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Boardroom Seduction

Page 8

by Anita Bunkley

  “Oh, nothing important. Nona had a question about a work order.” He hated to lie about something as inconsequential as a dish of lasagna, but Nona’s call left him worried. She was treading too close to his personal life, and it had to stop. But how could he push back without offending her? How could he convince Nona that she’d overstepped her boundaries, when his parents were always treating her as if she were a permanent fixture in the family? He’d told his mom and dad time and time again that he had no intention of ever marrying Nona, but they paid no attention, stuck on the fact that Nona James was the hometown girl he was destined to settle down with—the woman who would stand by him and help him run the family business, just as his mother had done with his father.

  They just don’t understand, Leon silently complained, wondering what they would think and how they would react if he brought a sophisticated woman like Kacey Parker home to meet them.

  Nona slung herself into the frayed red recliner that faced her ash-filled fireplace, stretched out her legs and squeezed back tears. Why is Leon wasting his time with that citified designer? she silently asked herself, her teeth clamped together tightly in despair. She might be pretty, but she’s an outsider who will never fit in here. Leon needs me. I need him. We understand each other.

  Chapter 10

  Kacey’s second day in Rockport started with an early morning phone call. The ringing sound brought a smile to her lips as she reached across her bed to answer. Leon, was her first thought, prompting vivid images of their evening together. Their romantic dinner on the deck. The quiet way they had talked about their careers and their lives over wine in his kitchen. The ride back to the motel with the convertible top down and soft jazz playing in the car. And then, the good-night kiss that had created a connection that left her sizzling with desire and her nipples as hard as tiny pebbles on the beach.

  Grabbing the phone, Kacey whispered a sexy hello, only to have her fantasy shattered when she heard Ariana Mendio’s voice barking a too-loud greeting over the line.

  “Oh, hi, Ariana,” Kacey said, sitting up to brace her back against the headboard and push visions of Leon’s lean hard body tangled among animal print sheets on his king-size bed from her mind. Hoping to sound alert and very much on top of things, she strengthened her voice when she commented, “You’re on the job early, huh?”

  “Early?” Ariana threw out. “It’s seven-thirty in New York.”

  Kacey looked at the clock. “And six-thirty here.”

  “Ah, so it is,” Arian admitted, as if it really didn’t matter. “I need an update on everything. Hadley wants daily reports. I’ll be calling every day…early. Before you get into your day.”

  “Well, you’ve certainly done that,” Kacey commented, a tad irritated to learn how closely Hadley planned to track her activity. He’d never done that before. But she shouldn’t be surprised. He was taking a great risk in green-lighting her line and she knew he expected nothing less than perfect results.

  “What do you want to know first?” Kacey inquired, deciding it would be best to let Ariana ask for what she wanted rather than try to relate every detail of her time at Archer Industries so far.

  “Well, how did your first encounter with Archer go? You and the old man getting along?”

  A wry chuckle flew from Kacey’s lips, erasing her annoyance with Ariana’s early-morning phone call. “I haven’t even met Mr. Archer,” Kacey informed her coworker.

  “What? Why not?” Ariana’s voice rose one octave below a screech.

  “Because he’s in Africa,” Kacey coolly teased.

  “Africa? What’s going on?”

  “Calm down,” Kacey advised, proceeding to tell Ariana about the sudden change in ownership at Archer and that Leon Archer Jr. was now in charge.

  “Really? I’m surprised that Leon Sr. stepped down. He didn’t seem like the type who would ever let go.”

  “Well, there comes a time for change in every situation,” Kacey commented, thinking about how quickly her feelings for Leon had morphed into some thing she was still trying to figure out. “Guess it was my lucky day to arrive when change came to this place.”

  “So, what’s young Mr. Archer like?” Ariana asked.

  Sexy. Magnetic. Intriguing, Kacey wanted to say, still basking in the afterglow of their evening together. A tall, brown tower of a man who is creeping under my skin and into my heart.

