get us there, Angel. Just want to take my time.” He pushes in further. “Savor you.”

  A slow but delicious build to a mind-blowing orgasm shared between the two of us.

  “Family keeps building. Second best feeling ever.”

  “First?” I ask as he pulls out.

  “Being inside you, heart, body and soul.”


  My parents, Titan, Shadows, Renee, and Mary are the only ones left. Everyone else has gone home.

  “What was going on in there?” Shadows asks, smirking.

  “Just getting Lily to sleep,” I say as Jax sits and pulls me down on his lap. “And Jax changed.”

  “We need to talk.” Jax rubs my back. “Frankie and I had originally invited you all here for a sendoff dinner. But a couple of things happened today. The first, Colonel Smith, Francesca and I had a chat about the Governor’s race.”

  He explained it all to them, everything.

  “It’s risky. If I lose, we all lose.”

  “Then don’t run,” Shadows says and shakes his head. “Let Smith run, you be lieutenant governor. Then you run on your own or shoot for presidency. Deveroux is a snake. He may not be behind all of the shit, but he damn sure-”

  “I’m not sure he’s anything more than a man who got caught up in a game. Just like my grandfather and father.”

  He looks at my friends and then me. I know he is concerned about speaking so freely in front of them. “I agree with Shadows, Jax. If you are hell bent on taking him out of the game, and you should be, I say let’s do this.”

  “Aren’t you to leaving tomorrow?” Mary asks and briefly glances at Shadows, then back at me.

  “Little Lamb, you sound concerned. Are you concerned?” Jax clears his throat and Shadows looks at him. “I promised you I would behave. Leave the…shearing for another day. I’m simply asking a question that arose from the concern in the Little Lamb’s voice.”

  “Shadows,” I gasp.

  “It’s okay, Francesca, I can handle this.” She turns to Shadows, “Of course, I’m concerned. You all fight to keep us safe, to help others stay safe and risk your lives doing so. It’s admirable.”

  “Mmm mmm-,” Shadows begins.

  “My parents,” I give him a look.

  “Right,” he says and his eyes lock on Mary.

  “I’m sure we can discuss this further in the morning. I agree with Shadows about the race. If he isn’t interested in presidency and you think it’s the safest bet. Do it, son,” Dad looks at Mom. “You ready for bed?”

  “FRANKIE AND I HAVE SOME news,” she looks at me and shakes her head no. “No? We don’t have news?”

  “Yes, but-”

  “We don’t want it to reach outside of this circle,” I look at her friends. “I’m putting my trust in the two of you. With that trust comes a responsibility. You’ve proven you are good friends to my wife, and I hope, if we move forward, you two can be a big part of the future plans of this family.”

  I look at Frankie, expecting her to chime in but she is looking at her mother and both show a lot of emotion.

  “Francesca?” Rosa asks.

  “You already know.” Frankie wipes away the first fallen tear.

  “Is it true?” William looks at me.

  I can’t help but smile at the fact they obviously both already know. I nod.

  Rosa and William both get up and hug her.

  “Someone wanna tell the rest of us what’s going on?” Titan grumbles.

  “Francesca did a pregnancy test and it was posi-”

  “You’re shitting me!” Shadows laughs and claps his hands together.

  “Which means-” I begin.

  “That Frankie has no business busting my game,” Shadows laughs and takes a drink of his beer.

  Her parents laugh and then hug me, “Three. Three blessings in two weeks’ time.” Rosa hugs me tighter. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  William holds his wife while she cries. “It’s late. Let’s get you inside.”

  She nods as she fists his shirt. Her shoulders tremble and I know exactly how she feels. I look at Frankie and she smiles. She leans in and whispers something to her mother.

  Rosa and William each hug Titan and Shadows, wishing them luck and telling them when they get home they expect to be doing the same thing we did tonight. Eat dinner and enjoy the company of a family William brought together.

  Rosa kisses my head, Frankie holds up a finger telling me she’ll be right back, and then, hand in hand, the three of them walk into the house.

  Once they are inside, I look around the table. “I don’t want her stressing. I want her to enjoy this. Hell, I want to enjoy this. I also want to keep them safe, all of them. Mary, Renee, if you want in, say the word when you are ready. Renee, you have a year left; have you secured an internship yet?”

  “No.” She smiles.

  “You want one, you got it. Mary, have you decided on your concentration?”

  “She is double majoring; history and political science,” Renee answers for her.

  “Interesting,” Shadows chuckles, “Now, what may I ask brought that on, Little Lamb?”

  Her face grows red and Renee chimes in, “She has a roommate in the program, a built in study partner and history isn’t that far removed from politics. Don’t flatter yourself, buddy. She has a boyfriend.”

  “Well thank fuck for that,” we all look at Shadows, “a boy can’t be all that fun to play with, Little Lamb, but a man, especially one in uniform can rock your fucking world.”

  Titan laughs and takes a drink, “And two is better than one.”

  “That’s sick,” Renee gasps.

  “Don’t knock it till you try it,” Titan winks at her and now she is red in the face.

  “Anytime you ladies want that to stop, let me know,” I say, looking at my two friends, who have obviously had too much to drink, but that’s expected the night before they get on a carrier and head east. “Mary, you want an internship you have it, too. They won’t be in the governor’s mansion.”

  “No, Little Lamb,” Shadows says his eyes fixed on her again. “We’ll be in uniform, protecting your sweet little asses from the shit you can’t see around you. As a thank you, I would gladly show you what’s underneath that uniform when I come back to shore.”

  Mary looks at him, “You come back safe and we’ll discuss.”

  Shadows nearly spits his beer out of his mouth;
I laugh because that was unexpected and funny as hell.

  “We can start that tour right now, Little Lamb, let you see what you’re in for when I get home.”

  She shakes her head and looks at me, “Will Frankie be returning to school?”

  “We haven’t had time to discuss-”

  “Yes. I am going to look at online classes. I will finish, but Lily, Jax, and this little thing growing inside of me, take priority.” She walks over and sits back on my lap.

  “Love you, Angel.”

  “Say it again,” she beams.

  “I’ll say it forever.”

  She hugs me tight, then looks back at her friends. “Renee, you still know people who run the college newspaper and radio station?”

  “Yes,” she nods.

  “Good, we need to start a push to get people to register to vote. Social media. Any good at that?” Frankie asks.

  “That’s Mary’s forte.” Renee smiles.

  “Well, I’m learning,” she says quietly.

  “Better than nothing. Jax, we need them.” She looks hopefully at me.

  “Already offered internships.”

  “That was nice, but we need them. We can reach a different demographic. Smith and the three of you will have the military connections. I hope to have national and local media, as well as the ‘minority’ voters eating out of my hand by Election Day. Smith and you will also have the good old white boys and-”

  “Good old white boys?” I laugh.

  “Republicans,” she whispers, making me laugh even harder.

  “You’ll need to become one of us, you know,” I tease.

  “Is that true for us, too?” Mary asks.

  “There is only one thing you need to prepare yourself for, Little Lamb,” Shadows smirks, “The slaughter.”

  “The what?” she asks and looks at Frankie.

  “Shadows has a crush on you, M-”

  “Only one thing I’ll be crushing,” Shadows says, leaning forward and looking at Mary, “is the need for a boy ever again. You’ll crave a man once you’ve been under me. My cock is pure adrenaline, you feel that rush, Mary, and you’ll be addicted to my-”


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