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Game Changer

Page 8

by Beth Orsoff

  She stood up and smiled. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Chapter 25


  Jenna set down her wineglass. “This place is overflowing with men. Surely there must be someone here you can tolerate for one night.”

  I glanced around the dimly lit room. Yes, it was filled with men, but the selection wasn’t nearly as good as it appeared. I needed someone who wasn’t already with a woman (which eliminated half the prospects), wasn’t gay (another ten percent gone), and was at least moderately attractive (I wasn’t having my first one-night stand with an ugly guy!). I counted four men who met my criteria. Then two of them paid their bill and left the bar, and the two who remained were checking out a raucous group of women a few tables away. This was hopeless. I took off my glasses and stuffed them back in my purse.

  “What about him?” Jenna nodded toward the twosome who had just entered the bar.

  Even without my glasses I could see that the person standing next to the dark-haired man was a woman. She was wearing a dress. “He’s with someone.”

  “Yes, but they’re not a couple.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Body language,” Jenna said and took another sip of her wine. “Plus she’s scoping the room.”

  I reached for my glasses again. “Oh, come on!” This was getting ridiculous.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Jake.”

  Jenna spun around on her barstool. “Holy shit, you’re right.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t recognize him.” We’d been talking about him nonstop for the past hour.

  “Well, I wasn’t exactly looking at his face when we met.”

  “Then what were you looking at?”

  Jenna glanced around us as if someone at a neighboring table might be listening. No one was, as far as I could tell, but she still leaned in and lowered her voice. “His cock. You wouldn’t shut up about it.”

  I could feel my face heating up. Thank God the bar was dark so no one but Jenna could see. “You swore nothing happened!”

  “It didn’t. As far as I know.”

  “As far as you know?”

  “I told you,” she whispered. “Your feet were in his lap. Did you think you were the only one enjoying it? He appeared very happy with the arrangement, or part of him did.”

  I buried my face in my hands. That was information I could’ve lived without. “What else happened that night? And this time tell me everything.” I wanted to get all the embarrassment over with in one shot. It had to be better than this piecemeal humiliation I’d been enduring.

  She began counting off on her fingers. “Dancing like a stripper”—thumb—“giving him a hard-on with your feet”—index finger—“telling him you hadn’t had sex in a year”—middle finger.

  “Eleven months!”

  “And going on and on about his giant cock and how you wanted to fuck him”—ring finger and pinkie. “That about covers it.”

  If there’d been more space under the table, I would’ve crawled underneath it. Instead I pulled off my glasses and stuffed them back in my purse. I couldn’t make the world disappear, but I could make it blurry.

  Jenna glanced at the door again, then quickly turned back. “Act natural. They’re headed this way.”

  Chapter 26


  “I told you someplace casual,” Jake said.

  “This is casual,” Caroline replied as she scanned the room. “It’s Friday night. What did you expect?”

  She was right. He should’ve expected a scene; he just wasn’t in the mood for one. All he wanted to do was go home, kick off his shoes, pop open a beer, and watch a game. Hell, he’d even watch a curling match if it meant he didn’t have to think. Hurry hard! “How’d you hear about this place?” It must’ve just opened, since he’d walked past it earlier in the week and it’d still been boarded up.

  “You know I like to keep up on all the hot spots.”

  That was true. He actually found it quite useful for both client meetings and dates.

  “And I think you’re going to really like this one,” she continued.

  “Why?” It was just another wine bar filled with attractive, well-dressed people. There was no shortage of them in LA.

  “The clientele.”

  “What about the—” Then he spotted Samantha at a table in the back. She must’ve noticed him too since she looked like she wished she were anywhere but here. He turned back to Caroline, who was sporting a Cheshire grin, and glared. “I think I’d rather battle the traffic.”

  “Why? This is the perfect opportunity to talk to her again. It looks natural.”

  “Natural? I just happen to show up at the same place she’s at for the third time this week? Not too much of a coincidence.”

  “It’s fate.”

  “It’s stalking! And how did you even know she’d be here tonight?” If she said her psychic abilities, he might actually start to believe her.

  She held up her phone. “Foursquare.”

  “Samantha’s on Foursquare?” She didn’t seem the type.

  “No, her friend Jenna is. And she always posts pictures. I recognized Samantha. I follow her on Twitter too.”

  “You follow Samantha?”

  “No, Jenna. She’s really funny. You should read her tweets. Everyone I know follows her.”

  He didn’t need yet another way to waste time online. Social media already ate up huge chunks of his day. But if he could get information on Samantha… Oh hell. “Send me the link.” A few clicks later, he was following Fab_Weddings_LA. He hoped none of his friends ever saw it in his Twitter feed.

  He turned back to Caroline. “So how do you propose we play this?”

  “Me? You’re the expert.”

  Not when it came to stalking. But he did know how to pick up a woman in a bar.

  Chapter 27


  “I said act natural,” Jenna hissed.

  “I am.” I looked everywhere except at Jake. I also swirled my wine, played with my napkin, finger-combed my hair, and readjusted myself in my seat.

  “You’re fidgeting.”

  “That’s natural for me.” At least when I was nervous.

