the, living, 53
to carry-out task, finding, 219-222
use, 51
Words of Power, seven, use in building antahkarana, 501, 503, 504, 506, 510-518
of initiate, between initiations, keynotes, 312
of restoration forwarded, 229
disciple, humanity, destiny, 429
Being, 103-104
causes, 149, 158
energies, life of occult student, 549-550
essential truth, 303
events, 177
light, 149
meaning, 103, 149, 177, 285-286, 287, 297, 303, 485, 511
mediation, 177, 178
purpose, 177, 178
reality, 303
seeming and illusion, 149
significances, 285, 286, 303
symbols, 286, 287, 303
phenomena, fundamental divine intent, perception of, 124
problems, clue, keynotes, 682
situation today, causal factors, 13
Zionism, aggression and use of force, 679-681
Zionist Movement, 429-430
lesser, 25,000-year cycle, conclusion, 550
sun’s evolutionary passage through, 534
influences, dual effect
Wheel of Life, reversal of disciple on, 339
The Rays and the Initiations Page 91