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The Rays and the Initiations

Page 87

by Alice A Bailey

  light, uses, 642-643

  occult decision in Ashram, 395

  of ninth initiation, no need of energy centres, 699

  potency, tremendous, protection from 545

  preoccupation, primary, 362

  relation between Monad and form unbroken, 50-51

  relation to Ashram, 362


  followed by realisation and recognition, 713

  of cosmic astral plane, 283

  of goals of seven Paths, 424

  seven Paths confronting, 371, 395-425

  success in piercing planetary ring-pass-not, 284

  task, 48-49

  teaching in Ashram, 544-545

  telepathic contact, instruments used, 546-547

  vibration, consciousness of by disciple, 543

  without personality, 101


  aid to Christ, 655

  attitude to disciples, new, 251-252

  conscious receptivity or sensitivity to cosmic astral, 398

  drawn closer to humanity, 119

  facing sixth initiation, decision, effects, 553-554, 555

  fifth-Ray on Second Path, 401

  groups and types, many, 439-440

  initiations, 15

  intuition of phases of divine intention, 712

  invocation of higher Beings, 136

  knowledge of, spread, 133

  knowledge of what must be done, 238

  limitations, 389

  of sixth initiation, aid to Buddhas of Activity, 587

  problem, 393

  task, 660, 661

  technique of permitting a fallacy to remain uncorrected, 125-126

  training, 391, 393, 413, 420-421, 691

  traits today, 424

  will, 392-393, 713, 722

  withdrawal, history, 381-382

  work, 184, 230, 281-283, 691

  Masters’ Book of Rules, quotation, 190-191


  renunciation, collective, 606

  undermining by initiatory process, 665


  conditioned by previous solar system, 359

  destructive energy, 87

  eighteen states constituting personality, 100

  spirit at lowest point of manifestation, 264


  control by, negation, 264

  field, work of initiate, 182-183

  nature of, 183

  overcome, 181

  realm, devas active, 179

  realm, energies let loose within, 186-187


  destruction, 190-191, 226

  four, 199-200

  nature of, 183, 189-190, 195

  rents, light through, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 226

  rules of work of Army of the Voice, 179

  work within, rules, 181-207


  definition, 481

  See also Body, created; Form, self-created.

