Apocalypse Dance

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Apocalypse Dance Page 23

by M. Barnette

"I won't make your death an easy or quick one,” Roderik warned. “Be reasonable. Take my offer."

  "I suspect you only honor your deals so long as they benefit you.” The blond gave him another one of those mocking smiles. “Besides, hasn't anyone ever told you that you shouldn't make deals with the devil?"

  Roderik frowned. “I'm hardly the devil."

  "I never said you were the devil, did I?"

  Cocky arrogance. The blond might be a good strategist, but his ego was going to get him killed, and quickly, because Roderik was running out of patience.

  "Turning me down will only get you killed,” he told the smaller man.

  From the corner of his eye he could see his brother moving sluggishly. He wouldn't be in time to save the blond. He didn't heal nearly fast enough to be of any consequence in what was about to happen.

  "Anything's possible,” the small man allowed, his unruffled calm disconcerting to the Dragon.

  The blond man had to realize what he was facing, had to know he couldn't win. It didn't make any sense. “I'm offering you a chance to join me."

  "God, Roderik, don't you ever take the clue?” Hawk asked him sharply. “We aren't going to let you have Nikki."

  Roderik glanced at his brother, “You can't stop me."

  But his brother grinned at him. “Want to place any bets on that?"

  * * * *

  Bells finished reloading his .357 and raised the gun, taking aim with a casualness that none of the many witnesses missed. He squeezed off the first shot and while Roderik was turning around the other five went off with sharp cracks of sound, every one of the bullets impacting flesh, the Dragon staggering under the speed of the assault.

  Guns on the walls opened up, most of them stopped by the fire shield around Roderik.

  But they were making an impression on the fast healing Dragon, Bells could tell by the shocked expression on the tyrant's face.

  While his opponent reeled under the damage he started to reload his revolver. Like his jacket, motorcycle, and katana, it was no longer exactly what it appeared to be, the magical emanations of his Immortal form having imbued his oldest possessions with power.

  "You have no hope of killing me. Only another Dragon can kill a Dragon."

  Bells laughed, and raised the revolver. “Great believer in rules, are you?” he asked as he opened fire for a third time, watching the impacts of the bullets, paying keen attention to how quickly Roderik healed from their impacts.

  He's stronger than he should be, but not so powerful that I can't handle him without the Dragon. He stood there, contemplating reloading the gun or just getting down to the real business of killing the other Immortal.

  Roderik stalked closer, anger contorting his face into a demonic mask of hate and rage. “I can't be killed by the likes of you."

  "Guess we'll find out if you're right, won't we?” Bells asked him, his voice still calm.

  The distance closed and Bells holstered his revolver. At close range he'd just lose it when Roderik attacked anyway.

  Bells watched the much larger man, waiting for him to make a move. The liquid nitrogen burn through his veins sent him to the left just as Roderik kicked for his head, the attack followed by a second one that should have taken the smaller man in the ribs, but sailed above him as he dropped beneath the kick, rising into an attack of his own that popped his fist squarely into Roderik's stomach.

  * * * *

  Roderik retreated a step, newfound respect for the slim blond showing in his expression. The Emperor had erred on more than one score in his estimation of the belled man. He'd thought because he was smaller he wouldn't have the same kind of strength a larger man would. But as his aching belly showed him, the blond was far stronger than he looked, and much faster than he'd anticipated.

  Too fast to be a mere human.

  But he wasn't an Immortal. Roderik could feel the power emanating from others of their kind the same way a human could catch the scent of orange blossoms on the wind. There was none of that feeling coming from the belled man before him. In fact, he couldn't even catch the scent of a Beast which only added to the puzzle of exactly what—and who—the blond was exactly.

  Things that didn't fit the neat patterns Roderik relied on disconcerted him.

  The pair of men circled, Roderik watching how the belled blond moved, realizing that, unless he was moving fast to attack or block, those movements were soundless, the bells not even making the faintest of jangling sounds. That too was somewhat disturbing to Roderik because it indicated something uncanny, a skill he doubted all but the most seasoned killers among the mortals could develop. And that thought made him think. A professional killer? Is that the answer? An assassin could move this way, I think. But even the best assassin cannot kill an Immortal.

