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Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance

Page 19

by Pfeiffer Jayst

  “Hey, um...” Finn let him in and I struggled to find my breath. He had a simple white dress shirt on, the top few buttons undone showcasing his tanned collarbone. Hate him as I may, the man was drop dead sexy. We made eye contact for only a second before he looked away, his gaze shifting to the floor in embarrassment.

  “We can leave whenever you're, um...” he stammered. The big powerful rock star was at a loss for words.

  “How are we getting there?” my voice returned with a tone a little more bitchy than I had intended.

  “My label sent a gift, a motorcycle for me to use this week. Don't worry, I'm getting good at driving it.”

  My jaw practically hit the floor as I turned to Dakota to see if she was in disbelief like I was. Instead I found her looking excited at the prospect, definitely envious. Sure, the idea was exciting until you actually had to go through with it.

  Dakota and Vida walked us outside and Finn, ever the gentleman, made sure to hand me a helmet to mess up the hair that I had spent an hour doing. My huffing and puffing over putting it on didn't bother him, he shrugged and told me I didn't have to wear it if I didn't want to. I grabbed it out of his hands and used his leather clad shoulder for support as I straddled the hulking machine. Finn soon joined me on the bike and it was nice to be able to look at his body, to study him, without him being able to watch where my eyes wandered.

  “Look, at least this way we don't have to talk,” he threw at me over his shoulder, making me realize that maybe we should talk. I wanted him to explain why things ended up the way they did, why he left and never came back. Why he found love again so easily. But the reality of our world was forever changed and we couldn't go back to how things were, even if we wanted to. And I definitely didn't, I told myself, not since I had seen his true colors.

  As the engine purred between my legs, I had no choice but to wrap my arms around Finn and hold on for dear life. At a stop sign, he tried to shout back something but I had a hard time making out what he was trying to say. When I asked him to promise not to drive too fast, my words never reached him. Once we road onto the highway, I squeezed myself against him as tight as I could, feeling my body pressed against his as it had once before, this time praying that we wouldn't die.

  It was hard to tell if Finn was going way too fast because, even at 35 miles an hour, it felt like we were traveling at a high speed. My helmet-covered head rested sideways on his back as we drove into the setting sun and I watched the envious eyes of the passengers in each car we passed. Since he was covered, they couldn't tell who Finn was, only that it looked like I needed the big powerful man to live and that we were going off somewhere to enjoy each other's company. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  At first, each time someone knocked on the hotel room door, Finn would get up and politely ask them to leave us alone. It wasn't long before he stopped answering the door entirely, instead resorting to shouting “Go away” or even throwing a boot at the door to get the visitors to scram.

  ”Just us,” he whispered in my ear as my legs wrapped tighter around him. Even when his cellphone sounded an alert and he pushed further inside of me, his eyes remained locked on mine, our foreheads pressed together as we moved as one. We were the only two people in the world that mattered.

  ”Let's never leave here,” I begged though I had already given him several lectures on reality.

  ”I love you, Allie-gator.”

  I had been deflecting his professions of love but couldn't help it when I felt him taking over my body. With our lips less than an inch away, I swore I loved him too.

  When I sensed a shift in the motorcycle's purring and felt us slowing down, I knew our ride would soon be over and I would have to face him again. We drove down a road I knew well but had never been down while attached to a man like Finn. It was intimate and painful to revisit an area I was so familiar with while hugging the enemy so tightly. I had known these trees and buildings in a much more innocent time and now was parading down them with the only person who had ever hurt me this deeply.

  I hadn't even asked where dinner was but as we headed down another familiar road, I wasn't surprised that my mother had chosen the country club for dinner. It was where she headed straight to whenever she had even the slightest thing to show off for the other members. When she wanted all eyes on her, when she wanted to feel their envy, we were at the country club for a modest performance. It took me a few moments to realize that mother wasn't showing off her new beau but instead she was setting the stage for everyone to see just who her new stepson was.

  News of our anticipated arrival had traveled fast through town, evident by the large group of girls milling around the parking lot, right by the entrance. The second they heard the purr of the motorcycle, I watched the girls' heads whip around, soon followed by a growing frenzy once they figured out who was driving the hog. Girls of all ages crowded the only paths to drive, some holding signs, all craning their necks to be sure to get a good look at him. Staff dressed in all black waved us over to a spot set aside for him to park, pushing back the girls who wanted to get a piece of Finn.

  “My fucking big-mouth label,” he muttered loud enough for me to hear, alerting me to the fact that promotion was now a 24-hour job for him, nothing was sacred. “I bet they 'leaked' our dinner plans on the internet.”

  The engine turned off and, though I tried to get off by myself, Finn held out his hand to help. The gathered crowd let out a condescending “Awwww,” as I was forced to lean on him for support. I pulled the helmet off and assuredly looked all messy as the flashbulbs started to pop. I could only hope the pictures were focused on him as he looked as hot and studly as ever. My first instinct was to turn and run inside as fast as I could but I saw that he wasn't moving as fast, soaking in the frenzied adoration being thrown at him.

