The Rays and the Initiations

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The Rays and the Initiations Page 90

by Alice A Bailey

  medium of communication with Council Chamber, 405

  Temperance in all things, 127

  Temple of Solomon, 132, 279-280


  definitions, 45, 48

  group, needed, production, 226

  invocative, point, 493-494

  newer, toward, 44, 45

  planetary, achievement, 17


  achievement, 725

  creation, 216-217, 537-538, 540-542

  creative, 55

  finding, 49-50

  in life now reached, 623

  liberation from three worlds, 56

  of Germany, 624

  of United States, 624

  stimulation, 726

  work from, 49, 51, 496


  from which sacred Word goes forth, 49, 55

  leading to control by will aspect, 56

  planetary, and crisis in lives of individuals, 589

  relation to initiation, 537-538, 724

  seven, of involutionary arc, 55

  Test of–

  burning ground, 39, 47, 49

  clear cold light, 39, 47


  leading to initiation, 7-8, 343

  of initiation, reason for, 339

  Theologies man-made repudiation, 301

  Theosophical Society, useful work and fake claims, 678-679


  abstractly, 304

  capacity of man, achievements, 244-245

  human, reorientation, results, 647

  Third-degree initiate–

  ability to respond to will of Monad, 312

  base of spine centre, 367-368

  consciousness, 445

  divine attributes and capacities, 118-119

  energy of Sirius felt, 415

  grasp of nature of life-energy or spirit, 157-158

  in Sirian Lodge, 416

  integration, 58

  knowledge of nature of will, 714

  mind, 688

  monadic comprehension, 124

  occult perception, 118

  participation in Ashram resultant movement releasing Master, 371

  Ray energy applied via Triad, 585

  release from planes of unprincipled substance, 359

  revelation of three aspects, 316

  “rich young man”, 116

  service, 472

  task, 691

  will, 34, 472

  work, 587-589

  Third-degree initiates–

  monadic potency available, 310

  numbers, 473

  work, 230

  Third initiation–

  antahkarana completed, 444, 445

  changes, 543

  comprehension, 105

  concern, 535

  consummation of process of building relation, 455

  control of personality, complete, demonstration, 597

  control of soul-illumined mind, 674

  demonstration, 588-589

  direction of energies into world, 689-691

  disappearance of lower pair of opposites, 471

  discovery of Word of soul, 54

  energy from Spiritual Triad, 349

  energy increasingly monadic, stages, 588

  energy of mind, 353

  equipment of four truths, 139-140

  Father aspect, 99

  first major initiation, 41, 81, 265

  fusion, 265

  goal of human evolution, 497

  grasp of meaning of fire, 82

  group awareness, development, registration, 365

  group consciousness, 117

  hearing Sound, 54

  implementation, 593

  karma, 85

  lines of force inter-related, 451

  made possible, 598

  magnetic pull of potency of will felt, 376

  mantram appropriate, 175

  monadic process, beginning, 351

  nature of, 688

  need of completion of antahkarana, 437

  of humanity, 595, 596, 597

  of individual, 597-598

  personality tendencies obliterated, 110

  planes involved, 351

  preparation for, 473, 687, 688

  preparatory efforts to serve, 614

  process, initial steps, 595

  pre-requisite, 385

  process preceding, 598

  Ray energy, 589-602, 688

  relation to Shamballa, 79

  requirements, 127, 688

  result, 598-599

  secret, 44-45

  seeing star and hearing sound, 83

  sensing of interplay between Shamballa and Hierarchy, 271

  sound heard, 81-82

  Transfiguration, Ray fifth, 589-602

  transmutation of physical body, 598

  will aspect in control, 56

  work of Buddha of Activity, 268-269

  world of Spiritual Triad, 286


  certain lines refused admission, 214

  powers and uses, self-training in, 446


  building, 275, 446


  goodwill, 275-276

  initiate, 103

  materialistic living split on mental plane, 647

  Thoughtform-making energy, 590


  destruction, 306-307

  dispelling, 8

  right, clothing of intuitive knowledge, 447

  Thread of consciousness occultly snapped, 710


  three, 450, 459, 469, 471-472, 476, 477-480

  two, constituting Sutratma, 450

  See also under names of individual threads.

