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Dead & Alive (Book 2): Sacrifice

Page 3

by I. J. Smith

  Jack, Frank and Elle continued to lead the swarm of the dead away from the house.

  The three of them took turns to shoot, all they wanted to do was keep the swarm, moving and not use up all their ammo in the process, they led them down the street and onto a big clearing, looking around Jack could see they were entering a supermarket car park.

  “OK, this is far enough,” Frank spoke out.

  “What’s the plan?” Elle asked.

  Looking around the car park, there was abandoned cars, shopping trolleys and rotting corpses lying everywhere, Jack looked to the far side and could see a high fence and a row of recycling banks nearby.

  “There, up and over,” Jack said while pointing to the banks.

  All three of them ran, still followed by the dead. Elle was the first to the recycling bank; she helped Frank up while Jack continued to shoot. Frank dropped to his knee and began shooting, “Jack, your turn,” he told him.

  Jack lowered his gun and easily made it to the top, “OK, over we go,” Jack spoke out.

  All three of them climbed at the same time, the swarm of dead, crashed into the fence while they were climbing, the vibrations made Elle slightly slip. Jack grabbed her arm; she turned and gave a fearful smile. Within moments, all three of them were over the fence.

  Frank dropped to the ground and a dead arm reached through the fence to grab at him, only inches separated them.

  “We should go round the back of the houses and join the others,” Frank suggested.

  Jack simply nodded in agreement; Frank was quick to ask, “What's wrong.”

  “Just wondering who shot Bray,” Jack said concerned.

  The three of them began running towards the houses and disappeared from sight.

  Watching them the three soldiers run, a man and woman stood on the roof of the supermarket.

  “We missed our chance,” a male voice said, lowering his rifle.

  “No, we are going to get another one,” a female voice responded.

  The male figure turned to look at the woman, “I hope you’re right, Alina,” he told her.

  Alina stood there smiling, staring at the three people run off, “You bastards are mine,” she whispered.



  Alina watched from the rooftop as Jack, Frank and Elle disappeared from view, “Follow them back to the others, I will get back up and return,” she told the man.

  The man looked at her in disappointment, “Are they really worth it?” he asked.

  Alina angrily kicked him in the groin, as he fell to his knees in pain Alina grabbed his neck, “Listen, Toby, those people slaughtered our friends,” she snarled.

  Toby looked up and simply nodded to show he understood, she let him go and quickly rushed off, her mind set on only one thing, revenge.

  Jack, Elle and Frank arrived back at the house the others were hiding in, looking around to make sure nothing was following them. Frank moved to the back door of the house, he turned the handle only to be greeted by the door flying open and a gun pointed at his face.

  “Oh shit,” Frank uttered under his breath.

  He looked at the barrel of the gun, and time seemed to have stopped, he looked at the person’s face to see Mark standing there. He gave out a sigh, “You nearly gave me a heart attack,” Frank told him.

  Mark smiled as he lowered the gun, “Am I glad to see you guys,” he told them happily.

  Before Frank could answer Jack pushed past him into the house asking Mark, “How is Bray,” as he walked passed him.

  As he walked into the main room, the dog Paige rushed over to him in excitement; Jack paused and kneeled down to face Paige who instantly started to lick him. He rubbed the dog’s head before standing up and moving towards to Bray and Zoe.

  Zoe was still putting pressure on the wound, she was attempting to stop the bleeding to allow her time to tend to the wound, Bray had removed his jacket and shirt and sat topless, blood ran down his back soaking the cream cushions of the sofa red with blood. Looking at Bray, Jack was concerned; his face was drained of color, he appeared drowsy, knowing they did not have much time Jack placed his hand over Zoe’s hand.

  “It’s OK, I will take it from here,” he softly told her.

  Zoe looked at Jack directly in the eyes and could see the determination in his eyes not to let his friend die; she removed her hand from the towel handing control to Jack.

  Jack kneeled in front of Bray, “Hey, wake up,” he ordered him.

