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Demons of the Sun

Page 12

by Madsen, Cindi

  The first box held six necklaces, three dainty chains with drops similar to hers, and three thicker chains, obviously male necklaces.

  He nudged her toward the next box. “Six hearts for you.”

  Four of the hearts were dried and shriveled, one looked like it hadn’t been in as long as the others, and the last one…It was still bloodied, like it had barely been pulled from the victim.

  Persephone’s chin quivered. “Please, stop. I don’t want them.”

  “You will.” The demon waved his hand, and another one of his men brought the last, biggest box. He set it at her feet.

  She stepped back, holding a hand over her rolling stomach. “I don’t want to see, I don’t want to see.”

  The demon grabbed her arm and yanked her forward. He nodded, and the other demon pulled off the lid.

  Six heads filled the case. Bits of skin and hair clung to the skulls. The second to last was missing his eyes, but the skin and the light brown hair was still mostly intact. The last one, like the heart, was fresh. Dead eyes stared back at her.

  Persephone recognized the dark-haired woman from the night she’d been outside the theater, the same night she’d killed her first demon.

  “All that’s left is the blood of a Warrior,” the demon said, his gravelly voice seeping deep into her bones.

  Persephone looked across the meadow to Jax. “No,” she whispered. Tears ran down her cheeks. Her sword felt heavy in her arm, and she wanted to drop it, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew she needed to hold on to it.

  The demons placed the six hearts, six necklaces, and six heads in a pile, then pulled Jax next to them.

  Hysteria set in, and Persephone’s mind raced for a way to save him.

  Jax’s eyes met hers across the morbid collection. They widened, gradually coming to life.

  Persephone gripped her sword. She took a deep breath and lunged for the demon holding Jax. She rammed the blade through his throat, then spun out, keeping herself between Jax and the rest of the army.

  Demons closed in on them from all sides.

  She cut Jax free and handed him her sword. “I’m going for the dagger.”

  She took the sword from the scabbard of her most recent victim and ran toward the demon carrying Hades Dagger. He blocked her first blow. The second.

  Persephone stepped back, circling, waiting for her opening.

  The demon charged.

  She ducked, then brought her blade down, severing the hand holding the dagger.

  He yelled, staggering, and gripping his arm. Black blood poured down, coating the ground around him. An awful shriek pierced the air as he rushed toward her.

  Persephone drove her sword through his chest. He fell forward, and she kicked him back to the ground. Jax was fighting in the distance, struggling to keep the demons back because of his weakened state. Persephone started toward him.

  “Get the dagger,” an ethereal voice whispered.

  She sprinted over and picked it off the ground.

  Heat ran up her arm, and she felt the pull. Power coursed through her veins. Dizzying power.

  Suddenly, she didn’t care about stopping the demons. She wanted to help them. To control them. Them and the rest of the world.

  This could all be mine. This and More.

  She was sick of fighting who she was. All she had to do was let go.

  Warmth engulfed her, her eyes flashed red.

  And she finally became the powerful demon queen she was destined to be.

  “Persephone. Persephone, wake up.”

  Shaking accompanied her name, and she shot up in bed. It took her a moment to realize she was the one making that awful sobbing noise. Afraid of what Jax would see when he looked at her, she dropped her head in her hands.

  His arms encircled her and pulled her to him. She didn’t know how long they sat like that, but she finally managed to get the crying semi under control.

  Jax’s lips brushed her temple as he spoke. “They’re getting worse.” A statement, not a question. One she couldn’t deny.

  Persephone’s stomach lurched as she remembered the hearts, the heads, Jax, bound and bleeding. “It was the worst nightmare yet.”

  Jax put his hand on her cheek and looked down at her. She held her breath, waiting for him to say her eyes were different. But he didn’t. In fact, his expression held such tenderness, it made her want to start crying all over again.

  “You want to talk about it?” he asked.