  Mechanisms of light and of contact, development, 170


  creative, 73

  fusion of minds of disciple and Master, 545-546

  means of building antahkarana, 446, 447, 494

  occult, effect on intuition, 447

  processes, preparation for withdrawal, 77

  work, prime intent, 446

  Meditations, newer type, presentation, 252

  Men of good will, duty, 640, 641


  and monadic planes, relation, 593

  body non-existent, 481

  cosmic plane–

  influences, reaction of Shamballa to, 357

  Paths, leading to, 399

  planetary Logos on, 206

  reaction to, 357, 392

  stream of energy from 414

  third solar system, 377

  White Lodge roots on, 202

  work consciously on by Master, 405

  development, effects, 188-189

  levels, focus on, requirement, 446

  matter, work in, 446


  antahkarana building, 466-467, 469

  departments, 467

  orientation on, 441

  retention of impression by disciple, 543

  substance, 590

  symbolism of light on, 74

  principle, unfoldment, effects, 579

  substance, use in bridging, 467, 475, 485


  and manasic permanent atom, 50, 481

  use, 475

  Mercury speed the group, let, 227-228

  Merging of vertical way of life with horizontal way of service, 113

  Messiah, coming, 705-706



  area of consciousness, 167

  description, 461

  functions, 50, 588, 598

  impact, offsetting, 590

  impression of purpose aspect of Plan, 549

  concrete, description, 460

  concrete lower, and higher, gap, bridging, 113


  achievement, 446

  development, 6

  disciplining, constant need for, 447

  dual activity, 119-120

  endeavour to implement will nature of Monad, 278

  energies, invocation, 443


  and lower, link of antahkarana, 442

  and lower, response between, 447

  expression of will, 311

  field of initiate’s effort, 137

  illuminator of lower planes, 592

  light-bearer, 592

  linking with physical-astral, energy anchored, 448


  analytical concrete controlled and superseded, 249

  and higher of accepted disciple, 542

  fusing with higher mind, 216


  fourth-degree initiate, 700

  God, nature and purposes, reaction to, 392

  planetary Logos, tune in, 529

  principle, Custodian, 422

  Son, description, 460-461

  soul-illumined, control, 674

  stuff, substance of antahkarana, 464

  three activities, 598

  three aspects, 272, 460-461, 475

  training to receive communications, 432-433

  transcendence, 107

  transmitting agent of light of soul 577


  characteristic, major, 595

  creative agent, 593

  expressions, 599

  key, 591

  use by disciple, 713


  anchorage, 491

  and antahkarana left at fourth initiation, 101

  and form on physical plane-remaining, 480

  and physical-plane expression, rapport, 455

  awareness of, 599

  building of bridge, 43

  creation of personality, 216

  destruction by, 30

  direct channel of communication with personality, 216

  divine will of Christ, 39

  energy, use by initiates, 65, 184

  experience in three worlds of service, 472

  expression, 28, 30

  fire, destruction of causal body, 475

  in Shamballa, 61

  interpreting agent, 50

  light, 30, 643

  of initiate, 96

  purpose, 31, 33

  Ray, determination of use of pure will 310-311

  Ray, factor in evolution, 7

  recognition, method, 105

  reflected in Triad, work on lower planes, 216-217

  relates initiate to Forces, 96

  relation to soul, means, 470

  relation, unbroken, to form used, 50-51

  source of triadal life, 472

  vibration to, 81

  will. See Will of Monad.

  Monad-Soul-Personality today, 473


  and mental planes, relation, 593


  and self-created form, 439

  development 108

  leading to life expression and fifth initiation, 117

  control in group, 256

  control possessing soul-infused personality, 663

  energy, pure, activity, 588

  force, purificatory and destroyer aspects, 86

  influence registered, 265

  influence with full awareness, bringing in, 471


  functioning within, 266

  impact upon substance, 280

  sphere, ascension into, 495

  living, law, 264


  awareness on, 463

  Chohan on, 284

  expression, 729

  of transfiguration, 281

  reception of love energy, 377

  solution of mystery of brotherhood, 276

  potency available, 310

  process of emanation, beginning, 351

  relation, destructive, 85

  sense of essential duality, door into Shamballa, 141

  signatures, 287

  vibration unknown, 110

  Morya, Master–

  aid to by Master D.K., V

  Ashrams, 170, 586

  Head of esoteric schools, 373, 380

  secret of life working through, 241

  Moses, rent in veil of Maya, 192, 193

  Mother Aspect, description, 464

  Motive, superseding, 28

  Music, effect of Mysteries, 332


  ancient, origins and contents, 330-331

  ancient, restoration, 111, 135, 330, 331, 333

  revealed by action of certain processes, 337

  safeguarding, 112

  Mysticism, cycle, 113



  and form synonymous, 53

  egoic, hidden, 263

  sevenfold of planetary Logos, 263

  Nations, modern–

  effect of fourth Ray, 620-637

  Rays, personality and soul, 623-632, 634

  Near East today (April, 1947), 430

  Need for collection of scattered information on initiation, 669


  secret and significance, 202

  spiritual, 226

  Nervous system, use by Sutratma, 451


  of goodwill, 253

  of light, 253


  civilisation, platform, 194

  methods, approaches, and modes of work, 231

  techniques, mastery by Masters, 235

  world order, 574, 580, 596, 622

  New Age–

  clearer light on astral plane, production, 238

  emergence, 639

  enterprises, coming, Agents, 14

  functioning on etheric plane, 191

  inauguration, 241

  people incarnating, 122-123, 390

  preparation for by reform of Masonry, 418-419

  quality, 19

  religion, 521

  techniques, embodiment, 26

  training in synthesis, 120

  work, making possible, 225

  See also Aquarian Age.

