Piper: Iron Angels MC, Book Two

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Piper: Iron Angels MC, Book Two Page 4

by Samantha McCoy

  Straightening, she continued her walk into Cooper’s office. The sooner she got this over with, the faster she could get her work done and get the hell out of here. And maybe, just maybe, swing by The Bayou Bar and see Aidan before the crowd arrived.

  “Shut the door,” Chief said as she entered.

  “Listen,” Piper replied after the door clicked into place.

  “No,” Cooper said, holding up a finger to quiet her. “You listen. I should fire you for the stunt you pulled yesterday. It’s one thing to show your ass in here, but to do it in front of my department is totally different. Do it again, Piper, and I will hand you your walking papers. Are we clear?”

  “Understood, Chief,” Piper replied.


  “Don’t, what?” Piper asked.


  “What, Chief?

  “Stop calling me that!” Cooper gritted out. “Not in here.”

  “What should I call you?” Piper asked. “Boss? Your Highness? What?”

  “Damn it, Piper!” Cooper shook his head. “Just call me Cooper or Big Daddy. Your choice.”

  “Cooper it is, then” Piper retorted.

  “I’m hurt.”

  “You’re also married.”

  “Not for long,” Cooper sighed, leaning back in his chair.

  “What?” Piper was shocked. “What happened?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Cooper answered. “Anyway, the reason I called you in here.”

  Allowing the subject to drop, Piper reached over and took the file that Cooper held out for her. Opening it, several pictures of smiling faces looked back at her. Children.

  “What’s this?” Piper asked, completely confused.

  “Seven missing children in the last month. Two of those, Isabelle and Grace Lemmon. Ages ten and thirteen; both went missing from the home last night. Read the case, follow the clues, and solve the case. Let’s try to bring these girls home — alive.”

  Piper sat in the chair and thumbed through each page. These were babies. Ranging in ages seven to sixteen. All missing from the Houston area. How were there seven missing children and she was just finding out about this?

  “Why wasn’t I told about this sooner?”

  “We hadn’t had a child go missing in our precinct, until now. I called around to the others and got them to send me everything they had on missing children in their areas. Cold case, as they called them.”

  “Cold? Cooper, these aren’t cold. Megan Fleming, age nine, went missing last week. That is not a fucking cold case! Amber McMillian, age fourteen, went missing six days ago. Not a fucking cold case!”

  “I know, Piper. That’s why I am giving the cases to you. The other precincts have agreed to let us handle the investigations. Anything they find, or any new cases and they will be sent here — to you.”

  Piper sat there in disbelief. These children were missing, and nobody was looking for them? She couldn’t even begin to imagine what their parents were going through. Page after page, Piper’s heart broke. Babies. All these smiling faces were someone’s baby.

  Piper got up to leave. She needed to go speak to these parents. Give them hope. Something. She needed to let them know she would find their children, and one way or another, she would bring them home.

  Lord, please let me bring them all back alive.

  “I’m on it.”

  “I knew you would be.”

  Piper got up from her seat and walked to the door, at the last minute, she turned back to Cooper, “Coop, if you need to talk, I’m always here for you.”

  “Thanks, Piper.”

  Nodding, she walked out of the door and back to her desk. Signing into the police database, Piper got to work. She needed to research, meet with parents, and then find these kids. She had a job to do, a job that she was damn good at. Piper hated cold cases, and she sure as fuck wouldn’t let this turn into one.

  Chapter Six


  It had been a long day, and an even longer evening. He and Piper had exchanged a few text messages during the day, but for the most part, it had been fairly quiet between them. Aidan had been looking forward to seeing her at the bar tonight, but it didn’t look like that would happen. All Aidan knew was she had been handed a new case. Actually, several new cases and they would be taking up her days for a while.

  Looking over to the clock on the wall, Aidan still had an hour and a half before closing. For some reason, today felt like the longest day in history. The meeting with the agent had been shit. The building was nothing like the pictures had shown, or like the agent had described. It was too small, and the square footage wasn’t even close to what he had been told. So, Aidan was back to square one.