  “Then act like me instead.”

  Jenna sat up straight and sipped her wine, so I did too. As Jake and Caroline approached, Jenna looked over at them and smiled. “Don’t I know you?” Jenna said, tilting her wineglass toward Jake.

  “Yes, we met at Michael and Whitney’s wedding. Jake Jensen.” He held out his hand and she shook it.

  “I remember now.” Jenna turned to me. “You’re a friend of Samantha’s.”

  “Acquaintance,” I corrected, and she kicked me under the table. “But we’re actually working together now.”

  She turned her head so her hair fell in front of her face, blocking Jake’s and Caroline’s view of her lips. “Talk to him,” she mouthed before she pushed it back behind her ear again.

  I pasted a smile onto my face. “Nice to see you again, Jake. And Caroline,” I added, nodding to her too.

  It was Caroline who replied. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you know Jenna!” Then she turned to her. “I’m a huge fan of Fab Weddings LA!” she gushed. “I follow you everywhere and retweet your posts all the time.”

  “Thank you,” Jenna said. “That’s so sweet of you.” I caught her glancing at Caroline’s ring finger, which was bare. “And if you’re ever in need of a wedding planner, definitely give me a shout. I can already envision your fabulous wedding in my head.”

  Caroline leaned in. “Really? What were you thinking?”

  Jenna tapped her finger against her lip as if she were pondering the meaning of life. “For you it has to be something really special. Big city sophistication with a hint of southern charm.”

  “Yes,” Caroline said, “that’s exactly how I’ve always imagined my wedding. Now if I could just find the groom…”

  “You and me both, s
ister,” Jenna replied.

  Caroline whipped out her phone. “Would you mind if I take a picture?” But before Jenna could respond, she’d snapped a selfie of the two of them.

  “Now the four of us,” Jenna said.

  “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Jake said at the same time I replied, “We don’t need to.”

  But Caroline pulled Jake into the frame while Jenna placed her arm around me. They both snapped photos on their phones, then immediately uploaded them for the world to see.

  “Are we done now?” I asked, more peevish than I’d intended.

  “Yes,” Jenna said. She gulped down her last swallow of wine and swung her purse over her shoulder. “I need to get going.”

  “But it’s still early.” I grabbed her arm, forcing eye contact, and gave her the don’t-leave-me-alone look. This impromptu meeting with Jake and Caroline was already awkward enough. It would be even more so without her here to divert attention.

  “I know, but I promised I’d meet Tanner.”

  “Oooh, who’s Tanner?” Caroline asked.

  I left it to Jenna to explain.

  “Just a guy I’m seeing,” Jenna said. “He and his roommates are having a party tonight. I’m sure there’ll be lots of single men there if you want to come.”

  “I’d love to,” Caroline said. “Would you mind if I brought some friends?”

  “Go for it. I’m sure the guys will be thrilled. I’ll text you the address.” Then Jenna leaned over and gave me a hug, which was really just a pretext for her to whisper into my ear. “Fuck him already!”

  I took another gulp of my wine and thought about my dead vibrator. That’s when I decided to take her advice.

  Chapter 28


  They were alone, except for the dozens of other wine aficionados and poseurs pretending to be, jostling for a table or a space at the bar.

  “You look like you need a drink,” Samantha said.

  He did, but he preferred a more intimate setting. He knew the perfect place—a French restaurant on Third Street that was so secluded it didn’t even have a sign above the door. It was his go-to first date restaurant. “Do you want to get out of here? Find someplace a little quieter?”

  “Absolutely,” she said and downed the rest of her glass in one gulp. “Do you want to go back to my place?”

  His jaw didn’t drop open, but only because as soon as he felt it slacken, he tightened it again. It was possible she didn’t understand the implication of her request, but he doubted it. Although he presumed she was less experienced than him, she wasn’t a virgin. She had to know she was inviting him over for sex, but he’d give her an out just in case. “I was thinking of a nice French restaurant not too far from here. Or we could get some other type of food if you prefer.”

  “How about a pizza?” she asked.

  “Sure, if that’s what you like.” He knew lots of pizza parlors, although none he’d ever considered for a date. Maybe an Italian restaurant that served pizza too. There was a good one within walking distance, which also had an excellent wine list. She obviously liked her wine.

  “Great,” she said and slid off her barstool. “Veggie okay?”

  He nodded, still unsure exactly what they’d agreed to.

  “I’ll call and order it on my way home. What do you like to drink?”

  Her way home? So she was actually inviting him back to her house for sex? “Anything. Beer, wine, whatever.”

  “I don’t think I have any beer. Maybe you should pick some up on the way.” Then she pulled out her phone. “I’ll need your number to text you the address.”

  He hesitated before he gave it to her. Normally he was the one asking for a phone number.

  “Take Laurel,” she said as she typed. “It’s the fastest. And don’t forget the beer,” she called out to him as she headed toward the exit.

  I guess this is my lucky night after all.

  Chapter 29


  Be bold, I told myself as I turned onto Sunset. Or at least be slutty. Lots of women sleep with men they barely know. There’s no reason you shouldn’t too. Eleven months is a long time to go without sex. Too long.

