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Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

Page 36

by Michael Murphy

  “My needy boy.” Tide spread his fingers wide, enjoying the act of stretching Lance open.

  “Yes.” Lance pinched his own nipple, tugged it.

  Damn that was sexy and it made him bite down hard on Lance’s finger. Lance jerked, and spunk spread between them. Oh, naughty boy.

  “I didn’t say you could do that.”

  “I’m…. I didn’t mean to. You made me,” Lance accused him.

  “It wasn’t just me.” Lance had been tweaking his own nipples, after all.

  “Uh-huh. Was too.”

  “Denial, darling. It’s not just a river in Egypt.”

  “Hush.” Lance pinked prettily, offered him a smile.

  “I don’t do hush very well,” he admitted, moving his fingers inside Lance’s body.

  “No….” Lance was still moving, sliding on his touch.

  “Touch your nipples again.” Lance might as well stay hard and come again, but this time he would be inside his boy when it happened.

  Lance nodded, fingers stroking the very tips.

  He nudged against Lance’s gland. “Harder, boy. Make yourself feel them.”

  Lance’s eyes widened, but his boy did as he was told. Tide watched as Lance’s cock jerked as he pinched.

  “Harder,” Tide ordered.

  Lance began to rock as he responded.

  “Very good. Do it again. Keep doing it. I love the way it makes your body shiver.”

  “Shh.” Lance’s face was a study in concentration, in need.

  “Told you I don’t hush.” He pushed in hard, watching as each time he did, Lance pinched one of his nipples, working in tandem with him out of instinct. He was the luckiest son of a bitch ever.

  Finally, he pulled his fingers away and worked a condom onto his cock. “Want you, darling. Now.”

  Lance nodded, pinched those tiny nipples. Groaning, he lined up with Lance’s little hole, most of his attention on what Lance was doing to himself. His boy knew what he was doing, what he liked. That self-awareness coupled with Lance’s lack of experience and his shyness was an addiction.

  Lance met his gaze. “Please. I’m ready. I swear.”

  Tide didn’t ask if Lance was sure, he didn’t wait. He simply pushed into Lance’s body. Lance grabbed him, fingers wrapping around his shoulders.

  “You’ve got me.” And he had Lance.

  “Yes. Please.” Lance stretched up, stole a kiss from him.

  Tide pressed their mouths together harder, filling Lance’s lungs with his breath. His hips slammed into Lance, driving with near desperation. “We’re going to come together.”

  Lance nodded for him, obviously eager.

  He wrapped a hand around Lance’s cock as he thrust. “Touch your nips again.”

  Lance’s fingers were shaking as he reached up.

  “That’s it, boy, now pinch them. Hard.”

  Lance grabbed the tiny nips, and Tide felt it around his cock, everywhere.

  “Again,” he demanded.

  “Please!” Lance pulled them out, stretching the skin.

  Oh fuck, that was something. He thrust harder, slamming up against Lance’s gland. “Tell me I can pierce them, darling. Tell me you want it.”

  Lance sobbed softly, but he nodded, just once.

  “Yes! Yes!” Tide slammed in and demanded Lance’s orgasm. “Now, do it now. Come.”

  He felt Lance’s orgasm all around his cock before it spurted from his boy. It drew his own out, his seed filling the condom.

  Oh. Oh fuck. He was going to do it. He was going to have Lance’s nipples pierced.

  He leaned their foreheads together, panting harshly. “Tomorrow. I’m making the appointment tomorrow.”

  “You’ll come with me?”

  “Oh, darling, I am not letting you get them done without me.” No way would he miss a second of Lance getting pierced. He wanted this more than his next breath.

  Pulling out, he got rid of the condom and lay next to Lance, pulling his beautiful boy into his arms. “You’re something else.”

  Lance cuddled in, humming deep in his chest.

  “I’m so glad we met, Lance. I can’t imagine not having you in my life now.”

  “I’m glad you took the offer. So glad.”

  “And it’s just going to get better and better. I promise you that.” He would dedicate his life to making things good for Lance.

  Lance nodded, leaned into him.

  He kissed Lance and hugged him closer. “It’s going to be amazing.”

  “It already is.”