  Persephone shook her head. She wanted to forget it, not rehash it. They sat there for a moment, then she slowly straightened. “I’m okay,” she said, because it was what you said to make someone else feel better, no matter how untrue it was.

  “Okay.” Jax patted her thigh, stood, and started for the door.

  With every step he took away from her, her chest squeezed tighter. “Jax.” Her voice came out as a whisper, and she was afraid he didn’t hear her.

  He stopped and turned around.

  “Can you…?” She almost lost her nerve, but she hadn’t been this scared since she was twelve and had left her family in a demon-filled house. “Stay in the room with me?”

  The silence that followed made her heart stop.

  His voice sounded husky when he spoke, “Yeah, of course.”

  Relief washed over her. She flipped the covers back and scooted to the other side of the bed. Jax walked across the room and crawled in next to her.

  She lay there, eyes glued to the ceiling, hands longing to reach out to him. After a minute of going back and forth, she rolled toward him and put her head on his shoulder.

  He ran his fingers up and down her back, and her eyelids got heavy. His steady heart beat drowned out all other noises, and without thinking, she pressed her lips to his cheek.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jax opened his eyes and squinted against the sunlight peeking around the blinds on the window. Persephone lay next to him, still sleeping. At least she’d gotten some sleep, which was what he’d wanted for her. Until she’d kissed his cheek. Then lying next to her, inhaling her perfume, her hair brushing his arm, had been semi-amazing and semi-torturous. While she’d slept, he’d stared at the ceiling, thinking about defense moves, trying to distract himself from what he really wanted to do with the girl sleeping next to him.

  Now, he stared at her mouth, fighting the urge to reach out and run his thumb along her bottom lip. He’d been around her long enough to know that things would be different today. Last night she’d been freaked out, and he’d been there—he didn’t delude himself into thinking it was anything more. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to hold onto the hope she’d come around eventually. He replayed that amazing moment right before she’d drifted to sleep. If a kiss on the cheek could cause his heart rate to skyrocket like that, he could only imagine what really kissing her would be like.

  He shifted, horrified she’d wake up and see what being this close to her did to him. Okay, think of something else. Fighting a demon. Preemptive strike. Counter. Slash the arm. Follow with a strike to the body.

  Persephone stirred, and he thought about leaving—maybe then she wouldn’t feel the need to remind him last night had been a weak moment. She’d probably even refer to her boyfriend and how she’d already told Jax nothing could happen. Then again, she might still be upset over her nightmare, and he wanted to be here if she needed him.

  He sighed and shook his head. This wasn’t what he did. He didn’t analyze every move. He made them and dealt with the consequence.

  Only this was too important to screw up.

  Persephone opened her eyes and looked right into his. Her cheeks colored, and he had a feeling she was remembering the line she’d crossed last night. Of course now he was thinking about the kiss again, and his heart was thumping like crazy. He gathered the blankets around his waist, making sure he was covered.

  She sat up, looking so cute it was almost painful. Hair slightly messy, one sleeve of her too-big T-shirt hanging down
on her arm so her shoulder was exposed.

  “Morning,” she said, blinking against the bright light.


  “So um …” She bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair.

  He cleared his throat, but his voice still came out shaky. “I’ll give you some space. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  She nodded. “I’m good.”


  Really? Good? That’s all you can come up with? Before he said anything really profound, he threw back the covers, got out of bed, and walked out of her room, keeping his back to her. He had a feeling today was going to be another one of those long days.


  The second Persephone spotted Danielle, she ran over to her, grabbed her arm, and tugged her into the bathroom.

  “Whoa, girl!” Danielle said, stumbling over her feet. “What’s gotten into you?”

  Persephone glanced around the bathroom, relieved to see they were alone. “I asked Jax to sleep with me last night.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped. “O.M.G.”

  “Not like that. I mean just sleep, sleep. I had a bad dream and I was upset, and I asked him to stay in my room. And I…” Persephone threw her hands over her face. “I kissed his cheek.” She peeked between her fingers to see how Danielle had taken the news.

