Piper: Iron Angels MC, Book Two

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Piper: Iron Angels MC, Book Two Page 5

by Samantha McCoy

  “I like your sister,” Aidan grinned.

  “Don’t,” Piper’s eyes narrowed. “Do not encourage her.”

  “Pssh. Like I really need encouraging, sister,” Sapphire raised an eyebrow. “I handle my own shit, just fine.”

  “Sapphire, I am in enough hot water after Austin,” Piper groaned. “I don’t need any more heat coming down on me.”

  “There won’t be.” Sapphire stood and walked over towards Cooper.

  Piper watched as the two exchanged words. The conversation looked to be heated for a few seconds but ultimately ended with Cooper giving a stiff nod.

  Sapphire made her way back to Piper’s side. “What was that?” Piper asked.

  “That, my love, was Cooper and I coming to an understanding,” Sapphire answered, without answering.

  Turning to Tank, she asked, “Find out anything?”

  “He hasn’t arrived at his apartment, yet,” Tank replied. “But Jade is there waiting. Raven just said he hasn’t shown up at his office, either.”

  “He is bound to pop up somewhere. Tell them to stay put,” Sapphire ordered.

  “Already done, baby,” Tank smiled.

  “How did you even know about tonight?” Piper asked.

  She had been so happy to see her sister that it never really dawned on her until now, that she never called her.

  “That would be me,” Magnus answered.

  “You?” Piper questioned, looking between the two.

  “Magnus called Raven, who called me,” Sapphire explained.

  “I’m still confused.” Piper closed her eyes and raised her hand to indicate she needed a second to process what was being said.

  “Magnus is dating Raven, Piper,” Sapphire explained.

  “What?” Piper asked.

  Then why are all the chicks coming out of Raven’s room? She’s not lesbian?

  Piper wanted to ask the question out loud, but she really didn’t need any more shit tonight.

  “You know, when two people meet...” Sapphire smiled.

  “Shut up,” Piper shook her head. “I know what dating is. It’s just... Never mind.”

  “Let’s get you home,” Sapphire said, pulling Piper to her feet.

  “I’ll take her,” Aidan offered.

  “And you are?” Sapphire asked.

  “Aidan Wright,” he replied, offering his hand.

  “And you know my sister, how?” Sapphire asked, shaking his hand.

  “Sapphire,” Piper warned.

  “It’s okay, Piper,” Aidan smiled. Turning to Sapphire he answered, “I own The Bayou Bar and Piper and I are... friends?”

  “Was that a question or a statement?” Sapphire grinned.

  “That was a mind your own business,” Piper groaned. “Aidan, just get me out of here.”

  Piper needed a hot shower and sleep. She needed to get away from her sister before she made things any more awkward.

  “Okay,” Sapphire said holding her hands up in surrender. “Go with your friend,” she grinned.

  “I’ll get your car towed to the house,” Tank replied as Piper walked away.

  “Thank you,” she turned back and nodded.

  Piper gave her car one last look before climbing into Aidan’s. Her heart contracted. Even getting it repaired, it would never be the same. Staring at the damage, anger filled her. How could Jackson do this to her? For what purpose?

  “Stop,” Aidan said as he pulled out of The Bayou Bar parking lot.

  “Stop what?” Piper asked, confused.

  “Stop overthinking.”


  “Yeah. Oh.” Aidan gave a half grin. “All that will do is cause more chaos in that head of yours and give you a damn ulcer.”

  “I’m just trying to figure out why he would do something like that. He knows how much that car means to me.”

  “And that is your answer,” Aidan replied. “Because he knows.”

  “Some people are seriously fucked in the head,” Piper commented, looking out the window as the city landscape zipped by.

  “Unfortunately,” Aidan agreed.

  Piper continued to stare out the window. Thoughts swirled – the only gift she ever received from her mother was probably being towed to the Angels house by now; then her feelings drifted to another heartbreaking topic – to the children that were missing. Here she was upset over a car and there were babies, somewhere in this town or God only knew where, that had a lot more taken from them.