  He studied the blue eyed man, his own near black gaze tinted with the green of his Dragon's deep green orbs. Graceful, and quite deadly to other humans, I'd imagine, he mused as they circled one another. He was going to let the blond make the next move. Time to see what he can do.

  When it came Roderik barely had time to react; the man's speed was phenomenal, totally inhuman. The punch for his face missed, but the kick that sent him staggering backward, the feel of a rib cracking under the lightning quick blow, startled a yelp of pain from him.

  His counterattack missed, the blond rolled across the ground and came to his feet faster than any opponent he'd ever faced. Not even his own brother could match the belled man's quickness.

  "What are you?” he asked, not actually believing he'd get a response.

  * * * *

  Bells gave the man a cold killer's smile. “Just a man."

  He watched Roderik as the larger man stalked around him, studying him with cold calculation. He could tell the Dragon was displeased with the way things were going, and that suited him just fine. If he could wear the Immortal down he'd be able to deal with him under his own terms. He didn't want to let his own Dragon free, not when the consequences could be so devastating to everyone around him.

  Innocent people. Women and children.

  He had to kill Roderik without using the Dragon's power, and, tough as he was, he didn't know if he could do it using only the Warrior's Fire that existed around the core of what was housed in his soul.

  "I'm going to kill you."

  "So you tell me,” Bells replied.

  "What are you?"

  "We've been over this."

  "You didn't answer me."

  "Sure I did, I told you I'm just a man."

  Roderik frowned at him. “You act as if you have a hope of defeating me."

  Bells shrugged. “Are we done with this pissing contest now?” Bells asked the man as he moved a step closer to Roderik, body relaxed, hands not even up in anything resembling a defensive posture.

  Roderik came for him, the Dragon barely in evidence.

  Side-stepping, Bells slammed his fist into the larger man, but his attempt to dance out of Roderik's way went awry and he felt powerful arms close around his waist, hauling him against the bigger man's chest as the Dragon manifested at full power, the flame searing at him.

  Pale blue fire flashed into being around Bells, his Warrior's Fire protecting him from serious injury. But alone it wasn't strong enough to stop the drain on his vitality that exposure to dragonfire caused any being, even an Immortal.

  He tried to break loose, ramming his knee up between Roderik's thighs, hearing the rewarding gasp of pain from the man, feeling the grip around him loosen enough that he could escape.

  Breathing hard, in pain from the burning of his soul in the conflagration of the dragonfire, Bells staggered away from Roderik, shaking himself, focusing on reawakening his faltering Warrior's Fire.

  Roderick staggered closer, chuckling. “You're weak,” he chided. “I can even see it in your eyes, how they pale."

  Ice water trickled through his veins and he went to full speed, evading what was coming for him.

  * * * *

  Roderik ha
d let his Draconic power fade, letting himself regain a bit of vitality as he circled around the smaller man, and he had been pleased when the ploy worked as he grappled the younger man, calling up the power lurking within his soul, the Dragon answering him with renewed vigor. Thick, green haze blurred his outline, ghostly wings spreading from his back, the Beast's face superimposed over his own visage. Grinning, he took a menacing step toward the blond. “Do you see what you now face?"

  To his annoyance, the blond just stood there, looking bored.

  "Your death will be slow and painful,” he hissed and came in for an attack, leaping into the air.

  All he hit was air as the small man easily evaded one of his most devastating attacks. He stared at Bells in uncomprehending confusion. He'd been using his Dragon's power to speed up the attack. No human had ever evaded it before. He narrowed his eyes, truly studying the blond for the first time. A pale blue nimbus flickered around the man as he viewed him through the second sight.

  "What are you?” he asked suspiciously. “A Leopard? Perhaps a Cougar?"

  The man just offered him one of those small, mocking smiles.

  "I'm one of the Immortals. You have no hope of killing me,” he stated confidently.

  He gave the blond no other warning, attacking full out yet again, his body becoming a deadly weapon, deep green claws extended before his hands.

