Apocalypse Dance

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Apocalypse Dance Page 24

by M. Barnette

  Hawk lifted his head, staring dully at his brother. But his gaze wasn't focused on him. He was staring at something behind him.

  The woman and her dying lover.

  * * * *

  "Mistress Nikki?"

  He felt her arms around him, felt her kissing him. But he was so tired, and he just wanted to sleep. The Warrior's Fire was embers, dulled, falling to ash, nothing left.

  "Look at me!” she snapped.

  Their eyes met, hers filled with love, big and dark, the golden nimbus framing her. He was seeing Nikki, seeing what lay at the center of her soul. Roe Deer. Like his lost Kimiko.

  Nikki was the One. Absolutely.

  Getting to his feet, he closed his eyes, the calm descending over his mind. Motionless.

  He set the Dragon free.

  * * * *

  Nikki let him go, watched her lover's body heal before her eyes, saw his eyes go from pale listless blue to slate grey in the space of a few heartbeats.

  Hawk fell, dazed and bleeding to the ground. Dal staggered, bleeding and burning from the Dragon's claws. She got up and stumbled to him, managing to put out the fire but unable to heal him. She was too tired.

  "Why is he so powerful?” Dal asked.

  Unaware of Bells, Roderik was stalking toward them, his gaze on her. Nikki grabbed Dal's hand as the man started to get to his feet.

  "No, Dal. He'll kill you this time. Let Bells handle him."

  Dal nodded and put an arm around her, the pair of them backing away from the approaching would-be Emperor.

  "You can't run from me, girl, there's no where left to go."

  He reached for Nikki. Dal pulled her out of the man's reach and stepped between them before she could stop him. Roderik knocked him aside and grabbed for Nikki's hand.

  "Hey, asshole!"

  * * * *

  Roderik turned. It wasn't possible. The blond was on his feet, fully healed.

  "Slut, this is your doing! Well it ends now!” He slapped Nikki, sending her sprawling beside the wounded Tiger before he turned to face the blond.

  "I'm going to kill you now!” he snarled.

  "Well you're zero for three already, so I'd say odds of that are against you,” the smaller man snarled, his eyes almost black now. Roderik frowned . There was something beyond all his experience about this man. He was like no human Roderik had ever seen, resilient as any Immortal.

  They circled, Roderik wary of anyone that could take what he'd dished out and still be on his feet. Nikki had healed him, perhaps that was the secret. So long as Roderik didn't kill him outright the woman could bring him back to health.

  But that wasn't going to happen anymore. He'd see to that.

  Snarling, he rushed at the smaller man, launching one of his most devastating attacks, his incorporeal claws wreathed in insubstantial flame.

  * * * *

  Bells unleashed the Dragon, letting it burn as he leaped over Roderik, twisting in midair to land behind the other Immortal, wings unfurling, the gold scales of the ghostly Beast's form around him seeming to glitter in the sunlight.

  Roderik turned to face him and froze in abject disbelief. “That isn't possible,” he murmured.

  Hawk laughed at his brother's discomfiture. “That's priceless. Absolutely priceless."

  Bells smiled at Hawk, winked, and turned his gaze on Roderik's face. “Surprise."

  Even as they watched the intense blue of the man's gaze, the Dragon's eyes slowly whirled, going opalescent, milky white, aqua, and emerald with tinges of ruby and cobalt.

  Roderik roared and launched himself at the blond, claws reaching out.

  Bells met him head-on, blocking the man's attacks, countering with attacks of his own, each blow strong enough to shatter human bones. But neither of them were human.

  Roderik broke away, shoving Bells and sending him sliding backward, wings snapping out wide to keep him on his feet, acting as a brake.

  There was nothing even remotely human in the blond's eyes now, just the icy opalescence of his Dragon's killing fury. Lips curling in a sneer, he walked toward Roderik. He scented fear, smiled a Grim Reaper smile, stalked closer to the other Dragon.

  "What's the matter, King Dragon? Discover you aren't the biggest fish in the pond anymore?"

  "What are you?"

  "I would have thought that even someone with your limited intellect could tell what I am."

