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Her Billionaire Santa

Page 15

by Allen, Jewel

  Talia hugged both of them and left them to continue dancing in the crowded ballroom.

  “There is one thing that still needs resolving,” he said. “I won’t make any bones about it. Christmas still represents something tragic and sad. I think it might for a long, long time.”

  “I understand.” Katy nodded.

  “Do you, Katy Stevens?” He gazed into her eyes. “Life isn’t all bright colors, happy bows, and puppy breaths.”

  She touched his cheek. “It can be, though. I hope that, someday, Christmas can be a time of joy.”

  “It should, shouldn’t it?” His eyes took in the glitzy ballroom, the blatant show of wealth and privilege. Then he turned back to her dear face.

  She was opening up to him again, and they were about to move forward in their relationship. Now that it was happening, was he ready for it? Fear returned like the drumbeat of war.

  “I know what you’re feeling,” she said. “I’’ve felt it too.”

  His throat tightened. “You have?”

  “You’re scared of loving someone and losing them.”

  He took a deep breath and nodded. “You’re right. But you know what? This time, I’m not running away. I’m going to give us a chance.”

  Her eyes glimmered as she smiled.

  “My sweet Katy.” He held her close and kissed her temple. “I’ll do my best tomorrow, okay?”

  “Okay,” she said.



  Christmas Day

  Katy woke up subdued. She was sad for Marcus, who associated this special day with tragedy and heartbreak.

  Kicking off the covers, she got on her knees and prayed.

  Dear Lord, happy birthday. On this beautiful occasion, please help my dearest friend Marcus see past the tragedy of this day and recognize the beauty in life and in his own self. I love him, Lord.

  She sobbed.

  Yes, I love him. I love his broken self. His funny self. His caring self. His stubborn self.

  I love all of him.

  I don’t know what the future will bring, but I hope that—if it is Thy will—Marcus can be part of mine.

  She got up and walked over to the window. Everything was green near the castle, but there was a dusting of snow nearer the mountain tops. Muffled through the glass panes, she heard the chiming of the church bells, calling to her.

  Within the hour, she got ready to attend Christmas service. Christmas this year was Sunday too. This made the holiday doubly special to Katy.

  She wore a green wool dress, warm tights, and her red cloak. She thought about inviting Marcus, then changed her mind, not wanting to upset him. Texting Talia, Katy invited her to church, but she declined.

  “Was up too late. Sorry,” came her answer. “A driver can take you.”

  Katy let herself out the castle. No one was about. She could see a church steeple, and it didn’t look too far. Just a path through a clearing. The fresh snow looked inviting. She would walk.

  “May I join you?”

  Slowly, she turned, her heart flooding with gladness at the sound of Marcus’s voice.

  He stood there, bare-headed and bundled up in a coat and scarf. His eyes were slightly red, but he was smiling.

  “Of course,” she said.

  They fell in step, their boots making hollow sounds on the bridge leading over the moat.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “No,” she admitted.

  He turned to her. “Me neither.”

  Silence stretched on between them. “I’ve been praying for you,” she said.

  “That’s nice. Thanks.”

  “Do you want to know why?”


  “I asked Heavenly Father to grant you peace today.”

  He took her hand and pulled her close. She could smell his masculine scent and feel the thudding of his heart.

  “Are you going to love me into reforming?” He chuckled. “All Scrooge-like, bitter, mean me?”


  He kissed her temple. “Do you wish you could be in Guatemala right now?”

  She nodded. “Had we been there, we definitely would not have been able to sleep.”


  “On Christmas Eve, they explode firecrackers at midnight and most of the dawn.”

  “Sounds fun. Maybe next year…we can spend Christmas there.”

  Her heart pounded with tenuous excitement. Did he really mean the “we”?

  “That would be wonderful,” she said.

  “Would it, my sweet Katy?” He took her hand and tucked it in his hand in his coat pocket.

  They walked up to the church, where parishioners were filing in from the cold, and Marcus paused at the threshold, swallowing visibly.

  “I haven’t been in a church since…since…” His voice broke.

  Katy touched his sleeve.

  He glanced at her hand and then her face. “I still don’t know why God took them away from me.”

  A tear trickled down Katy’s cheek. “Maybe they were more ready than the rest of us to return to His presence.”

  “Is that where they are, Katy, in heaven?” Desperation etched his face.

  “No doubt.”

  His face crumpled, and he brusquely wiped away at his eyes. “Why didn’t he just take me?”

  For me? But she said nothing.

  He turned and held her in his arms, kissing her hair.

  On that church courtyard, looked upon by the saints on the medieval façade, two people clung to each other, seeking comfort.

  Katy hoped she could be Marcus’s lifeline.



  Inside the church, someone played “The First Noel” on the organ, and Marcus’s step faltered. Amanda used to play that at Christmas time. It was one of her favorite songs.

  As he followed Katy to a church pew, he sensed the parishioners gawking at them, but it was a different kind of scrutiny. Back in New York, everyone measured him by his financial success. Here, he was merely a man visiting their parish.

  Here, Marcus could worship in peace.

