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Dreamspinner Press Year Nine Greatest Hits

Page 68

by Michael Murphy

  “I’m glad to hear it.” I leaned in again and kissed him. I didn’t have to ask why he was so shocked. I’d have to take a picture of my desk and send it to him. “Okay, let me see,” I said, though I knew full well which one I was giving him next. I handed the box over and grinned as he unwrapped it.

  He frowned at another nondescript box and his cock jumped. He obviously figured out it was another kinky gift. He licked his lips and opened the box, eyebrows going up at the little oblong blue thing inside. “It’s… uh… what is it?” He scrunched his eyebrows, puzzled.

  My grin was more than a little evil. “It’s a vibrator. Remote control.”

  He looked down into the box, but there was nothing else but papers.

  “It’s Bluetooth,” I clarified.

  His head snapped up. “It’s… what?”

  “It’s Bluetooth. It pairs to your phone. You install an app, and I can send it commands to go off. From anywhere I am.”

  His eyes widened to huge pools and his cock started to fill again. “Oh my.”

  “So, no matter where you are, if your phone is on… I can tease you.”

  “Oh, wow.” He stared at it, then at me. “I, uh….” He cleared his throat. “I can’t wait to try it.”

  I laughed. “I’m glad you like the idea. We’ll make sure it works before you go.”

  His cock strained against the ring, and he groaned, looking down at it. “I obviously like that idea.”

  “Good,” I said, making sure he saw my smile.

  He took one of the last two of his presents out and handed it to me. My smile got even bigger when I opened it. Six ornaments from our game. Two of the symbols and four figures. “Oh, this is awesome!”

  He beamed. “I’m glad you like it. I didn’t know if, well, most of your ornaments are really simple, but I thought, since the one we picked out wasn’t really basic….”

  “I think they’re great. They’re perfect for us. We’ll leave the tree up for a while yet so we can hang them.”

  This obviously pleased him, based on the expression on his face. I pulled out his last gift and handed him the oblong box and tried not to hold my breath while he opened it.

  He grinned again and tore opened the paper. When he lifted the lid, his mouth dropped open again, his face a picture of pure shock. “Mal, are these…?”

  I nodded. “They’re replicas of Tauriel’s blades, like you mentioned. But the Elvish engraving is your name, translated.”

  His eyes grew huge, and he ran a finger lightly over the handle. “These… I…. Oh my God, Mal, they’re incredible.” The knot of worry loosened as he pulled one out of the box and held it up. “They’re sharp!”

  “Yeah, so, uh, be careful with them.”

  He laughed. “I think I can manage myself around sharp, pointy objects.”

  I snorted. “When you put it that way….”

  He shook his head and carefully laid the long dagger back in the box. Then he tugged the biggest gift from him out from under the tree and handed it to me. He licked his lips several times, his eyes glued to my face.

  I took it from him and set it in my lap. I brushed a hand over it, but when he made a noise in the back of his throat, I pulled at the paper on the side. The box underneath was a simple brown cardboard, so I tore the rest of the paper quickly. The top of the box said, “Noble Collection.” I looked up at Kyle, who was watching me avidly. I looked back down and pulled open the box on top.

  And it was my turn for the shock. I set the box on the floor and carefully lifted a piece out. Styrofoam fell away and I held it up, turning it this way and that to look at it from each angle.

  The main part qualified as art all its own. Shaped like the walls of a castle, each side of the chessboard base had small alcoves to hold some of the pieces, six on each side.

  Kyle bit his lip. Considering what I was doing, I let it go. “It’s… stunning,” I whispered almost reverently, looking back at it. I heard him release his breath.

  The chessboard itself was made of etched glass. The bottom of the inside was a map of Middle-earth. A black box was in the cardboard one, and I took it out to find the pieces. “I’ve been eyeing this for a long time. It’s… I….”

  “I got… this is The Return of the King version. I thought you’d appreciate it since it’s got Aragorn as the king and Sauron as the other one.”