  New Group of World Servers–

  accepted disciples learning to work, 230

  ajna centre of Sanat Kumara, 368

  aura, symbol in, 233

  brought under Aquarian influence by disciples, 231

  development of will-to-good, 110

  dynamism, result, 120

  emergence, 554

  field of service for new disciple, 230

  filling of ranks, 667

  guidance, 88

  illumined by Taurus, 229

  information about, 253

  inspiration by Masters, 230

  linking with, 735

  relating group and transforming station, 373

  ruled by Taurus, 232

  source of ideologies, 580

  stream of will from Shamballa, 240

  training of needed disciples, 230

  transmitters of energy, 734

  two future functions, 373-374

  unity, 299

  vanguard of Kingdom of God, 301

  work, 191, 225, 239, 586


  forces, transmutation into divine energies, 456

  number of initiation, 79, 81

  1903, decision of group of Masters regarding cosmic evil, 722

  1925, ushering in very advanced souls, 122-123

  1952, decision affecting humanity, 721-722


  impact of will upon humanity, 716

  teaching, revelatory, 255

  Ninth initiation–

  inspiration and expression, 535

  nature of, 697-698

  not related to earth life, 699

  of Christ, 170

  preparation for, 711-712

  Rays governing, 656

  Refusal initiation, 736-737

  refusal of recognition of cosmic evil, 696

  renunciation, 342

  revelation concerning nature of Being, 728

  through illumined revelation, 531-532


  initiations taken, 735

  work, 69


  definition, 472

  leading to, 516

  readiness for, 472

  Nirvanic awareness, plane, 463

  Noble Middle Path, 372

  Note of form elemental, sounding, 8

  Notes of soul and personality in unison, effect on Triad, 457

  Number, significance, 81


  Obedience, seed, 291

  Observer, attitude of disciple in Ashram, 99-100

  Occult age, teaching, 113

  Occultism, new schools, requirements, basic, 115


  hallmark, 11

  true, work, 174


  conflict with A.U.M., 53-54

  correct sounding, effects, 52-53, 56, 201, 202

  definitions, 51 , 263

  dual, 53

  hearing, 53, 55, 182, 202

  lost word, recovery, 53, 54

  meaning, 51-53, 182, 203-204, 513

  no longer moved by, effects, 201

  not productive of knowledge of initiate, 288

  portrayal, symbolical 54-55

  related to vibration, 54

  replacing A.U.M., 200

  transmutation, 285

  use, 51, 470, 514

  useless, 514

  Omnipresence of God, 39

  Omniscience of divine Whole, 40-41


  functioning on all planes, 494

  symbolised by Divine Hermaphrodite, 106

  One About Whom Naught May Be Said, 339, 366-367

  One in Whom we live and move . . ., 311, 535


  and synthesis, demonstration, 301

  associated with monadic consciousness, registration, 363


  confronting humanity, 584

  for re-energising, 231

  hitherto unparalleled in history, 473-474

  Opposites, pairs, battleground, 674

  Order out of chaos, 572-573

  Organisation, Energy of, 85-86


  focussed, attained at fourth initiation, 650-651

  right, results, 469

  shifting, expression in World War, 606

  Originating activity, source in four planes, 358

  ”Our God is a consuming fire”, 217

  “Overshadowing cloud of knowable things” 712

  Overshadowing Jesus, 192, 193, 198

  “Overshadowing Triads” 129-130, 132

  Overstimulation, effects, 545, 546




  Absolute Sonship, 422-423

  Discipleship, 114, 610, 693

h Service, 392, 396, 397-400, 426, 660

  Higher Evolution. See Higher Evolution.

  Liberation, 188

  Magnetic Work, 401-405, 424-427

  Return, 445, 476

  Solar Logos, 421-422

  Training for Planetary Logoi, 405-408, 427, 721

  Ray, 419-421, 427

  to Sirius, 413-419, 427

  treading, requirements, 466-468

  Paths, seven–

  choice, 360, 361, 390, 396, 400, 411-412, 654, 655

  concerns, 371, 426

  confronting Master, 395-427

  lists, 396, 399

  Peace, world, attainment, 238, 626, 630


  growing, of initiate, 433

  intellectual, definition, 27

  Perfection of Master, 438


  blended energies, projecting consciously across gap, 454

  bridging to Triad, 475

  centered in, 259

  cold light of, 77

  control, complete, demonstration, 597-598

  created by Monad, 216

  definition, 57

  development, sustaining factor, 216

  disappearance, 56

  effects of third initiation, 278

  effects of Transformation, 278

  eighteen states of matter, 100

  expressions, each composed of one of seven Ray energies, 563

  focus in, results, 343

  force, transmutation into egoic energy, 248

  integrated, 26, 37, 562-563

  knowledge, transmutation into wisdom, 468

  medium for expression of soul, 441

  of race today, effects, 473

  Ray, subordination to Ray of soul, 57

  relates initiate, 96-97

  relation to soul, production, 470

  rendering soul-infused, agents, 669


  effect of seventh Ray, 571, 573

  orientation, 441

  synthesis of Rays, 563

  ties of group members to be destroyed, 211

  work in building antahkarana, 467-468


  life of higher consciousness, sane registration, 436

  world, living in, 438

  Philosophy, thoughtform area of consciousness, 594, 601



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