Here With Me
Page 25
Scurrying toward my closet, I yell out, “Nothing. He got jealous when he found out Jacks isn’t gay. Then I said I had to go. Which I did, because I’m supposed to have this econ homework finished tomorrow.”
Bethany sits on Heather’s bed and slips off her shoes. “So what? You have all night. You’re such a grandma, always doing her homework.”
“I’m pretty sure grandparents don’t have homework, but I catch your drift. And I have to go to the Cook Off finals tonight.”
“Oh,” Bethany says, wiggling her eyebrows. “Is your Australian lover going to be there?”
“Hope not,” I say, pointing toward a deep red, low-cut shirt. “You think this is okay?”
Bethany nods and picks at the end of her hair. “So, you’ve been on two dates with Aiden now? What if he tries to really kiss you? Are you going to let him?”
Sighing, I slip into my shirt and the tightest pair of jeans I have. “We’re going to his room after the Cook Off. I’m sure he’ll try. It’s not too early to kiss, but I…” I almost laugh, “I’m not too thrilled about making out with him. I mean—ugh, sure he is okay at kissing from the small peck I got. But, you’ve got to know when to stop. Pull away, not go too far.”
“How?” Bethany sits on her shins. “How do you stop yourself? I mean…he is so sexy.”
“You have to make yourself stop. Just…stop. Just think the desire you have now will be shattered if you give it all away. He will be finished. That’s his goal. To get laid by as many girls as he can.”
She nods. “How do you know he isn’t going to try that with you?”
“Because,” I point toward my jeans, “he isn’t getting any. If he tries, I’ll give him a few right hooks, then scram before he can catch me.”
Bethany laughs. “So, what would you say is the key? You ignore him most of the time and don’t show him much attention. That seems to be working so far. Is that it?”
I press my finger to my temple. “Yes and no. You want to make him work for it. It will make him chase you, every single time. But, once he has you, you stay distant, but not too distant. He has to think you’re within fingertip distance at all time. He’ll keep working for it, and that gives him enough time to fall hard for you.”
Bethany is staring up at me with wide eyes. “Good. Now, let’s break us a heart.”
Chapter Ten
“I keep dreaming you’ll be with me.
And you’ll never let go.” - Nickleback
My palms are sweaty. The YMCA is packed and there are only seven finalists here. I have to beat three other people. Probably people that have been doing this way longer than me. Pressing my palm against the counter to steady myself, I glance over to Jamie. She is talking with another cook’s wife and laughing.
She wasn’t lying when she said she didn’t want to go home last night. She stayed all fucking day today, too. I wanted to fucking kill the bloody girl.
She gives me a finger wave and winks. I turn my head. I don’t need to distract myself. Not that she is worth distracting myself over. This was Lucas’s dumbass idea anyway. I shouldn’t try and make Laney jealous, it isn’t right. I feel like I’m back in secondary school again.
I’m watching the door, not sure exactly what I’m looking for, when Laney walks in. She is wearing a fitted red shirt that makes my blood pump. Not just that her tits are hanging out, but that the twit has his arm wrapped around her waist.
I don’t notice I’m gripping the counter until I feel a tap on my side. I almost growl but bite my tongue. Jamie smiles up at me. “The Cook Off is starting in five minutes. You ready?” she asks, pushing her tits against my side.
I wish she would stop talking to me; I can’t concentrate. “Um, yeah. I’m ready.”
She smiles and tucks her arm around mine. I don’t push her off, because I’m not that big of an arsehole.
Jamie is talking about something, but I’m searching the room for her. Then I find her. She is sitting in the twit’s lap, eyes focused on Jamie’s arm. Jealousy wraps around me and decides it wants to choke me. My fingers are latched onto the counter as I watch her. Her green eyes flicker up to mine and red flushes across her cheeks.
She turns and whispers something in Aiden’s ear. He lets out a laugh and taps her thighs. As if it couldn’t get any worse, the guy from the first Cook Off walks up and starts chatting with them.
Rolling my neck, I place my arms around Jamie’s shoulder. She feels utterly wrong, but I keep my arm there anyway.