  “Hi. Yes, hello,” he said with a boyish grin I wanted to go over and wipe right off his stupid face. Girls thrust papers and pens at him, begging him to sign his name for God knows what reason. He complied and it only fueled my hatred when I got the sense that he was really enjoying the fanfare. While these maniacs looked at him with love, their glances towards me were just the opposite. “Her?” I heard a few spit out but I was unwilling to be dragged down to their hateful level. They could have him if they wanted, I'd be better off. Though he clearly would've stayed out there all night, Finn's pop-up party was to end once my mother arrived outside and physically dragged us inside. She had more important people to display Finn in front of.

  Our first “family” dinner was a shit-show. Club members fell over themselves trying to get some face-time with Finn and my mother spent the entire time organizing the queue of people wanting to get to him. She acted as the gatekeeper and took her job very seriously, flexing her muscles to allow some access while denying whomever she didn't like. When the staff of the club shut it all down, Mother returned to our table and devoted her time to my new stepdad. Her and Mr. Aikens spent so much time staring into each other's eyes, they hadn't noticed Finn and I weren't exactly talking. After quite a bit of awkward silence at our table, I had to be at least somewhat thankful that some people broke protocol and insisted on coming over to speak with Finn, some even shamelessly sent their kids over to break the ice. Finn was gracious to each though and one of his guests handed me their camera to take the picture. The whole thing was nauseating and I couldn't take it much longer.

  “Sir,” an important looking man stuttered as he approached the table. He wasn't directing his words at my new stepdad but instead to the delighted rock star sitting right next to me. This serious looking man didn't appear to be there to get an autograph so I was somewhat excited that Finn might actually be in trouble. The serious man, who soon identified himself as the manager, continued, “If you care to perform, our guests would be very appreciative.” Out of nowhere, an acoustic guitar was handed to him, not really leaving him a choice. Of course my mother was all for it and Finn was more than happy to oblige.

  That wa
s all I needed, I couldn't take any more of this. As Finn sauntered to the designated area against the wall, he turned to look at me and our eyes caught, the two of us watching each other for but a brief second. He continued on his way, the guitar carried in his right hand guiding him between tables. Before he turned his head away from me, the smirk on his face said “I'm hot shit” and my blood started to boil.

  “I love you Finn!” a girl's voice shrieked from somewhere in the room, just as Finn was sitting down by the microphone.

  “I love you too,” he assured the stranger, much to the crowd's delight. More girls joined in, professing their love for him, making my stomach flip upside-down. My feet had carried me out the door by the time he strummed the first chord.


  Chapter Twelve


  The request for a performance was a surprise but I wasn't exactly complaining. Maybe when I got a little bit bigger, when I'd been doing this for a longer time, I'd turn down these types of requests. At this point though I was still hungry, wanting to prove to the world what I can do with just a guitar and my voice. Though I had a full audience of admirers, hanging on every note, there was only one person I wanted to connect with. The songs I wanted to write for the new album was inspired by the way she made me feel yet I couldn't figure out how to let her know.

  Before I started that first song, I wanted to announce to the crowd that it was about Allie. Not only was I able to see her walking away, there wasn't any way I could make that sort of profession in public. The whole room now knew we were about to become brother and sister. That kind of scandal would dismantle SharkFin right as we were starting to take off. Throughout the whole performance though, I watched the door hoping she'd come back.

  “We're inviting a select few people up to the roof if you'd like to join us,” Claus, the manager, let me know. My dad and new stepmom waited until after my three song set to tell me they were leaving, Allie was already gone so it wasn't like I had anything better to do.

  “Will there be girls?” I asked without shame and was assured there would be plenty.

  Ever since the first record, mostly everyone I met was trying to impress me. It's not bragging if it's true. Everywhere I went turned into groups of people sitting around me waiting for me to acknowledge them in some way. If I answered a question or spoke to someone directly, they could carry the story of that encounter (with embellishments, of course) for the rest of their life. They'd tell their kids and grandkids about how they were tight with one of the biggest rock stars ever. And the women, the women were all thirsty for even more intimate contact. Mostly all I met threw themselves at me, eager to be the one I took home that night. It was hard to pretend I wasn't already exhausted by the whole dance.

  The roof of the country club was outfitted with nice couches arranged in a semi-circle and tons of heat lamps. It looked pretty cozy and the great place for a party but sadly, as I was aware before even going up there, it would be anything but comfortable for me.

  “How long are you in town for?”

  “See the tattoo I just got?”

  “Will you sing for me?”

  “Will you listen to my demo?”

  There were no conversations going on that didn't involve something being asked of me. Even if someone was telling me about their job or school or whatnot, it wasn't long before there would be some request for me to validate what they were doing, as if it would never be good without.

