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Whatever It Takes 2

Page 33

by Christy Reece

  Ivy wasn’t looking quite as lovely as she had when she arrived. Her left eye was swollen closed, blood seeped from her nose, her lip was busted, and she now had a distinct limp. She was also panting, and anger had replaced the earlier smugness.

  “You think you’re winning, bitch? I’m just getting started. When I’m through with you, I’ll gut those two brats in front of their father, and then shoot him in the head. Then I’ll do the rest of the family, one by one.”

  “Your threats are as laughable as that crooked nose you’re now sporting.”

  “So we’re resorting to cheap shots about our appearances now?”

  Kathleen shrugged. “It was an easy one to make.” She cut her eyes right, as if someone had come up behind Ivy. The woman jerked her head a bit. It was exactly the diversion Kathleen needed. In one smooth move, she bent and slid her knife from the sheath at her ankle and threw it. Ivy jerked back. The knife landed with a thud in the wall where Ivy’s head should have been.

  Something like respect gleamed in Ivy’s eyes. “Well, now, aren’t you full of surprises? Yet, it’s very tacky to change the rules in the middle of our game.”

  “I save my classy moves for those who actually know what class is.”


  A movement behind Ivy told her Eli had arrived and that meant the girls were safe. He was holding a gun in his hand, pointed directly at Ivy.

  “It’s over,” Eli shouted. “Get on your knees, put your hands in the air.”

  Ivy stiffened for a moment. Then she grabbed the knife embedded in the wall and twisted around to Eli.

  Kathleen yelled, “Eli, watch out!” And sprang forward, tackling Ivy.

  Eli fired his gun just as the knife flew from Ivy’s hand. Kathleen landed on the woman’s back, slamming her down onto the floor. When her body went still, Kathleen rolled over. Ivy’s eyes were closed, her face pale and still. She was unconscious, but the hit hadn’t been hard. They needed to restrain her.

  Thinking to ask Eli to find something to tie her up, she looked up, and then her heart stopped. He was leaning against the doorframe, Kathleen’s knife sticking out of his chest.

  Scrambling to her feet, she ran to him. “No, no, no.”

  “Damn, that hurts.”

  “Sit down, Eli. Sit down. Let me see how bad it is.”

  “I’m okay. I think I deflected it a little. Hit bone more than flesh.”

  Her hands shaking, she jerked at the buttons and looked beneath his shirt. The knife had hit him on the upper left side. Though it was embedded at least a couple of inches in his chest, he was right. The bone had likely deflected it, but he was bleeding profusely.

  “I turned at the last second. She missed her mark. I don’t think—shit! She’s getting away.”

  Kathleen twisted around to see Ivy limping out of the room.

  “We’ll worry about her later. For right now, we need to get you some help.”

  “No. This ends today.”

  “But you’re bleeding.”

  His expression unyielding, Eli gripped the knife handle and pulled it from his chest. Standing, he stalked to the attached bathroom and returned with a hand towel covering his wound. “This’ll do for now. Let’s go.”

  The sound of a boat engine starting up told them Ivy had reached the private boat dock, which was apparently how she had arrived.

  Eli took a step toward her, held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

  She took his hand and then watched as the blood drained from his face. “Eli?”

  “Ah. Damn.” He gave an odd, rough sort of laugh and then fell unconscious at her feet.

  Chapter Forty-eight

  As twilight softened the day around them, Eli stood on the deck of the Slater yacht. Dressed in a black tuxedo, he waited for his bride. The last day and a half had been a whirlwind of gathering information, preparing, and oh yes, getting a couple of pints of blood.

  Keeling over at Kathleen’s feet hadn’t exactly been his finest moment. It’d scared the hell out of her and had stopped them from being able to pursue Ivy Roane. And while that was hard to accept, it had been for the best. Not only had he been bleeding like a sieve, Kathleen had needed treatment for her sprained ankle, bruised ribs, and wrenched shoulder.

