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Demons of the Sun

Page 25

by Madsen, Cindi

  “I need you. My life’s incomplete without you.”

  She could hardly breathe. It was so hard to focus. She wanted to be in his arms, wanted his lips against hers. Her dreams floated over her, reminding her of how it could be—how it was supposed to be.

  Demons crept out of the shadows and lined up behind him. They were huge, all scaly muscle, weapons, and claws.

  Raising an eyebrow, Hades said, “I believe you brought me something.”

  Heat flared out from her thigh. Persephone yanked up her skirt, desperate to get whatever was burning her skin off of her.

  Her mouth dropped as she stared at the dagger. The last thing she’d ever do was bring it into the open. Yet somehow, there it was, strapped to her thigh. Her gaze rolled up to Hades and the hoard of demons behind him.

  “That was quite a spell protecting it. I couldn’t find it or you whenever you were near it. But at least I could still find you in your dreams, until that stupid Warrior interfered with my communication with you, too. There were nights I stood alone, trying to call you to me, and nothing.” He clenched his jaw and anger lit his eyes. “He must’ve been pretty close to block me like that. I can’t believe you’d—”

  Hades took a deep breath and his calm manner returned, which was almost scarier than the anger. “I’m willing to forgive you, though, my love. What matters is you’re here, and everything will be the way it should be soon.” He looked into her eyes and extended a hand. “Now, bring me my dagger.”

  Persephone retreated another step and furiously shook her head. “It’s my job to keep it out of your hands.”

  Snarling filled the air, and a large dog stepped next to Hades. Black as night, three heads, and six glowing eyes. Cerberus.

  The demons bared their teeth.

  Fear twisted around her heart as a couple of the largest demons advanced toward her.

  Hades held up a hand. “Hold your ground. She’ll bring it to me.”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks. She’d failed everyone. Once he got the dagger, demons would roam the earth day and night. All because of her.

  Persephone clenched her fists. No! This is what you’ve been fighting for your whole life. Don’t give up now. You’re good. You’ve got to be good.

  “Don’t be scared, my love. I’d never hurt you.”

  “You’re hurting me right now!”

  “All you have to do is let go. I’ll take away the pain, the sorrow. I’ll give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more.”

  The heat coming from the dagger amplified. She wanted it off, but if she touched it…

  Will I be able to control the pull? Or will I lose myself?

  This was why Jax was supposed to be here. To stop her. To bring her back like he promised he would.

  Hades took a step forward, his demon army close behind him.


  The way her name rolled off his tongue sent chills down her spine. Her hand moved toward the dagger like it had a mind of its own. Keeping from grasping the handle was physically painful, almost impossible. Her body shook, and beads of sweat formed along her forehead. Every muscle contracted with the effort it took not to give it to him.

  “We can’t be together unless you give me the dagger,” Hades said, his tone perfectly calm. “You’re my other half, and I’ve been waiting an eternity to find you. You and I will rule the earth together. I love you. I’ll love you forever.”

  Euphoria tingled through her chest, and she stepped forward before she could stop herself. She wanted to give him everything—it was hard to think of anything she’d ever wanted more. She wanted to hand him the dagger and stand at his side. The power coursed through her veins, yet it wasn’t enough, she craved more. Needed more.

  Together, we’ll rule it all.

  Persephone looked up, into his eyes.

  And all her resolve melted away.


  Jax rushed through the crowds, focusing on finding Persephone. He felt her and could tell she was in danger. He sensed the demon presence around her, too. He and Persephone were definitely going to be outnumbered, but he rushed on anyway.

  The demon vibe saturated the air now, pulsing through him. Every nerve in his body was on high alert. He sprinted to the center of Jackson Square.

  At first he wasn’t sure it was her. But that streaked hair, the tug in his chest and the way his skin buzzed—it was Persephone. She wore a black dress with a huge poofy skirt. The top showed off her shoulders, and her skin glowed in the moonlight. Across from her stood a man in dark clothing and behind him, a frightening amount of demons.