  I looked up at him again. Anyone who insisted we didn’t know each other this soon was going to get shot. He knew me. He might even know me now better than Blake had. “It’s perfect. You’re right, I do. I…. Thank you, baby.” I set it carefully to the side, along with the base, and hauled him into my lap. I caught his lips in a kiss I hoped he’d never be able to forget.

  When we broke apart, he was smiling. “You’re welcome.”

  I laughed. “You know what this means?”


  “We’ll have to play some more chess.”

  He paled and his cock filled. I grinned.

  We tackled the ornaments first. The new ones filled in the empty spots we had left perfectly. I’d had him hang half of them, though he’d tried to insist it was for me, since they were my gift. I wanted him to really feel like this tree was ours, not just mine. In the end, it was the right thing to do. His face when he hung the troll ornament filled me with warmth.

  After they were in place, we ate lunch. I fed him a light ham sandwich and a few baby carrots. He’d told me he expected the dinner with his family to be kind of big. Besides, I had rather active plans for the afternoon yet before he had to go and didn’t want a too-full stomach getting in the way.

  I’m ashamed to admit I lost the first game of chess. In fact, Kyle won pretty handily. I was too fascinated by the pieces and the board to pay attention to the game as I should have. So, I lost and ended up deciding we needed a second game. I wasn’t about to let him come without sufficient buildup to make sure it was really good.

  Even with the loss in game one, I got a few good edges in on him, which turned out to be very entertaining with the ring he still wore. It turned out he could get hard, it just took a little longer. And hurt quite a bit, which for Kyle was a good, if frustrating, thing. I decided to test to see just how far I could push him with the Kali’s Teeth device on.

  “Sit back a minute, boy,” I said, coming around the table and sitting next to him.

  He leaned back on his hands, his legs spread wide, cock sitting up. He looked my way, keeping his eyes lowered. “Yes, Master?”

  “I want to try something. If I push too far, call lemon, okay? I want to know how close I can get you to coming with this.”

  He swallowed but said, “Yes, Master.”

  “Good,” I said, taking his cock in hand. It was already red, I guessed because of the spikes digging in. When it was closed, there wasn’t a lot of room in the middle of the ring for his dick before the spikes dug. He definitely got hard, but they bit in. I’d worry about it except I knew what pain there did for him and, of course, I kept a close eye to make sure it didn’t cause any damage.

  I stroked him, listening to his whimpers. His cock hardened even more, the veins standing up. It didn’t take much to make him nuts right now, but I was impressed with how well he was doing. If I’d spent more than a week being teased and denied as he had, I certainly wouldn’t be able to take this.

  The thought of just how bad off he was made my cock fill.

  I moved my hand a little faster, swiping my thumb over his tip and through the precum beading there. I saw him gritting his teeth as he struggled against his orgasm. He closed his eyes and dropped his head back when I tightened my grip. “Talk to me, boy.”

  “Close, getting really close,” he spit out.

  I kept my grip firm, strokes speeding up. He grunted, muscles straining.

  “Oh God, Master. I’m….” He stopped, letting wordless moans out for a while. “I’m right there, Master,” he whined. “Need… oh God, need to come, Master.”

  I sped
up again and added a twist, swiping my thumb once more. His sounds became desperate, and I could easily see the strain as he fought to keep from thrusting. “You want to go over, boy?”

  “Yes, Master. Can’t.”

  Oh, I liked this little device. I let go of his cock and he groaned, loud and long. “Not yet, boy,” I said, my tone slightly evil. “Think we’ll play one more game of chess first.”

  He groaned again. “Yes, Master.”

  I couldn’t let the game be too easy on him, though. I reached down and cupped his balls. They even felt a bit swollen to me. I grinned and squeezed until he cried out, cock jumping and precum spurting.


  “Soon, boy. Let’s set up.” I went back to my seat and gave him a moment to get himself together. He sat up a little while later and reset his pieces.

  I’m pretty sure he didn’t let me win. Instead, I thought the ring was making concentration difficult. I was enough of a sadist to admit I liked that. So, when he lost his rook, I made him take five minutes to reach the edge. Friday night, that wouldn’t have been a big deal, but now a few strokes was all it took, so working himself for five full minutes felt like an eternity to him.