  However, instead of confessing her fast-growing attraction to Leon, she hastily composed a more acceptable response. “He’s very helpful. Dedicated to making our line a smashing success, and completely confident that we’ll bring SunKissed in on time and on budget.”

  “That’s all we care about,” Ariana blithely agreed. “Hadley gave me your revised projections. Everything looks good. However, there’s not a second to waste. I’m starting the promotional campaign today. I have to line up models for the test photo shoot and book the photographer. When will the samples arrive?”

  “Oh, about that,” Kacey stammered, biting her bottom lip as she studied the seashells in the base of her bedside lamp, concerned. She had not informed Hadley about her decision to make the samples in her size, and it was too late to revise her plan. Truett had already adjusted the patterns and they planned to start cutting today.

  “I decided to change things a bit,” Kacey began. “I’m going to shoot the samples here in Rockport. I called Linette…she can fly in from LA to do it.”

  “Kacey,” Ariana responded in a throaty growl that conveyed her obvious displeasure. “That’s not going to work. No, no, no. Hadley will never agree to fly all the models to Texas just for the test-shoot. What are you thinking? You know how closely he’s monitoring the money. We can’t blow a bundle on airfare and all the expense to do that, please. Just FedEx the samples to me when they’re ready.”

  “Don’t worry, Ariana. I don’t want the models to come to Texas. My plan won’t increase the budget. In fact, it’ll reduce it.”

  “How? Explain, please.”

  “I’m having the samples made to fit me…and I’ll be the model that Linette can shoot. Okay?” The silence that stretched between Texas and New York let Kacey know she’d dropped a bombshell that was about to explode.


  “No, it’s not. I can save the company time and money,” she defended, eager to defuse the situation and keep Ariana on her side. “This would only be for the manufacturer’s samples, just to see how the colors and styles photograph. When we get to the final takes for the website and the brochures, we’ll use the models, and we can shoot the catalog pics in the studio in New York. Just as we always do, okay?”

  “Well, maybe,” Ariana hedged, not sounding fully convinced. “You know, I really don’t care if you want to model your swimsuits. What I want is for you to stay on target as far as final delivery is concerned.”

  Mentally clicking through her tightly arranged schedule, Kacey reviewed her time frame with Ariana. “The patterns have been adjusted. All the fabric is in, even the Naughty Net should arrive tomorrow.”

  “I hope so, since the see-through-when-wet piece is a featured style.”

  “If all goes well, I think we can have everything finalized and start full production sooner than I’d hoped.”

  “All right,” Ariana agreed. “I’ll be checking in every day. I’m counting on you to deliver, Kacey. Don’t let me down.”

  “I won’t,” Kacey promised, sensing the weight of her responsibilities more than ever.

  Flinging back the bed sheet, she went into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. Standing under the stream of warm water, she rotated her head from side to side, loosening the tension that had gathered in her neck during her exchange with Ariana, whose phone call had put Kacey on notice: there was a lot to accomplish in a very short time frame, and she didn’t dare stray off course. Kacey had come to Rockport with only one desire—to see her swimsuit line to completion. But could she deny that Leon Archer was quickly rearranging her li
st of priorities and it didn’t bother Kacey in the least?

  Dressed in black raw linen slacks, a deep-cuffed white silk shirt and gladiator sandals with just enough heel to increase her height without making her look overdressed for the office, Kacey sat down at her desk. However, immediately after settling into her cubicle at Archer Industries, everything went dark, plunging the factory into silence. The chatter of employees immediately dropped off. The buzz of ringing telephones died and the hum of machinery ground to a halt. Though startled by the blackout, Kacey didn’t panic. She’d experienced blackouts, brownouts and unexpected electrical blips many times in the city, and knew that, usually, the problem was resolved very quickly. However, the prospect of any delay in the work she planned to accomplish today made her nervously tap her fingers on the arm of her chair as she waited for the lights to come back on. The last thing she needed was a power failure to throw her off schedule, searing her pledge to Ariana more deeply into her mind.

