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The Rays and the Initiations

Page 85

by Alice A Bailey

  basis, 17

  definition, 36

  fact, obviousness, 341-342

  first steps toward, 17

  four qualities needed, 209-215

  Fourteen Rule, 19-319

  inauguration in New Age, 111

  key, 32

  injunction to widen all rents within veils, 191

  invocative cry, response to, 77

  leader and two assistants, 271


  aid to realisation, 103

  evocation of response of Chohans, 136-147

  expression on physical plane in group formation, 218

  fire at heart, spiritually destructive, 218

  shift into Ashram on buddhic levels, requirements, 219-220


  basis, 32

  evocation 31-32

  mind, organised and functioning rhythmically, 218

  need for patient endurance, 219

  one’s own, recognition, importance, 342, 343

  onward moves in life, 124-132

  personality, 97, 218, 219

  point of united tension, suitable, 212

  preparing for initiation, qualities needed, 215

  preparation superseding old methods, 239

  purpose, 107-108, 599

  qualities to be rooted out and destroyed, 210-212

  recognition enabling passing into Ashram, 119

  relation, illumined, establishment, 225

  rhythm, forward-moving establishment, 226

  service, 91, 227-247

  silence, cultivation, 214-215

  soul, 218, 219, 221

  sound, emitting, 226

  sustenance and vitality, 129

  synthesis, work, 276

  tension needed, production, 226

  terms, thinking in, automatic, 259

  united action with full interior unity, 217-218

  vortex of force and field of service, simultaneous, 346

  will. See Will, group.

  Word, 219, 220-221, 222

  work, 66-67, 68, 191


  affected by progressing initiatory processes, 585-589

  recognition by initiate, 57-58

  seven greater, lesser, and planetary, 148-167

  tested and failed, 208-209

  under self-seeking leaders, 112

  Guarantee of ultimate attainment, 312



  of thinking, eradication by substitution, 214

  spiritual, offsetting all lower physical tendencies, 126-127

  Harmony through conflict, energy, 602-641


  centre of initiates, 165, 257

  heart and throat, entrance into being, 148

  light in. See Light in head.

  of initiate, three points of sensitivity 257

  mechanism of disciple, dealing with, undesirability, 432

  Healing, permissible or not, 164


  as aspect of pure reason, 27-28

  doctrine, 457-458

  of the Sun, 536

  Hell, descent into, 701-702

  Hercules, work, 527

  Hermaphrodite, Divine, 106


  consciousness, 466

  endeavour, result, 473

  intent, impression on mind of disciple, 549-555

  life, precipitation, premature, prevention, 112

  work in conjunction with Great Council, 146

  work, objectives, publicising, need for, 133-134

  workers, great need today, 281

  Hierarchies, many, 440


  absorbed into Shamballa, 162

  activity, 307, 472

  approach to mankind, 89, 91, 119

  as heart of God, manifestation, 134

  attainment, 91

  awareness, 481

  changes due to development of man, 424

  characteristics, outstanding, 561

  conditioned by Aquarius, Taurus, and Pisces, 228-229

  consciousness, type, 127-128

  constitution, information regarding, given by D.K., 252

  crises of decision, 639

  differentiation of basic unity into 49 Ashrams, 370

  energy, direction into world, 690, 691

  entrance point, 117

  evocation, 135-136

  experiment of externalisation, 111-112

  expression of second aspect of first Ray, 647

  externalisation. See Externalisation.

