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Dead & Alive (Book 2): Sacrifice

Page 5

by I. J. Smith

  Jack pulled his sidearm, Toby screamed out, “Please I swear I never touched her.” Jack raised his gun, “But you never stopped the others,” he replied. At that moment, Toby screamed again as Jack shot him in the head, the back of his head burst open and sprayed across the room.

  Remaining calm, Jack simply placed his gun back in the holster and opened the back door; the sun was starting to rise as he walked outside and disappeared from sight.



  As daylight shined through the security gate of the furniture store, Elle and Bray still stayed by the fire exit waiting for their friends to arrive. Elle opened the door slightly to look outside again, daylight rushed through the gap almost blinding her.

  “We have to go look for them,” Elle told Bray.

  Zoe and Ryan joined them by the door, “We should give them more time, they may have had to take cover for the night, they will be here,” Bray replied trying to calm her.

  An awkward silence made everyone uncomfortable, and then surprisingly, Ryan spoke up, “We should find some transport and be ready to move when they both get here.”

  Bray looked at Ryan, the change in him was remarkable, “He is right, Jack will want to get out of the city, so we should find a good sturdy vehicle,” Bray agreed with Ryan.

  Ryan was quick to speak again, “There was a small bus in the car park.”

  “I don’t think we need a bus, a car will do,” Zoe replied.

  “Actually a bus would be more suitable, they are built to keep going and it will provide the room for any supplies we find on our journey,” Ryan responded.

  “Then let’s go and look at this bus,” Elle spoke out, in truth, she was anxious and needed to do something rather than just waiting.

  Walking outside, there was no sign of Zombies, Ryan followed behind Bray. Elle had her gun raised in case of any unwanted guests, she looked around when Ryan spoke out, “Over there,” he pointed to the red minibus. They all approached with caution, Zoe remained in the doorway of the store.

  In the distance Bray noticed a small group of Zombies slowly dragging their feet along the road, “That’s it please, stay over there,” Bray uttered.

  Elle reached the door of the bus, “OK, go ahead,” she told Ryan.

  Ryan looked around with fear in his eye, “Fear is a weapon,” he whispered under his breath.

  “What was that?” Elle quickly asked.

  Ryan embarrassed quickly replied, “Nothing.” He looked at the door and found the air release button for the door, pushing it the doors shot open. Ryan looked up as a body came falling down onto him, he gave out a scream thinking his time was up. Elle and Bray quickly rushed to help him, the body was not moving, Ryan was still freaking out. Elle grabbed the body, as she lifted the lifeless corpse Ryan squirmed as he noticed the front of the skull was missing revealing the brain. Ryan quickly crawled backwards on the ground.

  “It’s OK, it’s dead,” Bray tried to reassure Ryan.

  Ryan sat on the ground shaking in fear, Elle threw the body to one side, and she raised her gun and stepped on the bus to make sure it was clear. She noticed a small handgun on the floor, she realized in that moment the body she threw on the ground committed suicide. “Good choice,” she uttered.

  She stepped out the bus to see Bray helping Ryan, “Come on, we should go back inside,” Bray suggested to Elle. He was shocked by what he heard next, “No, we need the bus, I am good,” Ryan quickly spoke out. Bray watched as Ryan shot up to his feet and started to walk towards the bus, Elle touched him on the back as he walked past, “Good man,” she told him.

  As Ryan worked on the bus, Bray and Elle looked around the car park. It was a warm day and under normal circumstances, it would be beautiful, but with all the rotting corpses scattered around the smell was horrendous and made everyone sick to their stomachs. Bray watched as Elle kept looking in the distance for any sign Jack was alive. “You love him,” he observed.

  She turned stunned, “He is a superior officer,” she replied is a croaky voice.

  Bray laughed out, “I don’t think that counts anymore,” he replied.

  Elle blushed, “We… we are. Yeah, I love him,” she spoke with emotion.

  Smiling in return, “Good, you look good together. Just be careful,” he remarked.

  A confused looking Elle was quick to respond, “What’s that meant to mean,” she snapped.

