All’s Fair in Blood and War (The Kurtherian Endgame Book 4)
Page 19
Peter made a pained face and skooched backward. “You get some sleep. I’ll take care of Todd’s breakfast, then we’ll go down to the kids’ apartment. Sabine’s always happy to get some time with our tiny terror.”
Tabitha half-rolled over and pried an eye open to look at Peter. “You’re my angel.” She blew him a kiss and flopped back over.
Peter took the Pod-crib into the kitchen and hummed to himself as he put Todd's food in the microwave, or whatever the hell they called it. He supposed he should take the time to find out what the correct name was, but it was kind of funny to get everyone to call the magic heat-the-food-up gizmo a microwave instead of the real name.
He snorted softly to himself and got on with preparing the baby’s breakfast.
Todd woke as the smell of his breakfast permeated the kitchen. The side of his Pod-crib became translucent as he pulled himself to a sitting position and cooed at Peter.
Peter walked over to pick him up, glad he’d thought to get in Tabitha’s good books by ordering in a bulk consignment of the diapers that worked similarly to the waste disposal system in the old atmosuits. “Hi, buddy! Mommy told me you kept her awake all night.” He pressed a soft kiss to Todd’s head and deposited him in his high chair. “Something tells me you’ll be eating and going back to sleep.”
Todd banged the high chair’s tray while he babbled an indignant reply.
Peter grinned, making up Todd’s side of the conversation as he often did. “Really? You look pretty tired to me.” He placed Todd’s bowl on the table and took a seat beside the high chair with his own breakfast.
Todd’s excitement grew when he smelled the contents of his bowl.
Peter chuckled softly and held out a spoonful of the sausage and tomato baby food. “We won’t tell your mom I made this instead of your oats, okay?”
Tabitha strolled down the stairs and blinked sleepily at Peter, rubbing her eyes. “Mommy already knows.”
Peter hung his head and grinned ruefully. “Busted. What are you doing up? You should be sleeping.”
Tabitha ruffled her bedhead. “Nah, I’m awake. Besides, we have appointments today.”
Peter groaned. “What’s the point? You haven’t liked a single one of the properties we’ve viewed so far.” He made a spaceship out of the next spoonful.
Tabitha bent to kiss Todd on her way to the fridge. “I feel good about today.” She took out the juice and poured herself a glass, leaving the carton on the counter as she sipped.
Peter kept his tone cheerful as he obliged Todd with another spoonful. “That’s what you said about the last billion places we looked at.” He paused for a moment, looking up as if in thought. “Sorry, I sit corrected. Billion and one.”
“Ass.” Tabitha placed her glass on the counter next to the open carton and strutted over to the table to drape her arms around Peter’s shoulders. “And I’ll keep saying it until we find the perfect place. I don’t see this war being over and done with anywhere near as quickly as Bethany Anne wants. There are some things even she has no control over, and I kind of like it here. Don’t you?”
“I like wherever you are, Tabbie. You know that.” Peter turned his head to look at her and Todd knocked the spoon out of his hand. He grabbed a towel to wipe up the mess. “Fast little…fff..iretruck.” He dodged the swipe coming in from Tabitha. “But it’s not the worst place, if you overlook the crime rate.”
Tabitha kissed Peter and released him. “Actually, the crime rate is one of the attractive parts. Think of all the fun we could have reducing it!”
Peter shook his head in disbelief. “Really?”
Tabitha nodded, smiling sweetly over the rim of the glass she’d just retrieved. “Didn’t you know? Vigilantism is all the rage these days.”
Peter nodded. “Sure, but you hate to follow the crowd. Besides, the teams are doing good work down here. Joel tells me they're part of the scenery now, and some of the outreach services they've set up are starting to get some uptake.”
Tabitha narrowed her eyes. “So you’re not even going to play along? I'm pleased that the teams are doing well, but wouldn't I look super-cute in a cape?”
Peter shook his head. “Nope.” He made a face when he realized what he'd said. “Well, yeah. But if you want some action, why don't you take a few fights downstairs?”