  fact of existence to be emphasised, 300

  impact of energies from cosmic astral, 357

  implementation of Shamballa and Aquarian energy, 235

  inspiration and stimulation of initiates, 585

  interplay with Shamballa, 271

  intuitive interpreter of Shamballa, 37

  knowledge of, spread, 133


  consciousness, 17, 363

  goal, 115

  increase in understanding, 238

  life, 363

  passing into higher work, 15-16

  membership in, admission, 341

  modern, creation, 381

  moving nearer to fusion with humanity, 542

  need to change technique cyclically, 235

  new techniques and methods, 245

  personnel, 300, 367

  planes, 119

  problem in right timing, 717

  rapport with, 543

  reaching, rules, publicising, 133-134

  readjustments, 15

  relation to Shamballa, change, 240

  relationships, new, 18-19

  reorganisation, interior, 383

  return, result of first initiation of humanity, 333

  retreating towards Shamballa, 119

  ring-pass-not, 370

  seven groups of Ashrams, 373

  spiritual crisis, 334, 335

  spiritual unfoldment, 333

  task, 185, 307

  teaching planned to precede and condition New Age, 255

  technique, conveyance of inspiration, 230

  three major Executives, 369

  united, assistance to Christ, 647

  work, 13, 230, 238-319

  workers, two groups, 128

  Hierophants at first three initiations, 56

  Higher Evolution–

  door, 283, 328, 334, 524

  leading off cosmic physical plane, 328, 398-399

  Path (or Way)–

  after mastering illusion, 181

  Christ upon, 291

  factor of Antahkarana, 131, 279

  initiations guarding, 352

  leading to cosmic astral plane, 202

  light upon, 138

  monadic and logoic planes, 360

  necessity for potency of Will, 718

  preparation for, 177, 207, 225, 266, 390-391

  requirement of abstract thought, 243

  revelation of to initiate, 523, 644

  seven ways into, 284

  treading, benefit to Master, 363-364

  See also Paths, Seven.