  Eli had been stitched and received the blood he’d needed, Kathleen had gotten her injuries bandaged. Then they’d gathered everyone together, discussed options, and made plans. Setting a trap for a ruthless killer was hard enough. Setting the trap while ensuring that everyone came out alive, including the killer, was somewhat more complicated. Justice wanted to have a face-to-face with Ivy Roane, and Eli had promised him that if it was possible, they’d capture her alive.

  It wouldn’t be simple, and he was doubtful that it would come out as clean as they hoped. But, dammit, it would end here, tonight. He had a lifetime to look forward to, and he wanted to get started on it as soon as possible.

  At the sound of the wedding song, Eli turned and faced the most beautiful sight this side of heaven. Kathleen, wearing the multicolored dress he’d purchased for her months before, walked toward him.

  This woman, with her courage and her capacity for love, humbled him. If he looked the world over, he would never find anyone as fine, as lovely, or as perfect for him. Or for his daughters. He swore with everything within him that he would spend the rest of his days making sure all three of his girls were safe and knew how very loved they were.

  But first they had a killer to capture.

  Her heart racing for myriad reasons, Kathleen reached for Eli’s hand. The two-carat diamond ring caught the last rays of sunlight, reflecting the hope and promise of the bright future that lay before them. In between making plans to bait and capture a killer, Eli had pulled her aside last night and surprised her with the most beautiful engagement ring she could ever have imagined.

  Every fantasy she’d ever had of a handsome, charming, sexy man who would make all her dreams come true had happened. This man, with his good heart, integrity, and determination, had given her so much. And when this was all over, when everything was as it should be, she would spend the rest of her life with the love of her life and their two precious daughters.

  Kathleen could think of no greater joy.

  She gave him a nod of assurance and a brilliant smile of love. She wished this was for real. Wished that Sophia and Violet, who had stolen her heart the first moment they’d screamed, “Eudora!” could be here. But that was for later, when this nightmare was over.

  For now, she smiled brilliantly and said, “We’re set.”

  Though his smile was one of love and approval, she noted his eyes glittered with determination. His arm wrapped around her waist as he turned her to face the man dressed as a minister. The man, Simon Bonner, was a former special forces soldier who was as fully prepared as the rest of them to do what needed to be done.

  There would be no surprises for anyone except for their prey.

  “Dearly beloved. We are gathered here to unite this man and this woman in holy—”

  A noise came from behind them. Not looking at each other, an arm wrapped around each other’s waist, Kathleen and Eli turned as one.

  Ivy Roane stood on the top step of the stairway, only a few feet away from them. Though her nose was swollen and slightly crooked, one eye was bruised and her mouth puffy from a busted lip, she somehow still managed to be beautiful. But her eyes had a dark coldness that told of the ugliness of this woman’s soul. She had come here to kill and would destroy anyone who got in her way. A gun, steady in her hand, was pointed directly at Kathleen.

  Okay, so far, so good. Even while nerves jittered and jumped inside her, Kathleen was relieved they wouldn’t have to wait any longer for this final showdown.

  Though she felt fury at the woman’s arrogance, Kathleen fought to show only mild amusement. “I guess what they say is true about a bad penny always showing up.”

  Ivy gave an indolent lift of her shoulder. “I’ve got a job to do.”
  “Tenacious, aren’t we? Do you honestly believe you can kill all of us and get away?”

  The arch of an elegant brow said she believed she was far from being defeated. “It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel.”

  “You’ve tried several times, and you’ve failed each time,” Eli said. “If you survive this and get away, you might want to consider another line of work. You obviously suck at this one.”

  While Kathleen knew that Eli wanted to keep Ivy’s attention on him, insulting a killer was a risk. An injured one with a grudge made it even more dangerous.

  “When your body is filled with bullets and sinking to the bottom of the ocean, you’ll think different, Mr. Slater.”

  With her arm still around Eli, it was easy enough for Kathleen to slide out the nine-millimeter that he had hidden in the small of his back. In half a second, she was armed and pointing the gun at Ivy.

  Ivy gave what might have been an approving nod. “Quite a bit more moxie than your sister. Poor Alice was so malleable. So easily led. So weak.”