  Bray sighed, “I didn’t mean it like that, but Jack will always run into danger without thinking. He is that sort of person, and I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” he calmly replied.

  Elle had a look that could kill, “I’m not stupid, and I know what kind of man he is better than anyone. Also, I know he is worth the risk,” she replied angrily. She began to walk away when she turned and continued, “What really makes me sick, is that not one person here has noticed one thing about Jack. He wants nothing, he asks for nothing, he fights for everyone and asks for nothing in return. Strange how no one notices that about him,” she finished saying in an angry voice.

  “I’m sorry, and you're right. I just did not want to see you get hurt,” Bray replied softly.

  He looked over to Elle and was shocked when she raised her gun and aimed it at him, for a few seconds he feared for his life. A shot fired out, the bullet flew past Bray’s ear and hit a zombie that was about to attack him. Stunned, he turned to see the body on the ground, shot in the face but not dead. Bray quickly stamped on its head, covering his foot in blood and brain matter. More shots fired out, looking up they were being surrounded by the dead marching towards them.

  “Where the fuck did they come from!” He shouted out as he raised his gun and began to fire.

  “COME ON!” Zoe shouted out.

  Elle and Bray backed up towards the store, they looked for Ryan but the bus was surrounded and cut off from them, Ryan had closed the doors keeping the dead out. Bray panicked seeing Ryan stranded on-board the bus. “Shit,” Elle screamed. The dead were now approaching them from every direction, Zoe held the dead back from the store, but too many stood between them and the store door.

  “Shut the door!” Bray shouted out.

  Zoe glanced over to see them in the middle of a swarm.

  Ryan stood in the bus looking at the window; his breathing was heavy as he panicked. In fear, he began to rub his head, not knowing what to do. He heard Zoe scream outside; he noticed Elle and Bray being surrounded. He knew they never stood a chance, “Fear is good, Fear is good,” he repeated over and over. He ran for the driver’s seat; the bus was not fixed yet. However, one thing worked. He took another look out the window and hit the horn hard, a loud beeping noise echoed throughout the car park. The dead suddenly turned and marched on the bus, only a few remained. Elle cracked one across the head with the butt of her gun, “I’m out of ammo!” she shouted out.

  Bray only had a few shots left; they managed to fight their way back to the store door. He looked over to the bus and locked eyes with Ryan he wanted to help him. Ryan shook his head to indicate to Bray not to try anything; Elle grabbed Bray and dragged him back into the store, slamming the door behind them.

  Ryan watched as the others got to safety, the bus was being banged from all sides; the dead rubbed their dead bodies against the bus. He sat there and watched as a zombie pushed against the door window. Its body was badly decomposed and as it pushed against the window; its jawbone fell off. Suddenly Ryan burst out into laughter.



  Frank woke up to find himself chained and hanging from the ceiling, the chains rattled as he tried to move. His sight was blurry, he could just make out he was in a wide-open space surrounded by concrete walls, he twisted round to be met by a horrific sight. A face launched at him, a chain tied around its neck stopped it reaching Frank, it was so close he could smell the rotting flesh. The Zombie was chained to the wall Frank looked at the corpse. Its lips had been cut off, leaving its teeth and jaw visible. Its eyes c
louded over, just stared at Frank while it attempted to reach him.

  “Don’t worry, it is harmless. For now,” a smug voice sounded out.

  Frank turned again to see Alina and a large man standing there looking at him. The large man walked towards him, “You know Alina, but we have never met. They call me Kane, and I promise, you and me are going to become very close,” he smiled as Frank looked at him with fear in his eyes. Alina stood smiling.

  “You want me dead, just fucking do it!” Frank shouted out.

  Alina approached him, “Oh, you will die, but not until we have had a chat,” she replied.

  Kane wasted no time and punched Frank in the face, a cut appeared above Franks left eye, blood trickled down his face and dripped to the floor. He shook his head and spoke out, “Do your worst, I’m not telling you shit.” Another punch hit him in the face as a reply.