  Bray stirred, but had little strength to respond, Jack all of a sudden slapped him around the face, making Bray suddenly alert. Everyone in the room watched in surprise of Jack's actions.

  “Frank, give me a hand,” Jack told him.

  Moving to Jack's side, Frank looked concerned. “What do you want me to do?” he asked.

  Jack pulled a small knife from his vest, “Heat it up,” he simply told him.

  At that moment Frank understood the action Jack was about to take, he took the knife and ordered everyone in the room, “I need a lighter, anything with a flame.”

  Within seconds, everyone was rushing around pulling open draws and cupboard doors; it took only moments when Ryan shouted out, “Here, I have it!”

  Ryan rushed over to Frank. He stumbled over a table and nearly fell to the ground but managed to stay on his feet. He handed Frank a candle, and a box of matches. Ryan watched as Frank looked at the items, Jack looked and responded, “Good work,” giving Ryan a compliment.

  Frank lit the candle and placed it on the floor; he held the blade over the flame. Bray gave out a painful whine. Not wanting anyone to see Bray like this Jack ordered everyone to go and look for medication, painkillers, anti-biotic, anything that would help. The room emptied.

  The blade was glowing and orange, red, Frank looked to Jack, “You want me to do it?” he asked.

  Jack smiled, “You get the next one,” he joked, trying to calm the panic he could see in Frank’s eyes.

  Jack took the knife and stood up, he removed the towel that covered Brays shoulder, “I’m sorry this is going to hurt,” Jack warned him.

  Before Jack acted, Frank grabbed Bray to hold him still, he also pulled a pencil from his vest, “Bite down on this,” he told him while placing the pencil in Brays mouth. Looking at Jack, Frank nodded his head, indicating for him to start.

  Jack held tight to Bray as he touched the hot blade against the wound, Bray gave out a scream of pain, and Frank struggled to hold him down. Jack moved the blade to Brays back and the exit wound and touched it again against his skin, once again he screamed out. Within a moment, Jack was finished and the bleeding had stopped, Bray passed out, as the smell of burning flesh filled the room. Frank was shocked as the aroma was one resembling overcooked frying beef; this made him sick to the stomach.

  As Frank lay Bray down on the sofa making him comfortable he noticed a distant look in Jack’s eyes, he looked as Jack stared at his own blood-covered hands; Frank had no words to comfort him.

  The door opened and Elle walked in the room, “Is it safe to come in now,” she spoke out.

  Frank was the only one to reply, “The bleeding has stopped, and he needs to rest.”

  Elle walked further into the room and stood over Bray, as she looked at him Ryan, Zoe and Mark entered the room carrying a few pill bottles, “This is all we could find,” Zoe told Jack.

  Jack took the bottles and looked at them, “These will do for now,” he responded.

  Elle spoke out to Frank, “This is a good place to hold up for now, at least until Bray is stronger,” she told him.

  Frank agreed, “Looks like we have a temporary home for now,” he tried joking.

  Jack snapped, “NO, we cannot stay here.”

  Frank looked at Jack and replied, “All respect Jack, but I am in command here.”

  Jack gave a sarcastic smile, “OK Sir,” he uttered angrily.

  Grabbing a towel, Jack wiped the blood from his hands, “You might be forg
etting one thing, Sir,” he told Frank.

  Frank simply lifted his head waiting for Jack to continue to speak.

  “Bray was shot, just outside, meaning someone was watching us and they know we are here,” Jack told him.

  The room went silent, everyone looked at Frank, and once again, Jack had proven that he would be the best person to lead them. Frank stood tall, “We will stay here for a few hours, enough time for Bray to get some rest and then we move,” he told everyone.

  Silence continued in the room, as Jack walked over to the window and sat on the floor under it Paige moved over to him and laid down beside him, resting her head on his leg.