  Danielle scrunched her eyebrows together. “And?”

  “And I kissed his cheek, D!”

  “Someone call the prude police, quick. Persephone kissed a cute guy’s cheek.”

  Shaking her head, Persephone said, “You don’t understand. Jax told me he had feelings for me, so I told him about Adrastos, and explained that nothing could happen between us. But then I was freaked out last night and he was there, and I kissed him without thinking.” She slumped against the wall. “I’m a horrible person.”

  A couple girls burst through the door, talking a million-miles-a-minute.

  Danielle leaned in and kept her voice low. “Did he say anything about it this morning?”

  Persephone shook her head. She’d been sure he’d hold it over her, but he hadn’t said a thing about it. In fact, she’d been the one freaking out. He seemed fine. “Maybe he was already asleep.”

  “Or maybe he just took it as a friendly gesture. No reason to freak out over nothing.”

  “Right.” Persephone breathed a sigh of relief. But then she remembered how she felt in his arms, the way he ran his fingers down her back as she’d drifted to sleep, and how cute he’d looked first thing in the morning with his messy hair. Her heart constricted. There would be no reason to freak out if it was nothing. But it definitely wasn’t nothing.

  “You ready to get back out there?” Danielle tilted her head toward the exit.

  Nodding her head seemed like the thing to do, so Persephone did that. In reality, though, she wasn’t ready. Sooner or later she was going to have to say something to Jax, and she was quickly learning she couldn’t trust herself whenever she was around that boy.

  Jax stood near the doorway of the classroom, waiting for her as usual. “Every time you run off with Danielle, I can’t help but worry I’ll get a lame note and have to hunt you down.”

  He was smiling, but the protective vibe he gave off said he wasn’t exactly bluffing. No doubt he’d hunt her down to make sure she was safe. Normally his forced bodyguarding drove her crazy, but today it felt more comforting than irritating.

  Standing there looking at him, Persephone couldn’t hold back anymore. “About last night…I feel like I should clear up a few things.”

  He put his hand on her shoulder. “You were having a bad night and I was there. Don’t worry, I get it. No big deal.”

  Looks like Danielle was right. I am freaking out about nothing.

  He squeezed her shoulder. “I’m good with the friends thing, I swear.”

  All of a sudden she had this stupid, insecure moment, where she wondered if he felt differently about her now he’d seen more of her crazy side. Persephone forced a smile onto her lips. “Good. I’m glad you understand.”

  “I do.” He glanced at the open door of the classroom. “We better get in there. I’d hate to miss learning something we’ll never ever use.”

  Feeling like she was on autopilot, Persephone nodded and walked past him. He’d acted so…so not like she’d expected him to act. Like he could care less.

  Apparently she was the one who didn’t understand.

  All day, the image of the dark-haired woman from her dreams haunted Persephone. It could just be her mind, inserting a face in her dream, but she needed to check it out. So she and Jax waited on a bench near the building the woman had come out of before Persephone and the demon had the fight that ultimately led to his demise.

  “I think that’s her.” Persephone stood, but when the woman got closer, she could see it wasn’t her. She sat back down and drummed her fingers on her legs.

  Jax looked right, then left. “I’m not getting any demon vibes.”

  “I’ve got to warn her, even if it ends up being nothing.” She twisted toward him and spoke the thought that had been gnawing on her. “What if it’s too late? I should’ve come earlier.”

  “It’s going to be okay.” He sounded so confident, and she wanted to believe him, so she didn’t ask him how he could possibly know something like that.

  Another woman exited the building, and Persephone tensed, watching and waiting. The woman glanced in Persephone’s direction, and the sun lit up the same face she’d seen in her dreams. Only in her dream, there was no body to go with it.

  Persephone shuddered and forced the image from her mind. “That’s her.” She bound off the bench and strode down the sidewalk.

