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Storm Clouds Rolling In

Page 41

by Ginny Dye

  The house was being transformed before her eyes. So much had been allowed to go undone while Mrs. Cromwell had lain sick in bed, in need of quiet. Now a flurry of activity had erupted in preparation for Christmas. The “Big Times” were almost upon them. Every window had been washed and polished, every floor scrubbed from top to bottom. Chandeliers had been carefully taken apart and each piece cleaned until they gleamed. Every piece of silver had been polished to a brilliant luster, children holding each piece up to make sure they could see their reflection clearly before they reached for the next one. All the rugs had been rolled up, carefully taken outside, and then beaten until not a speck of dust remained. Only then were they reinstalled on glowing floors. Mattresses in every room had been turned and new ticking had been sewn on the pillows. Already the house was alive with the wonderful smells of baking and holiday preparations.

  Rose stopped in her cleaning of Carrie’s room and lovingly fingered the white satin dress taking shape on Carrie’s bed. The material had been a gift from Carrie for her wedding dress. Never did she think she would wear a dress so grand. It was almost done. A few more hours and she would be ready.

  “Daydreaming again, girl?”

  Rose looked up at Sam standing in the doorway and smiled. “Did you ever think you’d see me get married, Sam?”

  “Shucks, girl. I knew some man was ‘ventually goin’ to come along that would be good enough for you.” His voice was gruff.

  “You do like Moses, don’t you, Sam?” Rose knew Sam felt it was his job to protect her. He had felt that way ever since she could remember.

  Sam nodded, and when he spoke, there was suspicious moisture in his eyes. “Your Daddy would be real proud of you, Miss Rose.”

  Rose frowned slightly, and looked down at her beautiful dress. “I wish he could be here to see me, Sam.” She shook her head and forced the thought away. “I have so much to be thankful for. I’m not going to allow useless wishing to spoil my wedding.”

  Sam nodded. “You’re goin’ to be the most beautiful bride there ever was, Miss Rose.”

  Rose walked over and gave him a big hug. “Thank you, Sam.”

  Sarah led her entourage from the woods to find the women from the quarters already waiting for them. The children were still laughing and smiling, but the long hours in the woods had taken the dance from their steps. They went where Sarah directed them and dumped their bags on the ground.

  Only then did the waiting women move forward. Sarah smiled as she handed out the treasures. There were big handfuls of cedar moss which would be used to make yellow dye. Bandanas were filled with mounds of walnuts which would yield a deep brown color. The biggest pile of bags was saved till last. Every woman in the Quarters would receive an adequate amount of elm, cherry and red oak. When they were all combined, they produced a deep, vibrant red. Red - the color most coveted. There was just time to make a pretty red dress for the Christmas dance. Or for Rose’s wedding.

  Laughter and talking filled the air as the women moved back to their cabins. Their work was done for the day. Now they could perform their own preparations for the “Big Times”.

  Moses looked up from his work, but didn’t stop. Miss Carrie had asked him to build a cabin to add to those already in the Quarters. She had given no reason - had just asked him to do it. It had steadily taken shape under his hands. He would hang the door tonight and it would be done. Moses had pushed himself to have it finished because Carrie had promised him a week off with his new bride.

  Sarah moved over to watch him quietly. Moses looked up, smiled, and then bent back to his work of stuffing the cracks against the winter cold.

  “That be a mighty fine cabin, Moses.”

  Moses nodded. “I’m just building it the way Miss Carrie told me to.” He had wondered himself at her requests. None of the other cabins had wood floors or shutters on the windows. “I don’t figure it’s my place to be asking questions.” Then he frowned. “You reckon she wants it built to put a new overseer in here? Maybe she didn’t like the fact that Adam’s cabin was so far away. This way, an overseer could keep a better eye on things.”

  Sarah shrugged. “Reckon time will tell.”

  It was long after dark when Carrie finally rode, exhausted, up to the house. Charles stepped from the shadows and reached for Granite’s reins. “Long day, Miss Carrie? I was getting plum worried about you.”