  From out in the corridor, Kacey heard Leon reassuring his staff that everything was under control. “The power company is here,” he was saying. “They’ll get everything up and running as soon as possible. No need to panic. Just stay where you are.”

  Kacey smiled to herself. He sounded very calm, in control and steady, creating a sense of safety that was comforting. No wonder his employees were so loyal to him.

  Leon stuck his head into Kacey’s workspace and handed her a flashlight. Looking up at him she felt her heart lurch when his seductive gray eyes locked on hers, sending her whirling back in time—to the night before as they stood together on the candlelit deck, testing each other’s will to deny the attraction that was clearly binding them together.

  The ring of Leon’s cell phone shattered her reminiscence, but she kept her eyes trained on him as he answered.

  “Any idea how long we’ll be down?” he asked his caller.

  Kacey raised a brow and waited until he’d finished before asking him the same thing.

  “Longer than I’d hoped,” Leon told her, scowling with regret. He squinted into the light that Kacey leveled on his face. “That was the power company. The transmitter behind the plant exploded. Has to be replaced.”

  “How long will that take?”

  “Most of the day,” Leon replied, clearly unhappy about the situation. “Which means I have to shut down the plant and send everybody home.”

  “What about backup generators?” Lacey inquired, searching for a way to keep going. In New York, many private residences and companies maintained a second source of power for situations like this.

  “We do have several I could fire up, however, they’d only keep the ceiling lights and air conditioners going. Not strong enough to run industrial machinery for very long.”

  Kacey glumly nodded her understanding, swallowing the unease that swept through her at this unexpected delay.

  “Don’t look so anxious,” Leon reassured her, stepping deeper into her cubicle. “I know you’re worried about the schedule, but we can make up for today and still meet your deadline—I promise.”

  Within the circle of light coming from her flashlight, Kacey watched as Leon extended his hand toward her, as if trying to touch her arm in reassurance. She surprised herself by stepping closer, eager for his overture of com fort, yet feeling somewhat ashamed of herself for allowing him to see how much she wanted to feel his hands on her once again.

  In the dim room, their bodies swayed together, as if drawn like magnets toward wills of steel. Leon touched Kacey on the shoulder, and then moved his hand up to her cheek, where he slid his thumb along her chin. “If we were anyplace other than here at the plant, I’d switch off this flashlight and kiss the hell out of you.”

  His remark sent a flare of arousal straight into Kacey’s core, heating her up and making her want to feel more than his hands on her body. Surrounded by darkness, his sensuous remark slid into her heart and created a quirky mix of danger and desire that she had never felt before. Knowing his bold declaration required a bold comeback, she jumped right in to deliver.

  “If we were anyplace other than here at the plant, I just might let you,” she stated, fully aware of what might happen and totally at ease with the hardness of his manhood when it suddenly pressed against her leg.

  Leon slowly eased his hand down the side of her neck and onto her shoulder, which he squeezed in reassurance before inching closer. “Then maybe we need to go someplace else?” he huskily suggested.

  “Like where?” she teased, excited by the idea of tumbling totally into this blinding flash of desire that threatened to consume her.

  “Several places come to mind, but let me think this over.”

  “Go on…. I’m game.”

  “Okay, since we can’t work today, how does a tour of my hometown sound?”

  “Might be nice,” she confessed, truly interested in seeing more of the area.

  “Okay. Stay put. I’ll be right back,” he said, beaming his flashlight out into the hallway. “I have to release everyone for the rest of the day and secure the plant. Is your cell phone on?” he inquired, breaking the tension that wired the room like an unseen electrical grid.

  Shining her flashlight onto her purse, Kacey located her cell phone and pressed it on. “It is now,” she said.

  “Good, what’s your number?” he asked, punching it into his phone as she rattled it off. “All set. I’ll call you from outside as soon as I get everything under control. Keep your phone handy.” Then he disappeared into the dark corridor, his footsteps echoing through the building, leaving Kacey staring after him.

