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Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance

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by Pfeiffer Jayst

  "You're out of control," he says while still shaking his head.

  The mood having been lifted, I turn the truck onto the cul-de-sac where Coach's house is, parking in his driveway as I feel the star pitcher has every right to do.


  The entire room turns to look at us when we walk in. All conversations stop upon my arrival in the house and there's an eerie silence for a few seconds before a round of applause starts. Hands are either clapping or patting me on the back and there are a few 'good job's', 'you did it', thrown my way. I'm soon fully embraced by my pitching coach Mac.

  "Beau Tillman, I knew from the second I saw you that you were something special. You completely dominated those guys today! Absolutely well done," he compliments me. "You ready for the championship? That title is within our reach."

  Before I can answer him, each member of the coaching squad comes over to shake my hand and thank me for a job well done. The only one who doesn't come over is the head coach, Coach Steele, the man whose house I'm in. The man who knows my thoughts have been elsewhere. He's otherwise occupied but it stings to think he may be avoiding me. I'm not too proud and start on my way over to him but just before I reach him, we make eye contact and he turns to the room.

  "Attention everybody," he announces a few times until everybody settles down. "Thank you all for coming to my home. It's been an honor to coach each and everyone of you this season." Light applause, nowhere near the reception I got. "We've got a big series coming up, the championship series and Tech is a formidable opponent. We're going to have to be our absolute best, all hands on deck. I'm asking each of you to pledge to give complete focus on the team and a willingness to go fight this fight with your brothers here in this room."

  I can feel eyes burning into all sides of me as he speaks, as if his words are intended only for me.

  "If we all play together, like a team that's as good as we can be, well then I'm certain that we'll bring the championship trophy to State!" When Coach finishes the room erupts in applause again. A wild release of energy follows and in the hecticness, I lose Coach in the frenzy. More arms find their way into embraces on my body and I have more people in my ear as Coach slips away.

  When we're sat down for dinner, I'm seated next to Enzo and our outfielder Hunter, our top hitter. This is the elite section of the table and I should feel honored. Instead I'm focused on the fact that Coach Steele is sitting way at the other end. There's another long table with trays of food for us to serve ourselves from and when I see Coach running into the kitchen to go get another tray, I rush in there to ambush him. I'm able to slip past the door as it swings back and forth and Coach never even hears me in there as he peels foil off of a tray.

  "Jesus, Tillman," he says upon turning around and seeing me standing there. When he tries to walk past me and back into the dining room, I block his path.

  "Good game, huh?" I ask, trying to draw him out.

  "You pitched a hell of a game Tillman. We're lucky to have you," he says, trying to leave and I block him again.

  "We cool?" I ask and his shoulders lower and face softens.

  "Beau," he tells me, "with you, this team has a real shot at winning the championship. If you're present and involved like you used to be, well then we'll all have fancy rings to show off around campus. But if you're too busy, why don't you just tell everyone now and save us the trouble?"

  "Coach, my father thinks that..." I start to say and he stops me.

  "Son, I get it. You have to think about your future and I don't blame you for it. The fact is though, you can't be half into both. You have to decide which path you're gonna choose. Commit to one of them or else nothing is gonna turn out the way it should."

  I nod that I understand what he is saying but the fact is I'm nowhere near making up my mind as of yet.

  "I'm working on it, Coach. Promise. But hey, even if I'm not here next year, you got a hell of a team for next season."

  My statement was supposed to be supportive but instead Coach looks even more concerned.

  "Not to put the pressure on but if we don't win the championship this year and you're not coming back next year, well, the school has been pretty clear that I should start sending out my resume."

  The awkwardness is everywhere and inescapable as we stand there in silence, the facts laid out and more grim than I had understood. I don't know what to say and my stomach starts to hurt. Just when I think I won't be able to take it any longer, someone else appears in the room. Coach and I both turn to the stairs off to the side of the kitchen and my heart almost stops beating upon seeing her. Standing there in the kitchen like a deer in headlights is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Shoulder length brown hair with tiny curls at the bottom, big saucer-like doe eyes that feel like they're hugging me, and a body that she clearly works on. This angel realizes she just walked in on something awkward and is frozen, unsure of what to do.

  "Quinn, I thought you promised to stay upstairs," Coach finally breaks the silence.

  "I'm so sorry," Quinn says while outright staring at me, her voice like music. "Let me just grab one thing." She hurries to the refrigerator, grabs a bottle of something and scurries up the stairs, turning back one last time to look at me before disappearing. I watch her the entire time, mesmerized. Before I know it, I can feel Coach's breath up against my face and his free hand gripping my arm.

  "No matter what you decide," he says in a low murmur into my ear, "If you go anywhere near her, I'll kill you. I'll rip your head right off of your body. You got it?"