  "It's not possible. There aren't any other Dragons here. There can't be. It's one to a world."

  Bells spread his arms akimbo. “Sorry, I seemed to have missed the memo about reading your rule book."

  The man rushed in at Bells, the pair exchanging a flurry of blows.

  Bells could sense his opponent's tie to the Unicorn now. His own Dragon fully unleashed, reached out and snapped the binding on the Unicorn's soul, freeing him.

  Roderik, struggling in the grip of the smaller man, felt the magical link as it was severed and knew he was doomed. “Please, don't kill me."

  Dragon reguarded Dragon, opalescent eyes meeting green, just as the men stared at one another locked in the tableau. Soul meeting soul, Immortal Beasts reading the stains of sins, the marks of redemptions blazed in their own hearts.

  "I suffer no evil greater than my own to live,” Bells whispered to Roderik.

  A conflagration of light, of heat, and roaring sound jetted up around the men, swirling, a tornado formed of flame that completely hid both of the combatants, their Dragons and an area about fifteen feet in diameter around them. Nikki, Dal, and Hawk were all well inside the column flame, and the people on the walls of Fort Colby could feel the searing heat as it lashed at Roderik's army.

  Shrieking, the men abandoned their vehicles as the conflagration screamed toward them, the first of the cars and trucks melting in the blast of inferno heat. There was a bright flash of light, a slam of sound loud as a sonic boom, and when anyone could see again all that was left of Roderik's dreams of Empire were a few smoking trucks and a horde of screaming, terrified men.

  The walls of Fort Colby were scorched, but no one had been hurt.

  Mary Kate, shaking and crying, started to search for Nikki and the others as people came out of the gates to round up the one time members of the Lone Star Empire's army.


  The old woman found Nikki with the three men. She was unconscious, wrapped in the arms of her lover, shielded by all three of men. Hawk and Dal were worse for wear, and none of them were conscious, but they were all alive and that was what mattered.

  The only sign of Roderik to be seen was the scorched outline of a dragon burned into the melted roadway.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After a few days of rest the four who'd taken part in defeating Roderik were up and about, to the relief of the Town Council and the citizens of Fort Colby.

  With the leadership of the Lone Star Empire gone the army had disbanded, only a few stubborn members of the Rangers giving the Fort Colby militia a hard time. But with a Dragon and a Fenyx coming out to discuss terms they quickly surrendered to the custody of the militia.

  After a brief debate among the leadership of Fort Colby, the Rangers were disarmed and sent away with the understanding that any effort to reorganize into a fighting unit would result in another, more final meeting with the Dragon.

  Hawk then gathered the shattered remnants of his brother's army and took them south, the bulk of the men just glad to be going home. Dal went with him, the pair planning to pick up the pieces of the mess Roderik had left behind and to make sure Tobais and Roderik's newest harem were freed.

  Not taking no for an answer, Nikki ordered her boy to move back in, and Bells, smiling slightly, did as he was told without an argument. He was Nikki's and he wouldn't put up a fight. They did belong together, she'd proven that to him beyond any doubts.

  By early summer everything was running smoothly, Fort Colby becoming the seat of government for the area that encompassed Danbridge, Sugarsprings, and Horton, the residents of the aband
oned communities returning home. Sugarsprings accepted the transition from Roderik's control to that of the Council which ran Fort Colby. The collective members then elected a leader, choosing someone they knew would never abuse power, and who they had already entrusted with their well being.

  They chose the title of Queen rather than President for Life because they wanted a hereditary title, one that would promise stability, with the best suited of Nikki's children elected to office by popular vote to ratify his or her place as ruler once Nikki stepped down. It was an odd compromise, but they felt it could work, especially since Nikki had such loyal and loved advisors in Bells and Hawk.

  Queen Nikki came into power on June first, which became Queen's Day thereafter.

  Immediately after her Coronation, Nikki appointed her council, making Hawk an advisor. Dal became her official ‘captain of the guard’ and Bells retained his post as Military Advisor. Even though Roderik was gone, there were other Warlords around and fighting could break out at any time.