She is yabbing about something, and I pretend to listen. A few minutes pass and I place my meal on the counter in front of me. It’s a Palova, which is an Australian dish. Carefully, I spread the whipped cream onto the cake and then place a kiwi on top.
I wipe my hands on my apron. Dr. Phillips blows a whistle and the entire room grows quiet. “Hello, fellow chefs. It’s great to be here at the finals. We’re about ready to begin. We’re missing one judge, so I’m going to volunteer one of my students to help.”
My eyes dart toward Laney. Her face is pale as a bloody ghost. She grabs the guy standing next to her and tries to push him forward. He shakes his head and pushes her off Aiden’s lap. She staggers to a standstill when Dr. Phillips turns around and lifts his glasses. “This is a surprise. Come on, Laney. Get over here and we’ll begin.”
Laney curses under her breath and stalks off to the group of other judges. I feel a small pinch in my chest, and I realize I’m fucking nervous. I haven’t been this nervous in years. To distract myself, I start cleaning up my dishes and placing them in the sink.
When the judges reach the station next to me, I take a deep breath and stand completely straight. Laney is mumbling the entire time, glancing at my opponent’s meal. She gives it a thumbs up, and Dr. Phillips rolls his eyes.
Dr. Phillips stops in front of my table and glances down. “This is?”
Clearing my throat, I pull out the plates and sit them in front of me. “It’s called Palova it’s an Australian dish. A dessert.”
One of the judges, a girl in her late twenties, looks down at it and smiles. “You’re Australian?” I fight the urge to roll my eyes, but I give her a sweet smile and nod.
“Sure am, luv. Want to try a piece?”
She flutters her eyes and leans in close over the counter. “Sure.” While they all take a piece, Laney doesn’t move. Her arms are over her chest, making her tits look bigger. I’m staring down her shirt in front of the entire YMCA. She clears her throat, dragging my eyes back to hers.
They’re narrowed, her lips pressed into a tight line. I want to reach over and unfold that wrinkle in her forehead. “Would you like some, luv? You look like you might like it.”
Red rises to Laney’s cheeks. Reaching, she tries to grab the last piece but I slide it toward myself. A confused look crosses her face. I’m shaking with anticipation, but I dig my fork into the dessert and offer it up to her lips.
She doesn’t take her eyes off of it. The red is spreading over her face, and I’m loving every single minute of it. She shakes her head. “No.”
Lifting an eyebrow, I shrug. “You’re the judge, just thought you would have to take a bite.”
Dr. Phillips nudges Laney. “Eat the dessert, it’s very good.” She shakes her head again. “Eat the cake, Laney.” They exchange looks before she tears her eyes back toward me.
A desperate sound leaves her throat, and she takes the fork into her mouth. Her soft lips wrap around the food, then a moan leaves her mouth.
My dick strains against the tight fabric of my jeans. “Good, huh, luv?”
As if she snapped out of it, she nods and turns her attention to the other judges. Smiling, I place my fork back down and stand back to wait.
I’d say I’m horny but that’s the understatement of the damn century. Every ounce of blood in me seems to have rushed to my cock. I’m glad I have this stupid apron on. I adjust myself, hoping no one has noticed.
I’m gloating in my abilit
y to make Laney nervous when I feel an arm snake around my waist. “I think they liked it.”
Jamie, I forgot. “You think so? I’m hoping they did.”
Jamie leans up and whispers in my ear. Her voice is soft, angelic. “Why don’t we go to the bathroom while we’re waiting?”
Jesus. Grabbing her hands, I push them down by my side. “This is important. Maybe later.” She doesn’t argue, but I can tell it hurt her ego. She’ll get over it.
The spectators walk around after the judges and glance at everyone’s dish. A small smile is plastered onto Laney’s friend’s face. I don’t know his name, but he is blond and doesn’t seem interested in Laney that way. Which I’m not fucking complaining about. He knows. Not everything, probably. But he knows. I see it when his grin widens.
Aiden doesn’t even look my way. Oblivious to everything going on around him. All he can focus on is Laney’s ass. I grip the counter tightly, and let out a growl. I. Can’t. Fucking. Stand. Him.