  Crouching low, Jax circled right, trying to get a better vantage point. That’s when he saw Cerberus. Surely that’s not…

  It was, though. Hades himself, Jax was sure of it. He crept closer, straining to hear what Hades was saying to Persephone.

  “…and I are going to rule the earth together. I love you. I’ll love you forever.”

  What?! Hades is telling her that he loves her?

  Persephone took a step toward Hades, her face drained of its usual feistiness, her body slack, like she was surrendering to him.

  Jax sprung to his feet. He sprinted toward her, desperate to keep her from moving any closer to Hades. “Persephone, no!”


  Jax’s voice cut through the air, breaking Persephone out of her trance. She staggered back, then turned and rushed toward Jax. The dagger was still pulling at her. It felt heavy and hot against her thigh—angry, even. A dizzying, disorientating feeling washed over her.

  Jax’s blurry figure ran at her. There was two of him, and she wasn’t sure which one was really him. Her feet slowed and her thoughts got muddy.

  Jax grabbed her hand and yanked her behind him. As she clung onto him, the world started to clear.

  Then everything became too clear. They were outnumbered, she was unarmed, and she’d almost handed the dagger to Hades. And there was that whole she’d-been-in-love-with-the-Lord-of-the-Underworld thing, too.

  Jax drew his sword, the blade shooting out as he did so.

  “Please tell me you brought back up,” Persephone said.

  “Not so much, no.”

  Demons surrounded them, cutting off every exit.

  Hades strode toward them, his eyes even darker than usual. “So, you’re the mere mortal who’s trying to take my queen. It was brave of you to come. Brave, but foolish.” His eyes flicked to Persephone, and she tightened her grip on Jax. “I’m disappointed, my love. But you will be mine in the end.”

  “She’d never be with you!” Jax yelled, keeping her behind him.

  Hades smiled, a caustic, chilling smile. “She already has been. She bears my mark; she belongs to me.”

  Jax glanced over his shoulder at her.

  “Yeah. Meet Adrastos. Obviously I didn’t know he was actually Hades until just a few minutes ago.”

  “Bring her to me,” Hades said in a bored tone. “Kill the Warrior.”

  With a wave of his hand, the demons advanced.

  “Stay behind me,” Jax said, lifting his sword.

  “We’re seriously outnumbered. You’re going to need my help.” Heat radiated from her thigh. “I’ve got the dagger, but I’m afraid if I touch it, I might forget which side I’m on.”

  “Give me a sec and I’ll get you a sword.”

  The demons closed the distance, all of them armed.

  Frantic energy coursed through Persephone as she prepared to fight. Energy, and a whole lot of fear.

  In the next instant, demons descended upon them. Metal clanked against metal. Jax slashed at the demons. He took out one and then another, in rapid succession. Two more went down with one swipe. He lunged, thrusting his sword into a third. As the beast fell forward, Jax ripped the sword from his hand and tossed it to Persephone.

  Gripping the handle, Persephone swung the blade in front of her. The demons near her hovered out of range. One forced its way between her and Jax.

�re trying to separate us.

  Persephone sprung at the demon, but another came at her from behind. She whipped around and slashed at him. The sword lodged in his shoulder.

  She jerked it out, then swung at the first demon. Each time she’d take out one of the creatures, another would show up. Her movements slowed. Her arms ached. Still, she fought, praying for miracle.

  She couldn’t see Jax anymore—didn’t even know where he was. Her next swing caught a demon across his knees. It was weak, though, barely enough to break open the scaly skin.

  “Persephone!” Hades’s voice boomed out.

  Instead of getting chills when he said her name, this time, her blood ran cold. She turned toward him, afraid of what she’d see.

  Hades stood across from Jax, a sword aimed at his throat.

  Chapter Forty

  The world came to a crashing halt as Persephone stared at Hades, all too aware the slightest movement could end Jax’s life. “Don’t hurt him! I’ll do anything, just let him go.”