  “I am crazy as hell,” she admonished herself, swallowing the spurt of longing that had risen in her throat and engulfed her during their brief encounter. I’ll be right here when you come back, and hopefully, after my hometown tour, we can pick up where we left off, and in a more private location, too.

  Standing alone in the dark, Kacey prayed she was not making a huge mistake by allowing Leon to get so personal with her. But she couldn’t help herself. She was mesmerized by his sensual personality, entranced by his gentleness, already addicted to his kisses and far too eager to explore the sexual tension that jumped to life the moment their eyes met.

  However, as much as she wanted Leon Archer as a man, she still had business to take care of. With the production of her line at stake, any delay was un acceptable. But all she really could do was trust Leon and work with him to make up for lost time.

  Placing the flashlight on her desk, Kacey sank into her chair, her heart thudding in question. As irritated as she was about the blackout, she had to admit that she wanted to be alone with Leon, to let him touch her in places that yearned to feel his fingertips, his lips, his hands. What she longed for was a chance to relive the shivers of delight that had swept through her when he’d held her close last night.

  “What’s wrong with me?” she fretted, unnerved by the conflicting emotions assaulting her in the dark. Desperate for a reality check, she impulsively pressed Linette’s phone number into her cell, eager to spill all to her girlfriend and get her take on what had transpired since her arrival in Rockport. However, after punching in the number, Kacey disconnected the call after the first ring. It was early morning on the West Coast. Linette, who was always groggy in the morning, would be furious with her for calling at the crack of dawn.

  Setting her phone aside, Kacey tried to relax, though she felt as if she were about to explode. What she needed was a way to release all this pent-up energy and unfulfilled desire. What she needed was for Leon Archer to come back and finish what he’d started.

  Chapter 11

  Nona moved quietly down the corridor toward Kacey’s cubicle, shining her flashlight along the carpeted floor. Having decided that sticking close to the woman whom Leon had obviously targeted as his next romantic conquest would be the best way to stay on top of whatever was going on, Nona was on a mission. She’d play the cooperative coworker, gain the designer’s trust and, hope fully, get Kacey
to open up about whatever was going on between her and Leon. Having been through too many of Leon’s casual flirtations to count, Nona had no doubt that this lopsided romance would be short-lived because those two had absolutely nothing in common.

  “You okay in there?” Nona asked, stepping into Kacey’s cubicle and shining her light all around.

  “Oh! Yes. Hello, Nona,” Kacey replied, blinking into the sudden beam that illuminated the room.

  “Just thought I’d check,” Nona offered, settling against the doorframe, her eyes focused on Kacey. “I was worried about you, being unfamiliar with the plant and all.”

  “Thanks for your concern. It is kinda creepy sitting here in the dark,” Kacey replied in a voice that let Nona know she was glad to have some company.

  “I just spoke to Leon. He told me to tell you it’ll be empty around here real soon. Want me to walk out with you?”

  “No, but thanks. Leon asked me to wait here for him,” Kacey replied. “But I appreciate your offer. I just hope this power outage will be resolved by tomorrow.”

  “Oh, probably so,” Nona replied casually. Not about to be dismissed so easily, Nona sat down across from Kacey, ready for business. She was still seething over the fact that this woman had shared the meal she’d prepared especially for Leon. No need to play hide-and-seek with her. “How’d things go last night?” Nona inquired, tilting her head to one side and allowing an explosion of natural curls to cover one eye.

  “Last night? Uh…okay, I guess. The motel was kind of noisy and that apartment complex next door is…”

  “I wasn’t referring to the Seaside Suites,” Nona interrupted coolly. “I mean with you and Leon…at his house.” Nona bit back the smile that threatened to erupt at the stunned expression that claimed Kacey’s features. Clearly, she was rattling the designer, and that was exactly what she’d hoped to do.


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