“I feel the same way, too,” Jamie whispers into my ear. Her fingernails glide against my arm, up and down. No, you don’t know how I feel.
Pressing pinched fingers to the bridge of my nose, I take a large breath. Around ten minutes later, the judges all march back into the center of the room.
My heart is pounding. I hadn’t realized I was this nervous until they’re standing in front of me. “We all know the prize is a spot to cook in the new Italian restaurant they’re building down on Central Avenue. Unfortunately, we have a tie.”
A motherfucking tie.
The crowd grumbles, but Dr. Phillips waves them down with his hand. “Since we have two first place winners, we’ll have a second contest Thursday morning at twelve.” He fumbles with his papers, finally bringing his glasses down to read. “Jessica Frost and Lachlan Hems are the finalist. We’ll see you both Thursday morning. Come by the information desk and pick up your pamphlets. We look forward to seeing you both.”
“Fuck,” I whisper, running my fingers along my face. At least I made it to the final round.
“Congrats,” Jamie squeals, jumping up and down. “You made it.”
I mumble under my breath, gathering my things.
“Are you ready to go?” she asks.
Grabbing my plates, I catch a glimpse of Laney pressed against Aiden. He is running his finger over her cheek and whispering something in her ear. I see red. I could beat the dirty bastard to death. Laney smiles politely and points toward the bathroom.
Here is my chance. To do what? I have no fucking clue.
“Actually,” I dig the keys from my jeans pocket, “take these. I have to clean up and head to the loo. I’ll be out in a bit.”
Jamie nods and disappears into the sea of people. I’m desperate. This is the second time I’ve cornered Laney in the bathroom. I’m not sure what I’ll say, or do, but if it’s anything like last time I’m sure as hell going to do it again.
Pushing past the crowd, I ease into the girls’ bathroom. The third stall is being used, and I notice the sandal shoes are Laney’s.
Running my fingers through my hair, I lean against the wall and wait. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve never really spied on a girl in the bathroom before. Not as an adult, anyway.
The toilet flushes and Laney emerges. Her mouth pops opened. “What in the hell are you doing in here?”
I’m not surprised. This is the reaction I was looking for. Aggravation. “You don’t look happy to see me, luv.”
She tosses her hands out and shrugs. “Wow, you catch on quick. That’s because I’m not happy to see you. First the stuff with the food and now you’re pulling a creeper on me and stalking me in the bathroom. While I pee.” She huffs and reaches over to wash her hands.
I can’t help but smile and tilt my head to get a better look at her. Goddamn her ass in those jeans. “So, are you going to force your tongue down my throat again? Or are you going to let me out easily?”
Pushing from the wall, I walk closer. Her eyes widen and she backs away from me until she is pinned between the wall and me.
“What would you really prefer, Laney? I’m not stupid. You kissed me back in that bathroom. You wanted it…you fucking wanted me. Why are you playing this game with me? Why did you run away from me? I was here…you made a mistake and I forgave you. Only to be left alone…crying like a bloody woman. I wanted you then just as bad as I want you now. Let’s start over. Be with me. Leave the fucking arsehole. Come with me.”
Damn. I have no idea where that came from. It spilled out like vomit. A sob escapes Laney’s lips and she buries her head in her hands. “I can’t. Please, don’t do this to me. I’ve just now accepted myself again, and now you’re back, throwing it all in my face. I hate you!” she screams.
Tears, more tears. She pushes against my chest, but I grip her wrists and slam them down to her side. “Stop, luv. Don’t cry. It doesn’t have to be this hard. I want you. We can start over.”
She shakes her head, mumbling incoherently. “No, just, no—” She pushes past me and I let her go.
This is going to be harder than I thought. It cut her deeper than I imagined. Well, I guess I’m going to have to put the pieces back together.
Chapter Eleven
“When we were one I was complete
Now I’m only half the woman that I used to be” — Brooke White
Breathless. I feel breathless. The burning hurt in my lungs is back. The thoughts, the memories, flood my mind. Always lurking, ready to eat at me. Now Lachlan is back, bringing those memories into full focus. Because Lachlan, he makes me burn in ways I’ve never experienced. A burn that makes my knees weak and panties soak.