  “The highest light controls”, 518

  Hilarion, Master, work, 586


  from angle of occultism, 559

  totality, Aryan, 560

  Hitler, use of Shamballa force, 35-36


  affair, turning-point, 621

  being, electrical unit of power and light, 351

  triple mechanism, aspects of electricity, 351

  consciousness, 466

  development along astral lines, 187

  evolution, impetus, 548

  thought, potency, results, 188-189

  unfoldment, culminating point, 598


  appeal, response to, 470

  creative crisis, causes, 550-551

  creativity, future, 552

  early history, 380-381

  effect of first Ray today, 646-653

p; emotional and psychic life, reorganisation, 578

  entrance point, 117

  facing second initiation, 674

  free to settle its own destiny, 430

  growth through presentation of moments of crisis, 393

  heart centre, creation, 619

  importance, 160

  invocative cry, 76

  masses, attainment of initiation, 648

  One, world-wide recognition, 659

  personnel of Hierarchy, 369


  concern with right human relations, 394, 499-500, 612-613, 614

  condition of churches, 614

  at entrance to Path of Discipleship, 498-499

  effects of alignment, 472

  fifth-Ray energy, 593-596

  generating point of tension, 589

  influence of Shamballa, 411, 471, 580

  linking of personality with soul, 451, 499

  need to link Triad, soul, and personality, 466

  new truths and emergence of new actors, 77-78, 389-390

  opportunity unparalleled, 473

  unfoldment of consciousness, 119, 409, 412, 413, 448

  undeveloped, symbol, 470

  world disciple on verge of major awakening, 365

  world disciple, recovery from test, 383


  ”I AM movement”, indictment, 16

  “I am that I am”, 104

  “I am the light of the world”, 539

  “I and my Father are one”, 455, 476

  “I assert the fact”, 515-516

  “I, if I be lifted up”, 165, 375, 697

  “I see the Greatest Light”, 516-517


  definition, 50

  divine, as intuitions, 717

  divine, transformation into ideals, 592

  impulsive energy, contact with illumined lower mind, 711

  recognition and receptivity to, need for, 446

  world of, work, 63


  act, responsibility of Buddha of Activity, 269

  attainment, 44, 45

  definition, 61

  due to alignment, 62

  evolutionary, 372

  nature of, 282, 283

  superseding consciousness, 82

  transformation of consciousness into, 283

  with life aspect, 226

  with soul and Hierarchy, requirement, 45


  preserved after mergence in whole, 455

  with others complete, 168


  destruction, 306-307

  great conditioning, 596, 602, 637

  new and better, emergence, 580

  world, creation, 579-580


  due to first contact with Shamballa, 175-176

  of humanity, effect of fifth Ray energy, 595

  of mind, 592


  appearance, 188

  battle with, 600

  definition, 600

  Great, production, 183

  mastered under Law of Synthesis, 264

  to be mastered via mental plane, 180-181



  of man, achievements, 244-245

  relation to astral life, 442-443

  use, 252, 443, 482, 487, 489, 491, 511, 512, 712

  value, uses, and purpose, discovery, 442

  relation to intuition, 54, 488


  basis, 449

  definitions, 730, 731

  Impartation, climaxing point in attainment of point of tension, 263

  Impersonality, pure, 44, 209

  Impression on mind of disciple of hierarchical intent, 549-555


  received by mind, sources, 591

  three vibratory, awareness of, 543


  definition, 337

  of very advanced souls since 1925, 122-123

  story, 201

  Incarnations, long series, principle of intelligent synthesis, 216


  key to understanding of consciousness, 537

  of moment that IS, 437

  India, characteristics, 623-624

  Indifference, divine, 210, 218, 219, 718

  Individual disciple–

  duty, 638, 640

  results of 4th Ray activity, 637-638


  act, work of Buddha of Activity, 268

  Initiation, Identification, 372

  Ineffable Name, 53, 54, 55

  Inflow and activity of new and higher energies, 14-18


  activity, conscious, controlling, rules for, 225-227

  awareness, 471

  beginning to form his own Ashram, 262, 586

  cause of evolutionary process, 61

  control, final, of substance, 469

  cooperation with Will of Shamballa, 319

  creation and destruction, 308

  definitions, 72, 366

  development, functioning on higher planes of solar system, 178

  fifth-degree. See Fifth-degree initiate.

  first-degree. See First-degree initiate.

  focus, 103-104

  fourth-degree. See Fourth-degree initiate.

  function in group, 137

  goal, 53

  head. See Head.

  knowledge regarding mayavic energies, 182

  major liability, 156

  master of own individual situation, 577

  movement, 471

  normal consciousness, 167

  second-degree. See Second-degree initiate.

  silence, meaning of term, 214-215

  stimulation from Shamballa, 651

  symbol 470

  synthetic activity and group consciousness, 249

  task, 292, 293-294, 303

  third-degree. See Third-degree initiate.

  training. See Training, initiate.

  true, indication, 359

  use of pure will 310-311

  work between initiations, keynotes, 312

  work, obligatory, 182

  work within veils of maya, 182-185

  would-be, attitude, basic, requirements, 33


  process of recognition and registration, leading to, 125

  unfoldment in disciples, work with, 128


  above third degree, main field of unfoldment, 178

  dynamism, result in new quality, 120

  effects on humanity, 374

  expression of love-wisdom, 296

  higher, potency, stepping down, 373

  Rules. See Rules.

  work between initiations, keynotes, 312-318

  work on mental levels behind scenes, 230


  act, Buddha of Activity responsible for, 268-269

  Ascension. See Ascension initiation.

  ceremony, 530-532


  awareness of oneself as soul, 341

  crisis, climaxing event, 662

  culminating moment of achievement, 337, 662

  expanding series of inclusive recognitions, 341

  experiment with energy, 549

  fusion of lights progressively entered, 540|

  graded series of liberation, 685

  growth in experience, 557

  knowing, seeing, and grasping in greater light, 538

  points of tension, 541, 557, 565

  process of hard work becoming what he is, 685

  process of light recognition and utilisation, 538

  process of successive integrations, with expansions, 563

  recognition in brain consciousness of divine awareness, 259

  recognition of goals implemented from Shamballa, 207

  sequence of directed energy impacts, 565, 724

  success in experiments with energy, 337
r />   understanding of Way, 557

  disciples, many, due to avataric stimulation, 15

  each, expression of sum total of all past achievement, 720

  each, two tests, 47

  effects on disciple, 539-540, 557-558

  factors of major importance, 434 fifth. See Fifth initiation.

  first. See First initiation,

  fourth. See Fourth initiation.

  group. See Group initiation.

  keynote, major, 737

  of Decision. See Decision initiation.

  prerequisite, recognition of one’s own group, 342, 343

  processes, abstraction leading to resurrection, 164

  readiness for, 539

  requirements, 442, 662

  Resurrection. See Resurrection initiation.

  seeking before door, plane, 351

  stages, three, 469

  success in, 337

  tests. See Tests of initiation.

  third. See Third initiation, Transfiguration.

  three aspects, 532

  Initiation, Human and Solar–

  date, 389

  protection of book, 250


  earlier, no longer exist, 412

  first to ninth, names, 532

  five, energy impulses of Rays, 567

  guarding Way to Higher Evolution, 352

  higher, 124,155, 438, 439

  major, possible only after transfiguration, 216

  nine, characteristics, 340, 661-738

  of Masters, 15

  of Threshold, 41

  seven and nine of our planetary life, 656-661

  seven, effects on seven centres, 338-339

  seven, revelation of seven Ray qualities, 338

  Initiatory process–

  activation, 534-535

  between first and second initiations, 577-578

  dual life, 431-443

  effect on dual life of disciple, 535-536

  energies causing, 534-535

  goal, 79

  meaning, 530-555

  test, 433


  by Hierarchy, 585

  by Masters through workers, 230

  conveyance by Hierarchy, 230

  from Spiritual Triad, 266


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