Tabitha’s lip curled. “It's not exactly action when you're the walking manifestation of Lady Death and the competition is a bunch of untrained streetfighters. The regulars are a bit more disciplined, but not much.”
“Okay…” Peter complied with Todd's demands for another spoonful of his breakfast while he prodded his tired brain for an answer to Tabitha's restlessness. “What if you… I don't know, train some of them? The ones who can take a beating and get up again.”
Tabitha grinned and squeezed Peter. “That might not be the worst thing you ever came up with. I could be a modern-day Miyagi, passing on my wisdom to the worthy.”
Peter chuckled at the dreamy quality of her voice. “You and your decidedly ungirly obsession with eighties movies.”
Tabitha leaned into his ear and whispered, “Can you tell me that you don't want to snuggle up and watch Karate Kid once Todd goes down for the night?”
Peter groaned, knowing when he was beaten. “No.” He opened his mouth to return her teasing, but all that came out was a yawn.
Tabitha took in the luggage he was carrying under his eyes, the stubble coating his jaw, and his generally wrung-out appearance. “Yeah, I’m going to cancel our appointments for today. Get some sleep. We'll go visit with the kids.”
Peter couldn’t hide the yawn in his reply. “If you insist, I’m not going to argue.”
Tabitha took Todd’s bowl from him and bumped him with her hip to get him out of the chair. “Nurse Tabitha says you need sleep. You can tell me about your meeting when you wake up.”
Peter stretched and let out another huge yawn. “If I’m a good patient, will I get a house call from Nurse Tabitha?”
Tabitha grinned and shooed him out with Todd’s spoon. “Go to bed, and maybe you’ll find out later.”
Location Seven, QBS Izanami, Bridge
Michael lifted a hand to touch Bethany Anne's arm as she paced the space between the couches yet again. That will not make our window for sneaking through the blockade come around any faster.
Bethany Anne resisted the brief urge to see if she really could shoot lasers from her eyes. It isn’t a secret how I feel about waiting.
Michael dipped his head in acknowledgment. It is known, my love. However, we know that the captured Leath are being treated reasonably well for now.
Bethany Anne snorted. They’re in the middle of a strange planet, exposed to the elements in a fucking pit. How is that being treated well? The Leath are by no means my favorites, but I wouldn’t keep them like that.
Michael raised an eyebrow. Sweetheart, you’re not the taking-prisoners kind. If you had been the one who captured them, they wouldn’t be alive to be rescued. Besides, I’ve seen worse. He shrugged at the pointed look she gave him. I didn’t say they were comfortable, but they will be fine for a few hours longer until we can get there.
She sighed and sat down on the edge of his couch. Okay. It's just that we're so close. Are you sure about leaving the children alone on the ship?
We will need Addix, or they may refuse to be rescued, Michael qualified. Many Leath still fear you too much.
Bethany Anne scowled. Why do you think I'm still here, fucking waiting? If I didn't think there was a high chance they'd lose their shit at the sight of me, I would have just gone through the Etheric and gotten them already.
Michael's mouth twitched. That could very well occur whether Addix and I are present or not.
Bethany Anne got to her feet. In that case, there's no reason for me to work myself up about it. In fact, getting in some pre-mission mother-daughter relaxation is a much better use of my time.
Michael raised an eyebrow. You're taking Alexis to
the spa scenario.
Bethany Anne looked back as the elevator door opened. You bet your peachy ass I am. Mama wants a mud pack and a sugar scrub.
Michael smiled and waved his fingers at her. That sounds like an excellent idea. I'm sure Gabriel and I will find something to entertain ourselves.
Training and Recreation Scenario: Earth, Mongolia, 1176AD
Gabriel lifted his snowshoe and shook off the drift that had accumulated there. This is grim, Dad. Did you really stay in a place like this?
Michael nodded, forging ahead to cut their path into a stand of thin trees through the shin-deep snow. I traveled most of Earth long before I met your mother. Eve constructed this scenario directly from my memories.
Gabriel ducked to avoid a shower of snow from an overhead branch as he hurried to keep up with his father. What’s the objective in this scenario? he inquired.