  Before he could get away, Nikki proposed to Bells, asking him to be her Prince Consort. With half the people in town watching he knelt at her feet, bowed his head, and humbly accepted her proposal, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he agreed.

  * * * *

  Civilization had fallen, but Nikki was determined to see it rebuilt.

  There would be no more vultures feasting off the ruins, no more despoilers raping the land under her control. It was time to move forward, time to stop backsliding into barbarism, and with the aid of the people of Fort Colby and the surrounding towns they could form a bastion of rationality and civilization to stave off the threat of a new Dark Age of Man. By holding onto the best parts of the old way of life and discarding the things that no longer worked or fit a post-Collapse world, they could make a new civilization to replace the old one.

  That was Nikki's goal, and the goal of the Council of Colby.

  There was a grand wedding planned for July Fourth, with dignitaries from as far away as the Knights of the Eastern Kingdom and the Democratic States of California-Oregon in attendance. The Prime Minister of British Columbia even sent her emissary.

  The day of the wedding, Fort Colby was decked out in every string of lights and all the crepe streamer that could be found, and preparations for a reception party were well underway, and Hawk made sure the fireworks would be ready for the evening celebration.

  The platform had been constructed so the crowd could see the ceremony, the Queen resplendent in the laciest confection of a wedding dress Mary Kate and the elderly women from the hospital could work up in a month of frantic sewing and fittings. It was white, dazzlingly so, with tiered ruffles of lace and a train almost fifteen feet long. It looked as if it had come out of Cinderella's worst nightmare, but it was what the old women—who'd watched far too many DVDs of romantic period pieces—thought a queen's wedding dress should look like. Nikki gracefully accepted the gown, glad she was in such good shape because the weight of the train made her feel like she was dragging a train behind her. A freight train, loaded with bricks. Fortunately they'd made it detachable, realizing she'd want to dance at the reception.

  Her Prince Consort had been forced into a tuxedo, and he looked absolutely miserable, but unutterably delicious with his long hair cascading down his back, a single braid adorning the left side of his face, a trio of little silver bells, a few beads and a tuft of white feathers at the end.

  Looking at him took Nikki's breath away, which, considering she already felt far too compressed in the tight bodice of the dress, wasn't a good thing. But she managed not to pass out as Hawk, who was standing in as her father, walked her to stand beside her soon to be husband.

  Dal, decked out in his new royal blue dress uniform stood in as Bells’ best man, the Tiger looking dashing and quite the gentleman.

  Nikki heard Bells say, “Not bad for a dairy farmer."

  Dal just chuckled.

  Sheriff Dobbs, who went by Reverend Dobbs on Sundays, holidays, and for Royal Weddings, waited until a less sharp-edged version of the song Bells had sung to Nikki during at the party in Danbridge was played by the band, Matt even doing a fair rendition of the guitar solo.

  "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today before the eyes of God and everyone within about five hundred miles, to join our Queen Nikki with Jason. If there's anyone here going to object let them speak now or keep their darned mouths shut."

  Nikki couldn't help but shake her head and smile at the Reverend Dobbs rendition of the opening to their wedding vows.

  "Well I'd like to object on the grounds he never did suck my cock!” Luke bellowed from the front of the platform.

  "Too damned bad, Luke! This is Queen Nikki's boy, now pipe down!” the Reverend hollered back. For a moment Dobbs stared at the book in his hands, trying to find his place. Nikki giggled. “Right, now umm ... yes. Speak now ... got that ... umm ... okay, here it is.

  "Do you, Queen Nikki of Fort Colby, take Jason as your Prince Consort and husband to have and to hold, even occasionally beat when he deserves it, till death do you part?"

  Nikki could tell Bells, her Jason, was laughing, but doing a manful job of hiding it. The sparkle of amusement in his cobalt blue eyes gave him away.

  "I do."

  "And do you, Bells ... err Jason ... take our Queen Nikki as your wife to have and to hold, and obey or else, till death do you part?"

  "I do,” he replied, his gaze focused on her through the lace of her veil.

  "All right, I now pronounce you Queen and Consort. Jason, kiss your Queen and let's get this party underway."

