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Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

Page 47

by Michael Murphy

  I needed to stop worrying about it, stop thinking about it. He was here for now. I could enjoy the feel of him around me and deal with the rest later, when I was home alone in my bed. Turning my head, I dropped a kiss on his chest around the harness, ran my fingers through his chest hair again, loving how soft it felt.

  “Are you feeling better, boy?” Master rumbled.

  I tried not to let the disappointment show. “Yes, Master.” Physically, I felt great, and I was sure he wasn’t interested in the emotional side.

  “Ready to get up?”

  I didn’t think he’d really want to hear the truth, so I swallowed my emotions and nodded. “Yes, I think so.”

  “Good.” He pulled the blanket off, and I got to my feet. I stretched a bit, feeling the welts and skin pull. “Come take a look,” Master said as he stood. He took my hand and pulled me over to the mirror, turning my back toward it.

  I twisted enough to look over my shoulder and my eyes widened, and despite my shaky emotions, a grin stretched across my face. Welts from the cane stretched from just above my knees all the way to the top of my very red ass. The paddle had formed distinct impressions under those and a few bruises had started forming already. The insides of my thighs had red marks from the crop. And my back was a stunning crisscross of lines from the flogger.

  It was gorgeous.

  “Oh,” I whispered in awe.

  Master stepped up until he was close to me. “I like seeing my marks on you.” He ghosted a hand over my back, then cupped my ass and squeezed slightly, making me moan. “You’re beautiful like this.”

  I blushed. Comments like that were not helping my already roiling emotions. I tried to just take it as pride in himself as a Dom. “Thank you, Master,” I whispered. “It’s… I’m very happy with them.”

  I looked up at Master and was surprised when he caught my lips in another kiss. He wrapped his arms around me—carefully—and pulled me against him. I melted into him, giving up my mouth for his kiss and getting lost in the feel of his lips and tongue and mastery.

  He kept it soft, though, slow and almost sweet. When he pulled back, his dark eyes glittered with something I couldn’t name—or was afraid to. It looked like possession, but I couldn’t credit it, reminding myself I had no experience with anything like that and could easily be misreading it.

  “Where are your street clothes? I’m assuming you showed up in more than that jock strap.”

  I shoved the worries away and chuckled. “Uh, yes. I’m not interested in getting arrested or scaring the vanillas. I have them in a locker in the changing room.”

  He beamed. “Good. Why don’t we get dressed and go get some coffee or something.”

  My eyes widened and I stared up at him. “Really?”

  His grin faded a little. “If you don’t want to—”

  “No, no! I do. I… yes, please, Master.”

  The smile came back. “You can stop calling me ‘Master,’ now.”

  I bit my lip. Did that mean he wanted me to stop? I decided just to ask. “Do you want me to?”

  “I like hearing you call me that. But you don’t have to.”

  “I….” I took a breath. “I like to.”

  He nodded once. “Then do. Though… you might want to stick to Sir in public.” He grinned and I laughed.

  “Yes, I suppose that would be better.”

  He kissed me again, hard and fast, then let go. “All right, then. I have wipes in my bag to clean the toys. Take care of them, then get dressed.”

  “Yes, Master,” I said, then peeked up at him, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek.

  He rewarded it with another of those smiles and kissed me back on the forehead, then swatted my sore ass.

  I hurried to obey. By the time I’d cleaned everything off, folded the blanket, and repacked his bag, I was looking forward to putting my clothes back on. The dungeon was colder than I’d realized.

  I stopped in the changing room at the mirror to look at my back again.

  While I was inventorying my welts, Master Nash appeared in the mirror. He whistled. “He did work you over, didn’t he, boy?”

  “Yes, Master Nash.” I couldn’t stop smiling.

  Master Nash laughed. “And proud of yourself, aren’t you?” He reached out and ruffled my hair when I nodded. “Well, your Master’s waiting for you in the social area. Better get moving.”