  Within seconds, Jax caught up to her. When they reached the woman, he moved in front of Persephone, holding his arm out to keep her behind him. “Excuse me?”

  The woman ran her eyes up and down Jax. “Aniko systima para Zeus?”

  “Yes,” Jax said. “We’re of the Order.”

  Thank the gods Jax knew some Greek, because Persephone had never bothered learning, figuring she’d never need it anyway. The woman’s hand was near the mouth of her bag, like she was considering going for her weapon. As she shifted, sunlight glinted off the circle of chalcedony dangling on a gold chain around her neck. It looked exactly like one of the necklaces from Persephone’s nightmare.

  Every nerve in Persephone’s body pricked up, her stomach squeezing, while her heart pumped faster and faster. She stepped around Jax and locked eyes with the woman. “We need to talk.”

  Isadora had a modern, tidy two-bedroom condo. Her appearance was similar: sleek dark hair, thin square glasses, and a black, tailored suit. Her high-heels clacked against her shiny wood floor as she led them to the couches.

  She waved her arm toward the shimmery green couch that looked more like a piece of art than furniture. “Have a seat.”

  Persephone and Jax sat as instructed. Isadora lowered herself onto an armless chair on the other side of the coffee table and crossed her legs. The air of self-superiority she gave off made Persephone think Isadora was Assembly.

  “It’s been a long time since I had contact with anyone from the Order,” Isadora said. “Except my fellow assemblymen of course.”

  Point to me for guessing right.

  Isadora’s gaze raked over Jax. For a little too long in Persephone’s opinion. She had to have at least ten years on him. “And a Warrior, I was sure of that the moment I saw you.” Her eyes moved to Persephone. “Too small to be a Warrior, yet you carry yourself like one.”

  “I’m a Mender,” Persephone said. “I plan on being out on the battlefield if the need arises, so I’m also doing some Warrior training on top of my medical studies.”

  “I realize that there’s been a resurgence—the Assembly’s got people on it, finding out more—but I don’t think you need to worry about being out on a battlefield.”

  It terrified Persephone that the Assembly knew so l
ittle, yet thought they should decide so much. Talk of politics would have to wait, though. “The reason why we came to you isn’t to talk about the Assembly. We’re here to warn you that you’re in danger.”

  Persephone glanced at Jax and decided this would go easier if she fudged the truth a little—even more than she’d originally planned to. “Jax killed a demon almost a week back, in the alleyway next to your building.”

  Jax raised an eyebrow, but didn’t contradict her statement.

  Lips pursed, Isadora nodded. “I’ll let the Assembly know the numbers are growing faster than we realized, and we’ll—”

  “He was here for you personally,” Persephone said.

  “Me?” Isadora asked, the doubt on her face echoing in her voice. “Are you sure?”

  The image of Isadora’s severed head came to mind again. “I’m sure. He said Hades wanted you. He’s not going to give up just because I—” Catching herself a second to late, she amended, “Jax killed the demon he sent. He’ll send another, I know he will.”

  “But I’m nobody. My ancestors used to be the heads of the Assembly, but I only have a seat now. I barely even make it to meetings. In fact, I’ve been so busy with the paperwork and due diligence on my legal cases I rarely go at all.”

  A lawyer and an Assemblywoman. If there was a court to prosecute demons, Isadora would sure come in handy, but Persephone didn’t have much faith in the woman’s hand-to-hand combat skills.

  Jax scooted forward. “Do you have a sword?”

  “Of course I do. I’ve had all the proper training.”

  Persephone shook her head. “It’s not going to be enough. Go to Assembly Headquarters, get far away from here.”

  “I’ve got a job, clients. I’ve worked hard to get to where I am. I can’t just leave my life.” Her eyebrows shot up. “I know, I’ll train with you two. We’ll be safer together and—”

  “Are you even listening to me? You need to leave, and you need to do it now!”


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