Not so much an objective, Michael told him, as an experience to be gained.
Gabriel looked plaintively at his father. Is that all you’re going to tell me?
Michael chuckled dryly. Yes. I want you to reach your own conclusions, not adopt mine without deciding if you agree.
Gabriel pondered that while they trekked through the stark frozen environment. A group of winged white creatures burst skyward, startling him into speaking aloud. “What are those?”
Ptarmigan, Michael supplied. Birds. A smile touched the corner of his mouth at a memory. They tasted good wrapped in herbs and leaves and baked underground.
Of course, he continued, food always tastes better when you’ve caught it with your own two hands and the brain in your head. And spiced by hunger.
Is that why you were so obsessed with the dinosaur that time? Gabriel teased.
Michael fixed his son with a look. One day you'll understand, son. This experience might just be the first step toward that day. He lifted a hand to point out a long shadow in the distance. There, in the shade of the rise. That is our destination.
The shadow resolved into multiple shadows, then bulky tents on the backs of wagons. Gabriel drank it in. I’ve never seen anything like it! he exclaimed when the light of many small fires appeared as they neared the camp Michael had led them to. What are those beasts?
Michael chuckled. They are steppe ponies. A word of caution: don’t breathe too deeply at first. The particular aroma of the nomad clans takes a little bit of time to acclimatize to, thanks to those creatures.
A gruff voice challenged them from the shadows at the edge of the camp. “Who are you to come to our home?”
Michael called back, “We do not come empty-handed.” He reached into thin air and pulled out a pair of jewel-encrusted gold vambraces.
A vast bearded fur-covered man emerged from the shadows belly-first. His dark eyes shone at the sight of the gold and his hostile grimace melted into a wide smile. “Welcome, weary travelers.”
Gabriel glanced at the vambraces scornfully as Michael handed them to the hair mountain. What’s the point of those? The first person who wears them into battle is going to lose both their hands.
It is a cultural thing. Michael shook his head, smiling wryly. When this scenario occurred for real, I was ignorant of this clan’s customs. I made the error of offering my sword as a guest-gift in return for their hospitality.
Gabriel frowned, missing the point. Why would that be a mistake? A blade is a more acceptable gift than…those.
If you insist, go ahead, Michael conceded. This is your experience, after all.
He reached out again and handed Gabriel the well-made and serviceable but plain sword he manifested. But I hope your proficiency with that weapon is adequate, since by offering it you are claiming you can best any warrior here.
Gabriel’s normally passive expression shifted when he handed the sword over and the man eyed him skeptically. It should be interesting. How old were you when you experienced this?
Michael lifted a shoulder as they walked side by side behind the man through the wagon circle. Around twenty-seven. I had a good grasp of my powers, such as they were at that stage, but I had little of your training.
Gabriel grinned at his father. So I’m probably going to die horribly, but I’ll look spectacular doing it.
Michael lifted his hands, feeling a surge of pride at Gabriel’s lack of hesitation. Who knows? I survived it. The clan fights honorably—mostly. If you do die, I suppose it won’t be the worst death you ever have.
Location Seven, QBS Izanami, Vid-doc Room
Addix and K’aia stood facing each other over the Vid-doc made for the four-legged.
“Look. I’m not getting back inside that thing until you tell me why you want me to do it.”
The Ixtali was the picture of calm in the face of the young Yollin’s mistrust. “I like that you are suspicious, K’aia. It will serve you well in your future role.”
K’aia glared at Addix. “What do you know? You’re just a nanny.”
“At first glance, it may appear so.” Addix’s mandibles twitched in amusement. “I have been taking care of Alexis and Gabriel since they were born, after all. However, I have lived many lives, young one. I may have the honor of protecting my Queen’s children, but I have also been her spymistress for more years than I truly recall. Before that, I was a highly-placed official in the Ixtali government. Do not be taken in by first appearances.”
K’aia dropped her defensive posture. “So you’re not just being crazy, then.” She settled back and unfolded her arms. “I’m sorry for being such an ass, but would you tell me why you want me to get in there? I only just got out of the damn thing.”