  “Thank you, Master Nash.” I grabbed my boxer briefs and jeans and pulled them on, wincing slightly when they scraped over my raw skin. I was grateful for the soft T-shirt I had to wear between my sweater and skin. Then I sat gingerly on the padded bench to put my socks and shoes back on.

  Finally dressed and warming up, I made my way out to the social area to find Master Mal sitting on a couch by Mistress Sammy. He’d changed into jeans snug enough to show his hard thighs, and a plain black T-shirt that hugged the muscles in his chest and stretched over his biceps. How he could make a simple T-shirt look so good, I had no idea. But it made my mouth water almost as much as the leather harness had.

  I hurried over and knelt next to him, and he acknowledged me by putting his hand on my head. “…so, yes. I won’t kill him. Go easy on him.” Master smirked at Cam, who grinned.

  “Told you,” Cam said, sticking his tongue out.

  I covered my mouth to hide the giggle.

  “Laughing at me, boy? Didn’t I beat your ass enough for you tonight?”

  I swallowed and looked up at my Master. “I wouldn’t dream of laughing at you, Master,” I said with as straight a face as I could muster.

  “Oh, there is a bit of brat in you.” Master threaded his fingers in my hair, fisted it, and pulled on it. I whimpered at the slight pain, and Master’s smirk spread into a grin. “I like it.”

  I blushed and he let go of my hair, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and pulling on me. I rose to my knees as he guided me up to him and kissed me again.

  “Can’t get enough of that mouth,” he murmured for my ears only when we broke apart.

  I started to bite my lip, but stopped when I remembered his command from earlier. “I’m glad you like it,” I replied, and if I sounded breathless, I didn’t care.

  His grin was a little too evil. “Oh yes. I like it very much. Especially wrapped around my cock as I fuck your face.”

  I whimpered, my cock reacting instantly and filling. He caught one of my hands and put it over his crotch. His cock was as hard as mine, and I sucked in a breath. If we hadn’t been in the social area, I’d have unzipped him and started sucking him right then and there.

  “Later,” he rumbled, reading my expression accurately. I didn’t think I’d been so easy to read, but maybe it was just him. “Let’s get some coffee. Did you drive?”

  I nodded and, forgetting myself, bit my lip. I wasn’t sure how well I could drive, feeling the way I did. My ass was sore enough that sitting was going to be a challenge. I didn’t know how I’d operate a clutch and gas pedal at the same time with it.

  “I’m going to have to start punishing you for that, boy,” Master said, tugging my lip out from between my teeth. I blushed. “Not sure pain would be much of a deterrent, though, would it?”

  I blinked at him, having no clue how to answer that.

  He grinned. “We’ll figure it out. But first… I’m not sure you’re in the best condition to drive, are you?”

  I chuckled. “No, I was just thinking that.”

  “Is there someone that can come get your car?”

  I frowned. “How would I get home after coffee? Not that I could really drive then, either….” I rubbed my ass lightly.

  “I can drop you off, when we get to that point.”

  “Okay, uh…. Let me go out and call my friend Mike. I should check in with him, anyway.”

  Master smiled again and nodded, then turned to Mistress Sammy and Cam. “We’re heading out. I’ll call you in a day or two, okay?”

  Mistress Sammy grinned and Cam didn’t try to hide the
smirk on his face. “Uh-huh. Tomorrow, man.”

  Master scowled. “A day or two,” he reiterated and stood.

  I stood as well, picked up his toy bag, and waited quietly behind him. He turned around and smiled at me. “Good boy,” he murmured when he saw me holding the bag. He kissed my forehead, and yet again the simple praise made me feel good. With another wave at the others, he led the way out to the lobby area.

  I pulled out my cell and turned it on, waiting impatiently for it to start up. Master did the same with his, and I was glad to see he had a smartphone like mine. It made me hope he was at least technologically savvy, if not a geek like me. When my phone finally had a signal and was ready for use, I put in my passcode and hit the phone icon.

  “Hey, dude! How’s it going?”

  “Great,” I said, blushing as Master grinned at me. “I was purchased.”

  “Told you, you would be. Who was it?”

  “His name’s Master Mal. We had a really good impact scene. I’ll tell you more about it later.”