“Are you okay? You seem a little distracted, babe.”
Jesus, as if I don’t have enough to worry about. I nod, then pull at my shirt. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just ready to relax.”
Aiden flashes his perfectly white chompers and opens his dorm room door. Saying he has money is an understatement. First off, his room is way bigger than mine. Not to mention, it’s filled with enough electronics to open a Radio Shack. A nice sixty-two inch hangs above his desk. The nicest laptop I’ve ever seen sits underneath it.
“This is home,” he says, tossing his keys onto the desk. His bed is made, a huge hotel-like comforter on top. I almost want to dive into it. “It’s not much, but it’s mine.”
Sliding out of my shoes, I knock my fingers against my necklace. I hope it blares into their eardrums. “Where did you get that necklace?” Aiden asks, picking it up to examine it. My blood runs cold. Finally, he meets my gaze.
I shrug. “Gift from a friend.”
Aiden nods, then gestures for me to sit. “Take a seat. What movie would you like to watch? I have tons.”
He isn’t lying. I can see the three, tall movies stands holding hundreds of Blu-Rays. “Pick one out, and it better be good,” I say, lying back on his bed. God, it is soft.
Aiden chuckles, pulls out a movie, and pops it into the Blu-Ray player. “Want something to drink?”
“Yeah, as long as it’s not alcohol.”
“You scared you’ll do things you’ll regret, Laney?”
No, I’m scared you’ll molest me. I give a fake laugh and scoot onto his pillow. “Nope. I have wonderful self-control, you should try it.”
I still have my eyes closed when I feel the bed squeak. Aiden is staring down at me, a smile on his lips. “You’re sure a big talker. I don’t think you have as much self-control as you say you do.”
Don’t I? My long-lost boyfriend has been playing grab hands in the bathroom with me, and I kept my clothes on. I would say that is definitely self-control.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” I say, pressing back into his pillow.
His gaze slides over me, and I can’t take my eyes off of him. Only because I’m scared he’ll pounce if I do. Faintly, I hear the sound of Titanic playing in the background. I want to laugh, but I don’t move.
A finger slides agai
nst my thigh, traveling up to my neck. “You’re so beautiful, Laney. What is it about you?”
I’m not giving it up. That’s what it is about me.
“I think it’s my charm,” I lie.
Aiden nods. “It’s definitely that, but it’s something else.” He tucks his arm behind my back and pulls me into the crease of his arm. “I’m going to find out what it is, because I don’t want to ever lose it.”
Titanic is three hours. Aiden knows this and so do I. I’m not staying three hours; I refuse to sit here that long. Instead of just saying I’m leaving, I start to yawn. Aiden notices and offers me something to drink. Since his drinks are all alcoholic, I pass. We’re to the part where Leo is getting it on in the car when Aiden’s fingers start to wander on my waist.
Nerves are jumping out at me, ramming against my chest. A tightness builds, making it hard to breathe. A warmth spreads around my waist when his flat palm engulfs my right hip. He is sitting to my left, leaned over me, eyes wandering over my face.
I pray he can’t see the fear deep down in my eyes, because that’s what guys like Aiden want. They want the doubt girls carry, the fear of giving in. Once they see it, they take it and run.
Well, not this time. I have to stay in control. His eyes are still on mine, and it’s clear he isn’t going to look way.
Biting my lip, I glance down at his mouth. It’s ready, his tongue darts out over the bottom lip and swipes the length of it.
“You want to kiss me, Aiden,” I whisper lightly.
The grumble in his chest lets me know he really wants to kiss me.
He nods, squeezing my waist. “More than anything you can imagine.”
Smiling, I lift myself up on my elbow and barely place my lips on his. I know this is wrong. Aiden is super sexy, don’t get me wrong, but he isn’t what I’m looking for. His finger slides beneath the edge of my shirt, touching my bare skin. “Then do it.”
Aiden sucks in a breath, and I can bet money that Bethany and Heather are doing the same. He smashes his lips into mine. His lips are soft, but his movements hard. The hand on my waist pulls up to cup my ribs, moving me closer.