  * * * *

  They were moving so fast now that Nikki was having trouble following the battle. The hazy outlines of their forms further hampered her ability to see what was happening.

  She was very worried. Roderik was powerful. Very powerful, even Hawk said so. The man was also devious and fought dirty. Of course, by now Nikki knew that Bells didn't fight by any ‘civilized rules,’ either.

  "He's too confident,” Hawk murmured, trying to stand. “He can't fight Roderik alone."

  "Maybe not,” she heard Dal reply, “but you sure as hell can't get into that. Not hurt the way you are."

  Nikki looked away from the battle and knelt down beside Hawk. “He's right. Immortal or not, you're hurt badly. Maybe you can't die, but in your condition you'd only get in his way and be a liability."

  The big man frowned, his gaze going from her to Dal. “Don't you just hate it when she's right?"

  "More than you know,” Dal admitted, looking at his bloody thigh and broken arm.

  Nikki put her hand on Hawk's hip, trying to call up her newfound healing power, to no avail. She was too upset over what was happening to Bells.

  She looked away from her patients to see the man she loved and the man she hated engaged in a knock down, drag out round of ass kicking. For a moment she forgot to breathe as she saw her lover stagger. But he was on the attack before Roderik had a chance to take advantage of the damage he'd done. And there was damage because she could see the blood in the dirt even if she wasn't able to see the men clearly.

  The pair was totally obscured by Roderik's Dragon form as they fought, the fire around them burning, blue sheathed with seething green as Roderik tried to kill the blond with every means at his disposal.

  "Please, please ... Bells ... Jason ... don't die,” she clasped her hands in prayer, begging, pleading for the life of her man, her boy, silent tears rolling down her face. She loved him, she couldn't bear to lose him. Bells, Jason, the Immortal Warrior, who or what he was no longer mattered nearly as much as having him survive the fight did.

  When the two combatants broke apart this time Nikki could see a lot blood across Jason's chest. Roderik was staggering, legs wobbling beneath him as they moved farther apart, both of them breathing hard.

  It was the blond who fell. His legs giving way, he crumpled to the ground.

  She ran, heedless of Roderik, seeing only that her Jason was down and wanting to help him if she could. Before she reached them they were fighting again.

  * * * *

  The impact hurt, but not nearly as much as the idea of losing to Roderik did. He'd made a promise to Nikki, and if it killed him he'd make sure Roderik could never touch her.

  Claws raked his chest, but the wounds were shallow. Snarling, he drove his fist into Roderik's face, following it up with a flurry of punches to the man's body. They didn't have much effect and he found himself thrown backward. He hit the ground hard, rolled, and a booted foot caught him in the ribs, sending him tumbling again.

  What the hell? he thought to himself as he was knocked down, breath slammed out of his body. He'd felt ribs break at the impact.

  He was weakening too much. The Warrior's Fire burning down to embers, deserting him when it should be enough to defeat such a young Immortal as Roderik was purported to be. Something was very wrong. Roderik had as much power as a far older Immortal. One close to his own age and that made no sense.

  He raised his head, a streamer of blood running from his mouth, and caught a boot with his face. The world went dim.

  * * * *

  Roderik watched the other man collapse limply and he allowed himself a little victorious smile. Even another Immortal could not survive a confrontation with him, and this fool hadn't had a chance. Pleased with the outcome, he turned to speak with his watching men and saw the woman who was at the heart of the whole conflict.


  His woman.

  He strode forward, grabbing her by the arm. “Now, slut, there will be no more running!"

  "Let me go!"

  She had the audacity to slap him. Eyes narrowing in fury, he slapped her in return, knocking her to the ground, dazed and bleeding.

  Her hand groped for the gun holstered under her left arm, but a punishing grip closed on her wrist, squeezing, grinding bones and flesh so painfully she let go of the revolver with a gasp.

  "You try my patience, bitch! No more of this foolishness. Haven't enough people died to protect you? You're nothing. A worthless slut."

  "If I'm so worthless why did you come after me, Roderik? If I'm nothing, why go to all this trouble to get me back?"