  When I tell Coach I understand, he loosens his grip on me and brings the tray out to the hungry team. With the door swinging again after his exit, I stand frozen in the kitchen, staring at the steps the beautiful girl just left on, and it takes all of my strength not to go up there to find her.


  Chapter Two



  I'm a little flushed when I head back up to my room, dizzy and excited from the quick meeting in my kitchen. I had promised I'd stay far away from my dad's ballplayers but that was before I looked out my window and saw just how good looking they are, well, how good looking at least one of them is. After watching from my perch as he walked inside, I couldn't help myself from trying to set up a chance meeting before diving back into studying.

  When I return to my room, Becca's face fills my computer screen and I watch as she entertains herself with something else while waiting for me to come back.

  "Hey," I call out, "I'm back."

  Becca snaps to attention upon hearing my voice. "Sooo, see any hot guys down there? Personally I don't know why you don't just throw yourself into it. Make your dad kick you out. There's way too many hunks down there for you to be stuck up here talking to me."

  I laugh with her. "Yeah, that's not gonna happen. I have to get this paper ready any way and that's what I'm here for. I ain't got time for silly boys."

  "But there's so many down there," she whines. "Baseball players. The hottest guys in the whole school right underneath you."

  "When I first moved back to town, I thought you were gonna show me the best places on campus, maybe where to get something to eat, not where the cute boys are," I explain.

  "You don't need me to tell you where the boys are because they're all in your house!" Becca makes herself laugh. "Anyway, I'm glad you're joining me at State, even if it wasn't by choice."

  "Yup, dad made it clear that I need to go while I can still go for free. If he gets fired, at least I'll have my degree if I can finish in time."

  There's a silence between us as I ponder the situation I'm in. An awkward silence hangs over our conversation as Becca fusses with the phone in her hand. I try to find a way to get her attention again.

  "So, I did see one boy down there. He was really cute too," I tell her.

  "Tell me more!"

  I start to give Becca the details of the guy, slowly at first and then I get lost in my own recollection.

bsp; "And a cute dimple right here," I explain while pointing to a spot on my cheek. I'm so lost in the memory I don't immediately notice that Becca's mouth is wide open in shock. She returns to her phone for a moment, typing frantically.

  "Was it this guy?" she asks and turns the screen of her phone to the camera so I can see. The guy on her phone looks an awful lot like the person who was in my kitchen.

  "Yeah, I think so. You know him?"

  The look on Becca's face makes me nervous.

  "Everyone knows him Quinn, especially all the girls on campus. That's Beau Tillman. If I'm not mistaken, he's the best player on your dad's team and the biggest player on campus, if you catch my drift."

  I'm disappointed. "Oh, so he gets around quite a bit, huh?"

  "Um yeah" she says, "Little bit."

  "Well good thing I have to hurry and get my degree this summer. No time for guys like that."

  "You still singing?" Becca asks, remembering the old me.

  "That's another thing I'm forbidden from. If my father caught me spending time with my guitar instead of studying, I'd be in big, big trouble."

  Becca understands and we lose the steam to our conversation because I'm distracted. Though I never would act on the impulses I felt when looking at this Beau Tillman, it's a little heartbreaking to hear that he was even more off limits. I tell Becca I'm going to return to my paper and we hang up the call. My notepad, textbook and pen are within reach but when I try to go back to them, my guitar that I've hidden in the corner of the room demands my attention. Just five minutes, I assure myself and put it on my lap. I strum the guitar mindlessly until I hear some commotion outside. Wheeling my chair to the window, I keep strumming as I check out what's going on out there. Right under my window is the famous Beau, chatting with a few of his teammates. The boy is impossibly sexy and I'm shocked by how drawn I feel to him. He's confident and leading all conversation outside, people waiting for the chance just to speak with him. He's in charge and in control. My face feels flush and just when I tell myself I'll pull away from the window, he looks up. We lock eyes and I freeze for a moment, the two of us connect in a way stronger than anything I've ever felt before.

  "Quinn?" my father calls from downstairs and it brings me back to reality. I dive away from the window embarrassed, off to find out what it is my father wants.


  Chapter Three



  Due to the way the school is laid out, I have to go all the way into the middle of campus when I want to use the gym and work out. Not that I'm complaining, trips across the quad afford me the luxury of getting a good look at the beautiful ladies who attend this fine university. Without fail, each time I'm there, more than a few lovely co-eds will go out of their way just to come over and say 'hi', some saying nothing, just throwing smiles with some serious bedroom eyes my way.