  I captured every single pawn and had managed to get both rooks at five minutes each, both knights at ten minutes each, and one bishop at fifteen minutes. His poor cock looked so miserable. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. But I knew how hard he was going to come.

  By the time I captured his queen next, he had tears running down his cheeks and his cock was purple. I took pity on him and ended the game. “Bedroom, boy. Time to end this.”

  The cry of relief went straight to my already-hard cock, making it strain against my shorts. Kyle jumped to his feet and nearly ran up the stairs.

  I couldn’t be too nice. I still took my time following him.

  AS SOON as I stepped into the bedroom and saw him standing at the end of the bed, presenting, I shucked my shorts, yanked my T-shirt over my head, and stalked up behind him. I leaned in, nipping at the back of his neck and rubbing my hard cock along his crack. “Bend over,” I growled.

  He obeyed immediately, and I worked the plug out of his ass. I was intensely grateful I’d had him wearing it. I didn’t know if I could wait long enough to prep him. His slick, stretched hole teased me, and I had to fight to hold back for just a little while longer.

  I kept my head long enough to unlock the ring and remove all of it. I tossed the pieces aside, pulled him in, and caught his lips. He moaned, opening to me, and he strained against me as I thrust my tongue into his mouth. I let my own sounds out as I tasted him. I didn’t think I’d ever get tired of exploring his mouth, making him as crazy as I could.

  I broke the kiss, both of us panting hard. “On the bed, on your back, legs spread, boy,” I rumbled, and he scrambled to do as I told him.

  Stopping just long enough to grab the lube, I climbed onto the bed. I kept my eyes glued to his desperate expression as I popped open the cap. His gaze was fixed to my dick, widening as he watched me slick myself up. I’m pretty sure I heard a quiet whimper when I slowed down, teasing myself and, by extension, him.

  But I needed to be inside him, needed to feel his heat surrounding me. I got into position, pausing with my cockhead at his entrance. I met his gaze, intending to thrust home, but the look in his eyes made me hesitate.

  As worked up as he was, there was more awe and love in his gaze than lust. I swallowed at the expression, my desperate need calming slightly. I was going to pound into him hard, come deep in his ass, then tease him until he couldn’t take it anymore before I let him come.

  While I still might do that to a point, my sadist was completely derailed. I wanted—no, needed—his pleasure more in that moment than I did to torment him. I still wanted to stretch it out a bit—he deserved the best possible end of his denial after all he’d given me—but I couldn’t make it about that torment anymore.

  I leaned in and kissed him, keeping it soft but full. With our lips locked, I pushed in slowly instead of the hard thrust I’d planned. I still kept it steady; I needed to be buried completely inside of him.

  When I bottomed out, I paused, lifting up to look at him again. His green eyes seemed a little wet, and I cupped his cheek, brushing a thumb under one eye. “Wrap your legs around me, baby,” I whispered. I wanted as much touch, to get as close as I could.

  He shifted and complied, eyes never leaving mine. “I love you,” he murmured.

  I swallowed, my heart swelling. “I love you too.” I kissed him again, then settled better into him. “No one’s ever felt as good as you, Kyle.”

  His eyes widened and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “Same here,” he said, shaking his head. “No one.”

  I smiled, brushing my lips over his again. Despite the emotion, my body was too worked up to delay any more. I started moving. I managed to keep it fairly slow to begin with, focusing on long, full thrusts. I pulled almost all the way out with excruciatingly slow movements, pausing with the head of my cock stretching his muscles, then pushing all the way back in, hard and fast.

  “Oh God,” he groaned, but his eyes stayed open and fixed to mine.

  I did it again, wanting to hear that more.

  He obliged, whimpering with every full thrust. His hands tightened on my arms, and his feet moved restlessly on my back.

  I shifted, looking for the right angle with the next thrusts, and a few later, found what I was hoping for. Kyle moaned loudly and I worked to keep that going. His hands squeezed, fingers digging into my muscles, but I couldn’t care. The expression on his face was priceless: pure need, just gone with pleasure.