  “Wait, did you say Master Mal?”

  I frowned, not sure how to read Mike’s tone. “Yes. Master Nash said he was a good guy.”

  “I’ve heard of him. There was a time a few years ago that, like, every sub in the place wanted to be at his feet, gay and straight, women and men. Then he just disappeared from the scene altogether. And he bought you.” He laughed. “Lucky bastard.”

  I grinned, relieved. “Yeah, well, I am. Listen, I need a favor. Can you get Jen to bring you out and pick up my car?”

  “Why?” He sounded suspicious again, and I tried not to sigh.

  “Well, for one thing, my ass is sore as hell. Driving on it is not something I’m looking forward to. Not yet, anyway. But also….” I glanced at Master, who was pointedly paying attention to his phone. I lowered my voice. “He wants to go for coffee, Mike. And oh my God, he’s… yeah. Uh, I’d like to go. He’ll take me home.”

  Mike didn’t respond right away. “Call me when you get home. And keep your phone on.”

  “Come on, Mike. It’s no different than if I’d go out on a date.” He growled and I sighed. “Phone will stay on. I’ll text you later, okay? If it’s three a.m., Jen isn’t going to appreciate me calling.”


  “Give him my number,” Master said, drawing my attention.

  I raised my eyebrows. “Uh, okay.” I parroted the number he gave me to Mike.

  “Now, tell him to call me.”

  “He says to call him.”

  “Okay.” And just like that, Mike hung up.

  Seconds later, Master Mal’s phone rang. “Malcom Tate,” he said in greeting, and something about his name tugged at me. When I’d seen it earlier, I’d been too preoccupied by what was happening. But now, it pricked at my subconscious. I shrugged mentally and focused on my Master. Our eyes met as he listened for a moment. “Yes, that one. So you know how to find me if your friend goes missing. I intend to take care of him, though. We had an intense scene tonight.” He paused, winking at me, and I blushed. “Yes. Thank you for worrying. He’ll be fine.” He listened for another few seconds, then pulled the phone away and touched the screen. “There. Your friend said to leave the keys with the desk, and he’d come in and get them.”

  I turned to the front desk and the woman who sat behind it. “Hi,” I said in greeting.

  She smiled up at me, lip piercing flashing in the half light. “What can I do for you?”

  “My friend is coming to pick up my car. Can you keep the keys here for him?”

  “Sure. Name?”

  “Kyle Bingham. His is Michael Dean.”

  She nodded, writing it on a note pad. “I’ll check his license before turning them over.”

  “Thank you,” I said, handing her the ring with the car key on it, then turning back to Master.

  “Ready, then?”

  I smiled up at him. “Yes, Master.”

  He reached out and took my hand. He held the door for me, and we stepped out into the cool December night.

  Chapter 5


  I ADMIT I was nervous. The fact that he still wanted to call me Master helped. I did better when the Dom in me was at the forefront.

  I’d never managed to have any real relationships before. Blake was the closest thing I’d ever come to dating. I spent a lot of time early in my life avoiding them. I’d seen more than enough of my friends going through hell, which convinced me dating wasn’t worth the trouble.

  I think it was just because I hadn’t met Kyle yet. Or someone like him.

  I knew I was being ridiculous. We’d played. Once. We were going for coffee. It wasn’t like we were committed partners.

  The thing was, I wanted that, wanted it with him. With Blake and the specter I’d had hovering over me gone, I realized how lonely I’d been. And the idea of going out to club after club, chasing a new ass every night, had zero appeal. Not that it’d been my favorite activity before.

  I was captivated by Kyle. Part of it was his submission—I wasn’t about to discount that. The submissive in him called to the Dominant in me in a way Blake never had. I wanted him. I wanted him in my bed. I wanted my collar around his neck.

  And if I was completely honest with myself, I even imagined a ring on his finger someday.

  Part of it was just how fucking beautiful he was. The big green eyes, the messy brown hair, those full pink lips. His pixieish face. The lean, lithe body that responded so well to everything I’d done to him.

