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Boardroom Seduction

Page 17

by Anita Bunkley

  Kacey sucked in a long breath, knowing she had to tell him the truth. “I wish that were true.”


  “I wish I were swamped with work, but the truth is, I’m not busy at all.” She stopped, shifted more erect in her seat and looked at the floor. “Leon, I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with.” She glanced up at him with soulful eyes. “I quit my job. I walked out on Leeman’s, and my career.”

  With a jerk, Leon leaned to the side and eyed Kacey with suspicion. “You quit? Why?” he demanded, shifting to face her. He hooked his fingers together with hers and waited for her answer.

  “I just couldn’t work with Paul Hadley. He was so demeaning, so rigid. I tried to keep my temper when he yelled at me over a stupid expense report, but I lost it and walked out.”

  “Good for you,” Leon assured her. “You don’t have to take crap from a loser like that.”

  “Right,” she agreed, her voice growing stronger as she described her confrontation with Paul and her impulsive decision to sever ties with her employer.

  “I know you were devoted to that company. How could Paul disregard all that you had contributed to Leeman’s? What a bastard. He could’ve tried harder to work things out with you.”

  “No. He wanted to fire me, but I refused to give him the satisfaction. Someone had to go, and it wasn’t going to be Paul Hadley.”

  “I wish you’d told me about this when it happened. You didn’t have to go through such hell all alone,” Leon stated, his words tinged with irritation. “You should’ve called me right away.”

  “And say what?” Kacey questioned. “That you were right all along? That I shouldn’t have allowed myself to put such trust in Leeman’s? I shouldn’t have believed that my career was rock solid?” Kacey swallowed, twisting her fingers together as she grasped for words to explain what she was feeling. “I didn’t want you to know that I’d failed.”

  “You didn’t fail,” Leon murmured. “Paul Hadley failed you.”

  Kacey quickly reconnected with Leon, her lower lip trembling as she continued. “I was a bit naive, I guess. I’d convinced myself that a supportive boss, my own swimwear line in stores and my career were perfectly safe. I thought I had everything, but the truth is, I have nothing now.”

  Leon pulled Kacey to his side, kissed her on the top of her head, and then gently stroked her shoulder. “Not true. You have me,” he murmured. “And you still have SunKissed by Kacey.”

  Kacey dipped her head and studied Leon’s dark gray eyes. “If only that were true.”

  “It is,” he insisted.

  “No, it isn’t. Don’t you understand? Because I was working for Leeman’s when I came up with my line, I assigned the company all rights to SunKissed,” Kacey countered.

  Easing out of Kacey’s arms, Leon reached for his flight bag, which he’d dropped on the floor when he entered. He unzipped the outside pocket, pulled out the contract that his father had given him and unfolded the legal document.

  “Listen to this,” he began. “According to the terms of this contract between Steve Hadley (Leeman’s, Inc.) and Leon Archer Sr. (Archer Industries), all protected rights to the SunKissed by Kacey swimwear designs will revert to Archer Industries if Leeman’s cancels its manufacturing contract for any reason after full production has begun.”

  Kacey stilled, taking in Leon’s revelation, chewing her bottom lip. “Even if there’s been a fire? Which was ruled arson?”

  Leon handed the contract to Kacey. “Yes. My father had Gerald, our attorney, read it over and he agrees. We were willing to subcontract with American Textile to complete jobs in progress to keep the original contract in force. But since Leeman’s canceled…they forfeited their rights. There are no exceptions stated here, so your designs do belong to Archer.”

  “You mean, to you?” Kacey clarified.

  “To us,” Leon whispered, eyes shining in glee.

  “I can’t believe this,” Kacey whispered, rereading the page that held the key to rebuilding her career. In silence, her eyes traced the densely written page, and then a frown came over her face. “Leon! If you knew about this all along, why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I just found out.”

  “When?” Kacey probed, beginning to sound upset.

  “This morning. Kacey, believe me, I didn’t know.”

  “You sure?”

  “Of course. It was all my father’s doing. He and Mom returned from Africa yesterday, so I went to see him to discuss my plans to rebuild the plant. He took your contract out of his safe and handed it to me. I was as shocked as you are. He added that clause to the contract, never dreaming it would be so important. Even Gerald, the company lawyer, didn’t know about it.”

  Stunned by this miraculous turn of events, Kacey slumped back on her spine and gazed at the ceiling. “Then this means that…” she started.

  “That you can produce your swimsuits with any manufacturer you choose,” Leon finished. “All we need to do is find one and get started.”

  “This is…incredible,” Kacey sighed. “And after you rebuild Archer Industries…”

  “You mean after we rebuild Archer, don’t you?” Leon stressed, sounding both confident and hopeful.

  With a grin, Kacey agreed. “Absolutely. We have a lot to do, don’t we?”

  Settled on the sofa with Kacey at his side, Leon took her hand in his. “The new facility will be a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant,” he said. “As soon as it is up and running, we’ll gear up production and launch a lot more of your designs,” Leon promised, “You know…I’ve been thinking…maybe your next project should be a collection of swim trunks for men.”

  As a hint of a smile teased her lips, Kacey considered his remark. “Oh, really? And I can just guess who’ll be my model, huh?” she toyed.

  Leon grinned. “Who else? I sure wouldn’t want some strange, hunky dude parading around half-naked in front of my wife wearing a skimpy male thong bikini or skintight Speedo briefs.”

  Kacey swatted jokingly at Leon, and then rested her chin on her hand, appearing bemused. “Did I hear you right? You did say, your wife, didn’t you?”

  Leon studied Kacey with hungry eyes. “Absolutely. That is, if you’re willing to leave New York and live with me in Rockport, Texas.”

  Kacey touched Leon’s chiseled jaw, smiling to feel the hint of stubble on his chin, knowing how far and long he’d traveled to bring her such important news. Her heart swelling with joy, she told Leon, “I can’t think of a better place to start over, with you.” Her husky voice was taut with emotion. “You know…that’s an intriguing idea…designing a swimwear line for men. But I’m gonna need some serious inspiration,” she taunted, reaching for the top button of his shirt.

  Leon edged up to Kacey and let her undo his buttons. “Then, we’d better get started,” he urged, shedding his shirt to reveal a smooth brown chest and rippling six-pack abs.

  “I’m already inspired,” Kacey whispered, sweeping both hands over his torso. Closing her eyes, she smiled and rested her cheek on Leon’s bare shoulder.

  Leaving New York was going to be easy because Kacey knew the unshakable love that she and Leon shared would only sizzle more hotly under a bright Texas sun.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7951-7


  Copyright © 2011 by Anita Bunkley

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