  “Pissing me off is not the wisest course of action, Ivy. I could just shoot you.”

  “Perhaps. But you don’t have the killer instinct.”

  “Unlike you.”

  “Yes,” Ivy said softly, silver-gray eyes gleaming with pride. “Unlike me.”

  Kathleen wanted this woman to pay. Not just for what she had done to Alice, but for all the lives she had destroyed . Seeing her behind bars for the rest of her life would be sufficient.

  Keeping Ivy’s attention on Eli and herself, Kathleen said, “So what’s your plan?”

  “You will die, of course.”

  “Did you really think we wouldn’t be prepared?” With an arrogant smugness designed to take her off guard and piss her off, Eli said, “You’ve been had, Ivy.”

  Showing that she really wasn’t at her best, Ivy moved her head slightly, obviously just now noticing the six men surrounding her. Eli’s four bodyguards, along with his brother Jonah and now Simon Bonner, were all armed, their weapons pointed directly at Ivy’s head. She didn’t stand a chance.

  An ugly twisted grin briefly marred her beauty, and then she began to back toward the railing. “Touché, Mr. Slater. You won this round.”

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Eli asked.

  They were three stories up, and though Kathleen knew a fall into the water might not kill the woman, she would never survive in the open ocean, miles from land.

  “It’s much too crowded.” Boosting herself up on the railing, Ivy gave a salute. “Until next time.”

  Anticipating her move, Kathleen sprang forward the instant Ivy fell backward and caught the woman by the wrist. They both plunged toward the water.

  Sure that she and Ivy were both about to plummet to their deaths, Kathleen’s breath caught in her throat when strong hands wrapped around her ankle. She looked up to see Eli holding her.

  His eyes glimmering with a fierce determination, he shouted, “Let her go, Kat!”

  “No. I can haul her back up, Eli. Help me. She has to pay.”

  “Let me go!” Ivy screamed and tugged hard.

  This woman had killed Alice. Had tried to kill the man she loved. No way in hell was she going to let the bitch die this easily.

  “Dammit, Kathleen. You have to let her go. I can’t hold you both.”

  Bringing up the gun she still held in her hand, Ivy pointed it at Kathleen’s head. “Let me go, bitch.”


  For an instant, Kathleen wondered if Ivy had taken the shot and she just didn’t feel it yet. Then she saw the woman’s face, the blank, shocked look in her eyes that said she knew she’d lost.

  “Drop her, Kat,” Eli gritted out. “Now, dammit.”

  Kathleen opened her hands and watched Ivy tumble into the ocean, immediately swallowed up in a massive swell of water.

  Pulling her up, Eli wrapped his arms around Kathleen and held her tight. She couldn’t tell who was trembling the most. They held each other for several long moments. She knew there were people around them, scrambling to see if they could find Ivy Roane’s body. She didn’t care. She just wanted to stay in Eli’s arms forever.

  “It’s over,” she whispered. “It’s really, finally, truly over.”

  Eli’s hands cupped her face, and he kissed her softly, sweetly. “I love you, Kathleen Callahan. Now. Forever.”

  Her voice ragged with emotion, she said softly, “And I love you, Eli Slater. Now. Forever.”

  “Still want to marry me?”

  “If possible, more than ever.”

  He gave her the beautiful, sexy smile she so loved. “Then let’s go have a real wedding.”


  The lake house was the perfect place for a honeymoon. If anyone wondered why two children and a housekeeper had accompanied them, no one asked.

  Sprawled in a chair, Eli smiled at the sound of his girls giggling. Kathleen sat in the middle of the floor, Violet on one side, Sophia on the other. They had played outside all morning. When it had started raining, they’d moved the fun indoors. Soon, Teresa would come for them, feed them lunch, and settle them down for a nap. Then he had nap plans of his own with his beautiful, sexy wife.

  The last two weeks had been both exhausting and exhilarating. With both William Johnson and Ivy Roane out of the way, the fear was behind them. Explaining everything to the authorities in both France and the US had taken some time and diplomacy. Thankfully, with all the documentation, along with his and Justice’s influence, the matter had been settled to everyone’s satisfaction.