  Shamed filled her and silently, looking out the window again, she sighed as another tear rolled down her cheek.

  “Baby, it’ll be okay,” Aidan squeezed her thigh. “They’ll get the car fixed. Good as new, I’m sure.”

  “It’s not that,” Piper shook her head. “I mean it is, but it isn’t.”

  “Care to clarify?” Aidan asked, confused.

  “I was just thinking,” Piper started, taking a deep breath before she continued. “Here I am, crying over a car and there are seven missing children out there. Hell, maybe even more that we just don’t know about yet. Babies taken from their families.”

  Aidan remained quiet. In a way, Piper wanted him to tell her it was okay for her to have a selfish moment and that everything would be alright. But at the same time, she appreciated his silence.

  Pulling up outside of Aidan’s house, Piper let herself out of the car. Taking a deep breath, she looked up, wishing that she could see the stars. For once, she wished she was outside of the city and away from the smog.

  “Do you ever wish you were somewhere else?” Piper asked.

  “Deep thoughts?” Aidan questioned.

  “I was just thinking how I wish I could see the stars. It sucks living in the city sometimes.”

  “I agree.”

  Piper followed Aidan into the house and flopped down on the couch. Right now, all she wanted was sleep. She wanted to forget about today and start fresh tomorrow.

  Without a car...

  She would have to request a unit from work until her car was fixed. That shouldn’t be a problem, though. She just hated driving a department issued vehicle.

  “Why don’t I go start you a hot shower?” Aidan asked, handing her a cup of hot tea. “I’ll grab you one of my shirts to sleep in.”

  “That sounds great,” Piper mumbled, taking a sip of the brew.

  As Aidan turned to walk down the hallway, Piper called, “Aidan?” then waited for him to look at her. “Thank you. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome, baby,” he grinned.

  As he disappeared, Piper smiled. She had no idea what was going on between them, but she liked it. It was nice having someone listen about her shitty day. To have someone care for her. But she couldn’t get too comfortable, yet. She wasn’t sure how Aidan felt about her, and she wasn’t ready to ask. Whatever was going on between them just started. Day two was too soon for making plans — whether she was secretly in love with the guy or not.

  “All is ready, babe!” Aidan called from the bedroom.

  With tea in hand, Piper headed towards the sound of running water. Walking into the bathroom, the first thing she noticed was the smell. Lavender.

  “It’s some fragrance stuff my sister left behind in the other bathroom when she was staying here a few months back.”

  “It smells good.” Piper smiled.

  “It’s lavender. The package said it’s supposed to help with relaxation.”

  “Thank you,” Piper replied, leaning in to place a kiss on Aidan’s lips.

  Placing her tea on the side of the tub, Piper removed her clothes and stepped into the steaming water. Slowly lowering herself, she moaned at the perfect temperature on the water against her skin.

  “Oh my,” she said leaning back. “This feels amazing.”

  “Not too hot?” Aidan asked.

  “No. It’s perfect,” Piper smiled.

  “Good,” Aidan returned a smile. “I’ll leave you to it then.”

  Piper closed her eyes as Ai
dan exited the bathroom, pulling the door closed behind him. She wanted to ask him to join her, but knew she was way too tired for anything other than the hot bath and sleep.

  Chapter Eight


  His heart hurt for her. He knew how much the car meant to Piper and the fact that Jackson did too, yet still vandalized it — pissed him off. He should have broken the asshole’s jaw. Or legs.

  As he waited for Piper to finish her bath, Aidan got undressed and slipped on a pair of pajama pants. He knew there would be no sex tonight. Tonight, Piper needed sleep. With her current case and now the car, she was exhausted. He could read it clearly on her face as she sat there talking to her sister, and even more so on their way home.

  Pulling the covers back, he grabbed his phone to scroll through his social media accounts while he waited for her to emerge from the bathroom.


  A Facebook message popped up from his brother.

  Rayden: What’s this I hear about a cop’s car getting fucked up at the bar?

  Aidan: Piper Kimber’s. Her ex showed up and started shit. When he was asked to leave, he went around back and took his petty hurt feelings out on her car.