  Alina carefully walked down a long road, scattered with abandoned vehicles, some of the cars looked as if they had been put in place on purpose to provide a barrier. She weaved through the gaps and fast approached a tall concrete structure, two dark figures stood on guard at the entrance, as she got closer a sign could be seen, it reads, ‘Multi Story Car Park in Greater London.’ She walked towards the figures, large oil barrels burning stood scattered around the building as she walked past them she gave a happy smile.

  Inside the complex, several people could be seen working on vehicles, burning barrels scattered everywhere supplying the only source of light woman cooked food and cleaned clothes, the area looked like a refugee camp, dirty and covered in trash. Alina approached some stairs, she ran up there as fast as she could to the top level, running inside this level was much more elegant, generators supplied power to televisions with games being played, sofas, piled up food and drink was scattered around. The screams of a woman saying, “Please, No,” could be heard echoing throughout the level, people sat around laughing at the screams.

  Alina was looking for someone, she scanned the room as two men approached her, they were dressed in leather jackets had long hair and beards; they looked like the kind of men you would avoid on a dark night. As they approached Alina stood her ground, “Boss,” both men said in unison. A smirk came from Alina, “Kane, where is he,” she demanded to know.

  One of the men answered, “Follow the screams,” he said with a smile.

  Alina shook her head, “Why does he always have to play with them,” she sighed.

  Before she marched off towards the screams, she said one more thing to the men, “Get the team ready, we have a target.”

  She walked away, the two men cheered and high fived each other, excited by her words.

  Following the screams led her to the far corner of the level, a big green army style tent was standing, the screams came from inside, Alina pulled open the sheet covering the entrance and walked through. She looked as a half-naked man wearing only a dirty pair of jeans, stood in front of a completely naked woman who was bleeding and crying for help.

  “Can’t you just screw her and get it over with,” Alina spoke aloud.

  The man turned to face her, his stubble was overgrown, his hair shined black with grease, and he approached with a look of anger in his eyes, as he walked towards her looked like a man the devil would be afraid of.

  “I don’t screw the bait,” he grumbled as he took Alina forcefully in his arms and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around him and gripped him hard.

  The woman continued to cry, Alina released her grip on Kane and walked over to the woman, “Do you mind, we are having a moment,” she said softly as she pulled a knife from her from her belt and with a smile run the blade along the woman’s throat.

  Kane laughed out, “I guess my playtime is over, so why are you back already I thought you were on a two-day run?” he asked.

  Alina turned with a smile, “I found them, the ones who destroyed our holding area,” she told him.

  Kane’s eyes lit up with excitement, “For real, you know where they are?” he asked.

  Alina simply nodded in reply, Kane began to walk out of the tent grabbing his leather jacket on the way. Alina quickly followed, he headed towards the stairs that led to the roof, “I am going to enjoy this,” he laughed out as he started his journey to the roof.

  The door swung open on the roof, the night sky was clear and the stars filled the sky, “I have everyone getting ready,” Alina told him as they walked out on the roof.

  A mass of groaning noises could be heard, the rattling of chains echoing out, Kane walked towards the noise, coming into view was several chained up Zombies. They pulled at their chains; their rotting flesh could be smelt from a distance. Kane and Alina approached them, Kane stepped forward to a dead woman, her face half-missing, reaching for Kane, it groaned out.

  “I think our children are hungry, so let us go feed them,” Kane said happily.

  Alina smiled at his words, “But Jack is mine,” she replied.

  Kane turned to look at her, “Don’t worry, you will have your play time Boss,” he told her happily with an evil smile.

  Back at the house, Jack was upstairs looking around; he was in the front bedroom looking through the window when Elle walked in.

  “You should get some sleep,” she told him.

  Turning to look at her he smiled, “So should you,” he uttered.

  As she walked closer to him, he noticed she still had a limp.

  “How’s the foot?” he asked her.

  “Bearable, I can keep moving as soon as you say we have to,” she told him with a smile.

  Jack looked uncomfortable, “Frank will give the orders, I just make suggestions,” he said in a whisper.