  As he handed off drinks to Lisa, a voice caught his attention, “Black Russian, please.”

  Turning, Aidan grinned as he spotted Piper taking a seat in her usual spot at the bar. She looked beautiful, but exhausted. He quickly grabbed the ingredients and made her drink, setting it down in front of her.

  “Long day?”

  “Long doesn’t even begin to cover it,” Piper confessed.

  “What happened?” Aidan asked.

  He watched as Piper took a deep pull from her drink. Lines of worry marred her face. Working as a Detective in the Special Division Unit, had to be hard on her. But Aidan knew Piper was good at her job. Several times he had listened to Rayden talk about how dedicated Piper was. How she never let up until a case was closed. Aidan was proud of her, even if he had never told her.

  Maybe one day.

  “Seven children missing throughout the Houston Metroplex in the last month. And I just found out about it today. Six families, missing their children. And apparently, nobody was doing a damn thing to help find these girls and bring them home.”

  “Excuse me?” Aidan couldn’t believe what she was saying.

  Nobody reported these children missing until today? And how the fuck did I not know about this?

  “Yep. Other Detectives just wrote them off. Put the information in a case file, and I guess just went on about their business. Can you believe that? Basically, allowing them all to turn into cold case files! They never even fucking tried to find them.” Piper took another long pull from her drink.

  What the fuck...

  “Why the hell not?” He grabbed his cell from his pocket and shot off a quick message.

  “I don’t know. But I’ve spent the day driving around the city to talk to each family. Some were grateful that someone was finally looking. Others were pissed. Called me everything but my name, and the sad part is, I can’t blame them one bit.”

  “Piper...” Aidan sighed. “It’s not your fault.”

  “I know, but it is the fault of my fellow officers. Some of these girls have been missing for weeks. Faces blasted all over the news, but no follow ups by officers. Nothing.”

  “Wow...” Aidan was shocked and if he was honest with himself, he was pissed.

  “I can’t help but feel that if...” Piper was interrupted.

  “Well. Hello, Penelope.”

  Aidan watched as Piper’s spine stiffened and for a brief second, her eyes closed. That small gesture put Aidan on high alert.

  “What the fuck do you want, Jackson?” Piper asked, clearly irritated.

  “I was driving by and happened to see your car parked out front,” Jackson replied. “I thought I would stop in and see how my favorite girl is doing.”

  “I wouldn’t know, Jackson,” Piper replied. “Who’s your flavor of the fucking week?”

  “Seriously, Penelope?” Jackson retorted. “One mistake, and you will never let it go.”

  “A mistake?” Piper laughed. “You dickwaffle! A mistake is ordering sausage on a pizza. Not slipping your dick into my ex best friend.”

  Aidan wanted to laugh. He really did, but he knew now was not the time. Piper had a vocabulary on her that would rival a sailor. She was outspoken and didn’t give a shit about what anyone thought.
Her attitude was one of the many things that drew him to her in the first place. And now, watching her unload on someone who clearly deserved it — he was grinning, on the inside.


  “Jackson, if you call me that one more mutha-fuckin’ time, I will drag your pompous, arrogant, tiny dick, ass outside and beat the shit out of you,” Piper threatened.

  Aidan cocked an eyebrow. It was time to get this Jackson character out of his bar. Making eye contact with his bouncer, Aidan jerked his head for Magnus to come over.

  “Is there a problem?” Magnus asked as he approached.

  “Absolutely...” Jackson answered, but Piper interrupted him.

  “Yes,” Piper finished. “Please, roughly escort Mr. Maxwell out of the door.”

  Magnus looked to Aidan for confirmation. Once it was given, Magnus turned toward Jackson and lightly placed his hand on the back of the man’s shoulder.

  “If you would please be so kind as to follow me?” Magnus said.

  “Seriously?” Jackson answered. “I am being kicked out of a dive bar?”

  “Sir, if you would please refrain from speaking ill of my employer’s establishment, I would be very grateful,” Magnus replied.