  The worst part? Each and every one of the girls Claus had invited up were extremely, extremely attractive but no matter how much I tried to be into them, they all seemed so hollow compared to the one girl I wasn't allowed to be with. I started to zone out of conversations and think of Allie, remembering ways in which she made me laugh. I even chuckled out loud thinking about her scrunching up her nose at our hotel breakfast when I tried to get her to eat. Nobody at the party seemed to notice that I was anything but present.

  One of the more forward girls, perhaps fueled by a little booze, invited herself to sit right on my lap. This blonde was a knockout, assuredly the fantasy of pretty much every person with a heartbeat. Her tight black dress left little in the way of imagination and her bare thighs squished against my covered legs without a care in the world. The blonde skillfully found the growing bulge hidden in my pants and sat her shapely ass right down on it. As she added to the conversations going on, she sneakily wiggled herself around on me, the friction between us starting to drive me wild, despite my lack of interest in her as a person. By this point most of the party had paired up. It was hard not to notice that the girls hanging on other guys all kept their eyes on me, just in case there was an opening. I could have any of these girls that I wanted which made it worse that I could only think of the one who wasn't there.

  I promised myself before all of this started that I wouldn't become cliché and view women as so easily disposable but, shockingly, they all seemed interchangeable compared to Allie. My soon-to-be stepsister stood out the moment I met her as unique and she triggered something in my heart that I couldn't let go. I had to learn to let go of Allie, it wasn't going to happen and the sooner I realized that, the better.

  “You wanna get out of here?” I whispered into the blonde's ear, loud enough for the other girls to hear. The blonde said nothing more, just got up off my lap and grabbed my hand, leading me away to somewhere a little more private. We didn't speak any words as we walked through the catacombs of the upper level of the country club. This chick knew exactly where she was going, taking turns quickly and assuredly, finally landing us in a red-lit room just off the hallway.

  “So, what's your na -” I tried to get out before her finger landed on my lips, soon followed by her own plump mouth, pressed against mine along with her body right up against me. Her lips parted and her tongue soon explored my inner mouth as our hands roamed freely over each other's bodies. The blonde soon skillfully hoisted herself up on a desk behind her before she began to make quick work of my shirt, ripping it open with no care or concern for the buttons holding it closed. Just as my hands started to inch up her smooth thighs to the area previously covered by a short length of fabric, I heard the door open.

  “Can I come hang out with you guys?” a female voice asked. Turning around, I found a stunning brunette standing in the doorway in nothing but a pair of pink lace panties. She made her way towards us and I was so stunned I couldn't even speak. This was the rock star life I had dreamed of. Blonde on the desk removed her own clothes in record time and before long I had two beautiful, naked women kissing all over me and pawing at clothes to get them off of my body.

  I tried, really tried, to live in the moment and realize what I knew should've been complete fantasy fulfillment. Instead, my mind continued to replay the image of Allie walking out of the country club, looking back wistfully one last time before leaving for good. As my cock was liberated from my pants and competed over, all I could think about was my soon-to-be stepsister. I imagine she wanted me to follow but I was trapped with an audience demanding I perform for them.

  “Hang on. Hang on a second,” I told the girls as I pushed away, trying to catch my breath. The two naked women were stunned, clearly never having been in this position before. After giving me space for a moment, they found me again, certain I just needed a little convincing to get back to it. Both had a hand on my throbbing cock, their lips puckered and anxious to get me inside of them.

  “I'm sorry, I can't,” I told them while quickly putting my clothes back in place, doing my best to not even look at the girls, even I was disappointed by my reaction. They looked baffled and I wished I could've let them know I was just as confused. Instead I said no more and got out of there as fast as I could.


  Chapter Thirteen


  Thankfully there was an unoccupied cab right outside the country club waiting and the driver quickly whisked me back to the farmhouse. Dakota and that Vida weren't around so I had at least a little peace to
try and shut the world off for a little bit, try to forget and pretend like I was back in the city, away from all of this. Finn was continuing to mess with me, I needed to separate what I thought we once had together and instead focus on who he actually was: a cocky bad boy who, above all else, was about to become a member of my family. He wasn't worth the space he was taking up in my brain. My schoolgirl crush was forced to end due to reality and I couldn't keep raking myself over the coals for it. I knew what side of the fence I was on and I had to firmly plant my feet there.

  Finn Aikens and his band SharkFin surprised the world by jumping onto the charts with the same old arrogant frat boy hard rock that has been cluttering the airwaves for years. What makes SharkFin different? What makes them stand above the countless other bar-bands serving up the same weathered tired anthems? Hordes of scared and angry young men have appointed Finn their leader and women the world over have been fooled by his apparent sensitivity. When you peel back the curtain though, you'll find what this reporter uncovered: a walking cliché interested most in the simplest pleasures and about as deep as the shallow end of a kiddie pool.

  And he's not even that good looking...


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