  Elle faced him, she took his hand and with her other hand touched his face, “We follow you, we stayed for you, Frank is in charge, but we are only alive because of you,” telling him with passion in her eyes.

  “You should have gone, you all should have gone,” he told her bluntly.

  Elle looked concerned, “You stayed to save people, downstairs, and they stayed to help you.” She took a deep breath before her next words came out, “and… I. Stayed to save you,” she uttered with a stutter in her voice.

  Jack touched her face, brushing his hand over her ear and through her hair and taking notice of the beautiful freckles on her nose, “you should have left me,” he whispered to her.

  Moving closer into him, she kissed him, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders, Jack knew this was not the time for this, but he was tired of fighting his feelings for her. For once, he wanted something real for himself. The passion between them sparked like fireworks as Elle unzipped his vest and started removing his black shirt, he quickly responded by removing her jacket and shirt, down to her bra. She pulled back, Jack worried he had gone too far, without hesitation; she pulled him over to the bed. Together they fell on the bed, gripping each other’s hands, they wanted to savor every moment of this, for once in Jack’s life, both as a child without parents and as an adult taking orders in the Army. This was their moment, and truth be known, in the life they now lived this may be their only intimate moment.

  Outside the house, two cars with no lights parked in the street. Alina stepped out of the car; she looked around looking for Toby. She quickly spotted him running towards her from a dark alley, “They are in there,” he said pointing to the house.

  Alina smiled, “Good, they hurt us, we hurt them,” she replied happily. She looked back at Toby, “Get round the back and make sure no one gets passed you,” she ordered him.

  As he ran back off into the darkness, several other people appeared from the vehicles as a gray truck joined them.

  A woman covered in tattoos joined Alina.

  “So they are inside the house Boss?” she spoke to Alina.

  “I want this to be memorable, no one leaves alive,” She replied.

  The tattooed woman started to walk away when Alina grabbed her arm; she also called everyone else over to her.

  “There is one man in there that none of you get to kill, he is big, he stands out. He has short hair and he beams out leadership, he will be the one taking charge,” she told everyone.

  “He is mine,” Alina warned them in a tough very s
trict voice.

  They all nodded in agreement and walked away to take up their posts. Alina watched as the tattooed woman got into the gray truck. She turned the truck and put it in reverse, the truck smashed through the garden fence and crashed straight into the front of the house.



  Lying there naked and each other’s arms, this was the moment they both dreamed off, Elle stared into the eyes of Jack, “No regrets,” she whispered to him.

  Jack simply kissed her tenderly, holding each other tight and wanting this moment to last forever. (They were disturbed by a loud crash and what felt like an earthquake had shook the room around them! Both Jack and Elle jumped from the bed and rushed to dress themselves.

  Downstairs Bray lay on the floor, covered in dust and rubble; he was dazed as he opened his eyes he was met with confusion. Bray looked to see Frank was attempting to get back to his feet and a gray truck had reversed into the house. Mark stood against the wall with Ryan trying to avoid the falling debris that down filled the room, the back door of the truck suddenly flew open and everyone watched in fear at what appeared.

  Ryan rushed to Bray to help him to his feet, he looked on as the dead piled out of the truck and into the living room, Zoe rushed to Bray and grabbed his side arm, she started shooting towards the approaching Dead. Frank now on his feet also began to shoot, Mark tried to run to the back of the room when a rotting corpse grabbed him, he tripped on a brick and fell down with the zombie falling on top of him. Mark held the zombie at arm’s length, as he pushed it away its decomposing arm collapsed and the zombie slumped down on him. Mark screamed in fear, Bray pulled the corpse off him and shot it in the head, “Move!” He shouted.

  Jack and Elle, rushed from the bedroom, they were met by a waiting Paige, who sat on the stairs, Jack started to rush down when the front door burst open. Dragging its feet through the door Jack watched as a corpse was guided in with a long metal pole attached to a strap around its neck.


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