Addix nodded. “Good. I was beginning to wonder what it was Michael saw in you. As you so kindly pointed out, Alexis and Gabriel are almost too old to need me around, so it’s time to train my replacement. Before we begin, Bethany Anne has left instructions that you go into the Vid-doc for further enhancement.”
K’aia looked at Addix and the Vid-doc. “I don’t know. What kind of enhancement?”
Addix smiled. “You’ve heard of the Bitches, right?”
“Yes. What have they got to do with…” K’aia tilted her head as comprehension dawned. “Oh. Oh. Then I guess I’ll do it. But I don’t want to get out of the Vid-doc and suddenly know what everyone is thinking, okay?”
She climbed in and glanced at the humanoid-shaped Vid-docs as the lid closed over her. “I hope this does not go horribly wrong.”
Addix started to assure K’aia that she was perfectly safe, but the Yollin was already under from the sedation. Her mandibles twitched merrily as she input the slide with the single drop of blood Bethany Anne had given her and handed control of the Vid-doc over to Izanami.
The AI appeared by Bethany Anne's Vid-doc. “The process is underway.”
“Excellent,” Addix replied, walking over to join the AI. She glanced at the wallscreens, one of which had a simple privacy notice.
The other showed an icy white land and a circle of men, with Gabriel locked in a fight for his life in the center.
Addix chuckled at the ferocity with which Michael screamed encouragement to his son from the sidelines while ending anyone dishonorable enough to intercede with his son’s battle.
Izanami spoke, pulling Addix from her enthrallment. “Bethany Anne and Alexis are in the rejuvenation cycle.”
Addix nodded and went back to watching Gabriel fight. This was something of a sad time for her, in a way even worse than when her own children had grown up and left her.
Bethany Anne and Michael’s children had burrowed their way into her heart from the first time she had laid eyes on them as wriggly pink infants. They had been so helpless then.
Onscreen, Gabriel pulled a maneuver that had him roll over his opponent’s back, giving him space to swing the sword and part the man from his head.
They weren’t so vulnerable now.
Addix could only hope that this Yollin would be more than the protector the children’s parents had decided they n
eeded. Not just a guard, but a friend they could relate to. Someone they could trust and rely on once they were of an age to be on their own.
They were going to need as many of those as they could get, and youth was in short supply in their circle.
Bethany Anne exited her Vid-doc, unnoticed by the pensive Ixtali. She felt the sadness coming from Addix, something she’d noticed more than once in recent days. “Penny for your thoughts?”
Addix turned gracefully to face Bethany Anne. “I think the translation on that needs some work. You want to pay me for thinking?”
Bethany Anne snorted softly. “It means I'm listening. What's on your mind, old friend?”
“Oh.” Addix placed a hand on K'aia's Vid-doc. “Gabriel and Alexis. I was ruminating on what path life will take once K’aia is trained and I become surplus to their requirements.”
Bethany Anne scrutinized Addix. “Are you thinking of leaving?”
Addix shook her head emphatically. “Not at all. But I think it will take some time to come to terms with this shift in the twins’ needs.” Her mandibles worked through her mixed emotions as she spoke. “I am proud of them, but human children mature quickly, Bethany Anne. I blinked, and they are almost adults.”
Bethany Anne placed a comforting hand on Addix's arm. “You are their aunt, Addix, blood or not. They will always need you in their lives in one way or another.”
Addix shrugged with a fatalistic air. “Children grow up. It will be as it is meant to be.”
Alexis’ Vid-doc completed its unlocking cycle and she climbed out, stretching lazily once her feet were on solid ground. “Mom, we have to do that for real when we get back home.”
Bethany Anne grinned. “I've been waiting for you to say that. There's this little place on one of my stations we can go that has the best masseuse.”
She glanced at the wallscreen and did a double-take at the surreal scene of Michael and Gabriel sitting around a campfire with a bunch of… “Are those Huns they're eating with?”
Bethany Anne's eyes widened when she saw one of the men pass her battered and bloodied son what looked to be a skin filled with liquid. “Izanami, get them out of there right now.”