  Alina walked away through a small door, a long stairwell guided her down. She past metal doors on her way down, “I wished those damn elevators worked,” she moaned to herself as she continued down the long stairs. Reaching the bottom, she walked through another door into another large parking area, oil drums on fire lit the area. She walked across the car park, passing several people, at the back wall there were large trucks being guarded.

  A tall woman covered in tattoos stood holding a baseball bat, a fat man with a metal bar stood next to her. “I need one of them,” she ordered. The two of them did not hesitate, they both feared Alina. The tall woman opened the back of the truck; sounds of panic came from the truck. “Hurry up!” Alina shouted. The tall woman walked into the truck and grabbed the arm of the nearest person; she pushed the person out of the truck.

  A frightened woman lay on the ground, Alina watched as a dark haired woman looked up in fear. Alina grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back to her feet, the dark eyes of this scared woman focused on Alina.

  “Please, don’t hurt me,” the woman begged.

  Alina showed no emotion, she simply head butted the woman. She began to fall back, but Alina kept hold of her hair stopping her from falling.

  “When I want you to talk, I will tell you,” Alina told her firmly.

  The woman tried to hold back the tears; she nodded to show she understood.

  “Good girl, now tell me your name?” Alina asked.

  The girl shook in fear, “Zarina,” she replied in a quiet voice.

  Alina let go of her hair and smiled at her, “Well Zarina, you are going to help me,” she told her.

  Grabbing hold of her arm, Alina dragged the girl back towards the stairs.

  Back upstairs and Frank was now in a bad way, his face was swollen and covered in blood. Kane continued the punishment, but Frank would not talk, “Now, once again, why are you here? And most important where is that bastard Jack?” he asked the beaten man.

  Spitting blood, Frank struggled to speak, but managed a couple of words, “Fuck you,” he responded. Kane grew furious and kneed Frank in the stomach, he was about to hit him again when a voice shouted out. “STOP! I have a better idea,” Alina shouted.

  Throwing Zarina to the ground, she looked at Frank with an evil smile. She slowly approached him; still smiling, she touched his bleeding face. Looking at her hand now stained with his blood, she locked eyes with Frank as she licked the blood from her fingers. “Give me Jack and I will make this quick,” she said softly. Frank burst out in laughter, “You’re nothing but a crazy bitch,” he replied.

  The smile on Alina’s face vanished, her gaze turned to anger as she pulled a knife from her belt. She reached up and grabbed Frank’s hands, which were chained up; she took another glance at him and winked. Without a second thought, she cut the knife into his finger, cutting away two of his fingers, she laughed as Frank screamed out in pain. Kane stood smiling as he watched The Boss Alina at work; he was aroused by her actions. Zarina squirmed on the ground at the sight she was witnessing.

  Frank struggled to catch his breath; he tried to fight the pain but was failing. He looked Alina in the eyes, “I’m going to fucking kill you,” he uttered.

  Kane once again punched him in the face, “Jack, where is he?” he demanded to know once again.

  As Alina played with Franks severed fingers, she heard him speak out, “You want Jack.” He looked up with determination on his face, he laughed before he spoke again, “You can’t handle Jack, he is The Reaper, and he sends the dead back to hell and feeds on killing the evil living.”

  Kane burst into laughter, quickly followed by Alina, “So I guess he will be coming for you,” he stated as he turned his back on him.

  “No.” Frank gave a long pause before finishing, “He’s not coming for me, he is coming for you and he will send every last one of you to hell.”

  Kane was about to speak when Frank shouted out repeating the same words, “THE REAPER IS COMING FOR YOU.” “THE REAPER IS COMING FOR YOU!” Kane glared at Frank as he kept repeating those words.

  A scream silenced Frank, he watched as Alina held a knife to Zarina's throat, “Please continue,” she told him. He remained silent, Alina moved her face closer to Zarina’s she ran the tip of her nose along her cheek, reaching her ear she licked it up and down. A big smile appeared on her face as she felt Zarina tremble in fear, from the corner of her eye Alina looked at Frank.