  Oh yes. Lance was perfect for him. Absolutely perfect.

  Chapter Twelve

  LANCE WAS going to die. Just die. He’d survived the day anticipating their appointment. He’d survived the drive to the shop. He’d survived walking up to the shop. Now he was at the door and he was going to die.

  Tide’s arm came around his shoulders. “You’re going to be fine, darling.”

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can.” Tide opened the door and escorted him in.

  His heart was slamming against his ribs and he felt dizzy, crazy.

  Tide tugged him to the side of the door and leaned their foreheads together. “Lance. Breathe.”

  “Sorry. I’m not a baby. I’m not.” This was just huge.

  “No one said you were. This is a big thing. I’m not going to be flip about it.”

  “I’m scared, a little bit,” he admitted.

  “Tell me what scares you about it.”

  “That it’ll hurt. That it’ll be awful. That it’ll be ugly.” And that last was probably what worried him the most.

  “If it’s ugly, we take it out. And of course it’s going to hurt. They’re going to poke you with a needle.”

  Oh, he was going to throw up.

  “I’m not going to lie to you. Of course, the pain isn’t going to last more than a second or two,” Tide added.

  He was holding on to Tide like the man was the center of the world.

  “Come on. It’s not going to get any easier the longer we wait.” Tide took him to the counter where a pierced and tattooed girl gave them a smile.

  “Hey there, what can we do for you today?”

  Lance just stared, vibrated in place.

  “Hi. Tide and Lance. We have an appointment for nipple piercings.”

  “Oh, excellent! How cool. You want rings or barbells?”

  “Rings, please. We’ll need two matching ones.”

  “You’re doing two sets? One each?”

  “Yes, one ring each.” Tide nodded.

  Lance looked up, surprised. “Both of us?”

  Tide gave him a warm smile. “Yep. One for you and a matching one for me.”

  Oh. “It’ll be okay for your modeling?”

  “If it isn’t, I’ll take it out. But I bet most clients who want me topless will think it’s hot.” Tide’s hand slid along his spine. “I want to do it with you.”

  Lance leaned into the touch. “Can I go first, please?” He didn’t want to lose it if he had to watch.

  “You can.” Tide looked pleased.

  “Thanks.” That way, if he passed out, Tide could still do it.

  She handed over paperwork; it was very simple, just making sure they knew what they were doing and were over eighteen and that they agreed to follow the proper aftercare. Tide signed his first, then Lance signed his and they handed them back to her.

  Tide took his hand and squeezed it, then tugged him along as the girl waved them beyond the counter.

  “Jeremy is the second door on the right. He’s expecting you.”

  Oh God. Oh God.

  “Come on, darling. It’s going to be good.”

  Lance reached out, took Tide’s hand. Tide squeezed, smiling at him.

  “Hey, guys. You must be my one o’clock. I’m Jeremy.” A short, good-looking brunet held out his hand.

  “Lance.” He held out his sweaty, shaking hand.

  Jeremy shook it, then Tide�

  “So what are you guys looking for?” Jeremy asked.

  “Matching nipple rings,” Tide answered without hesitation.

  “Excellent.” Jeremy handed them a book. “Here’s what we’ve got jewelry-wise.”

  Lance looked, the options dizzying. “What do you want?”

  Tide didn’t hesitate, pointing right away. “I want the gold and pink gold ones. They’re almost like rainbows with the two different colors of gold.”

  “Oh. Oh, I like how that sounds. Can I see them for real? Not just in a book?”

  Tide nodded and looked at Jeremy expectantly. Jeremy went to a set of drawers and poked through them, coming up with two little rings that were beautiful.

  “Oh….” They were perfect. Lance’s fear backed off and he imagined himself with one.

  “Beautiful ring for a beautiful boy,” Tide murmured.

  “I. I think. I think I might….”

  “Think you might what, darling?”

  “I… I think I’d rather do them both so I match.” Lance didn’t like the idea of having only the one pierced and would really rather have two so they were even. Was that weird?

  “You want them both done? That’s fantastic. Jeremy, have you got a third ring like this?”

  Jeremy fished another one out of the drawer. “I do.”

  Tide was beaming at him, grinning wildly. Silly man. “Rings are very symbolic, you know.”