  Then there was the personality I’d already seen come through. He seemed so open, very intelligent. The little glimpses of mischievousness I’d seen. The shyness. All of it just made me want to know more. And keep him all to myself.

  I was getting ahead of myself. Coffee first. Get to know the rest of him.

  I led him to my Z and pulled out the keys. I had to grin at his wide eyes when we stopped.


  I chuckled. “It’s my baby, the one thing I spoil myself with.”

  “It’s gorgeous. I love the color!”

  “They call it midnight blue.” I hit the button to unlock and opened his door for him. He slid in and winced as he sat. My smile widened and I leaned in to kiss him. “I’d say I’m sorry sitting is difficult, but I’d be lying,” I murmured when we broke apart.

  He smiled up at me. “I’m certainly not, Master. I like the reminder of you.”

  That did good things to me. He seemed to second-guess himself, and I wondered at it, but didn’t want to let him question too much. “Good. This one should last at least a couple of days.”

  He was absolutely adorable when he blushed, which he did a lot.

  I kissed him quickly and hurried to close his door. I paused only long enough to drop my bag in the trunk, then went around to my side. Once I was in my seat, I turned to him. “There isn’t a lot open at this time of night, but there’s a Denny’s down the street. Will that work for you?”

  He smiled and nodded. “I’m easy.”

  I grinned when his face reddened again.

  “Uh, I mean…. Forget it, Master. I’m just going to, like… die. Or something.”

  I leaned over and kissed him again. “Let’s get that coffee.”

  Concentrating on driving, I maneuvered through the horrible city traffic. I reached over, took his hand, and put it on my leg, then went back to focusing on shifting gears. I was happy when he squeezed a little and left it there. We didn’t say much of anything, and I let the silence sit, figuring he needed a bit of time to himself.

  Within a few minutes, I was pulling into a spot in the Denny’s parking lot. “Stay,” I said when I’d turned off the car, then climbed out and went around to his side. I opened his door for him and he stood, looking a tad bemused. “Well, it’s not exactly a date, but I can still do something nice, right?”

  I could have sworn he looked a bit disappointed, but I wasn’t sure. He nodded, though, and I closed the door, setting the alarm before tak
ing his hand. He looked slightly surprised, but I didn’t give him a chance to question anything. I turned and led the way to the door.

  I kept touching him the whole time, as we were waiting for the hostess, as we were led to our seats. When we sat, I waited for him to pick a side, then took the spot next to him. He looked surprised again, but I just laid my hand on his leg and thanked the hostess before she left.

  I turned to consider him for a long moment. Something was going on in those big green eyes of his. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but he didn’t look entirely happy. I suspected the intense scene had something to do with it. He’d been firmly submissive the whole time, and I knew some subs were a little more clingy after.

  I wouldn’t have minded that and wondered if that wasn’t part of it. Perhaps he didn’t feel right being clingy with me. Even though we weren’t committed and had played because I’d won him at an auction, I felt a responsibility to watch out for him. Coming down from something that powerful could be tough, and I didn’t like the thought of him doing it alone.

  I absently kissed his temple, then went back to my menu for a moment. “What would you like, boy?” I asked, keeping my voice low.

  He glanced over at me, then back to his menu. “Uh… coffee and, I don’t know, maybe some french toast or something.”

  I nodded and set my own menu aside. Before I could say anything to him, the waitress came. “Good evening. Can I get you started with a drink?”

  “We’d both like coffee, please. And two of the French Toast Slams.”

  She scribbled our orders down. “How would you like your eggs?”

  “Scrambled for me.” I looked at Kyle, who blinked.

  “Oh, uh, that’s fine,” he said, looking over at me.

  “I’ll get that started,” she said, tucking her pen behind her ear and collecting our menus.

  I shifted in my seat and turned to him as she walked away, taking his hand.

  “Thank you, Sir,” he said softly, gazing down around my sternum.

  I tilted his head up until he was looking at me. “Look at me for now, boy.” When he’d nodded, I continued. “How are you feeling?”


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