  Carrie nodded and gratefully relinquished the reins. “I’m fine,” Charles. Thank you for being here. All I want is a hot bath and some food. Take good care of Granite - he has earned whatever you give him.”

  Charles nodded. “I’ll make sure he gets a good hot bran mash and plenty of hay.”

  Carrie paused on the steps and glanced toward the barn. A slight movement of the curtain in Miles’ old room caused her to smile and turn toward the house. “Thank you, Charles.” In spite of her exhaustion, her steps were light as she climbed the stairs.

  Sam met her at the door. “Miss Carrie! I was worried about you.”

  Carrie smiled warmly. “Thank you, Sam. I’m fine, though.”

  Sam reached into his pocket. “A letter from Philadelphia,” he said with a smile.

  “Aunt Abby!” Carrie reached for the letter, and ran up the stairs. A hot bath, and then she would curl up with her letter.

  Dear Carrie,

  How I wish I could talk to you just now. The difference in our age continues to diminish with our correspondence. I so need to hear the Southern perspective of what is happening in our country right now. Matthew has been such a wonderful help in keeping me abreast. I find I rely on him more and more to help me make sense of the madness.

  Now that Lincoln has been elected, the North is slowly realizing the threats of the Southern states were in earnest. There is much scrambling to figure out what to do but no one seems to be willing to take the lead. Buchanan is still president but his administration continues on in its “lame duck” ways. There was brief talk of a convention of all the states to find compromises that would heal the rift, but it has now faded into the deepening passions. I talk to no one here who wants war, but there is no leadership stepping forward to stop it. Is our country simply going to ride the tide into war? I fear it is so! Matthew tells me a convention is meeting in South Carolina on December 17th, to decide on whether that state will secede. He tells me he doubts not that it will happen!

  My dear, please forgive me for launching into my concerns so quickly. I have not even asked how you are. I know you still grieve for your dear mother. I am equally aware of the enormous burden you must be bearing now that your father has gone to Richmond. I am so proud of who you are and who you are becoming. It takes great courage to do the things you are doing.

  Thank you so much for your invitation to come for Christmas. How I would love to do so, but the madness of the country is affecting my business. No one seems to have any idea what is going to happen so many people are simply waiting to see. The business community is reeling from inactivity. My family has asked me to come home and I feel that is my first duty. I can’t help but wonder if they will be in a separate country soon and if I will indeed find myself at war with those I love best. Oh, what a horrible thought!

  This letter must be brief, as I find myself overwhelmed with responsibilities right now. Please know that I think of you daily and long for the time when we can see each other again. I still hold hope that you will be able to visit, but more and more that hope is being battered with reality. I can do nothing but pray. That I will do every day.

  Take good care of yourself.


  Aunt Abby

  Carrie put the letter down with a sigh. She had so hoped Aunt Abby would be able to come for Christmas. She gazed into the flames of her fireplace and wondered if the older woman was right. It was so easy, here on the plantation, to forget the momentous decisions and acts taking place in the country that could determine her existence as an American. Her brow furrowed deeply as she considered the ramificat
ions of South Carolina seceding.

  It didn’t take long for exhaustion to win out over her worry. She tucked the letter in with the rest of the thick bundle in her wooden box and climbed into bed. Snug beneath her comforter and quilts, she lay quietly, listening to the wind in the oaks outside her window. In moments she was sound asleep.

  Rose hugged herself with excitement when she crawled from her bed two days later. Today was her wedding day! She could hardly believe it had finally come. A quick look at her wall reassured her - the early morning light was filtering in through her tiny window, causing the white satin of her wedding gown to shimmer and glow. It seemed to beckon her to come. Rose walked over slowly and allowed her hands to run lovingly down the beautiful gown. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine Moses’ face when he saw her. What it would be like to be wrapped in his arms......

  “Daydreaming never got any bride ready for the big moment.”