  Blood ran down a cut in Jax’s face; gashes covered his shoulders and arms. A trail of dead demons filled the space between her and where it appeared Jax had finally been stopped.

  “See, I’m…” Persephone dropped her sword and held up her hands. She glanced at Jax. “I’m so sorry, Jax. I’m sorry I pulled you into all this.”

  He spit blood and shot her a smile. “No worries, babe. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  Tears filled her eyes, obscuring his arrogant expression.

  Hades looked at her across the grassy area. “Now you have a choice. Bring me the dagger and I’ll forgive you and spare his life.”

  “Don’t do it, Persephone,” Jax said. “No matter what he says or does.”

  Hades pushed the blade into Jax’s throat and a trickle of blood ran down.

  “Stop it! Just stop!” She’d sworn to protect the dagger, no matter what, regardless of the lives sacrificed to keep possession of it. But looking at Jax, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t let him die.

  Hades lowered his sword. His brow furrowed and he leaned closer to Jax. “You’ve got some demon blood, too. Not much, but…” His gaze moved to her. “Persephone, my love, what have you been doing?”

  Hades didn’t wait for her answer. “How do you like that, Warrior? The blood you despise is now in you as well. Do you like the power you feel? Would you like some more?”

  Jax jerked free of the demons and sent his fist into Hades’s face. Demons were on him in seconds, recapturing him and pinning back his arms.

  Rage lit Hades’s eyes. A dark stream of blood ran from his nose and he wiped it with the back of his hand. His face hardened, and he jabbed the edge of his blade into Jax’s stomach.

  “Let him go, and I’ll give you the dagger!” Persephone yelled, terrified she was about to watch Jax die.

  Hades turned his dark eyes on her again.

  “Once he’s got a head start, I’ll bring it to you.” She wasn’t sure how she knew, but somehow she suddenly did. “That’s what you need, right? I have to give it to you?”

  Hades sneered. “Your voodoo priestess did a good job coating it with protection spells. I’ll have to give her my regards when I hunt her down and kill her for it. Of course I could get through her enchantments eventually, but time is short, and I’d hate to start our eternity together by spilling enough of your blood to reverse the wards.”

  He extended the hand that had held hers so many times before. “Give me the dagger so we can start the ceremony.”

  Jax fought against his demon restraints. “He’ll still kill me, Persephone. You can’t trust him.”

  Hades lowered the sword and locked eyes with her. “You have my word that neither I nor my army will be responsible for his death. For tonight, at least.”

  This was the moment, the moment that would change the entire world as she knew it. She wished for so many things—that she’d never fallen for Hades, that she’d never endangered Jax’s life, that her family was here to help her, and most of all, that she wasn’t going to be the person responsible for unleashing Hell on Earth.

  But she wasn’t going to get any of her wishes tonight. She lifted her chin and walked toward them. Jax’s widened eyes shouted at her to get back, but she continued moving closer.

  She put a hand on his shoulder when she reached him. “I can’t let you die.”

  Jax shook his head. “Don’t do it. We’ll never win if demons can walk in the sun again. There are too few members of the Order left.”

  Afraid Hades might lose his temper if she gave Jax a real kiss like she wanted to, she settled for kissing his cheek. Moving her lips next to his ear, she whispered, “I love you. If you get the chance, you know what I want you to do.”

  He reached out to her, but the demons holding his arms yanked him back.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned to face Hades. “Let him go. You know I’ll keep my word, but I’m not sure you’ll keep yours.”

  An anguished expression overtook his features. “I’m hurt you don’t trust me. But I’ll grant your request.”

  The demons holding Jax released him.

  “Go!” she yelled. But Jax didn’t go. He reached for her, but the demons who’d been holding him, blocked his way.

  “Don’t worry,” Hades said. “I’ll keep my promise, no matter how much he tries to interfere.”

  Somehow she knew he’d keep his word. As scared as she was, that thought comforted her. She pulled her gaze off Jax and took another step toward the person she used to think she was in love with. The closer she got to him, the stronger she felt the pull.