  Jake was smart, handsome, personable, and although I still couldn’t remember rubbing my feet up against it, which was probably for the best, apparently had a huge cock. And surely someone like him knew what to do with it. Plus, he couldn’t possibly be any worse than the last guy I slept with, who, after satisfying himself, rolled over and went to sleep. The fact that I wasn’t satisfied was immaterial. And then he actually seemed surprised when I didn’t want to go out with him again. Seriously.

  I pulled into my driveway and practically sprinted to the front door. I hadn’t been expecting company tonight, so the house wasn’t as clean as I would’ve liked. I transferred the dirty dishes from the sink to the dishwasher without rinsing them first, folded the blanket I’d left crumpled on the couch, wiped the water rings off the coffee table, then ran up to my bedroom.

  The bed was already made, so I plumped the pillows, moved the magazines from the top of my nightstand to the bottom drawer, and tossed my broken vibrator into the bathroom wastebasket. But what if he gets up to pee? I retrieved the vibrator and was looking for a place to stash it when I heard the knock on the front door. Shit! I buried it under a pile of dirty clothes in my laundry basket and ran downstairs.

  Chapter 30


  He stood outside her door with a bottle of red wine in one hand and a six-pack of beer in the other. Should he have brought a twelve-pack? The first time was always a bit awkward. Alcohol helped. And with women like Samantha who equated sex with dating… Oh shit, did she think this meant they were dating?

  The door opened. “You made it,” she said.

  He held up the beer and the wine. “I wasn’t sure what you wanted to drink.”

  “Wine’s great.” She grabbed the bottle and he followed her inside.

  Her house was different than he’d imagined. Not that he’d spent the drive over thinking about her house. Her bed, maybe… He’d pegged her as a traditional girl and assumed her home would reflect that sensibility, but it didn’t. With all the colors—red sofa, blue rug, lots of plants and artwork—it was almost funky. The opposite of his modern penthouse, which more than one woman had labeled austere.

  “I love your place,” he said as she led him past the living room and into the kitchen.

  “Thanks. It’s a work in progress.”

  He didn’t see anything that needed fixing, but he kept that sentiment to himself lest she ask him to reattach a broken doorknob or unclog a pipe and he’d have to admit that he could barely hammer a nail. Living in a condo had its advantages.

  But when she reached for the corkscrew, he took it from her. That was a masculine task he could perform with dexterity.

  “Wine or beer?” she asked and held up a glass for each.

  “Wine if you don’t mind sharing.” He would’ve preferred a beer, but he thought she might be more comfortable if he drank wine too. He wanted her to relax, or at least for her hands to stop shaking.

  “The pizza should be here soon,” she said. “You want to wait in the living room?”

  “Sure, if you do.” He grabbed the wine bottle in one hand and both glasses in the other.

  She finally smiled. “You look like you’ve done that before.”

  “A time or two.” He winked at her and she actually gulped. Shit. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  She sat down on the edge of the couch and immediately jumped up again. “Music or TV? Or we could watch a movie. I’ve got lots of DVDs. And Netflix. Or we could order pay-per-view.”

  The only programs he’d ever ordered on pay-per-view were porn and boxing, and he doubted either of those were what she had in mind. Or maybe she did. She was constantly surprising him. “Whatever you want is fine.”

  She turned on music—some type of jazz. Another surprise. He’d pegged her as a Top
Forty girl, or maybe classic rock. He poured two generous glasses of wine. “To chance meetings,” he said and held up his goblet.

  “And Jenna and her Foursquare,” she replied and clinked her glass against his.

  Although this wasn’t their first meeting, he considered it their first date, so he followed his first date script: “So tell me about yourself.”

  “Ugh. I hate that question. I never know what to say.”

  Another surprise. More than one woman had confided to him that it was a nice change of pace to be asked about herself. Apparently a lot of men in Los Angeles liked to do all the talking. “Say whatever you’d like.”

  “Well, I’m a lawyer, but you knew that already. I live with my sister, or I used to. She got married last weekend. But you knew that too. See, I suck at this. You talk.” Then she took another big gulp from her wineglass.

  “I thought Rita already told you all about me.”

  She smiled. “Only the good parts. I want to hear your version so I can compare the two and uncover the truth.”

  He laughed in spite of himself. “The truth about Jake Jensen. I’m not sure you can handle the truth,” he said in his best Jack Nicholson imitation, which admittedly wasn’t very good.

  Then she set down her wineglass and looked up at him, and he was no longer talking to Samantha Haller, ballbuster divorce lawyer, but a frightened little girl. “Promise me you won’t lie to me, Jake. Even if you’re afraid you might hurt my feelings, I’d always rather know the truth.”

  He knew if he were smart, he’d listen to the big head instead of the little one, because at that moment, the big head was shouting at him to walk out the door.

  Chapter 31


  Why on earth did I say that? He must think I’m a total psycho. I’m surprised he didn’t get up and leave. He must really want to get laid tonight.

  He took a big gulp of wine, thank God. I was beginning to think I was going to be the only one drinking tonight. I took a sip of wine too, then topped off both of our glasses, although mine was the only one that needed more.


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