  Smiling as he lifted the veil from her face, he stood, simply looking at her for a moment, a grin lighting his face. Nikki felt tears blurring her vision.

  Before he could get farther, Nikki reached up, grabbing a handful of long blond hair at the nape of his neck. She smiled and pulled him close, kissing him, catching hold of him and dipping him as low as she dared in the tight gown.

  There was a loud shout from everyone watching, but even over all the other voices they could hear both Hawk and Dal, and even Luke, whooping it up.

  When the kiss was reluctantly over, Nikki held up her hand, shouting, “I have an announcement to make."

  Silence fell as everyone waited to hear what Queen Nikki wanted to say.

  She smiled at Jason, who just gave her a puzzled tilt of the head.

  "Since I'm now the Queen I thought you, my people, would want to know that I'm pregnant!"

  For a scant few seconds there was silence, then a cheer that would have drowned out the take off of a jet went up, the gathered people rattling the windows of Colby with their joyous shout.

  * * * *

  Cobalt eyes regarded her, love burning in their depths. He smiled. “I love you."

  Nikki lay her head on his chest. “Mr. Dragon, would you care to snack on a Damsel?"

  He grinned. “Hmm ... I suppose I could manage that, but I did eat an awful lot of cake."

  "Well you've had your cake, it's time to eat the Damsel, too."

  Laughing, they walked arm in arm toward their house.

  "We're going to need a bigger place,” he remarked.

  "I guess so.” She paused, regarded him. “Actually we're not going to have a ‘place,’ it's going to be a ‘palace,’ you realize."

  "Let's just stick to a house. I hate dusting,” he replied.


  "Well yeah, we can't expect the Queen to clean house, can we?"

  "No, I suppose not.” She giggled, “But her ‘boy’ the Prince Consort can, right?"

  "Absolutely,” he agreed as he scooped her up and carried her into the house. Outside there were cheers, and they recognized the voices of the four loudest people.

  Hawk was shouting, “Don't let him boss you, Nikki!"

  Dal had yelled, “Make him beg, Nikki!'

  Luke had bellowed, “Boy, you are in for it now!"

  And Clyde had added, “Show him no me
rcy, Nikki!"

  "It's good to have friends,” Nikki said.

  "Yeah. Now where can we find some that aren't so damned noisy?"

  Laughing, Nikki waved at the crowd outside right before the door banged closed, kicked shut by her husband. “I've got you exactly where I want you,” she told him, her hand sinking into the loose flow of his hair.

  "And where might that be, fair Damsel?"

  "You'll see,” she promised, and pulled the golden strands in her hand.

  "I'm going to hold you to that promise."

  The door to her bedroom—their bedroom—was pushed open. Nikki gasped when she saw the room was strewn with roses, red and pink, the floor was adorned with a few straws of wheat. Pink and red rose petals scattered the bed, a vase of jasmine and gardenias rested on the night stand.

  She was put on her feet and allowed to look at the room. The fragrance of roses mixed with the sweetness of gardenia and jasmine filled every breath.

  Bells picked up a pair of roses and a straw from the floor. “Mary Kate helped me with this. This means love,” he presented her with the red rose, “and this is grace and beauty, which describes you,” he said as he gave her the pink rose.

  Nikki took the roses and smiled. “They suit you, too, Jason. You are the most beautiful, graceful man I've ever known."

  He opened his mouth but she put the pink rose to his lips. “Don't argue unless you want to be punished."

  The grin on his face showed her what he was thinking. He wanted to know what type of punishment that would get him.

  "I'll make you sleep on the couch,” she warned.

  The grin didn't change. “Just what do you mean by ‘sleep,’ Nikki?"

  "Behave.” She plucked the wheat straw from his fingers and looked at the grain heavy head at the top. “And this means?"

  "Wealth and the continuation of life. Building a family."

  "And the jasmine?"

  "It's part of Japanese Hanakobota, flower language. Jasmine means happiness, gardenia means purity. Together it means pure happiness. That's what I'm promising to you, Nikki. Love, and pure happiness."


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