  I kept it up, moving faster, thrusting harder, doing my damnedest to peg his prostate on each inward thrust, then dragging my cock across it as I pulled out. I must have been at least partially successful, based on his cries. I was glad. I wanted him mindless with need and arousal, desperate to come before I let him go.

  I bent my head, kissing at his neck, then shoulder below the collar. It wasn’t as easy to maintain my angle this way, but I needed to taste him. I bit down on the skin, sucking hard, the primal urge to mark my territory hitting me. I went with it because Kyle was mine, would be for a really long time, whether he knew it or not yet. I suspected he did, was sure he wanted to. And I was going to do everything I could to show him I did too.

  He cried out at the bite, legs squeezing me, and I thrust hard in reaction, earning a full shout. As I sped up a little, his cries turned to whines and I could hear the need building in him. I sat back and up, shifting his legs over my arms, spreading him wider so I could get deeper. He scrambled for the headboard, bracing himself, toes curling.

  “That’s it, beautiful boy,” I murmured, watching his face closely. I glanced down to see his cock as dark as ever, precum pooling on his stomach. His balls had drawn up so tight I could barely see them. “Oh so close, aren’t you?”

  He whimpered, giving an aborted nod. “P-P-Pl….” That was all I managed to get out of him, driving my own arousal almost to the peak. I’d done that for him. I’d made him incoherent.

  “Oh yeah, boy,” I grunted out. “Fuck, you’re beautiful like this.” And he was, with his flushed cheeks, eyes glazed with tears of frustration and need, pupils blown with arousal. “I’m gonna fill you, boy. Gonna come deep inside you, baby.”

  The whimpers became a long, full whine. I leaned down, catching his lips in an awkward, sloppy kiss. I kept moving, not willing to stop. My own balls were tight, and it was taking all I had to keep my own orgasm at bay.

  I needed to see his first. I thrust my tongue into his mouth, mimicking what I was doing with my cock and his ass, dragging more desperate moans from his throat. When I broke the kiss and pulled back, those frustrated tears spilled over.

  I sat up once more and wrapped my hand around his cock.

  “Ahhhh!” he shouted before I even got a single stroke in. His dick jumped in my hand and he started shaking.

  “Yes, baby, almost,” I managed, then moved my hand, trying to match the rhythm of my hips.

  It wasn’t quite working, but he didn’t seem to care. He thrashed on the pillow, his ass clamping down around my cock. I ran my thumb over his balls, then cupped them, squeezing gently. His cries got more desperate, and I knew he was as gone as he could be.

  “Ma—Master, please!” he begged and it undid me.

  His face was turned and almost buried in a pillow. “Beautiful boy,” I said, needing to see him. When he didn’t move, I added, “Kyle!” He looked up at me, and the expression blew me away. The need, the desperation to hold back his orgasm would have been obvious to a blind man. “Come, baby, let go and come!”

  He screamed. There was no other word for it. The muscles in his arms flexed as he pulled on the headboard, and cum shot from his dick in huge, thick streams. His ass squeezed me, and it took everything I had to be able to hold back and enjoy his orgasm. I kept thrusting and stroking, determined to stretch it out and give him as much pleasure as I could. He shook hard, cock still spurting as he covered everything in his spunk.

  The smell of his cum hit me, on top of the rest: the sounds he was still making, the way his ass still squeezed me. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I let go of his dick and pounded into him as my own climax crashed into me hard. I shouted his name—more than once, I was sure—as I unloaded my full balls into him. The pleasure was huge, screaming through me with a rare ferocity, stealing my sight and hearing briefly so the only thing I knew was the feel of Kyle.

  I nearly collapsed onto him when it was over. His arms and legs came around me and held me close. I let myself settle on him, face buried in his neck as we both chased oxygen.

  There was no doubt now, not that there’d been much before, but any that was left was now gone. This man, this beautiful, young, amazing man, my boy, was my life. I wanted, needed him with me. I didn’t know how I’d do it yet, but I’d find a way.

  Because there was no way I was doing without this, without his love, his touch in my life full time for much longer.


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