  “Symbolic?” Lance frowned, looking down at himself. “These rings?”

  “Rings are eternal, right?” Tide asked, then expanded, “A complete circle with no beginning and no end.”

  “Yeah, yeah, they are.” Lance blushed, ducking his head.

  “I’m not saying this means we’re married or anything, I just like the symbolism. I like it associated with us.” Tide’s eyes shone.

  “I like the visual.” Of course with him, it was always about the visual, wasn’t it? It was how he was made.

  “Me too.” Tide gave him a long, slow kiss that had Jeremy whistling at them.

  Lance curled into himself. God, this was… this was a big thing they were doing.

  “All right. You still want to go first, darling?”

  “I… I’d better. I don’t want to freak out and run.” And he might, if he watched Tide go first.

  “You won’t. You’re going to be just fine.” Tide leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I bet you find the zing of pain arousing.”

  “Shh.” He didn’t want to get hard, not here.

  “Oh, I don’t have to talk for it to happen. It’s going to happen, and we’re both going to enjoy every second of it.”

  “Let’s get the shirts off and in the chair.” Lance tugged the corner of Tide’s shirt out of his pants.

  Tide chuckled. “Sure thing, darling.”

  At his prompting, Tide got his shirt off first, exposing that studly chest. Lance found himself staring, reaching for his camera.

  “You’re going to need to take your shirt off for this, darling.” Tide took Lance’s hands and brought them to the buttons of his shirt.

  “I….” He wanted to shoot this, not do it.

  “You can photograph me when I get mine, but you’re going first.”

  “Get out of my head, Tide,” he teased.

  “I’ve learned what that hand twitching means. Now get naked.”

  Lance shook his head but unbuttoned his shirt. Tide reached out and stroked Lance’s right nipple. Electricity shot through him, his nipple drawing up.

  “That’s what you need, right, Jeremy?” Tide asked. “For them to be hard?”

  Jeremy nodded. “Yep. I need to mark them.”

  Tide flicked Lance’s nipples again, making them even harder.

  “Tide.” He shuddered, his nerves just overwhelming.

  Grabbing his hand, Tide crouched by him. “Go ahead, Jeremy. I think this’ll be easier if we just do it without a big buildup.”

  “You got it. It’s super quick, man. No big.” Jeremy pulled a stool up next to him.

  “Oh, I think we’re looking for big. Maybe just without too much of a buildup.” Tide gave him a smile.

  Lance got into the chair, the chill of the leather making him jerk.

  “Easy, darling.” Tide pressed their mouths together, the kiss making him hot.


  A sharp touch marked the side of his left nipple and he looked down. A pen. That was it. Just a pen, but it had felt so huge. “That feels big.”

  Jeremy nodded. “You weren’t watching. Watch me make the mark on the other side, it’ll be easier.”

  He did and sure enough, knowing the pen was coming and watching it mark him was much easier.

  “Weird.” But cool. So fucking neat. Maybe he could do this. Maybe.

  Tide chuckled and looked closely. “That looks right, Jeremy.”

  “Okay, I’ll mark the other nipple now.”

  Tide kissed Lance, then moved out of Jeremy’s way. Jeremy marked him quickly and Lance grabbed his camera, taking a shot of the marks.

  Tide took the camera from him. “I want you to experience yours. You can have the camera for mine.”

  “But….” He was safer with it.

  “No buts. You are going to experience this firsthand. I will be right here with you.”

  Lance relinquished the camera with reluctance. He needed it.

  Tide held it, though, keeping it away from him. “Watch and feel.”

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to. He wanted it finished, over, so he could say he’d done it.

  “Ready?” Jeremy asked and Tide squeezed his hand.

  “Just do it. I’ll never be ready.”

  Tide chuckled and kissed his hand, which distracted him from what Jeremy was doing on his nipple. The clamp was cold, the needle felt hot, and he held Tide’s gaze.

  “I’ve got you,” Tide murmured, hand squeezing his.

  “’Kay.” He held on and then there was a sting, a tug, then a deep throb. That was it.

  “There you go. One down.” Jeremy grinned up at him. “Think you can manage the second?”