  It hadn’t been a happy ending for everyone. His mother was suffering from extreme guilt. She admitted that she’d given Phillippa their address in France so her friend could send a package of his mother’s favorite cosmetics she hadn’t been able to find in France. Phillippa had been found beaten and bloodied in her hall closet. Why Ivy had left the woman alive would always be a mystery. The elderly woman was still in the hospital, recovering. Even though he hated that Phillippa had suffered, he was glad that his mother had taken it upon herself to care for her. It was time for Eleanor Slater to come out of hiding. She would never recover if she continued to dwell on the past.

  Jonah was gone again. Eli had known he wouldn’t hang around. He had an agenda and a mission. Nothing was going to stop him until he identified and destroyed the man who’d killed his fiancée. Eli understood his need but couldn’t help but worry.

  His sister, Lacey, had surprised him by declaring her intention to return to college and get a degree in psychology, claiming the need to try to figure out how the Slaters got so screwed up in the first place. He knew she hadn’t been joking.

  He’d seen Justice only once, and that had been at the small wedding reception Kennedy and Nick had thrown him and Kathleen when they’d arrived back in the States. Though Eli knew the man was relieved that Irelyn had had nothing to do with the murders or attempts on Eli’s and Kathleen’s lives, there was a lingering sadness in his demeanor. No matter how much he tried to hide it, his friend missed Irelyn Raine and needed her back in his life. Whether that would ever happen was anyone’s guess.

  How it came to be that Irelyn and Ivy looked like identical twins had yet to be answered. He’d questioned Justice about it and in return had gotten one of his famous blank looks. What Justice wanted people to know, he obliged. When he didn’t, not even the devil himself could pry the information from him.

  “Well, now, it’s time for lunch for you two,” Teresa announced from the doorway. “I’ve got peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all ready for you.”

  Jumping up, the girls gave quick kisses to Kathleen and then ran out the door.

  Before leaving, Teresa gave him a twinkling smile. “I’ll put them down for their nap and then occupy them for the rest of the afternoon. And perhaps tonight, too. If need be.”

  “Thank you, Teresa. Not only are you a jewel, you’re also a very perceptive woman.”

  “Oh, Mr. Eli
.” Blushing slightly, she closed the door behind her.

  Eli sat up and glanced over at his wife. “Care for a nap before lunch, my love?”

  Gracefully getting to her feet, Kathleen Slater, the most beautiful woman in the world, replied softly, “My vote is a nap before and after lunch.”

  “You have a voracious appetite.”

  “Only for you, Mr. Slater. Only for you.”

  “Is that right, Mrs. Slater? Then perhaps an appetizer would be in order beforehand.”

  Kathleen placed one knee on either side of Eli’s legs, straddling him. Her heart was so full she felt as if it might burst. Here was the joy she had longed for, never believing the possibility existed. After all the sadness, the heartache, and tears, this one man, with his determination, his good heart, had changed her life.

  “Thank you, Eli.”

  “For what?”

  “For interfering in my life.”

  His chest rumbled with laughter. “From anyone else that would sound like an insult, but I know what you mean. And believe it or not, it wasn’t interfering so much as a necessity.”

  Kathleen nodded. “Because you wanted me to guard Sophia and Violet.”

  “No. That really never crossed my mind until I started getting the emails.”

  “Then why?”

  “I didn’t have a reasonable explanation for it then. Still don’t. All I knew was the moment I saw you, I knew I had to have you in my life.” His expression was both vulnerable and resolute as he added, “I can be quite ruthless in getting what I want.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes, and she whispered against his mouth, “Thank you for being ruthless, my love.”

  “My pleasure.” His smile decidedly predatory, Eli proceeded to show her just how tenderly ruthless he could be.

  Thank you for reading Whatever It Takes, A Grey Justice Novel. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it.

  1. This book is lendable. Share it with a friend who would enjoy a dark and steamy romantic suspense.


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