  As I take the long, scenic trip across the quad, my eyes stop wandering from babe to babe when I see the only one that matters. Sitting on a bench with her nose deep in a book is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. It takes a moment to remember the last time I've felt this way, it was in Coach's kitchen when I saw this girl for the very first time. Now, here in the middle of campus, Quinn is no less stunning than she was the other night. I tell myself it probably has to do with her being the forbidden fruit but that doesn't dampen my feelings for her at all. Her tiny white skirt shows off a pair of long, tanned legs that I dream about being wrapped tight around my body. I can feel myself getting hard just staring at her so I figure I might as well go and talk to her.

  "Don't I know you?" I ask upon arriving in front of her and it takes her a moment to look up and see who has cast a shadow over homework. Her shirt scoops low enough to give a hint of the soft quivering flesh that makes me think things I know I definitely shouldn't.

  "Don't think so," she says and returns back to her book, treating me in a way I'm definitely not used to. That being said, I'm always up for a little challenge.

  "The other night," I say, "In your kitchen. I play on your dad's team..."

  All I get is a condescending smirk in return before yet again, she returns to her book. This is still not enough to get me to go away.

  "I could help you study, you know," I offer and sit down next to her. She just laughs. "No seriously," I insist. "Don't let the good looks fool you. I'm pretty smart." She just laughs again and says "I bet."

  In an effort to show her my willingness to prove myself, I reach for the book on her lap, my hand overshooting and landing on the bare skin of her leg. It was an accident but I don't immediately move it because of the connection I instantly feel. A jolt through my body that makes me feel alive and I know she can feel it too. Quinn finally looks right at me and we stare into each other's eyes as my hand continues to rest on her bare thigh. When she breaks off our eye contact to look down at my hand on her body, I slowly pull back.

  "Sorry I- " I start to say before she cuts me off.

  "What is it you want...Beau, is it?" she asks, revealing she knows exactly who I am.

  I lean in close. "I want to hear you say my name again, only louder."

  "Beau," she says as our faces move closer together. I want her so badly it's taking everything in my power not to kiss her right there.

  "Louder," I instruct.

  "Beau," she says and the creeping corners of her mouth tell me that she believes she's teasing me.

  "How about again, but back at my house? My room has great acoustics."

  Quinn backs away and we both need to catch our breath, my heart is racing a mile a minute. Still though, I hold nothing back. "Don't act like you don't want to. It's only a matter of time before you're unable to control yourself and you're screaming my name from the top of your lungs with your legs wrapped tight around me."

  She's much more serious now, avoiding eye contact while getting her things together.

  "You know what I want, Beau?" she asks.

  "Yeah, I know exactly what you want. You just won't admit it."

  "What I want is for your little baseball team to win. When you win, my father is in a much better mood and leaves me alone," Quinn tells me.

  "That can be arranged but what's in it for me?" I ask and she returns to me, getting closer to my face again so that I have to mentally warn myself against giving in and kissing her right there.

  "You know..." she starts to say and the scent of her beauty infiltrates my nose and sends electric pulses firing through my brain. "My father would kill us both if her ever saw us even sitting together."

  Through Quinn's deep brown eyes I watch her try and make the decision of moving on or fucking me right there on the grass. Her breath has become shallow and she's momentarily at a loss for words.

  "I have to go," she whispers while still close to me, the two of us breathless in place for a moment before she breaks and finds the strength to be the one to walk away. There was straight electricity between us and I feel my energy fading as she puts distance between us. She continues on to the student union without looking back, her legs moving her body away as fast as she can, before her heart makes her turn around.

  I feel empty now that she's left me and nothing else seems important, not the championship, not getting drafted by a major league team. All I want is her, baseball is suddenly so insignificant. Not willing to act like a puppy and follow her, I head off for the gym, knowing I'll feel Quinn next to me sometime again. But first, even before a workout, I need to take a nice, cold shower to get myself to calm down.


  Chapter Four



  My legs carry me as confidently and quickly as they can into the building; my face flush, my breath somewhat elusive as I get as far away from Beau as I can. Far away before I do something stupid.

  "," I hear just before a pair of hands grab me and hold tight. Looking up I find my good friend Becca is the one with her claws dug into my arms and she's pulling me away with
her. "He's talking to you?" she asks. I free myself from her grasp and pull my bag's strap back on my shoulder, resetting myself as I try to figure out why my friend is acting so strange.

  "He's trying to get in my pants," I tell her, "Like you said he does to all the girls."

  "No, I said he's been around but Beau Tillman is pretty damned selective. Just having him trying to get with you is a big deal. I've been here for a few years, trust me, this will make your status on campus jump way high."

  "My 'status' here is just fine, thank you. My father is the head baseball coach, after all."

  Becca's eyes grow wide. "Shit, that's right. My God, if you play this right, you can be the most popular girl in the school in no time. Little Quinn Steele, I knew you when you were just a nobody!"


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