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Piper: Iron Angels MC, Book Two

Page 13

by Samantha McCoy

  “It’s a small country situated between France and Spain,” Reaper answered before Sasha had a chance. “It’s in the Pyrenees Mountains. Big ski resort and a paradise from anyone trying to avoid paying taxes. Plus, the kicker of it all – no extradition treaty with the US.”

  “Fuck!” Aidan, Rayden, and Tank said in union.

  Piper watched as Sledge pulled out his phone and pressed a few buttons. Everything seemed to be falling apart. How were they going to find the girls now?

  “Where is the other guy?” Piper asked, desperation in her voice.

  “Hamilton Crimwell?” Sasha asked. “Let me look.”

  Piper’s impatience was quickly growing. How could Sasha not already know the answer? Why give information if you don’t know it all?

  “Um,” Sasha stuttered.

  “Um, what?” Aidan asked.

  “Crimwell was found dead yesterday afternoon,” Sasha replied. “Reports say he committed suicide.”

  “Yeah,” Rayden said. “Convenient.”

  “Fuck,” Sledge mumbled.

  Everyone in the room turned towards him. Something about the sound of that one word put everyone in the room on edge.

  “What?” Reaper asked, walking over to him.

  Sledge didn’t say a word, only continued to stare at his phone. As Reaper looked over Sledge’s shoulder, the same word came flying out of his mouth. Piper knew it was bad. Whatever he and Sledge were looking it, it had caused the color to drain from Reaper’s face. Piper’s stomach rolled. She wanted to run from the room. Whatever they were seeing, she wanted no part of.

  She watched as Sapphire and Tank walked over to the guys. She wanted to scream at them to stop. Nothing ever scared Reaper. Nothing. And the fact that he was now white as a ghost and breathing like he was about to faint, only made Piper’s anxiety worse.

  “No!” Sapphire screeched. Tank caught her before she collapsed to the floor.

  Suddenly, the entire room, Piper included, was moving toward the phone. What played across the screen was the last thing she thought she would ever see. There boarding a plane to Andorra, surrounded by armed men was Scarlet… bloody, bruised, and blindfolded. Jackson had Scarlet…

  Piper’s world tilted, everything went silent, and then darkness engulfed her…

  To Be Continued…

  Scarlet, Iron Angels MC, Book Three

  Coming soon….

  It had been a long day. Scarlet hated removing children from homes, but it was her job to ensure their health and safety. Leaving work, she had almost made it home when a truck came out of nowhere. She glanced in the rearview mirror and saw it flying up behind her.


  Moving to the shoulder to let it pass, Scarlet was shocked when it followed. Thinking it would be turning soon, she used her blinker and got back into the lane. Suddenly, the truck rammed her back bumper. Scarlet screamed. Trying to correct the direction of her car, she over-corrected and sent the car crashing into the trees off the side of the road.

  Dazed, Scarlet unbuckled her seat belt and felt around herself. Nothing seemed to be broken. Her head hurt, though. Reaching up, she felt wetness and knew she had cut her head on impact.

  “The bitch is down here,” someone called.

  She could hear more men answering the first. Fear gripping her, she shoved open her car door and ran.

  A gunshot vibrated through the woods, hitting the tree directly next to her. Falling to the ground, she covered herself. Heart racing, she had no idea why someone would do this to her. Did she take this person’s child? She was only doing her job as a social worker.

  The sound of a twig snapping next to her head, snapped her out of her thoughts. Looking up, she wasn’t able to see the man standing over her. His face was blocked out by the glaring light of the sun coming through the canopy of trees.

  “What a sweet little treat you will make!” Scarlet knew that voice. For a moment her fear started to dissipate.

  Yanked from the ground by her hair, Scarlet screamed. “Shut up, bitch!” The back of Jackson’s hand connected with the side of Scarlet’s face.

  Her fear returned a hundred times worse. Jackson had been her sister, Piper’s, boyfriend. Scarlet considered him a friend.

  “Put her in the truck and let’s go,” Jackson told the man holding Scarlet.

  Thrown into the back seat of the truck, all Scarlet could think was: she was gagged, taped at her hands and feet, and blindfolded. And nobody would ever know.

  She had been taken… Just like Sapphire… But would she be found just like Sapphire, too?


  First of all, I have to thank my readers. This has been a roller coaster of a year so far and y’all have been amazing. Your love and encouragement has meant the world to me. This book is for you!

  Secondly, I am going to let the world into my life, just a tad… There is this guy that came into my life, at just the right moment, and spread his light. He stormed in like a hurricane with his quick smiles, non-stop laughter, and a heart of pure gold. He is calmness, where I am chaos. He is lightness, where I am darkness. He is the perfect balance to everything that is me. He is literally sunshine and rainbows, but more importantly than that – he is mine. He brings so much color, life, and love into my life. And not just mine, but my kids too. They absolutely adore him. I seriously can’t wait for the world to meet him. You will fall in love, just as I have!

  So, on August 4th, 2018, something happened as I was doing a read through of this book. I got to 23,590 words and there was something in my book that I didn’t write. And this was it:

  Its actually incredibly ironic that I’m typing this after that paragraph. Anyway Samantha, I love you and want nothing more than a life with you.

  You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.

  Your kisses, your touch, the way your skin feels on mine. I thought this would be easier, but it really isn’t...

  Marry me Sam. Today and every day.

  Be my dancing partner, my laughter, my everything.

  Marry me today, tomorrow, next year, and every year after.

  Marry me for everything I am to you and everything you are to me.

  It would be my great honor to call you my wife.

  I love you. To the moon and back, more than all the stars in the sky and so much more. Maybe one day, we can put words to the ‘so much more’, but for now I will call you my partner, my best firend, and hopefully if you say yes to this…. My wife.

  What can I say? He gets me. He took the one thing that he knew I loved – writing books – and used it. He did good, right? And that is one of the many reasons why I love him! And if you are wanting to know my answer… It was YES! Therefore, on 10/10/2020 Chicago, Illinois will be the epicenter of one kickass, epic wedding! And you are all invited!


  Samantha McCoy lives in the beautiful Texas Hill Country and writes Erotica and Romance books with a little bit of something extra; usually action and suspense. She loves to keep her readers guessing and on their toes.

  She’s also a huge music freak. It plays a big role in her life — when she’s driving, cleaning, and even when she writes.

  She has a love for junk food — mainly Lemonheads, Cheese-Its, and Salt & Vinegar chip. Oh! And we can’t forget Cherry Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and sweet tea! *sigh* Samantha absolutely loves the small things in life!

  If you would like to learn more about her

  and her upcoming events and releases,

  check out her page on Facebook!

  Samantha McCoy, Author

  And her reader group:

  Samies Happy Bookers



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