  “Uh-huh. Yeah. I can.” He so could. He’d thought it was going to be so much worse than that.

  “So brave. I’m so proud of you.” Tide sounded proud, too.

  “Thank you.” Lance felt excited, buzzing.

  “Are you hard yet?” Tide asked really softly, eyes dancing.

  “Shh.” God, yes.

  Tide chuckled and nodded. “Go ahead and do the next one, Jeremy.”

  “Yes, sir!” Jeremy grinned wide, eyes dancing.

  The sting, tug, and throb was repeated on Lance’s other nipple, and Tide groaned, the sound low, deep, hot as hell. Jeremy cleaned both nipples, the ache crazy making, buzzing through his nipples.

  He’d done this. Him. Jesus.

  “Can you give us a few minutes?” Tide asked.

  Laughing, Jeremy nodded. “I sure can. Let me know when you’re ready for me to do yours, man.”


  Tide turned to him as soon as Jeremy had gone, his hand dropping to Lance’s cock, massaging him through his jeans.

  “Tide!” He was going to make a mess.

  “Right here.” Tide’s hand kept moving, rubbing him up.

  He shook his head, nodded, and then he caught sight of his pierced nipples and he came.

  “Yes.” Tide whispered the word, then pressed their mouths together, the kiss enhancing the orgasm. His tremors went on and on. Smiling at him, Tide blew air over his right nipple, the sensation enormous.

  “Don’t….” Lance wasn’t sure if he meant don’t do that or don’t stop.

  Turning his head, Tide blew over the other nipple, hand still massaging Lance’s cock.

  “Oh God. God. Tide.”

  “Pretty sexy, eh?” Tide grabbed a couple of Kleenex and opened Lance’s jeans, cleaning him up.

  “I’m sorry. So embarrassing.” God, would Jeremy know?

assing? I think it’s hot. You’re hot.”

  “Am I?” He wanted to be.

  “Fuck yes.” Tide grabbed Lance’s hand and brought it to his crotch. Tide was hard inside his jeans.

  “You want… before he comes back?”

  Tide nodded. “I do, darling.”

  He leaned forward, checking the door and fishing Tide’s cock out. He could do this. He could.

  “He won’t come back ’til we call him.” Tide’s voice was thick with need.

  Lance nodded and wrapped his lips around Tide’s cock, feeling so daring. Tide groaned for him, making him feel special, too. Tide tasted musky, rich, the scent heady. Tide’s big hands slid on his scalp, warm and gentle. He sucked, pulled sure and steady.

  “So good, darling.” Tide moved, pushing in deeper.

  Lance wiggled a little, moaning deep in his chest.

  Tide shuddered. “God, yes.”

  His cock ached, still hard, still needing, and he reached for Tide’s balls, rolling them. Tide spread his legs, giving Lance room, sweet groans coming from Tide, letting Lance know he was doing it right. He swallowed rapidly, working Tide’s prick, the swollen tip.

  “So hot,” Tide whispered, hands dropping to his head. Tide humped his mouth, cock sliding deep, over and over.

  Lance opened, his mind spinning with the passion.

  “Lance!” Tide cried his name out, hands tightening on Lance’s head as he came.

  Spunk poured into his mouth and down his throat. He swallowed hard, drinking his lover—Master—down. Tide’s hold on his head gentled, turned into petting. Lance groaned, licking at Tide’s shaft.

  “You amaze me more every day, darling.”

  He looked up at Tide, into those warm blue eyes. His nipples ached, but it wasn’t pain, just a dull throb.

  Tide smiled at him and then tilted Lance’s head, bringing his mouth to Tide’s left nipple. “Suck.”

  He latched on, pulling hard, sucking with a desperate hunger. Tide eased him off the nipple.

  “Okay, Let’s get Jeremy in here to pierce me, then we can go home and fuck like bunnies.” Tide tugged up his jeans and tucked himself away.

  “Uh-huh….” Lance’s legs were rubber.

  “You can stay in the chair. I’ll take the stool.” Tide gave him a knowing smile. “Ready?”

  “You’re so sexy.” His nipples throbbed and so did his cock.

  “So are you, darling.” Grinning, Tide turned toward the curtain. “Jeremy? We’re ready for my piercing.”


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