  “And who are you?” Jackson asked snidely. “Mr. Belvedere?”

  Aidan gave a quick nod and watched as the entire dynamics of the situation changed.

  “Alright,” Magnus smiled. “The hard way it is.”

  Grabbing his tie, Magnus jerked Jackson Maxwell towards him and off his feet. “You have two choices. Either you can get the fuck out of here using your own feet, or you can get the fuck out of here on a stretcher. Choose.”

  Aidan looked on as the color drained from Jackson’s face. Magnus O’ Connell wasn’t anyone to mess with. He’d always had a calm, gentlemanly presence until he was provoked. Magnus was a six-foot seven-inch solid wall of Irish steel. The man was a giant. He was also destruction and one of Aidan’s oldest and closest friends.

  “And choose quickly please,” Aidan finally spoke.

  “I vote for the stretcher,” Piper chimed in. “Just throwing that out there.”

  “I can see myself out,” Jackson sneered trying to release himself from Magnus’s grip. When he was finally free, he turned towards Piper, “You’re such a bitch, Penelope. Who could blame me for finding someone better!”

  Aidan had heard enough. Jumping over the counter he shoved Jackson towards the door. When the man stumbled over a chair, Aidan didn’t let up. With every step he took forward, Jackson staggered backwards until they both were outside on the sidewalk. With one final step, Aidan swung.

  Fist connecting to Jackson jaw, Aidan watched as the man fell to the ground. Kneeling, he grabbed Jackson’s tie, just as Magnus had, and brought the asshole’s face to his.

  “Watch your step, Jackson,” Aidan warned. “These are dangerous streets. A guy in an expensive suit like this one could really get hurt down here.”

  Aidan let him go and stood to his full height. It wasn’t very often that he lost his temper, but disrespecting Piper – that was a quick way to get him to forget his manners and all of his training, too.

  Jackson quickly got to his feet. “I want to press charges on him for assault!” he demanded.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Piper chuckled, leaning against the brick wall outside of the door.

  “No!” Jackson’s voice raised an octave. “You’re a cop. Charge him with assault.”

  “If I’m going to jail for assault, it’s going to be for a good reason,” Aidan said taking a step towards the coward.

  “Whoa!” Magnus said. “Let me, please?”

  “Wh... Wha...” Jackson stammered.

  “Jackson, I would advise you to turn around, get in your car, and get the fuck out of here,” Piper recommended.

  “Either you arrest him, or I will be contacting your Chief!” Jackson demanded.

  Aidan watched as Piper pulled her cellphone from her back pocket. “Do you want me to call him for you?” she asked.

  Jackson’s eyes narrowed at Piper. Aidan wanted to hit him again. All he was waiting for was the douchebag to make a single move towards his girl, but Jackson wasn’t that stupid. Turning, he walked behind the building and out of sight.

  “Well, that was the most fun I’ve had around this place in a long time!” Magnus chuckled.

  “That’s because I try to keep that kind of fun to a minimum, old friend,” Aidan laughed, throwing an arm of Magnus’s shoulders. “C’mon. Let’s get back inside. I need a drink.”

  The trio walked back into The Bayou Bar; and once behind the counter, Aidan went straight for the Crown. Dropping an ice cube in each glass, he poured three fingers for each of them.

  “To taking out the trash?” Magnus smiled.

  “Taking out the trash,” Piper repeated.

  “Cheers!” Aidan agreed. Each downed their drink and Aidan poured three more.

  Aidan left Jason to finish out bartending the night as he, Magnus, and Piper grabbed a table and some food.

  “So, what is the story with that asshole?” Magnus asked.

  “Jackson is an ex,” Piper answered. “Who fucked my best friend, or I guess I should say ex best friend.”

  “Very classy,” Magnus said dryly.

  “Extremely,” Piper replied.

  The conversation took a turn and the trio spent the rest of the night singing along with the songs that blasted through the speakers around the bar. Laughs and drinks flowed. Aidan had to admit, his day had gotten better the moment Piper walked into the bar. And hopefully, his night would, too.