  “Three minds unite”, 518


  and Space, 54-55, 105-110

  control, 11

  definition, 382, 408

  equation, consideration, freedom from, 439

  factor in brain registration, 436-437

  limitations ending, 437

  overcoming, indication, 436

  recognition, 600

  regarded by Master, 439

  sense, definition, 697

  significance, 105, 107

  Totalitarian systems, cause, 573

  Touch and express, 292, 297


  disciples, new methods, 17

  disciples, technique, change, 239

  initiates, specific rules, 148, 149

  objective and exoteric, 239


  agent, 598

  definition, 278, 280

  extending to entire planet, 285

  following Transformation, 277-285

  initiation, 42, 44, 56, 284-285, 687-692

  initiation. See also Third initiation.

  making possible major initiations, 216

  of Christ, 193

  of personality, 598

  phases, 281, 284

  planes used, 281

  true, on logoic plane, 284


  agent, 598

  definitions, 278, 280, 283

  higher correspondence, 31

  of astral life and aspiration, 442-443

  of emotional nature, success, 598

  phases, 281, 283

  planes involved, 281


  Initiation, eighth, 656

  period today, 221


  achievement in world of forms by initiate, 262

  agent, 598

  completed, plane, 281, 598

  definitions, 248, 278-279, 280, 670

  disappearance, 277, 280, 281

  higher correspondence, 31


  desire into aspiration, results, 246

  energy, requirements, 5-6

  knowledge, 453, 468, 492, 540

  lower creativity, 669-671

  nine forces into divine energies, 456

  O.M. int
o originating SOUND, 285

  process, 279, 468

  Triad, Spiritual–

  activities governing, 74, 264, 306-317

  agent, 182, 442

  and mind, bringing into close relationship, 442

  area, 15

  at fifth initiation, 511

  attitude, 27

  awakening of head centre, 457

  bridging to personality, 61, 475, 591

  channel to brain, 442, 695

  consciousness focussed in, 261

  dimming light of soul, 112, 115

  emanation approaching lower aspect of bridge, 494, 495

  energies, 132, 158, 349, 592, 595, 598-599, 602, 663, 709-712

  evocation of, 501, 510

  evocative power, 29

  function as intermediary, 432

  functioning in, 263, 266

  fusion with soul-infused personality, 541

  impression of mind of disciple, 542, 591

  life, 43

  light, 118, 209

  magnetic response to lower man, evocation, 454, 457

  perceiving by group in unison, 112

  planes involved in work a Masters, 281-284

  rapport with personality, process, 443

  response to three demands, 61

  shining, 112, 116, 123

  source of sustenance and vitality for group, 129

  stimulation, of fire of group, 218

  work through abstract mind, 598


  existence, realm of initiate, 149

  impression, reaction to, 287

  perception due to antahkarana, 119, 226



  ajna, throat, and base of spine, 270

  Brahmarandra, ajna, and alta major, 273-274

  Buddhas of Activity, 273

  Central Spiritual Sun, Venus, and Earth, 69

  energies from Great Bear, Heart of Sun or Solar Logos, and seven sacred planets, 423