  Peace. Is that what he was feeling at this point? Turmoil brewed within him. So did the desire to rebel against God, to blame him for the loss of his loved ones.

  And yet…he also felt God’s lifting hand, carrying him just as Mother Mary carried her newborn son, Jesus, and presented Him to the World to be our Savior.

  Everyone was standing for the start of Mass, but Marcus stayed on his knees. He bowed his head and poured his heart out to the Lord. Asking for forgiveness. A new beginning. A future with Katy. Beside him, he sensed Katy’s comforting presence as she knelt too.

  When the priest invited the congregation to sit, Marcus and Katy sat.

  The words of the priest washed over Marcus. He spoke of love, forgiveness, second chances, and peace.

  Peace. Yes, his heart was slowly opening once again.

  The organist played “Silent Night,” and Marcus pictured the Savior wrapped in swaddling clothes, blinking from the manger, upon the arrival of the shepherds and the wise men.

  The wise men were rich and influential men, billionaires of their time.

  Not that Marcus was wise.

  Suddenly, he realized he had not come bearing gifts. All he’d done was take.

  Lord, he prayed, I am so sorry that I have cast you away when what I should have done was to turn to you for comfort. I am sorry for pushing people out of my life, especially this beautiful and sweet woman by my side.

  He reached over and threaded his fingers through Katy’s. She slid her palm against his in a reassuring motion.

  Thank you for showing me another way this Christmas. Thank you for being my Savior.

  He raised his head and glanced over at Katy.

  She smiled sweetly at him, and he put his arm around her waist, holding her close.



  Katy had never witnessed such a
tender expression of faith as she had while sitting beside Marcus. He had been broken, was lost, and had now found refuge in the Lord’s arms. Just as she found refuge in Marcus’s arms, sitting beside him on that church pew.

  As Mass wound down, Marcus’s face seemed to brighten as the sun outside, coming out from behind a screen of clouds.

  The Mass being over, Katy waited for Marcus to stand. He kept his head bowed, and she respected his need for silence and communion.

  He raised his eyes to hers and smiled, his face radiating peace and joy.

  The transformation was beautiful to see.

  Katy wanted to kiss his face and tell him how much she loved him, but that would have to wait.

  “Do you mind if I go up to the altar for a minute?” he asked.

  “Of course not. Take your time.”

  She walked alongside him, their shoulders touching, until they reached the nativity scene that had been set up within the rail of the altar.

  “Caleb could have been that baby,” he murmured, pointing at the infant Jesus.

  Katy closed her eyes and leaned against him, trying to communicate her love and to offer him comfort.

  After a few minutes, Marcus nodded. “I’m ready,” he said.

  For a new beginning? For a new love? For happiness?

  Katy hoped all of the above.

  They walked out to a light snowfall and a gray sky with a bit of blue peeking out from the distant horizon. The snow wasn’t sticking, but the flakes were huge. Enough for Katy to open her mouth and let some of it melt on her tongue. She laughed and he joined in, the deep rumble exquisite to her ears.

  Once they arrived at the castle, Talia greeted them with a little laugh. “I’m such a bad hostess, sleeping in.”

  “You were up late, putting on a party,” Katy said.

  Talia looked from Marcus to Katy. “You two look so happy!”

  Katy beamed. “We are.”

  “Can I show you something?” Talia asked.

  They followed her over to an alcove by one of the castle’s sitting areas and onto a window seat.

  “This is one of the best views of the island,” Talia said. Then she looked up.

  Katy and Marcus followed suit. A little ball of greenery hung over them.

  “What do you know, a mistletoe,” Talia said, blinking innocently. “I better go. Jay’s probably looking for me.” Her shoes made little clicking noises on the marble as she walked away.

  Marcus chuckled. “She’s so subtle.”

  “Isn’t she?” Katy said, breathless all of a sudden. Marcus looked at her with a gooey smile, enough to turn her insides to melted caramel.

  He reached over and traced the side of her face with his finger. “How did I get so lucky to find you?”

  “It cost you a million dollars.”

  His mouth twitched. “Worth every single penny.”

  “Billionaire show off.” Her smile faded as his expression intensified, his gaze falling to her lips.

  She raised her face toward his, trusting her heart in his hands, and when their lips touched, she exulted at his gentleness, a restraint that she could hardly exercise herself. She tiptoed impatiently so he could hold her closer.

  With a low rumble of laughter, he pulled her close and deepened their kiss. Soon, she was no longer aware of anything but the sensations of his mouth on hers, and the love she felt for him.

  He kissed her once, twice, until she happily lost count.

  “Sweet Katy,” he said, “I love you.”

  “And I love you too,” she said.



  Three Kings’ Day, January 6

  In her plush seat on Marcus’s private plane, Katy snuggled happily against Marcus’s broad chest. They had raised the armrest between them, and she was perfectly content, even though their flight was a billionaire excess.

  Marcus raised her hand and kissed each fingertip until Katy’s mouth went dry with wanting. When he was done, he tipped her chin up so he could give her a long, sweet kiss that made her forget her name.

  Katy glanced past Marcus out the window. Seeing Guatemala’s landscape made her happy. They were returning to Conchilla for Three King’s Day to bring more gifts.