  Chapter Seven


  Today had been a shit day from the moment she had walked into work. Between receiving her new case load, to talking to families who had lost all hope, and now Jackson “the cheater” Maxwell – Piper needed a break and a vacation. But neither would happen until she found all the missing kids.

  “Okay,” Piper said after finishing a chicken sandwich and finishing the chorus to a Post Malone song. “I have to get home.”

  “Already?” Magnus asked.

  “Unfortunately,” Piper sighed. “I have a huge case load that I have to continue on tomorrow.”

  “What’s the case?” Magnus asked.

  Piper looked over to Aidan. She didn’t know Magnus very well; just the occasional hello and goodnight, really. She didn’t know if she could trust him. For all she knew, he could be the one kidnapping children.

  Stop being so cynical!

  It was one of the things she hated about her job. Unless she personally knew someone, everyone was suspicious.

  Without her saying a word, Aidan knew what she needed — reassurance that Magnus was trustworthy. When Aidan gave her a nodded of approval, Piper took the risk and clued him in.

  “Seven missing children in the last month,” Piper replied to Magnus’s question. “All different ages, ethnicities, schools, homes are in different areas of town. Nothing to link them, at all.”

  “Holy shit!” Magnus said. “And this isn’t on the news?”

  “Very little.” Piper felt her temper rise. “Several officers dropped balls in these cases. And now, I get to clean up the messes and hopefully bring these girls home — alive.”

  “Damn, Piper,” Magnus sighed. “I am so sorry. I can’t even imagine being in your shoes.”

  “She’ll find them,” Aidan chimed in. “I have faith in her.”

  “Thanks,” Piper smiled.

  “All right. Let’s get you out to your car and on your way,” Aidan grinned. “You okay to drive?”

  “Yeah. I’m good.”

  Aidan and Magnus both walked Piper out the bar door and towards her car. As they got closer, her heart sank.

  “Oh my God!” she cried.

  “Wha...” Aidan didn’t need to finish. He saw what Piper was seeing.

  Her most prized possession, destroyed. All the windows in her Chevelle were busted, the tires slashed, and
‘CUNT’ was keyed into the passenger side.

  “I’m going to kill him!” Piper screamed.

  She felt murderous. She felt violent. She felt devastated. She felt broken and violated.

  “Magnus, call the cops,” Aidan said, pulling Piper into his arms.

  * * *

  In roughly thirty minutes, the back parking lot had turned into a zoo. Police officers were taking pictures and statements. Once they found out it was one of their own that had been vandalized, the entire cavalry seemed to show up.

  “Where is she?” Piper heard the voice before she even saw her sister.

  Looking up, Piper’s eyes saw Sapphire staring at the damage to her car. The moment her sister turned her direction, Piper couldn’t hold it in anymore. Tears began to slide down her cheeks. Seeing her distress, Sapphire rushed to her side and engulfed her in a hug.

  “Oh, honey,” Sapphire soothed. “I’m so sorry. We’ll get her fixed. I promise.”

  “I know.” Piper hiccupped.

  She had no idea how long she stayed there, crying into Sapphire’s shirt. To most people, it was just a car, but to Piper it was more than that. Pope Kimber didn’t give her daughters much. She wasn’t a person who gave love freely. So, when she did give — it was special. To Piper, it was way more than just a car, it was her mother’s love and now it was destroyed. Tarnished. Violated, just like she was.

  “Do you know who did this?” Sapphire asked.

  “Jackson,” Aidan answered before Piper could.

  Sapphire pulled away from Piper to look into her eyes. “Jackson did this?” she asked.

  All Piper could do was nod her head.

  “Find him,” Sapphire said looking over Piper’s shoulder to someone behind her.

  Turning, she saw Tank, Sapphire’s fiancé. With a quick nod of his own head, he pulled out his phone and began making calls.

  “Sapphire, you have to let the law handle this,” Piper said.


  “Sapphire, please.”

  “No. Jackson fucked up,” Sapphire replied. “Nobody fucks with a Kimber, and he’ll learn that lesson tonight.”


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