  Gemini, Libra, and our solar system, 424-425

  Hierarchy, world of souls, and human souls, 373

  light within head, 273-274

  One, Solar Logos, and Planetary Logos, 423

  Sirius, Hierarchy, and Heart of Sun, 414

  three glands in head, 431-432

  thyroid and para-thyroid glands, 270

  United States, Great Britain, and Russia, 632-633, 640

  work, 253, 254, 273, 274-275, 402


  function, understanding, importance, 271

  six, 269-270

  Trinity of Aspects, threads, 464

  Triplicity resolved into duality, 216

  Troubles, present world, causes, 234-235


  new, dimly sensed, 77-78

  newer, transmitting by Master D.K., 251-254

  24, significances, 79, 80

  “Two merge with One”, 518

  2000 A.D., impact of Shamballa force upon humanity, 715-716


  Understanding with united breath and unified rhythm, 148, 161, 163

  United action with full interior unity, 217-218

  United Nations, 237, 430, 623, 636, 639, 681, 716

  United States, characteristics, 428, 429, 430, 621, 624, 628-630, 631-632


  and oneness of Universal Mind, revelation, 595

  attainment by initiate, 266

  definition, 265-266

  diversity in, required by group, 212-214

  isolated, 416, 420

  nature of, 299

  of all things, fact in consciousness, 476

  of New Group of World Servers, 299

  world, essential etheric, 580

  Universal consciousness passing into cosmic consciousness, 694

  Universality, sense of, and will-to-good, focussing on physical plane, 588

  Unprincipled substance, conditioned by previous solar system, 359

  Unveiling of Self, process, 6


  Vegetarianism, practice, 84, 125

  Vehicles, refining with perfection, 11

  “Veil of the temple rent”, 475, 491, 702


  and Earth, planetary antahkarana relating, 406

  custodian of principle of mind, 422

  removal to for training, 405


  in unison, energy of aspirant and door of initiation, 351

  of Ashram, registration by disciple, 543

  of Master, consciousness of, 543

  of own soul, awareness of, 543

  sounds related to, 54


  and revelation, distinction between, 241, 298

  apotheosis, future, 75


  Art, development, 123

  effects, 123

  in meditation, emphasis, 252

  need for, 442

  pictorial and symbolic sensitivity, 442

  relation to vision of divine Plan, 442

  use in building antahkarana, 467, 488-490


  from Shamballa, hearing, 60

  of Master, hearing, 60

  of Silence, 60

  Vyasa, work, 526


  “Walk humbly with their God”, 258


  between Forces of Light and Black Lodge, 603

  World, 75-76, 85, 235-237, 499, 603-604, 646


  into Shamballa, 30

  of Higher Evolution. See Higher Evolution.

  protection from glamoured disciple, 155

  the Truth, and the Life, 139-140

  “We stand where the One Initiator is invoked”, 175


  activity of Lord Buddha, 90

  relationship set up, 68-69

  Wheel of Life, 92-96, 105-110, 339

  Wheels, lesser, revolution, 105-110

  White Lodge, Great, 187, 189-190, 202, 415


  Greater, integration into, 226

  Greater, manifestation in work, 47

  macrocosmic, perception by group, 112, 115

  understanding in Light of part, 107


  and love, linking, 252

  and purpose, distinction, 69


  control, beginning, 56

  developed in Ashram, 380

  domination of man, 28

  egoic, 32

  evocation, method, 105

  expression, 47, 109-110

  first, thought of death connected with, 101

  need for synthesis related to, 113

  responsiveness to, fuller, 18

  time related to, 107

  aspects, second and third, 216

  cause of Sanat Kumara’s presence, 392

  colored by love, 472

  creativity needed, 475

  definition, 47

  demonstration increasing after third initiation, 714

  demonstration through long cycle of incarnations, 216

  developed in Ashrams, 373

  divine, 33, 39, 91-92, 106, 108, 181

  door into Shamballa, 140-141


  energising enabling Hierarchy to move forward, 376-377

  energy, impact on mind and brain, 712

  point focussed in soul using form, 107

  use, 60

  energy, 164-165, 184, 232, 378, 380, 715

  enlightened in place of occult obedience, 60

  evocation, 35, 104-105, 107, 492-493

  first divine aspect, 101

  focus in Son of Mind, 216

  focussed, 45, 101, 469

  force, premature inflow, consequences, offsetting, 472

  group, 28, 212, 223

  implementation of purpose, 714

  in inducing revelation, 714-718

  in next solar system, 47

  interpretations, 170-171

  invocation, 35

  life-giving energy added t
o energy of love, 231

  nature, 377, 714


  God, 146, 238-239, 371, 661

  Master completely merged in that of planetary Logos, 722

  Monad, 30, 31, 144, 278, 312

  personality, contact with higher will 49-51

  planetary Logos, nature, 567

  Shamballa, 232, 338

  Spiritual Triad, contacted by personal will, 49-51

  third-degree initiate, 472

  potency, use on Way of Higher Evolution, 718

  principle of abstraction, actively present or not, 164

  productiveness, 103, 703

  pure, use by initiate, 310-312

  qualities making possible manifestation of divine will 120

  ruler of time and organiser of space, 107

  sacrificial, of soul, 32, 33

  second aspect, destruction of causal body, 216

  servants, 472

  Spiritual 28, 30, 31, 73, 129, 391, 463, 588

  use at initiation, 689, 694

  use in building bridge, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508, 512

  vital concentrated, 164

  See also Free will.

  Will-to-abstract, cause of death, 164-165

  Will-to-be, 104, 106

  Will-to-good, 104, 106, 109, 110, 588, 599, 608, 619, 654, 655

  Will-to-know, 106

  Will-to-law, 194


  as spiritual being, 447

  in physical body, withdrawal, 164-165

  Will-to-love, 194

  Will-to-synthesis, 194, 655


  definitions, 204, 591

  from knowledge, transmutation, 453, 468, 492, 540

  used, definition, 453

  Wisdom-energy, expression, 453

  Womb, symbol, meanings, 117


  from point of tension, 49, 57

  hearing, 59, 60

  lost, discovery, 53, 54

  made flesh, 55


  group, 219, 220-221, 222

  Power, communicated by Christ, 175

  Power, uses, 490-491, 493, 494

  Ray of soul, 263

  soul, 57

  soul. See also Sound of soul

  released from form, 52

  Sacred, from points of tension, 55

  sounding instructions, 56


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