  Their first stop was Antigua, with Mama Muni’s family. Mama Muni fed them a lot of tamales and a fruity drink of pineapple and mango and then saw them off so they could leave for Conchilla.

  In a helicopter.

  “You sure this is okay?” Marcus teased as the helicopter lifted off.

  “As long as there’s no paparazzi,” Katy retorted.

  They held hands as the helicopter bore them off from Antigua to the wilds of Conchilla in a fraction of the time it would have taken to ride the bus.

  They did take a little diversion, hovering for a few minutes near Volcano de Fuego so Katy could see an active crater up close.

  “Thank you,” Katy said, kissing Marcus on the cheek.

  Just in the fourteen days since Marcus’s announcement of the million dollar prize, there were already signs of progress. A construction crew had brought over tractors and bobcats. Debris filled dumpsters. Belly trucks hauling concrete encircled the village, and a concrete foundation was already underway for the first of two planned school shelters in the area.

  The mayor greeted them with open arms and his hearty laugh. “Blessed, blessed day,” he said. He reached for Marcus’s hands, shook them, and with shining eyes, expressed his gratitude. “On behalf of the people in Conchilla, thank you so much.”

  Marcus and Katy unloaded the boxes from the helicopter and asked the mayor to gather all the children once again. Katy didn’t know what was inside the boxes. Marcus had insisted on keeping everything a secret, but now, as he cut the tape open and started pulling things out, she gave a little gasp of surprise.

  A doll for the little girl. A soccer ball for the budding athlete. Crayons and coloring books and sketch pads. Things that the kids had requested from “Santa” before Christmas.

  The children sat on Marcus’s lap as he gave each a present. Katy hung back and watched her billionaire Santa at work. Their glances met, and she knew they had received the greatest gifts of all: love and new beginnings at Christmastime.

  After all the children received their gifts, Marcus announced he had one more.

  “Can you please sit on Santa’s lap, Katy?” he said.

  Blushing, Katy made her way over and sat on his lap.

  The grown-ups whistled and giggled.

  “What are you up to, Marcus James?” she asked, her heart thudding in her chest.

  “Have you been good this past year, Katy Stevens?” he asked.

  “Very. I’ve put up with a mean billionaire. I’ve loved him with all my heart.”

  His eyes filled with tears. “Yes, you have. And he is very grateful.” He blinked and cleared his throat. “In that case…”

  Marcus pulled a small red square velvet box from his pocket.

  Everyone clapped and whooped. This moment didn’t need translation.

  Katy swallowed. “Marcus…”

  “Open it.”

  She did as he asked.

  The simple band of gold, inlaid with a row of diamonds, sparkled under the Guatemalan sun.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, her voice catching.

  Marcus moved so that they were both standing. Then he knelt on one knee and looked up at her.

  She loved his dear face. Her heart melted at his vulnerable expression, with its mix of apprehension and hope.

  “My sweet Katy,” he said, his hazel eyes glowing. ”Like Joseph and Mary, I had been searching for an inn. I had been looking for peace. Another chance at happiness. Thanks to His tender mercy, He led me to you.”

  Katy’s mouth trembled.

  “You have sheltered me despite all my imperfections,” Marcus continued. “I promise to live worthy of that love and care.”

  Tears rolled down Katy’s cheeks. Marcus reached up and brushed the
m away.

  “Will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, embracing him. “Yes!”

  Author’s Note

  As I have been writing stories for my Her Billionaire CEO series, I have usually tried to come up with the plot in this order: 1) title, 2) trope, and 3) short blurb. For Her Billionaire Santa, I knew it was going to be a Christmas story. But that was about it. Until a reader suggested that Katy Stevens, a sweet side character in Her Billionaire Prince, needed her own love story.

  I thought, why not? In Her Billionaire Prince, Katy talked a lot about Guatemala. She’d gone there on service projects and was heartbroken when they experienced a devastating earthquake. As I daydreamed about a plot for my Christmas story, I decided it would be fun to have Katy try to convince a billionaire that her cause (a Guatemalan village destroyed by an earthquake) deserved to win his million dollar Christmas contest prize. A sweet opposites-attract Christmas romance.

  I’d never been to Guatemala, so that was a challenge. Fortunately, there are plenty of people who generously share their experiences online, and I have friends who've been there and helpfully provided me with details. As I immersed myself in the setting, I've added Guatemala on my travel bucket list. It sounds like a beautiful country and people.

  Something else happened as I wrote this story. Usually, I’m a bit of a curmudgeon when it comes to Christmas. I put up the tree and can’t wait to take it down as soon as possible. To get myself prepped for Her Billionaire Santa, listening to carols, I got into the spirit of Christmas. As I wrote, Marcus’s story of heartbreak and new beginnings really spoke to me. Sweet Katy also reminded me there is still good in the world and hearts can be healed by love.

  For my dedication, I wrote, “To those who still believe.” I was thinking not just of Santa, but of goodness, mercy, miracles, and love. And most of all, of His healing touch, at Christmastime, and always.

  Special Thanks to

  My beta readers, for your valuable feedback.


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