  “Damn it, Persephone,” Jax yelled. “Don’t do it!”

  Hades reached out and ran his fingers down her arm. Her knees trembled and her breath caught in her throat. His touch sent warmth into her, even now, when she was trying to hate him.

  Continuing to rub his fingers up and down her arm, he said, “Place the dagger in my hand, and we’ll be ready to start the ceremony. Then we’ll rule the world together.”

  Bracing herself, she reached through the folds of her skirt and wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the dagger. She tried to fight it, but heat seared up her arm. The heat spread, making her feel like her entire body was on fire, but pleasantly so. Power washed through her, taking away the last of her fear.

  Hades smiled at her, sending her heart fluttering. “There you are, my love.” Wrapping one arm around her, he pulled her to him and kissed her.

  Persephone got lightheaded as his kiss melted her to him. Everything felt right, the way it was always supposed to be. She reached up, put her hand behind his neck, and parted her lips, kissing him deeper.

  The rest of the world faded away as she stood there, wrapped in the arms of the man she knew she was supposed to be with forever.


  Jax was momentarily frozen as he watched the girl he loved get kissed by the God of the Underworld.

  And then she was kissing him back!

  A riotous mix of jealousy, rage, and horror burned through Jax.

  When they broke the kiss, Hades took the dagger from Persephone and placed it in his belt. She turned and Jax’s jaw dropped. She looked so different: red glowing irises and a look of total confidence.

  The thing she’d feared most had happened.

  I failed her.

  Looking over his demon army, Hades raised his voice. “Meet your new queen. Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.”

  Cheers erupted from the demons.

  A beautifully horrific smile hit the pouty lips Jax had admired so many times. Persephone nodded at her army, then leaned her head on Hades shoulder.

  And all Jax could do was stare in paralyzing terror.

  Hades wrapped his arm around her waist. “Time for your presents.”

  The demons brought forward three boxes. Jax didn’t have to see what was inside to know it was going to be bad.

  He couldn’t stand by and do nothing. Maybe if he could get to Persephone
, he could bring her back. He would bring her back.

  Movement caught his eye. He turned just in time to see the hilt of a sword coming at him. Blinding pain, and then he was falling, falling, until there was nothing but blackness.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Everything felt right. More than right. Persephone ran her eyes over the demon army. Her demon army. Excitement buzzed through the air and intoxicating power coursed through her veins.Anticipation filled her as the boxes were placed at her feet.

  Hades smiled down at her. “After the ceremony, our powers will grow even stronger, and then nothing will be able to stop us.”

  The demons opened the first box. Six necklaces sat inside. Something tugged at Persephone’s memory. Looking down, she saw her own necklace, her stone similar to the ones in the box.

  The demons opened the next box, revealing six hearts. The last two were still red, and the one on the very end was bloody.

  Persephone glanced at Hades.

  “We have to right the wrongs that were done to us in the past,” he said. “And by taking out high-ranking members of the Order of Zeus, the organization is weakened. When we perform the ceremony, their powers transfer to us.”

  She wasn’t sure why, but she suddenly felt like crying.

  Hades grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “We’ll be unstoppable.”

  Peering into his eyes, her sorrow faded and her sense of purpose renewed.

  The last box opened with a creak. Sharp, cold fingers clutched Persephone’s heart as she stared at the six heads. The first few had only bits of skin and hair, black holes where eyes used to be. Like with the hearts, the last two showed little signs of deterioration. Dead eyes stared up at her. The last head, a woman with dark hair, stared up at Persephone with a pleading expression.

  I can’t do anything for you. You’re already gone.

  Ice ran down her arms and legs and her heart stuttered. “I can’t…” She shook her head. “This isn’t right.”

  Hades leaned down and placed a kiss on the base of her neck. He trailed kisses up her jaw. She closed her eyes, reveling in the heat his touch sent through her. “Soon your fears will be erased forever. You must trust me.”


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