  Whispering in Zarina’s ear, “Strip.”

  Giving out a small cry, a tear began to roll down Zarina’s face. “Please,” she uttered.

  Alina grabbed her hair; Zarina gave out a loud scream, feeling the sharp blade of the knife against her throat.

  Zarina removed her shirt, standing in her bra she hesitated to continue until Alina shouted at her, “STRIP!” Closing her eyes, she slipped her trainers off and unbuttoned her jeans; she quickly pushed them down and stepped out. In her underwear, another tear slid down her face as she unfastened her bra; dropping it to the ground she finished by taking off her underwear. She stood completely naked in front of Alina, Kane and a chained up man.

  Alina moved close to her, she ran her hand across her silky soft dark skin. She turned to look at Frank; she smiled at him as she ran her hand up her body touching her breasts. Zarina shook, scared of the possibility of what could happen to her next.

  Holding her breasts, Alina spoke, “Amazing, even with all the fear her nipples get hard when I touch them. So soft and succulent, would be a crime to destroy something so innocent.” She took a quick glance at Frank, “One last chance, why are you here?” she asked. She grabbed Zarina breast and held it tight, she held her knife under it ready to cut. Crying Zarina stared at Frank, looking in her eyes, he broke, “OK,” he uttered.

  Kane smiled at with pride Alina as Frank began to speak.

  “We were sent here to find and evacuate a doctor who possibly held a cure for the outbreak. But he was dead when we found him, and we were left behind,” Frank only gave them a half-truth.

  Laughter echoed out, the chained up zombie turned crazy by the noise as it so desperately attempted to reach the still living. Kane continued to laugh, “Is that it,” he spoke out. “Is that the only reason why you are here,” he finished saying while laughing.

  Alina shouted in anger, “SHUT UP, HE IS LYING!”

  Frank did not attempt to speak again; Alina grabbed Zarina and chained her naked next to him. “Let’s see how quiet you are when you’re watching her die of thirst,” she stated to Frank in anger. She walked away quickly followed by Kane. They both hung by chains from the ceiling, with the zombie groaning behind them.

  They both remained silent for a moment, Frank noticed the woman shivering. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this,” he told her.

  “I just want to die,” she cried.



  The decaying skin hung from its face, most of the teeth were missing. Its clouded eyes were dead and the nose had rotted away. The few strands of hair it had left was hanging down stained in blood, it grunted as it dragged its feet along the pave
ment. Other Zombies roamed the street, oblivious to each other. Its head turned as a shining blade came through its eye, the blade disappeared and the body fell to the ground. Jack stood behind holding the machete; he looked around, as the other zombies were now aware of his presence and changed course to his direction.

  Jack walked with a slight limp; he had been in pain since being hit by the car. As he walked along the street, several more Zombies changed direction to head towards him. He held his machete in his hand, when the walking dead approached him; he immediately swung out aiming for the head, making short work of killing those approaching him.

  Jack found himself being overrun by the dead, so decided to head for cover. Looking around for a safe place to hide he noticed a bicycle lying in the middle of the road. Moving towards the bike, a tall dead figure approached him, it was over six and a half-foot. Jack’s eyes widened as he looked at the monster towering over him, “Oh shit,” he uttered. Looking it up and down, he kept thinking ‘how the hell am I going to reach that.’ Jack simply shrugged his shoulders and swung his machete across the towering dead leg, his blade sliced half the leg off. As the monster tumbled to the ground Jack made no attempt to kill it, he grabbed the bike and rode off towards the end of the street, weaving in and out of the dead in his path.

  Riding down the street, he stopped at a tourist station that had a map on the side of the building. Scanning the map looking for a Trinions car park, he found it and realized he was very close. He looked for the best route and would have to pass a shopping center on his way; Jack realized it would be a great place to wait to make his move. He set off towards his target.

  A big gray truck stopped outside a large shopping center, two large men got out and walked towards the entrance. One stayed outside keeping watch while the other went inside, he was inside for only a few moments when he returned.


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