  He grabbed her and yanked her to her feet, dark eyes blazing in rage at her. “Because you are mine!” he shouted, gripping her by her upper arms and shaking her.

  "Wrong, asshole. She belongs to herself."

  Roderik turned to see the blond back on his feet. But the blue glow was dimmed around him. Faded. Weak.

  Why the man wasn't dead yet Roderik couldn't understand. By all rights he should be since mortals couldn't take the kind of damage that had been heaped upon him.

  Shoving Nikki aside, Roderik rushed the other man.

  * * * *

  Terrified, her fear that Bells would be killed becoming new incentive, Nikki rushed back to where the Immortal Fenyx and the Tiger were laying.

  "We've got to do something!” she told them.

  "No shit,” Dal replied. “Heal Hawk and then me and we'll see if the three of us can't take the bastard out."

  Nikki saw Hawk watching the fight. “Why isn't he using his full power?” the man asked.

  "I don't know! I think he's afraid of it for some reason,” she replied as she laid her hands over Hawk's broken pelvis.

  The man grunted as something inside moved, and she could feel the bones going together under her hands. “Hurry, Nikki. I don't think he's going to hold out much longer,” Hawk told her quietly.

  Nikki had barely finished what she was doing before Hawk was gone, running to the aid of her lover.

  She turned to Dal. “Try to avoid being hit,” she admonished as she passed her hands over his injuries.

  There was a heaviness starting in her legs, a leaden weariness pulling at her body and she understood that healing their wounds had come with a price she'd not been aware of: it drained her own vitality.

  "I will, and you stay the hell away from that man,” Dal told her as he jumped to his feet and hurried to help the pair of Immortals who were battling Roderik.

  * * * *

  Hawk arrived just as Roderik shoved a bleeding and weak Bells aside, the smaller man collapsing, eyes faded t
o pale blue once more, his breath coming in labored gasps.

  "I think that's enough, Roderik,” he told his older brother. “My turn."

  Roderik laughed in his face. “You are such a fool, Elijah."

  Hawk's eyes narrowed at the use of his given name. He hadn't used it since he'd discovered the Immortal hidden at the center of his soul. “I'd rather be a fool than what you've become, Roderik."

  The pair of men grappled, green and yellow fire swirling around them.

  Tired as he already was, it wouldn't take long for Roderik to overcome him. Hawk knew he was fighting a losing battle, but he was determined to keep fighting in the hopes that Nikki could get through to the blond: without Bells unleashing his own Immortal Beast, they had no hope of winning.

  Green flame seared across his back and he shuddered as Roderik's Immortal form battled with his Fenyx, the Dragon's jaws closing on one of his Beast's wings, tearing it viciously.

  Hawk screamed, his Fenyx echoing the cry as the Dragon ravaged its already broken wing, Hawk feeling his own arm shatter under the impact of his brother's kick.

  * * * *

  Hawk and Roderik were fighting, the Fenyx struggling with the Dragon, both of them wreathed in flame, bright red and orange, a deep poisonous green that slowly overwhelmed the clean fire of the younger brother's Immortal form. Dal was circling around them, looking for an opening so he could join the battle against Roderik.

  Nikki put her hands on her wounded lover, caressing his face. There was a soft golden glow around her and she leaned in to kiss him gently.

  "Jason, you have to let go. Let It go and fight. You promised to protect me. Don't break your promise."

  Dulled blue eyes regarded her without any sign of real comprehension. Nikki leaned down and kissed him again. “Bells, please. He's going to kill Dal. Don't let Roderik take me. If he wins I swear I'll kill myself! Do you hear me?"

  She heard Hawk scream in pain again, heard Dal roaring.

  There wasn't any time left.

  "Jason!” her voice cracked like a whip, “Jason! Mistress Nikki will punish you if you don't listen!"

  * * * *

  Roderik shoved Hawk aside, glaring in triumph at his defeated brother. “You've never been strong enough, Elijah. You were a disappointment to Dad, and I have no further use for you except as a way to feed my powers. You can't die, but you can be drained the same way I'm draining that fool Tobais."


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