  Rose started violently as Carrie’s teasing voice broke into her dreams. “You scared me to death, Miss Carrie! Don’t you know to knock before you come into a room?”

  Carrie laughed easily and moved in further.

  Rose reached out to hug her. She and Carrie were truly best friends now. She still insisted on calling her Miss Carrie because she was afraid she would slip sometime when Carrie’s father was home, but the relationship between them was more like sisters.

  Rose walked over to her bed and sat down on the edge. “I can’t believe it’s finally here, Miss Carrie. I’m so excited!”


  “But, what? I didn’t say but.”

  “Your words didn’t, but your voice did.”

  Rose shook her head. “You sound like my mama!”

  “Thank you for the compliment,” Carrie replied. “But...?”

  Rose smiled, stood, and walked over to her dress. She fingered it for several long moments before she spoke. “Getting married makes me think about my mama and daddy. They loved each other the way I love Moses. I used to swear I would never get married and have to worry about being separated. I don’t worry about that now, but even if I did, I would still do it. I love Moses too much. I would have to take the risk. But I hurt for my mama... And I wonder where my Daddy is... I wish he knew I was getting married. I wish he could be here.” She stopped as her voice caught in a sob.

  Carrie walked over and laid her hand gently on her friend’s shoulder. “I wish there was something I could do, Rose. I’ve thought about your Daddy so many times. I wish I knew where he was. I was just a baby when he was sold.” Frustration was thick in her voice.

  Rose blinked away the tears in her eyes. “I told Sam I wasn’t going to waste energy in useless wishful thinking.” She took a deep breath and smiled. “I may get to tell my Daddy someday. But today? Today I’m just going to think about my Moses!”

  Carrie smiled and squeezed her shoulder. “He’s a wonderful man, Rose. You are very lucky!”

  The day flew by as the two hurried through the last minute preparations. Carrie had insisted the ceremony take place in the house. The dining room was the only room large enough to accommodate everyone. The table, chairs and china cabinets had all been moved into another room. Great boughs of fresh greenery were brought in to decorate, and candles abounded. Finally, it was ready.

  Carrie turned to Rose. “I’ve had your dress taken up to my room. I’d like you to get ready there. I need to talk to Sarah. I’ll be up soon.”

  “Thank you,” Rose said softly.

  Carrie found Sarah helping put the last touches on the food. “Sarah, can you do something for me?

  “Of course, Miss Carrie. What it be?”

  “I put Rose and Moses’ wedding gift in the room over the barn where Miles used to live, and I promised Rose I’d help her get ready. Will you go get it for me?”

  Sarah nodded. “Where you want me to put it?”

  Carrie hesitated. “The library will be fine.”

  Sarah nodded again and left the house. She walked quickly to escape the biting December air, crossed the yard, and entered the barn. She took deep breaths of the comforting aroma and climbed the stairs to Miles’ old room. A scuffling noise just as she reached the door made her draw back in alarm. What was in there? She looked around for a weapon, and then laughed softly. She was being silly. It was probably just a rat. Comforted, she pushed the door open and stepped into the sunny room.

  “Hello, Sarah.”

  Sarah gasped and whirled around. What she saw caused her whole world to spin. She groped for the wall, leaned her weight on her hand and shook her head in disbelief. She was imagining things. “John?” she gasped. Then she began to shake violently. “Is it really my John?”

  Immediately, the man stepped forward and enfolded her slight form in his strong, wiry arms. “Sarah,” he whispered. “It’s really me, Sarah. After all these years your John has come home.”

  Sarah began to cry as she wrapped her arms around him and clung desperately. Long minutes passed as they whispered each other’s names over and over. Finally, she pulled back and raised her hand to stroke his face. She gazed into his eyes and whispered softly, “You still be as handsome as ever.”

  “And you still be as beautiful as ever.”

  They both laughed. Eighteen years had changed them, but their hearts remained the same. The laughter broke through Sarah’s disbelief and wonder. “How you get here, John?” There were so many questions...

  “Miss Carrie done bring me here.”