  Rayden: Piper Kimber???

  Aidan: That’s who I said. Why?

  Rayden: And this guy is still alive? I mean, I’m not going to be pulling his body out of the slip way tomorrow, will I?

  Aidan: I can’t promise you that.

  Rayden: Fuck! That dude has a death wish fucking with any of the Kimbers. The Angels are led by some respectable women, but damn! Them women are fierce as fuckkk!

  Aidan: Trust me. I know!

  Rayden: Wait! Is Piper the reason you were all goofy ass ‘I just got laid’ grinning this morning???

  Aidan looked up as the door to the bathroom opened. Steam billowed out, and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen came walking out like a wet dream.

  Aidan: Got to go! Night!

  Rayden: Answer me! Asshole.

  Aidan smiled as he read the message and set his phone on the bedside table.

  “Feeling better?” he asked Piper.

  “Much,” she sighed. Walking to the other side of the bed, she slid between the covers. “You don’t have to stop chatting.”

  “Eh. It was just my brother,” Aidan shrugged. Sliding down in the bed, he pulled Piper closer to him. “I would much rather snuggle with you, than talk to him.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Piper mumbled.

  Aidan chuckled silently to himself. She was literally almost out before her head even hit the pillow.

  “Sleep, beautiful,” Aidan whispered, placing a kiss to the center of Piper’s forehead.

  “Good night, honey,” Piper slurred.

  “Good night, baby.”

  Aidan closed his eyes. This was what he always wanted. A woman by his side at night. A partner for the good times and the rough. Someone to share with. And ever since meeting her for the first time, he always wanted that woman to be Piper. Sending up a silent prayer, he asked God to please let him keep her.

  * * *

  The next morning, Aidan woke up to the sound of the alarm clock beeping and an empty bed. For a moment, his stomach dropped, but looking to the dresser he saw that Piper’s clothes were still piled on its edge. So, unless she left with nothing but his shirt on, she was still there.

  Climbing out of the bed, he opened the bedroom door and was hit with the smell of fresh coffee. A smile spread across his face. As he made his way down the hallway, he could hear Piper in the kitchen.

  Turning the corner, Aidan came to a stop and just leaned against the wall, watching her. Messy hair and all, she looked beautiful. And for what seemed like the hundredth time, he smiled and thought he could really get used to this.

  Walking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a kiss on the side of her neck.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Good morning to you, too,” Piper grinned. “I hope you don’t mind me using your laptop.”

  “Not at all,” Aidan replied. “Make yourself at home.”

  “Thank you.” Piper turned in his arms and kissed his lips. “I made coffee.”

  “I know.” Aidan kissed her again. “I smell it.”

  Her lips were as smooth as silk, just like the rest of her body. Aidan knew he could kiss and lick every inch of her and he would never get tired of it. Just the thought of his mouth on her had him growing hard.

  “Why do I have a feeling coffee isn’t on your mind at the moment?” Piper grinned.

  “Probably because suddenly I’m sporting a tent,” Aidan chuckled.

  “Probably,” Piper agreed, laughing.

  Aidan was about to pull her closer against him when Piper stepped even closer, grinding against him.

  Grabbing her waist, he lifted her up, spun around, and placed her on top of the kitchen island. Pulling the shirt over her head, he tossed it next to her and his mouth went directly to her flesh. Sucking one pert nipple between his teeth, he lightly bit down. Using his hand, he traced the folds of her pussy. She was already getting wet. Slowly he inserted a finger and pulled it back out, causing moan to fall from her lips. He loved the sounds she made. His dick grew even harder. Releasing her nipple, his lips locked with hers. The kiss became hotter, more dominating. Adding another finger, he pressed back into her. Piper’s mouth opened on another moan and Aidan took the opportunity to swipe his tongue over hers. Faster, he moved his fingers in and out of her. Using his thumb, he added pressure to her clit and began to rub. Just as she was about to fall over the edge, Aidan removed his fingers and brought them to his lips.

  “Mmm.” He closed his eyes savoring the taste of her.