  “Miss Carrie!” Sarah exclaimed.

  John smiled, took her hand, and led her over to sit on Miles’ old bed. “I been in this room for two days. ‘Bout killed me to be so close to you, but Miss Carrie told me it had to be a surprise for you and Rose.” He shook his head in wonder. “Rose getting married. I can’t believe it!” Then he paused. “Does she know?”

  Sarah shook her head strongly. “I done kept my promise all these years. I ain’t never told her and I ain’t gonna!” Her tone left no room for argument.

  John smiled at her and nodded his head. “You ain’t changed none, Sarah. I’m glad,” he added lovingly. “I done kept a picture of you in my mind all these years. I don’t want you to be different.”

  Sarah nestled up against him and basked in the feel of his warm solidity. “How long you gonna be able to stay, John?” She hated to ask. She wanted to believe he was here to stay, but she knew better.

  “Miss Carrie bought me, Sarah.”

  Sarah jerked back in surprise. “What?”

  John nodded. “That gal went through every paper in her Daddy’s library until she found the papers on me. I been living ‘bout thirty miles from here down the river.”

  “That close - all these years?”

  John nodded. “My master didn’t hand out no passes. I ain’t never been off that plantation in all these eighteen years. I tried to get messages to you, but it never worked. Anyway,” he continued, “Miss Carrie found me and bought me off Marse Green. She told me on the way here that I could go free any time I wanted to. You and me could go off and start a new life.” Sarah stared at him, trying to take in all he was saying. “Miss Carrie done told me how you feel. That you aim to stay here. I aim to be right here with you!”

  Great tears rolled down Sarah’s face as she stared at her husband. Then joy caught up with the shock and forged ahead. Suddenly, a wide grin spread across her face as it exploded with joy. “My John be home again!” she exclaimed. “Oh, wait until Rose sees you! Miss Carrie done give the best weddin’ present there could be.” She paused and added softly, “And she done give me my heart back.”

  John smiled, folded her close in his arms, and lowered his lips to claim hers. “I love you, Sarah.”

  “And I love you, John.”

  Nothing more was said for a long time.

  Carrie slipped the gown over her friend’s head, took her hand, and gently led her over to the full length mirror. “You’re beautiful, Rose.”

  Rose gazed at herself
silently for several long minutes. “I didn’t ever think I would wear anything so beautiful, Miss Carrie.”

  “You’re what makes it beautiful, Rose. I’ve never seen you look so lovely.”

  Great tears sprang to Rose’s eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered, and then spun around. “I’m so sorry, Miss Carrie.”

  “Sorry? Sorry for what?” Carrie asked in an astonished voice.

  “I hated you, Miss Carrie. I hated you because you had everything I wanted and never thought I could have.” Haltingly, Rose told Carrie of her struggles and of her battle in her mama’s cabin. “God took all that hate, Miss Carrie. It just makes me feel so horrible that I ever felt it.”

  Carrie smiled and reached for her hand. “If the roles had been reversed, I would have felt the same way,” she said firmly. “All that is in the past, anyway. Right now, you have a man waiting downstairs for you. Someone who loves you very much!” She paused. “In fact there is more than one man waiting for you.”

  Rose stared at her. “What are you talking about? And why are you wearing that mysterious smile again? What is going on?”

  Carrie merely smiled, walked to the door and swung it open. “Is the bride ready?”

  Rose nodded and moved across the room toward the door. “I’m ready.”

  As she moved to the top of the stairs she caught a glimpse of her mama standing to the side with a strange man. She could hear quiet laughter and voices coming from the dining room chapel. She allowed the magic of the moment to engulf her and floated down the stairs, her satin gown shimmering in the brilliant glow of the chandelier.

  Rose glided to the bottom of the stairs and turned to smile at her mama. She stopped, confused. The strange man standing next to her was crying.

  Sarah stepped forward then with a glorious smile. She reached for Rose’s hand, and laid it gently in John’s. “I’d like you to meet your father, Rose.”


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