  He felt the pull on his pajama pants and then Piper’s hand as she wrapped it around his cock. Circling her legs around his waist, she pulled him closer to her. Aidan knew exactly what she wanted, and he planned to give it to her.

  With one forceful plunge, he buried himself, balls deep; both released moans of pleasure. But, he had no desire to go slow and knew Piper didn’t either. Giving her only a few seconds to get used to his size, Aidan gripped her hips and began to pound deep inside of her. Over and over again. Harder and harder. He repeated the rhythm. He could feel the muscles inside her pussy starting to tighten around him. Pulsing. Vibrating. He knew she was close, and so was he.

  “Fuck yes,” Piper groaned. “Harder.”

  And Aidan responded by doing just as she asked.

  “Shit!” Piper screamed, and Aidan felt his dick reach the bottom.

  “Too much?” he asked, not wanting to hurt her.

  “No!” Piper replied. “Don’t stop!”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Aidan smiled.

  Picking the pace back up, Aidan drilled into her. He wanted to mark her. Wanted her to never forget that he had been inside of her.

  “Oh my God!” Piper moaned. “I’m about to cum.”

  “So am I,” Aidan breathed.

  A few more thrusts and Piper climaxed, with Aidan following right behind her. He slowed his pace, drawing out the sensations for both. Leaning his forehead against hers, he placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  “Wow,” Piper sighed. “We need morning kitchen sex more often.”

  “I agree,” Aidan laughed.

  Pulling out, Aidan stepped back and helped Piper down from the counter.

  “Oh shit...”

  “What?” Aidan asked.

  His eyes followed hers. And when he noticed what she had, his stomach sank.

  “Oh fuck...” All he could do was watch as cum slowly slid down the side of Piper’s leg. “Are you on birth control?”

  “No,” Piper croaked.

  Fuck! Idiot!

  Aidan’s brain started to fly in different directions.

  What if she got pregnant?

  What if she freaked out and wanted nothing to do with him anymore?

  What if... What if... What if


  “Okay. Let’s not panic,” Aidan said, trying to sound completely calm.

  “I’m not panicking,” Piper replied.

  For the first time since Piper’s initial shock, Aidan looked her in the eyes and immediately, his own thoughts settled. Piper was calm. If she wasn’t worried about it, then he wouldn’t be either.


  “What if you get pregnant?” Aidan couldn’t help but ask.

  “Then I do,” Piper replied. “There is nothing we can do about it now.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” Piper nodded.

  “Okay.” Aidan sounded skeptical even to his own ears.

  “Hey,” Piper said, grabbing his face. “Don’t stress. I try my best to live my life by one rule.”

  “What’s that?” Aidan asked.

  “Do not stress over the things you cannot change.”

  Aidan looked deep into her eyes. The calmness was still there.

  “Okay,” he blew out the breath that he had been holding.

  “Okay,” Piper repeated. “Now, I have to go get cleaned up. Do you mind driving me over to my house and letting me change and then taking me to work? I’ll get the department to issue me a car until I get mine back.”

  “Absolutely,” Aidan replied. “I don’t mind at all, baby.”

  He watched as Piper headed back to the bedroom. The moment she was no longer in sight, Aidan leaned forward and pressed his forehead against the cool marble countertop. Taking a few breaths, he tried to calm himself.

  Did he even want to be a father?

  Hell yes! But this was way too soon.

  The answer didn’t surprise him nearly as much as the picture in his head did. Kids with Piper. A family of his own with the woman he had been secretly in love with since the moment he saw her. A little girl the exact image of Piper — bright red hair and even brighter blue eyes. And a boy, with maybe his dark hair, but still his mother’s eyes. Smiling to himself, Aidan took one final deep breath and went to join Piper in the bedroom, so he too could get cleaned up and ready for whatever the day decided to bring them.

  Chapter Nine


  Standing in the bathroom, Piper looked at herself in the mirror. She should be freaking out right now, but really, she was calm. She and Aidan got caught up in the moment. If that resulted in her getting pregnant, then they would just have to deal with the consequences of it.


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